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Everything posted by Kashafa

  1. ^ LOL. What can I say, bro. The insanity of qabil-based reasoning is too comical. Intelligent educated men are reduced to laughingstocks. I guess you have outline the recurrent problem. It it no wise of you then to send a letter to Sheikh Aweys telling him to sideline the problem if he wants everyone on board? Now that would be a strategically sound move in my opinion. Shaykhuna Aweys, If you do happen to read SOL, horta waan ku salaamaay. Tan labaad, we gotsa do somethin about Indhacade. It's not that I'm sayin he's guilty and ish, but Akhi is too controversial, knaah'mean. And I don't know jack-squat about him so I can't defend him when others say he's the 2nd coming of Lucifer. Feel me, Shaykh ? So for the good of the Somali people, and in your capacity as boss-man of the Courts, why not relieve him of his post and use him elsewhere ? An investigation of the allegations of drug-dealing would also help. I know we're on the cusp of a major war, so I trust your judgment in handling the Indacade situation. Yo' boy, Kashafa bin Rageedi Al-Shakshooka
  2. no need to repeat them here,we have already read the same things you are posting here..post articles or timely news,not every nonsene out there Again, Akh.. you gotsa understand the Dukestar's mind-set. Brotherman is grasping at straws. The Scary Trifecta of Indhacade, Lower Shabelle, and Al-Qaida is getting old. At this point, anything negative would help the TFG's front man on SOL, no matter how repetitive or how loud a fart it is. Not saying that this here incident didn't happen. But the Dukestar simply isn't one to be trusted. Surest way to ruin your credibility ? Blindly follow and report your clan's interests. Ignore everything else. Worship your leaders, even to the brink of hell-fire. Attaboy, Duke. now you expect these people to fight for your clan See, the thing is, they're not my clan.. but they're my brothers in faith. Hopefully, one day you'll be able to grasp this concept called Al-Xubu fil Laah wal Baghdu fil laah. "Love for Allah's sake and Dislike for Allah's Sake". Till then, baakat sigaar ka toor and mardoof isku dhacayso kalawaxay.
  3. Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu E-mail: puntlandpostmog@hotmail.com LOL@puntlandpostmog@ hotmail.com. Yo, what herb are these clowns smokin'. Somebody introduce them to a domain name and address...Hotmail dot com aa ka dhacthay meesha The story needs to be confirmed from a impartial source.
  4. Do u really think Yeey is right with the decision to bring in Ethiopia's army into Somali soil?? The Dukestar is a bit busy working on a press release: Ethiopia, Our Neighbor, Our Friend, Our Ally...So I'mma go ahead and answer that on his behalf. Fresh2Death-ow, ii dhagayso maandhow.... Indhacade....Sharif...Dahir Aweys...Clan Courts... Lower Shabelle....Indhacade...umm..Indhacade..what ? I said that already ? my bad....ummm Indhacade..dammit, I know I said it already..He's a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, can't ya see...ummm Clan Courts...yeah, Clan Courts..I like the sound of it..CC..yeah.. ummm Indhacade...Lower Shabelle...Oh yeah, check this: Al-Qaida = Dahir Aweys......uh-huh...Eriteria, no doubt...ummm yeah, if Eriteria got they backs, cannibal flesh-eating Xabashi's got ours..yeah...umm Indhacade, Therefore, Ethiopia is only helping my uncle's non-existent army re-take Moga, and once they do it, they have to stay for about 10 years 'sida nabada loo sugu', but don't worry, they'll stay in barracks for the duration of their stay...wacdallah...umm yeah.. Indhacadee
  5. Once again,this is about Xaq vs. Dulmi,choose your side,I have chosen mind. Save ur breath, akh. The man has already cast his stones with the Ethos. He has no choice. His inherent qabilism compels him to ignore the Xaq and follow the Kufr and Baatil. It's my utter conviction, and I'm only using him as an example, that if all his objections to ICU were removed, he'd still be against them, on principle, "because their great-grand-daddy stole some ninac and camel-dung from my great-grand-daddy." El-Generale, No offense, abti. It's not personal. I just sincerely believe that the reason we as nation can't move forward is because people with your exact same mind-set are in positions of power. Get rid of them, I say, and Somalia will prosper again as it did during the '60s.
  6. ^^ Answer the Questions, or be considered a coward along with your life-long tribalism award P.S. Particularly interested in your answer to #4 For the record: I'm not related to the 'Clan Courts'. And even if I was, my heart would be beating to Islam's rhythm, not whether or not my Clan has the upper hand. Can you say the same thing with a straight face ?
  7. Its about Yusuf INDACADE keeping hold of the occupied territories and looted properties, that wont be the case for much longer.. The biggest red herring I've ever seen in Somali politics.. His entire political philosophy can be explained in 3 succint points: 1.Indacade 2. Lower Shabbele. 3. Puntland & A/Y... A few questions for the Dukester: 1) If Yusuf Indacade would suddenly disappear along with all of the personalities you claim are related to the Devil, If they all disappear(die, resign, jump off a bridge, whathaveyou), what will you then say about the Islamic Courts ? 2) If the 'Clan Courts' cure cancer, protect the rainforest, and save the whales, will they still remain Clan Courts ? How can they earn your approval ?(realistically, of course, don't say something insane such as recognise my Uncle's goverment) 3) Hypothetically, you have two pills in your hand. If you take the red one, the Islamic Courts take over the entire country. If you take the blue one, Adeero A/Y wins control with the help of the Ethos, in effect meaning Somali domestic and foriegn policy will be laid out in Addis. Which pill do you take ? 4) Point-blank question: Are you related to A/Y...Yes or no, please.
  8. It comes at no suprise. Only a qabilist of the first order, like our very own General Duke, or the Puntland 'officials'(more accurately puppets, like Dave said) will side with the accursed Ethos when they invade Muslim land. Why, oh, why ? El-Generale ? "Because I cast my stones with my uncle Ina Yeey. Thusly, if he is heading straight to hell-fire, I shall be the first one to wade in Jahanam. Life has no meaning without Casabiyatul Jaahiliyah, maandhow." G'Luck with all that, brotherman akhi.
  9. However,what do Yey and his co have in common with Melez,other than offcourse being dabo dhilif gaalo? What they have in common is: 1) A total disregard for religion. Both men are committed secular military officers, who will do anything to gain power including killing their immediate relatives. 2) Both men are are suspicious about Islam, to say the least. The Islam they want is that of the Suufis. Sit at home and do your dhikr sessions. Sharia law and Islamic governance are words they cannot hear.
  10. So it begins....Allahuma ansur deenaka, wa kitaabaka, wa sunnata nabiyaka, wa cibaadaka al-saalixoon. Al-Nasru lanaa, inshallah.
  11. ^^ Aight, brah, maybe I was a lil bit out of line, but the point I was tryna make is this: As we speak, Etho forces are preparing for all-out war on SOMALI land assisted by traitors. They plan to spare no man and aim to eradicate this growing threat(real Islam, not the lazy apolitical one) before it reaches full blossom. Because when it does reach full blossom(God-willing), it'll tear apart their shaky empire and they know it. The last thing we need is to show glee or joy at the Court's setbacks because of tribal differences. The last thing we need is kalaam like "The Courts brought this on themselves" You know why ? Because "themselves" is me, you, and every Somali living in the Horn of Africa. If the Ethos can unite on aggression, why can't we unite on defending our land ? Good God Almighty, since when were the friggin' Ethos our pals and allies ? Amxaar ? Yo, that's a cuss word. How any true Somali can entertain thoughts of inviting our historical enemy onto our land is beyond me. When will we grow out of this petty mind-set and embrace a larger vision ? Hey, I don't know about you, but I want something bigger and better for Somalia than a patchwork of tribal fiefdoms and no-go-zones. And if it takes bullets and offending tribal protocol(Zone A is for Tribe A, Zone B is for Tribe B), then so be it. Well I for one am greatly surprised you know Caabudwaaq, Kashafa. You're picking up there adeer Six months ago, I couldn't tell Qanyare from Qeybdiid or Bur-hakabo from Baidabo. Now, I can respectfully hold my own in any fadhi-ku-dhirir, starting off with "Waxaa la yedhi".... Waa kala daathinaa Thanks to SOL's Politics page veterans
  12. ^^ And that makes you a happy man, huh ? I forgot, there was the whole tribal subtext that colors our vision. Still mourning Kismayo, are we Jalle ? And now Abudwaaq, Ouch. Since they've fallen into the hands of the 'enemy'(lol) I feel your pain, brah. ii atkeyso. The Ethos will help liberate you. At least, they'll try. What's left of them that is.
  13. Now that they have fired the first shots, we as a respectable nation should respond in kind. They just can't kill our people and run to Mukdishu. Well, they just did exactly that, didn't they ? ie, kill your people. And your vaunted response ? An appeal(baryo) to the international community for 'understanding our position'(read: the Etho empire is about to collapse, whatwith the resurgence of rebel groups, defection of generals, and the rise of the ICU) You dig your own grave, Xabashi. LOL@respectable.
  14. Red Sea nicely out. But what about the apology for his and his groups actions against the lower Shabbele What about the apology from A/Y and his traituous rebellion against the Communist Anti-Islamic State of Somalia and it's High & Mighty Leader Jalle Guul-Wade Siad-ka bin Barre, huh ? Do we get an apology from Ina Yey ? That Islam-hating, insurrection-leading, President-wannabe son of a gun, huh ? Wherefore the apology ? I demand an apology !!!!!!!!!!! We can play this game all day long, duqa Or you can take a qabil-sedative(kinda like Prozac) and the wise advice of Red Sea. LOL@ukhtii Kashafa [Ka-sha-fa]: noun: a soldier, warship, airplane, etc., employed in reconnoitering verb: to examine, inspect, or observe for the purpose of obtaining information; reconnoiter It also happens to be my high school nick. Your boy, Kashafa bin Shareefka Al-Shakshooka
  15. During a November 17, 2006, standup comedy routine at The Laugh Factory in West Hollywood, California, Richards responded to an African-American heckler with racially charged comments, yelling, "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside-down with a ******* fork up your ***" (an apparent lynching reference), and repeating "He's a nigger!" The heckler responded by calling Richards a "******* cracker-*** mother******" and "******* white boy." The incident ended when Richards walked off of the stage, leaving an employee from The Laugh Factory apologizing afterward. Although Richards performed at The Laugh Factory the following night without incident, the company has since stated that Richards is no longer welcome at the venue. And here's the vid and CNN's piece Reminds me of verse 3:118 "...Qad badatil Al-baq'dhaa'u min afwaahihim waa maa tukhfee suduuruhum akbar....." ".... Rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths: What their hearts conceal is far worse..." Here's a supposedly educated man from Hollywood's liberal elite: The kind that are supposed to be super-inclusive of everybody and everything. And in a fit of anger, he reveals what goes on in his mind but can't say everytime he looks at a black man. Put this man and many others in a time machine, turn the dial back to 1956(just 50 years ago), and he'd happily lynch a black man for the fun of it.
  16. He was part of the siyad’s regime (military) that destroyed Somaliland from air, land and sea. Your boy Riyaale was part of siyad's regime(military) that destroyed Somaliland from air, land, and sea. Where's his apology ? Oh, I forgot. Only Somalilanders can kill Somalilanders and go on to become President and get rich. Only in Somaliland, right ? Please. Spare us the fake rhetoric. Aweys had absoulutely nothing to do with the atrocities that happened in Hargeisa(or Moga, or Kismayo, or Bosaaso, for that matter), where-as the current President of the autonomous principality( , semantics, eh ?) of Somaliland was the head of the NSS, the much-feared state security apparatus.
  17. There are amidst us some people who wouldn't settle for anything less than their next of kin as a president (ironically, they wouldn't even accept a cousin if there is brother is a contender). My nigga. Finally some much needed real-talk up in the politics section. I'm sick up to here with the drivel being spewed by blatant tribalists. Case in point: The newly annointed Lieutenant-General-Mighty-Warrior-Poet-Defender-of-all-things-Puntish Sakhraan(drunk with qabiil). 2 weeks ago, the stooge wasn't even posting on SOL, let alone the politics section. ICU comes within striking distance of Galkacyo and macalinka hurdatha oo ka kacay. He came down with a bad case of Xamiyatul Jaahiliya and starts waxin poetic all of sudden. Jinniyada Puntland aa hal mar ku soo dhageen. He enrolls in a 'poetry'(lol) crash course and here are his more enlightened pronouncements: 1. The ICU(clan courts of the south, in qabil-speak) are terrorists. Every single last one of them no-good rapist killers. 2. Dahir Aweys is a terrorist who's in cahoots with Al-Qadia. Same goes to Sharif Ahmed and the rest of their leadership. 3. The 'clan courts of the south' stink. They don't bathe.(lol ok, he didn't say this but I wouldn't be suprised) 4. Barre Hirale is worshipping(sujood'ing to) Adeer A/Y. Evidence ? Sakhraan provides a pic of Barre sitting down in a chair. 5. Since Barre is sujooding to A/Y, that makes his people 'dhuli'(his words). 6. The clan courts attempted to drug the Glorious Puntish Armies by sending them free shipments of jaat. In any other world/universe, this man would commited to a mental asylum, or at best, sidelined as a buffon. Not here, the true authentic tribalist is a whole 'nother beast. Here he gets props and a promotion from General Duke. By all means, criticise the ICU, it's leadership, and it's policies. But wax cagli gal oo nin wayn ku hadlo ah lasoo shir tag. Step up your game with something better than "Boo! Be scared, be very scared: the Clan Courts are coming". If you have nothing to offer but qabil-talk, no matter how cleverly disguised(General Duke) or elequently expressed(Oodweyne), then please STFU. Please.
  18. Considering how jaat-ka is deeply rooted in the Somali life, I think ehe courts should announce a phased ban, over the course of upto 6 months. That'll give more than enough notice to jaat-traders and a wake-up call to addicts. In the mean-time, they should try to come up with alternatives for the effected women who use it to feed their families. Otherwise, they might start doing stuff way worse than selling a mind-altering stimulant. Desperate times see desperate measures.
  19. And the saga of Ali & Awrala gets murkier and murkier. Copyright issues, now whole-sale fraud if the accusations turn out to be true. So I showed the trailer to a friend of mine, who just got back from Nairobi this summer. He knows all the 'actors' in the movie ! The 'actors' turn out to be ciyaal-ka xaafadha Eastleigh He knows them xabad xabad. "Waraa, Lixle waa kanaa ". So he gives me the low-down on the making of the movie: Apparently, earlier this year, a Somali dude outa UK saw the group Waayaha Cusub on Youtube, liked their music, came to Nairobi and pitched a movie deal to them. They went to Mombasa, shot the movie(or the 4th grade school project )...........annnnd then brotherman suddenly dips back to where he came from, where he proceeds to chop and edit the footage. No payment and No copy of the final movie.....or even the footage. Maybe the mofiefilin-makers need to address this allegations
  20. Homoerotic ? get ur mind right, duqa. This ain't no Frodo/Samwise boot camp. And even if you do lean that-a-way, you're being worked halfway to death to even entertain those thoughts. Amazing what the human body can accomplish when it's pushed to it's breaking point. Which is exactly what these sadistic instructors aim to do: break you. It's not personal. Their job is to weed out the weak and unqualified and test the sanity of the rest of the volunteers. Hell-Week 3 Hell-Week 4 Hell-Week 5
  21. Part 1A Part 1B Part 1C Part 1D Part 1E Would you survive ?
  22. ^ Would you volunteer to be a hot young wifey for one of these holy warriors, bonita ? It all falls in line with the doomsday picture you're painting. Shaydaanka iska naar. State your objections to the ICU without resorting to lurid accusations.
  23. The clan courts are a clan we have lived with for centuries, nothing new about this type of conflict And there you have it in a nutshell, folks. El-Generale will always be part of the problem, not the solution, simply becauuse of his inabilty to move beyond the average Somali mind-set: "us-versus-them".... "anaka iyo ayaga aa is naqaano"
  24. Qaadisiya is the new tabloid albeit with a brand new cimaamad Right, I guess that means www.Barre-Hiirale.com is a better alternative. Check it. Information is power. I don't mind them stretching the truth to further their objectives. As that old racist Churchill said: In wartime, the truth is so precious it must be protected with a bodyguard of lies, or something to that effect. If General Duke and you can front for your respective "jabhads", so can Qaadisiya.