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Everything posted by UZTAAD

  1. Originally posted by Indhoos: Okley Dokley Folks...the results are in from the interview with the view elders that I could find. Waxay ii sheegeen inuu Af-Soomaaligu ku dhashay dhankaa iyo waqooyiga kana soo tagay isagoo wali carab la' oo aan xoogsan. Ka dib wuxuu yimid goboladaa dhexe, dhanka mudugta halkaa oo uu ku koray, ku qaangaaray kuna weenaaday. Isagoo xogaa duq ah ayuu wuxuu u baqoolay dhinacaa iyo koonfurta oo uu ku gaboobay, yacni law-law noqday. Ka dibna wuxuu ku dhintay halkaa iyo dhanka mayga. Go Figure... sidaas bay u egtahay
  2. shabaab is a snake they not differentiate between friend or foe , so my advice keep away from that snake or else it will bite you at any time. you can not use this snake for others only.
  3. cadde was the weakest president punland ever had. when he was elected people had greater expectations that he will be good change but he was utter failur. But I missed his interviews when used to say, "mar la arke " he was very funny guy'
  4. I never heard that Adne adan is christian but it is Strange how she became the external affairs minister of that state where the poplution 100% muslim.
  5. if they can slaughter the innocent people so easily why are you surprised about this thing . I think it is a minor issue compared their other atrocities.
  6. Originally posted by Cawaale: Norf, there is no "kh" in af soomaali, try to get one word oo "KH" ka bilowdo in pure Af-soomali. khilaaf, Khamiir etc.. For southerners "Har" is shadow, but the Northerners they call it "Hadh" while "Har" to them is a lake. laakin taas aya ku saxan. cawaale , ereyo badan oo afsomali asali ah baa jira oo ka bilaabma xarafka 'kh' sida khuuro :snoring khuuri : geed iyo qaar kale oo badan
  7. in my view there many somali patriots but we are lacking leadership. somalia needs visionary ,Charismatic & strong leader who can unite the people and the put the country first. it take a great leadership to get the country out of the civil war.
  8. puntland did not officialy release any response but the miniser you have qoated and the garaad can have different oponions about the best way they can do but their goal is one. this confrence in which ended in Nairobiis a big blow to the secessinist dream.
  9. the first one to respond to the Graad was the guy In hargeisa mr Baashe so don't make your own stories.
  10. lool, JB, it is as you liked, it but they said we have nothing against puntland . the Garaad him self clearly said the only Issue is to liberate this region from SNM Miletia who invaded from Hergeisa.
  11. puntland is not worried about the developments in Nairobi, in fact if the people of Sool decided to liberate their region from the occopation of SNM milletia from Hargeisa it is Commendable step. the people Soool & Boohoodle do not share the Idea of dismemberment of somalia With SNM, they have the right to have their own state or be part of puntland. but secessionist miletia will not be able impose the artifial colonial boundries created by imperialist, which the same people fought agianst it for long long years. therefore it would be better if shese milletia leave this region without any further bloodshet before they are forced to do so.
  12. waa ka suurtoodaa , waxaa laga yaabaa inay ku andocoodaan waa immeddest in la xirto marada noocaas ah.
  13. waryaa ? Nooh ? labadaas bal ingiriiseeya
  14. it was turning point of somali history if that assassination never happened somalia could have been stable and democratic country like kenya. that assissination and subsequent coup were the mother of all evils in somalia. it changed the country from demacracy to dectatorship and then failed state.
  15. waa gabay aad u xiiso badan oo ka hadlaya dhibata diyaanada ee dhexmaray nin farmashiiste ah iyo gabar diyaano rabto inay gadato...... Farmashiye daawada Dadku uu ka iib sadoo Aartiste door ihi Al-Islam ku daabacay Dorraad mar aan dhexjoogaa Gabar qurux daraadeed Daymada wejiga hore Daa’uus la moodaa Dalaq iigu soo tiri Salaan debecsan dabaded Dawadaas ma haysaa Ayay tiri dukaankiyo Ninka daaska gadayow Dubkeeday cawarayoo daymada jalleecada Waxaba kulama daahine Durbadiiba waxan iri Haddii aan ditoor qorin Qof kastoo dalbanayaba Degdeg ugama iibshoo Lacag daalib maahiye Doonisteeda garataye waxa ay dawaysiyo Difeetada ay leedahay Ma taqaan dawadatani Ditoor anigu maahiyo Waxa ay dawaysiyo Difeetada ay leedahay Dani igama haysoo Haddaad adigu diiddana Duul iga gadaayoo Doonaaya lacagtaan Daafaha magaalada Degdeg uga helaayaa Ayay ugu danbayntii Jawaab diirran igu tiri Dibna kalafurkeedii Ilkeheeda dabarka leh Inaan deris ahayn beri Intii aan dareemaan Dabadeed waxaan iri Dadkaas kaa gadaayaa Iyagiyo dantoodee Yaynaan taas ku daahine Horta sow dalaystii Ina Daahir maahayn? Dabcan haah ayay tiri Iyaduna docdayday Kaftan diirsimaad loo Waxay debecsan igu tiri Dadka waysu badinaye Miyaa lays dafirayaa? Daqiiqada yar gudohood Dib inta u fekerey-baan Dabaded waxan iri Dalays waa runtaayoo Ilaa dalandalkaagii Dadka waysu badinoo Diraacdii dhoweydee Duunyadu baxaysana Dhiirran dacalladeedi Waataan ka derisnaye Dubkaan kugu aqiin iyo Hadmuu diirki kaa kacay? Intay dib u dhaqaaqdoo Hadba doc iga eegtay Durbadiiba waxay tiri Caku waa danbaysaa Beledkaad dorraad timi Sowtii dad-hore-yiri Doqon iyo habeen baa Madow loogu dawgalay Dubkaan aan caddaystana Daliilkiisi waa kaas!!!!! Dahabiga afkayga ah Intii aan dibnaha furay Ayaan deeto waxan iri Gabaryahay diyaaniyo Daawooyin lagu daray iyo durunafaa baad Dushaadii marmarisoo Dubka sare caddaysoo Dayax soo baxaayiyo Cadceed dacalka dhigatiyo Waagoo dillaaciyo Daliig qaanso roobaad Dushaadii la moodyoo Dalaystaan aqiin iyo Ina daahir maahide Balmaxaa diyaanada Gabaryahay-ku-dabadhigay? Caku loonka doorsama Dubkaagi madobaa Deeq laysa siiyiyo Deyn lays amaahshiyo Diinaarka carabtiyo Doollar laguma helayee Alla dahabsanaayaa!!!! Iblays baase kugu diray Oo doori kugu yiri Raggaa kaaga didayee Dabcigiyo wanaaggii Daayin kuu sameeyiyo Dubkii uu Ilaahay kuu doortay adigaba Haddaad diiddey oo tiri Mid kaloo ka doorroon Ayaan doonanaayaa Diintaadan baranoo Waa kuu damiin-nimo Haddaad calafka doontoo Xoog ku daalibaysiyo Dubkoo layska qaadana Horaa loo diyaarshoo Dadaal laguma gaaree Waa kuu damiir xumo Caku ways dullaysaye Adigiyo duqaagii Arooskiinna dabaded Dadku idinka kala tegey Deriskiyo xigaalkuna Laguu daayey hawshii Dabka yaa bal kuu shidi? Waxa kaaga sii daran Daafaha magaalada Dan haddaad ka leedahay Qorraxduna dab ay tahay Duqu gaari malahoo Danyar reerku weeye Ayaa duhurki kuu socon? Waxaa kaaga sii daran Haddaad ruux`dagaashaan Dakharkii ku gaaraa Dedgdeg uma bogsanayee Xaggeed daawo uga heli? Waxaa kaaga sii daran Wejigii dawaeysoo Majihii ka deysaaye Dubkaagoo ah kalakaan Qaybina daruur tahay Inta kalena dugul tahay Dadku inay arkaayaan Ma dafiri karaysaa? Waxa kaaga sii daran Dubka dhabanku weligii Dayax soo baxaayiyo Daruur haw ekaadee Dibnahaaga madwgii Waakaa ku daahane Dadku yuu la yaabine Maxaan kaga ****olnaa? Waxa kaaga sii daran Dedgdeg midu u geeyoo Isaguna difeetada Dib ka qoomameeyiyo Damanaha ma sheegine Haddii aan dadnimadiyo Dabcigiyo aqoontiyo Loo bogin duntaadii Dubka walalacdiisaas Raggu dooni maayoo Horaa looga soo digey Anna waa ku sii daray Waxa kaaga sii daran Docda reerka xididka ah Iyadoo laguu diray Oo halkay degaanniin Aan durunafaa iyo Daawooyin lagahelin Diyaanadi ad sidatana Kaa dabargo’ ay tahay Dadka waxad dhexjoogtoo Waa dahab la mooddi Danabkeennu guursdey Duqdu ay tiraahdaba Toddobaadyo dabadood Dubkaagii wacnaa iyo Inay daamakaagii U ekaa daruuruhu Dogoba yeelanaayaan Deriskuna dhehaayaan Furuqi la dabarjaray Miyaa dunida soo galay Daawaan is mariyana Dibnaha aadan marin Karin Maygu diiddan tahay taas? Waxaa kaaga sii daran Midabkoo la doorshaa Diinta kuma bannaanee Haddii adan danbowdaye Degdeg toobad soo celin Inuu daayin Eebbuhu Kaa daayo mooyee Naftu waa dabayloo Mar ay duuli ma ogine dabka naarta aakhiro Maw dulqaadanaysaa? Illeyn dhagax dixeed iyo Nin dundumo u qayshadey Isagays-ka daalaye Dalays wanadaydii Qalbigeeda kuma duxin Anna waan ka dabaharay Illeyn diiddey taladee In aan kula dagaalona Qori mayso diintuye Dadweynow dhammaantiin Intaasoo difeeta ah Iyo qaar kasii daran haddii ay dubkoodii Dawadani u leedahay Oo dumarka qaarki Iyo wiilal diinyari Shaydaan u duufsaday Dusha inay marmariyaan Weli door bidaayaan Bal maxaa diyaanada iyo durinafaadiyo Daawooyin jaankaan Dusha lagu caddeeyaba Ubadkeenna dabadhigay? Waynaan dareemine Xayaysiin daraadeed Miyay dollar lacageed Dalalkii sameeyiyo Dibadaha ka qaataan? Culumaa-u’-diinkiyo Dadka waalidkaa iyo Duqowdiyo wax`garadkiyo Aqoonyahan digriiliyo Abwaannadii dalkaygiyo Qof kastoo damiirlow Sidii gabar la doonoo Xidid-keed u dadab galay Haddii wiilki dibad jirey Dhegihii dalooshaday Timihiina loo dabay Dalka gabadhi joogtana Daawooyin marisoo Dubkeedii beddelan yahay Darxumiyo iyo ceeb iyo Dhaqan dooris weeyee Dibadda iyo gudahaba Ubadkeennan doorsamay Mayska daawanaynaa? Diyaanadiyo Riikada Iyo Durunafaadiyo Daawooyin kale oo Dubka lagu beddelayaba Ganacsade dabbaalaa Dibadaha ka keenee Markii dawlad loo helo Halla dabagalaan iri Dareenkayga saan qabo Haddii dunida oo idil Laga waayo dumar kale Gabar durunaafaa iyo Daawooyin marisoo Dubka sare caddaysoo Inta dibadda loo diray Berked dalaq ku soo tiri Ragow yaanay idin dagin.
  16. thanks, jane we can not take diktat of this divisive party.
  17. this is discriminatory party I call all the newbies to unite againt this part and form their own party who will defend and fight their own interest.
  18. NGONGE, dawladdaada looma dhamma
  19. sanad khayr qaba ayaan rajaynaa in shaa alllah. arrimahuna waa ka soo rayndoonaa sida ay hadda yihiiin
  20. su'aalo aywsan laftiisu jawaab cad u hayn bay waydiiyeen marka la yaab maleh inuu ka kululaaday. shariif muxaadarooyin bas buu hayaa.
  21. horta imisa safaaradood baa ka furan hargaisa marka laga reebo kan itobiya. waa kaliya miyaa ?
  22. well said Oodweyne, Somalis where ever they are have so far failed to learn from their past mistakes and make amends. they have drunk the poisonous wine of tribalism, fanaticism, secession, anarchism and all sorts of self destructive behaviors . I think it will take long time before they wake up and learn where their interest and priority lies . the world does not care Somalia any more as you said because in politics there is only intests not friends .
  23. this author is suggesting that UN& AU should invade Somalia and put under UN mandate in order to prepare genuine elections in Somalia and train this people how to rule themselves. By WILLIAM OCHIENG' Sunday, October 11 2009 Forget about the United States of America; their interest in Somalia is not to arrest the plight of the suffering Somali people. Foremost, their goal is to defeat and crush the imagined al Qaeda element in the on-going civil war in that sad country. There is no way one can be pro-Al Shabaab or pro-Hizbul Islaam. Their visions are lopsided, and their methods of struggle vicious, horrific and anti-religion. My advocation has been for a policy that recognises the pathetic plight of the suffering and dying Somalis, against the gradualist and ineffectual military policy embraced by the African Union and the US. Across Somalia today there is shortage of food, drugs and shelter. The UN officials say Somalia has not been in such perilous shape since the central government collapsed in 1991, and is in desperate need of help. And now Barack Obama’s team says: “We are compelled to hold any relief following concerns that the aid might be diverted to the camp of the pro-al Qaeda terrorists.” On his part Muammar Gaddafi, the AU leader, who should be attending to such problems, is busy with his antics. Is it not possible for a combination of UN and AU troops to invade Somalia and turn that country into a UN “trust territory,” as proper preparations are made to enable the Somali population to elect a legitimate government? When Idi Amin Dada, Uganda’s treacherous dictator, was on our backs in East Africa, President Julius Nyerere called his top military officers and ordered them: “I want Idi Amin’s head.” Within two weeks the Tanzanian troops were in the field towards Kampala, capturing, slaying and destroying any evidence of Amin. A little while later Idi Amin was in the air to Libya, while his Ugandan troops were scattered pell-mell, in headlong flight, to the borders. SINCE THEN WE HAVE HAD SOME peace in East Africa. That is how the globalising world under the UN, should handle the Al Shabaab. This is a terrorist group that administers sharia laws not in the Koran — the book of the Islamic faith that contains the word of Allah. The Al Shabaab believes that they are a holy movement, sanctioned by God to deliver their country from the infidels. But in truth, it is a murderous international terrorist band that does not listen to anyone. Their international supporters simply supply arms and do not dish out food, drugs, clothing or bedding for the suffering. If you raise your voice against them, they cut your arms, or legs or ears. Would God really approve of such law? The overall result is that neighbouring Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Puntland are faced with massive refugees, fleeing from their wrath. To survive, some Somalis have taken to banditry and piracy — as their ancestors did at the Red Sea in the ancient days of Aksum. International navies have been deployed to protect ships in the Gulf of Aden, one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, but apparently the navies have failed to contain piracy. It is just as well. The world’s mission is to get on with its commerce, while the people of Somalia live in squalor in the hands of hard-line Islamic groups. After 18 years of anarchy, over three million Somalis need food and liberation. What is to be done? It looks like only the UN, with its universal mandate, can save the Somalis from their predicament. Had Somalia been a European country, its problems would have been sorted out long time ago by the international community. But being in Africa very few rich and powerful world countries bother; and that is why many in Africa are sceptical about globalisation.