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Everything posted by UZTAAD

  1. qorir qori , qaadi yo qabiil waa runtiis, waa waxaa dalka burburshay
  2. the title is misleading it should be edited.
  3. It is great to see collaborations between puntland government and Nato. the world is realizing the importance of puntland in the national and international affairs. the international community dealing with puntland and it is realization that Sharif hotel’s TFG has no any authority over puntland territory.
  4. absolutely, there is nothing wrong with that sxb I just want to temend you how the things are practicaly.
  5. cowke, I uderstand your point he is the head of of somali traditional leaders as queen of england is the Head of common wealth but real power lies the Issimada i mentioned above. gaddafi is mad man sxb he is doing all this to boost his ego and to be called king of kings africa.
  6. boqor abdullahi is just a cermonial tradinal leader who don't have any authority over any terotory he is not even one of the heavey weight of the Issimada puntland Like Islan cisse Islaan bashir, Garad saleeban and others . you ar exaggerate him bit too far .
  7. Cowke, it is good Idea both ethiopians and eretrean are habashas who are fighting proxy war in somalia but i dont thinka Eretrea produce any thing to be boycotted. I have never seen any eretrean product neither in somalia nor out side. buy Ethiopia exports many goods to somalia like Qaat, Coffee, and other agricultural product like potatos. any way I agree it is good idea to boycot both of their products it will weaken their economies,
  8. congratulation to sanaag & Mudug , the winners and runners up respectively, it was good and health competion
  9. no,, [/b] ma Galkacyaad udirtay oo tiri ka dhul biloow? Waaba isagoo dadka faraha indhaha kagalinaayo ha soo noqdo? [/QB] kool cat, indharafara galinta is the advantage being tough guy cadkaaga bannaan baa laguu dhigayaa. the list is long gabar gabadh xarig xadhig yiri yidhi xiriir xidhiidh
  10. the legend of legends sheikh alxaaji abdullahi yousuf ahmed xafidahullah.
  11. xaruuri what is wrong with this cartoon he is showing what is going on behind closed doors ie; farool's greed for money
  12. hollow , laboxinooyood and Ngong, having read both of your post I am the third empire if you know some thing about cricket. Mr Ngong you're 100% right , mr laba xiniinyood it is wicket {out} ka bax ciyaarta waa lagaa raayey where is the next batsman.
  13. Amin amir is fantastic guy who is doing great service for the people by highliting the corruptive & incompetent politicians who steal public money when their people are starving and that is job of the free media.Faroole is little bit improvement of his processor but he is far from statisfactory.
  14. LayZie G., this time it is a masterpeice , a well thought & balanced, waxba kama aadan tagin.
  15. good article but stil not enough , ku noqo it is too little too late for him
  16. like Saado Ali don't forget to mention boqoradda quruxda
  17. odey barre Hiiraal in not far away either he wants his part of the pie, he is planing to comeback when the dust settles.
  18. waxbaa ka jira, mohamed faroole is the second most powerful person in puntland after his fatheer even he is more powerful than ministers aabahay baa madaxweyne ah mentality.
  19. he better seek local support instead of outside one, the more suport he getts from out side the les legitimacy in the eyes of somali people . now the west is supporting sharifka not because they like somalia but because they want defeat al shabab, when they got that goal they will lose interest. international communities is one of the evels holding back somalia they only want pupet government in somalia or else no government at all.
  20. no, Aaliya I would suggest him to go to Galkacyo the af_somali heart land, no dialect is spoken there just neatral somali neither souther dialect nor nothern one, this would be his Ideal distination if ever decides to go back home for afsomali.
  21. shoes can be prayed if they are clean no problem the problemt is that these mad men think they are fighting real jihad and all their killings and wars are ok and short way to jannah.
  22. this is very graphic remove it wont help any thing.
  23. to the best of my knowledge ONLF receives both moral and material support from the people of puntland. it is rayaale rigem who transfers haples refugees to Addis aba in order to show his loyalt to his master Males zanawi .
  24. this is not fair election my vote was not counted where is my where is my vote. abtigis this election is rigged the election commission must resign and election should be rerun.