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Everything posted by UZTAAD

  1. The founding fathers were Ayro & co. but the company is now purchased by Alqaido. 80% of the shares belongs that above firm, other 20% belongs to founding fathers and other share holders.
  2. Originally posted by Mudane McCheese.: quote: Adeer you need to man and stop this weakling accuasations when you are in fact your own worst enemy. Ethiopia would not be able to divide nor conquer parts of your country if you were just that much smarter or put the blame where it should have been, squarely on your shoulders. Ethiopia is only taking advantage of your own demise manufactured by the Somali masses. Somaliland does not nor has any desire in failed Southern Somalia despite what you might have heard from few extreme opinionated folks from SL. In fact most of human beings hate to see another one suffer. Now, you need to get a hold of yourself and quit this blaming game. Man up adeer. That is my advise to those who always blame others for their shortcomings. [/qb]Sxb both souther and nother regions of the country are failed. do you think somaliland is not a failed state . in fact southern somalia is more prosperous than somaliland despite instability. somaliland politician claimed in the media the southern chaos will help somaliland recognition and it their policy to keep these flames burnig . there is no any differecne b/w somaliland warlords and those in the south.
  3. Eternal youth is getting closer to reality according to the latest researches ealth/content/shared -auto/healthnews/age -/631554.html anti-aging drugs are possible and are going to be developed and this may helpe people to undo aging process. as One Arab poet longed for this moment where he can buy youthfulness two millennia ago “Leeyta shabaaban buuca fash tarayto” taaso ah Dhalinyaranimo haddii la gadi lahaa waan iibsan lahaa.
  4. faroole is scared of the media , inuu wax is dhaaf dhaafsho ayaa rabaa malaha. that is why uu u cabburinayo saxafaadda.
  5. war gabdhaha da'dooda farta ha ku fiiqina ka hara. 'garbar da'deed lama waydiiyo ninna musharkiis ayaaa la yir'
  6. Originally posted by Ms DD: It is easy to guess most SOLERS ages i.e Jamaal11: 32 with such an old soul Nuune: 28 (such baby) Ngonge: I actually know his age, so ma ceebeynaayo. Lets just say Alle uunbaa ka weyn JB: 34 (although he looks older..something him and I have in comon ) GJ: 26 (doesnt sound as young as that though) A&T: I really cant figure this one out! Sayid: Having met him, qiyaas: 29 .Jury still out. Johny: Sounds cajuus somali kaseyn, yacni qajac qajac somali: 34 Che: 30..easy this.. waan qishey from somewhere Marx, Oz, Adam, Uztaad: Young solers in early 20s Iwould say Fufu: With all those mahrago murqo: Apparentøy murqaha hide the real hard to tell: 27 (shot in the dark) Farancab: I honestly think A&T and Farancab are twins,,so the same age Ducaysane: With all his dareen and firfircooni, I'd say: 25 Norf: With his fondness for KFCs and taste for the high life: Not a day over 30 Indho Blue: Babyface with soul of an elder..cant tell. My guess: 29 FarahBrawn: Bit of enigma.. stab in the dark: 31 Now who is brave enough to guess the ladies? Ms DD , saa u sheegtay baa loo badan yahay baan filiyaa, gabdhihii cidku dhacda ma lawaayay mise sida JB leeyahay 25.
  7. there are some somalis in angola for business purpose there is huge business apportunties in that country.
  8. the bad guys won this war but this is not the end of the story.
  9. illahay ha u naxariisto . shaqo fiican buu hayay dalka dadka soomaliyeed, waa adkaan doontaa booskii uu banneeyay in la helo cid buuxisa
  10. There is no doubt that Somaliland is an Ethiopian protectorate in fact the whole Idea of secessionism is engineered from Addis Ababa who wants to see Somalia week and divided. Somaliland politicians view Ethiopia as their saviors and godfather, the love & admiration for Ethiopia is enormous among these folks. Where they believe Somalia as their number one enemy, most of these Secessionists will be very happy if Ethiopia annex them instead of being part of Somali republic. Their worst nightmare is strong and united Somalia. They even don’t hide their happiness of the chaos in the sought because they see this suffering of their brethren will hasten their recognition but that is jus dilution.
  11. I would stop the depletion of environment by banning of charcoal trade, help conservation of wild life. I would stop the exploding population of Somalia by encouraging family planning and birth control. Somalia is said to have one of the highest birth rate after Yemen. I would create jobs for the unemployed people there. I would build schools, colleges and hospital in every city. Improve infrastructure Perhaps the with list is too long but I will stop there
  12. The reason of lack of town planning in Somalia is that when the government collapsed waves of nomads come to cities without any government to manage their settlement they started land grapping and building houses without any kind of town planning. I town You will see big and beautiful houses which is difficult access due to lack of roads or too narrow to travel by a car.
  13. I would change these things 1. the mind set of somalis; I would deleate all forms of clanism and triblism and replace it with patriotism and love of their country as far as your list is corcerned I think No 4 is the most urgent one all the mojor somali town are in mess no roads no proper town planing.
  14. Me, you better support Xislbul Islam because they are more sensible than Alshabaab, I don’t think you're neutral in this conflict At least your sympathy lies some where, can you elaborate your stance as XIIN asked you . you seam to be dodging this question
  15. kismaanyo belongs to all somalis so does any other cities like hargeisa, mugadishu, boosaso and baydhabo. this useless fight for it control will only end when somalia gets strong government.
  16. Yes xiin it does not need further blood shed but this infighting will further alienate their waning support among Somali community and this will hasten the inevitable dismiss of alshabaab extremist. It is better xisbul Islam wins because they are the lesser evil and are reconcilable if the government give them good deal.
  17. In my opinion it is good news, this lafa geel ayagaa la isku jabshaa formula . it will show the true colour of the islamist that they are fighting only for power and greed , where is the jihaad vs murtad
  18. shabaab is wrong this time. caanoole and raskanbooni are right. sabatana waa iska garanaysaa
  19. waxaad isla simaysan libaax iyo bakayl <img src="" alt="" />
  20. KK is missing in action, no celeberations, no acceptance speach, not thanks you supporters. where is the newly crowned queen?
  21. thanks A&T for your appreciation of your supporters who have been key of of your success to top post . hope your leadership will lead SOL to greater hights
  22. welcome with open hands maakhir_ladyuk
  23. congratulation A&T , Kool kat
  24. Osman yusuf, the great poet and tInventor of Osmanya alphabet.