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Everything posted by Haneefah

  1. ^bal maxaa ku kadeeday Paragon, ma aniga? Abadan.
  2. NASSU still exists? I particpated during its inception, and there were a lot of dedicated sisters and brothers, Masha Allah (I wonder what they're upto now). God I feel so old. ps. I might swing by if I come back to Ontario by the 15th, InshAllah. Beware though, Torontonians are not the most hospitable ppl ever - at least I don't expect you will get the kind of hospitality I received in Minnesota
  3. ^Xaraam, no woman under 50 should be allowed to wear that darn thing. There's a reason why they call it Bac, you know God forbid, who wants to see a beautiful sister inside a humongous bac. *ducks from all the bac weyn lovers* Seriously, adoo heli kara a gorgeous set of silk dirac which you can wear with class (islamically of course), why bother with that cottony, ayeeyo thing.
  4. Laa xawla walaa quwata ilaa bilaah. Shivers! You know, incidently, this came up in a xalaqa of ours tonight. We were covering tafseer surah Hud, when Allah commands Fir'awn and his qaum to be punished at the severest level; this hadeeth was brought up, and I thought to myself, how will the worst level of jahanam fare if the lightest level is of this magnitude? Inconceivable. Subxanallah.
  5. ^I know. Originally posted by Muslim01: 3. A person who Laughs while he does not know whether Allah is pleased with him or not Subxanallah. I was reclining and quickly sat up when I read that. I welcome you too, Muslim
  6. ^Lol, xabiibi, maxaa ku watey inaad waxaas akhriso...InshaAllah, you've recovered from seeing that much faxshaa A&T, Waxaan maqli jirey: "Nabsi waa madaalo duli ninkii cantuugaba hubkoo soo dul dhigayaa, dadnimada aqoonso"....or something to that effect. Nevertheless, you learned a valuable life lesson! p.s nice story, even though I was hoping you wouldn't succumb to your nafs.
  7. ^a very timely reminder walal, may Allah bless the great scholar's soul...bas khalas, dhib wuxuu jiraa markuu dhiig yimaado, sabarku aad buu adagyahay - after all, a fragile banu adam umbaad tahay. Dhinac uun ha udhacdo umbaad leedahay, and pray to God for dhinca san. Farax, InshAllah br
  8. It is indeed youm jumca, may Allah accept our duas br Xiinow. Not a day goes by that I don't think of his plight - it sends a painful shock through my spine. Allah Macana. Just a week or so ago, another member of this family has been abducted by the gov't from a Jigjiga jail where he had been incarcerated with other family members for months prior to his abduction. Reerku are truly paying for their name and the values they uphold.
  9. The ultimate war within, eh? She must've been a stunner.
  10. Originally posted by Sophist: I sometimes wonder whether I should go back and pursue my be Dphil! You should, InshAllah!
  11. Blessed, move on with the times, will ya
  12. Paragon, waxa kaloo dhan waa la isla afgaran kara, I am sure Edit. BUT, say I knew that he's a brilliant student of knowledge, then I wouldn't let him off the hook that easily.
  13. ^Lol. Alla maxaa dumar wax kala heysta
  14. Faheema, precisely sis. Unless you're a Zaid bin Thabit, Ibn Abbas or Ibn Masud, may Allah be pleased with them...ok maybe not. But if I were a man, I seriously wouldn't contemplate accepting such an enormous burden unless I had an excellent command of the Quranic sciences, and the capacity to deliver. I'd push her towards materialistic requests.
  15. ^Stoic, she's a beauty alright ,lol. GJ, strange but cute from her end. Adigu se, yaa kuu baneeyey inaad u ogalaato?
  16. ^Amaanta waxaan aqbali markaad la noqoto gafka gabdhaha kale aad ka gashey. Waa inaad gabey u tirisaa. Ok, let's not hijack Miss Bella's thread.
  17. I thought they were joking when they were saying some women wear it...walee war baa iga dambeeyey.
  18. Waxbaan odhan lahaa laakiin waa la noqdey Ha kuu macaanato your macawus
  19. ^Allah aqoon baa kuugu dhiman...once you test it, you'll never go back
  20. ^waa kolkaad noo wada dhameysay I stand to defend my fellow SOL sisters.
  21. ^ Don't scare her, lol. Those are some noble thoughts, sis. I am certain the vast majority of sisters here share your thoughts P.S. Wlc
  22. Hehe, I can imagine cunug halkan ku koray oo kolba dhinac ula rafanaya lol. Much like the young girls who bother with diruuc in weddings, bal maxaa kadeeday? Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi: The khamiis is more xaax. Double xaax! Like this one - can so be worn outside.
  23. ^Please, drag Ibtisam along as well. Alxamdulilah, I am thrilled for you guys. Speaking from experience, not only will you attain and maintain a massive EmanRush in this class, but a constant Tear-Rush as well. Paragon, how many friends will you set out to convince accompanying you? Insha'Allah, many...I know you can accomplish it brother
  24. I love Ibn Al-Qayyim walahi, rahimahullah. I've been hooked on his brilliant qasidah nooniyyah these days. Thanks for posting this excellent piece. P.S. I suggest everyone to pay a visit to this site; it has precious books and lectures, masha Allah.
  25. ^inuu Xiin minyaro-raadis cadeystay yahey buunan ogayn . A&T, I am starting to suspect in wixii uu kugu sheegayey ey run tahay oo laguu soo direy wadaadka. Hadana ma waxaad uga dabatagtey arimihiisii kale? LoL.