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Everything posted by Haneefah

  1. ^Walee ninku dadka wuu fadareeyey. Bal adaaba ka darey @ Xiin. Time baan u la'ahay ya jaamca, A&T anaa lecture customized ah u diyaarindoona...deedna you folks will never encounter similar stories Insha Allah. Ps. Lol@ Nuune. Bal maalmahan waaban yara modoobaadaye ma ka war doonaa cream yadaa? Adaa kala yaqanaa la yidhiyee bal ii kala sheeg
  2. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Jacbaro, oh baliis cut the crap iyo istustuska. Leave Abtigiis alone, and he can share whatever he deems shareable. LoL. Runtaan kugu jeclahay ninyahow. Waaba the master of hadal-maalaajacni qof kale wax ha ka sheego. It's one thing to be sincere and give the individual naseeha in private, but completely another to do it in a jestful and demeaning manner in public. Waa la sameeyey un wax looma sameeyo. A&T needs to learn to make use of my favourite egyptian phrase: tuzz feek! A&T, Mr. Cobole waa native Dhagaxbuurian - they only observe but rarely speak. Laakiin waa laguu yaqaan.
  3. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Dadka Soomaaliyeed ninkaan u daba camiraayo la yaabaa. My sentiments exactly. As if he is any better a politician. In fact, this perceived loyalty of his to those minority fans will slowly vanish as he tries hard to prove his impartiality. Ninku wuu af-macaanyahay, that's as far as his strength goes, me thinks.
  4. ^Ask Fb inuu ka war doonay taas. LoL.
  5. ^I know. That was a bit disturbing; I am now concerned about our dear Farax. JB, sorry to point this out but that food lacks presentation. Fries in meat juice? I wouldn't eat from that plate!
  6. ^tiinu waa iga weyntahay. Dhinaca dramada iyo buufis-saarida kuma takhasusin anu Xiin, inanku quraan in la saaro ayaa ku ronaan lahayd, seriously!
  7. ^saasaad moodaa. Dakhtarin gaar ah baad u baahantihiin. Lol.
  8. Reer London, ma fiyoobidin.
  9. ^jaw, adu laftigaaga sidaad isugu sii salexeyso ayaa yaab leh. Bal waxaad saa isugu hubto ii sheeg
  10. ^Ahaa, sheekadu waa saa dheh. Reer Maakhir wey soo dhigteen, waan u jeedaa, laakiin ha iga walwalin.
  11. Waa bilaa inadeer, ninku qob moos buu caadi kuugu dhigey. Geesi geesi dhalay weeye walee, lol. Xiin, ma hubtaa inaan taa wax isku nahay? Malaha wey hallucinate gareyneysay.
  12. ^Good...waxaan odhan lahaa ninku waan ka yaabee kolba ma meeshuu hirku u jiituu tagaa. War is giiji oo bartaada ku ekoow yaa ku waaniya. Paragon, yaa akhi, somalia wala dhagaxbuur wala hum yaxzanun. Meel bey ishu ka heysaa. Give me few yrs, I shall invite you over, and give you an original khameez for a wlc gift
  13. ^Lol. Ka daa. ******** wa ayo horta? Ibti, are you done writing your abstract? If not, will you by Sept? Insha Allah, there's something I wanted to tell you about, I shall pm you the info soon
  14. ^was teasing you too I am good hon, how's work coming along for you? Insha Allah well!
  15. Originally posted by Paragon: Xageed ka timi adigu, aan halkaa dug kaaga dhisee? Allah ha u naxriisto meeshaan ka imid. My take on this is, Africa meeshaan wax ka dhisto ama ku invest gareeyo waa meesheedii kale.
  16. Ibti, naga qalee nooh, Burcodan weyba naga badbadatayee p.s che, reer tuulo maxey Xamar ka yaqaaniin.
  17. ^Ibti waa gabadh yaab leh. Hers is one you won't want to miss.
  18. Originally posted by Paragon: Moroco? Oh, dear they go there for the snake charmers FYI, this is an excellent time to invest in their booming real estate projects in the North (Tangier - Tetuan, on the mediterranian sea) - still quite affordable, not that an acacia tree loving geel-jire will be interested Marakkesh iska ilow iyada, darn those rich Britons and Spaniards.
  19. ^ You don't see how they're being insulted. Balaayo xabadka ha ufeedo.
  20. Quite a disheartening situation. But then again, that's what we become known for soomaha.
  21. Excellent. You're just what he needs, and if you're under 18, even better. I'd rather be anywhere but my office right now
  22. ^LoL. maba gashatay waligaa i dheh.