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Everything posted by Haneefah

  1. ^ninkan reer Burco bal usheeg yaan ahay nuunow, lol.
  2. ^xataa ana? Ma waxaad maqashay nimanka la beeciyo beey wax ku fashaa? P.S add yourself to the minyare list too, why else do you lurk around here constantly? Tell me which one you have in mind?
  3. Haneefah


    I never used to carry any in my car. That's the beauty of living in a small suburban town where these creepy incidents you hear on the news rarely happen - the closest to any crime was a little xaafad Somali which I rarely visited.
  4. Originally posted by *Blessed: LOL NG, Ka yar waad la waalatey. LoL, Ma ila aragtey. Sidii Islaan mid qudha ka naxeysa umbuu kolba tuu arku la damci...Allah kaasaa iska ba'ay Justice, I agree with OZ, there's quite a few eligible bachelors on these boards who also happen to be looking. Insha'Allah, make sincere dua for the kind of person you are looking for and Allah will open the doors for you.
  5. Haneefah


    If any association is to be assumed, it should be one of positive nature. Everything about guur is dhabar-xanuun and madax-xanuun. Shall I start a list of reasons? Here: -nin (yes!) -carrying a child -labour -changing diapers -grocery shopping -cazumad after cazumad for people aan loo baahneyn -darbi dhaqid, carpet dhaqid, dhar dhaqid & ironing, and all the other exciting house chores (you have massive assistance when you live at home) all of the above, and many more, accentuate the potential physical health hazards associated with guur. There's only one dhabar that pays the price for everything - be warned! p.s Ibti, I know what you must've been going through; I'm sure you've now kissed dbabarxanuun goodbye. I still have five more months to go Even my expert Tunisian roommate's massage didn't help.
  6. Believers are supposed to give each other reminders, khayr. It's a product of faith. We just have to heed this invaluable advice: Its important when we want to correct others faults to be polite and considerate.
  7. ^Let's just hope that is the case, because magicii buu iga nijaaseeyey! I was trying to keep my composure earlier on today, lakeen this is beyond preposterous. Akhas. And thanks sis.
  8. Inaa Lilaah, what have I done to deserve this museeba maanta la idaba dhigey? :eek: For the love of God, why has this individual not been banned yet? Where's the ADMIN? Originally posted by Nephthys: qofkanoo kale markii la invite gareeyo, 'waryaa ha isheegan' aa la dhahaa, see kaa noqote? :rolleyes: . That you would believe I have any association with such a repugnant soul is more astounding than anything. Seriously sis, kaamaanan filanaynin tan!
  9. ^ this way, you'll be spared from all the annoying nonsense of the usual trollers. I for one am looking forward to reading and learning from your exchanges; I am confident that it will be a fruitful debate, Insha Allah. :cool:
  10. Akhas. I wonder why the armpits, of all the spots in the body that could be examined. At least they're smart enough not to include Indian and Egyptian subjects Originally posted by cynical lady: all the sniffers are women. why I wonder. Women tend to have a better sense of smell due to estrogen; I believe a larger portion of the brain gets activated in women than in men as well.
  11. Inaa Lilaah. Her choosing to go xijaabless should be the least of anyone's worries considering the heinous accusations against her. What worries me is the dissemination of this type of information, and the evil thoughts and suspicion it may incite against her. May Allah serve her justice.
  12. It was indeed incredible, bro. The history of that whole era was fascinating - one that leaves every Muslim tearful about its ugly demise. Nonetheless, it's one Muslim nations stand to learn a great deal from, more relevant today than any other time. Thanks for the lyrics.
  13. A poignant ode about the fallen civilization: here. While in the same spirit, here's a more heart melting tribute: Alllah the Most Kind (recited by Shaikh Mishari, May Allah bless him. God I love him). Here's the beautiful lyrics for the second one: الله ذو اللطائف Allah, The Most Kind and Gentle أَغِيبُ وذو اللّطائِف لا يغيبُ وأرجُوهُ رَجاءً لا يَخِيبُ Although I vanish, the Most Gentle and Kind vanishes not. Thus, I have hope in Him - hope that fails not. وأَسْأَلُهُ السَّلامَةَ مِن زَمانٍ بُلِيتُ به نوائبهُ تُشِيبُ I seek safety with Him from a time where trials would age this body of mine وأُنزِلُ حاجتي في كل حالٍ إلى مَن تطمئنُّ به القلوبُ So, I bring my needs, and I’m ever in poverty To the One with whom hearts find tranquility فكم لله مِنْ تَدبِيرِ أَمْرٍ طَوَتْهُ عَنِ المُشَاهَدةِ الغُيوبُ Numerous are the matters that Allah decrees! Yet, the unseen realm, is that which none sees وكم في الغَيْبِ مِن تَيْسِيرِ عُسْرٍ ومِنْ تَفريجِ نائبةٍ تَنُوبُ His decree eases secretly our difficulties And by decree does He alleviate our calamities ومِن كَرَمٍ ومِن لُطْفٍ خَفِيٍّ ومِن فَرَجٍ تَزُولُ بِه الكُرُوبُ and by His discreet kindness and generosity, there’s relief - replacing all adversity. ومَنْ لِي غَيرَ بابِ الله بابٌ ولا مَوْلًى سِواهُ ولا حَبيبُ Whose door do I have, besides Allah’s door? I have no other Master nor another whom I so adore! كريمٌ مُنْعِمٌ بَرٌّ لَطِيفٌ جَمِيلُ الستْرِ للدّاعي مُجيبُ He is generous, kind and gentle, blessing us ceaselessly, He answers our prayers and conceals our faults so beautifully, حَليمٌ لا يُعاجِلُ بالخَطايا رحيمٌ غَيْثُ رَحْمَتِهِ يَصُوبُ Enduring is He, never hastening to recompense our delinquency He bestows his mercy like pure rain, gracefully فيا مَلِكَ المُلوكِ أَقِلْ عِثَارِي فَإنِّي عنْكَ أَنْأَتْنِي الذُّنُوبُ Therefore, King of kings, please pardon me; My sins have cast me so far away from thee وَأَمْرَضَنِي الهَوَى لِهَوانِ حَظِّي وَلَكِنْ لَيسَ غَيْرَكَ لِي طَبِيبُ My lusts have caused my malady Yet there’s none but thee to heal me فَآمِنْ رَوْعَتِي وَاكْبِتْ حَسُودًا فَإِنَّ النَّائِباتِ لها نُيُوبُ So my Lord, comfort and shield me from eyes burning green. for when calamities strike they do so with fangs sharp keen. وَآنِسْنِي بِأَوْلادِي وَأَهْلِي فَقَدْ يَسْتَوْحِشَ الرَّجُلُ الغَرِيبُ My Lord, fasten me with the joys of children and family Without them a man is certainly a stranger, poor and lonely وَلِي شَجَنٌ بِأَطْفالٍ صِغَارٍ أَكادُ إِذا ذَكَرْتُهُمُ أَذُوبُ Ah, my young children, on their fate I do fret Worn from worry and grief I am ever upset ولَكِنِّي نَبَذْتُ زِمَامَ أَمْري لِمَنْ تَدْبِيرُهُ فِينا عَجِيبُ But to thee the reigns of my life I do surrender To the One who handles affairs with majestic splendor هُوَ الرَّحْمنُ حَوْلِي وَاعْتِصَامِي بِهِ وَإِلَيْهِ مُبْتَهِلاً أُتِيبُ The Most Merciful, my refuge and the pillar on which I lean In repentance, I call Him with none in between. إِلهِي أَنْتَ تَعْلَمُ كَيفَ حَالِي فَهَلْ يا سَيِّدِي فَرَجٌ قَرِيبُ Allah, Of my condition thee did hear so my Master, I ask, is relief near? فيا دَيِّانَ يَومِ الدِّينِ فَرِّجْ هُمُوماً فِي الفُؤَادِ لها دَبِيبُ O Lord of Judgment Day, relieve this anxiety of stubborn worries that in my heart sink deeply وَصِلْ حَبْلِي بِحَبْلِ رِضَاكَ وَانْظُرْ إِلَيَّ وَتُبْ عَلَيَّ عَسى أَتُوبُ And bind me to the rope of thy content, and turn thy Face to me And accept me so that I may repent and return wholly to thee. وَرَاعِ حِمَايَتِي وَتَوَلَّ نَصْرِي وَشُدَّ عُرَايَ إِنْ عَرَتِ الخُطُوبُ My safety and success are in thy Hands So support my will against life’s difficult demands وَأَلْهِمنِي لِذِكْرِكَ طُولَ عُمْرِي فَإِنَّ بِذِكْرِكَ الدُّنْيا تَطِيبُ And with Thy remembrance illuminate my life. Indeed when recalling thy name sweetness becomes rife وَقُل عَبْدُ الرَّحِيمِ وَمَنْ يَلِيهِ لَهُم فِي رِيفِ رَأْفَتِنَا نَصِيبُ And say of me that I am still thy servant sharing in thy Kindness, drawing near to thee, no longer distant فَظَنِّي فِيكَ يا سَنَدِي جَمِيلٌ وَمَرْعَى ذَوْدِ آمَالِي خَصِيبُ My thoughts of thee, my Sustainer, are pleasant And my hopes in thee, lie in meadows, fertile and fragrant وَصَلِّ عَلى النَّبِيِّ وآلهِ مَا تَرَنَّمَ فِي الأراكِ العَنْدَلِيبُ And send prayers and praises upon the Prophet and his family For whom the nightingales from their branches sing their sweet melody Translation by: Yaser Birjas Shpendim Nadzaku Final Editing: “Manoffewwords” Video by: Ahmad Saleem Sadaf Tahir Dedicated to the students of Ilm Summit 2008
  14. Lol@Nephy. You should see my brother's wife - almost ten yrs in the family and she still can't go beyond 'hooyo' and 'waan ku je'lahay and the usual simple islamic greetings. The little ones are worse, they speak in afjini when they want to mimic Somali speech. What a Shame!
  15. Don't buy this gobblygook. There's no such thing as being 'too nice' or 'too respectful'. If anything, Muslim brothers need to be cultivating these characteristics by taking the Prophet saw as their example. Allah subhanahu wata'ala is gentle and merciful, and He indeed loves those whose actions manifest these traits. Even the so called 'passion' and 'spontaneity' the author mentions, require a certain level of xaya in Islam.
  16. ^ . Acuudhubillah. I've heard of a jaahili custom that used to be common in the North which freaked me out as well, perhaps that's what she was referring to. Ibti, honey,well done! Barakallau feekum for the wonderful event I am just finding out about; it takes a tremendous effort to pull these types of events together, so may Allah reward you all and benefit those for whom the funds are intended.
  17. I don't think they'll be back anytime soon, but this is indeed a step forward for them in the process. Good for him, though I pity him for choosing to step into this ugly mess.
  18. ^ That's actually an excellent website. Try this too: http://www.audioislam.com
  19. ^Astaghfurullah, His birth date might be questionable ( ), but his wadaadnimo, I think not! Sheikha ha u gaffina. P.S A&T maalmahan maxaa helay?
  20. Not only that, ninku si kharibanna wax wuu u phrase gareeyaa. I thought LOZ maskiinka iney wax heleen, bisinka.
  21. Originally posted by Nephthys: You know I have a good taste in Faaraxs.. Khalas, prove it!
  22. “Hasten to do good deeds before there come tribulations like pieces of a dark night, when a man will be a believer in the morning and a kaafir by evening, or he will be a believer in the evening and a kaafir by morning, selling his religious commitment for worldly gain.” Yaa Lateef. This frightens me beyond belief, wallah. Incidentally, my girlfriends and I were just recently talking about this during a car ride after we had realized how much we are all being consumed (mentally, physically, emotionally, socially) by certain worldy matters that have taken a tremendous toll on our cibaada as of late. It's scary. Jazakallah kheir brother, it was certainly a timely and beneficial reminder. And you can be assured that you've gained hasanaat through this tonight, may Allah increase you in knowledge and blessings.