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Everything posted by Haneefah

  1. I wish I had this darn thing myself, temporarily that is; I come across innumerable extremely exciting fellowships and research opportunities (esp with the CDC) that I am not eligible to apply for solely because of this rediculous citizenship requirement. :mad: I think I should be selfish and find me an American husband.
  2. Lol@Dajjal. Acuudu Bilaah. Seriously, this man is overrated. Hadalkiiisa iyo American politics baa iga badbatay. There are a million and other things in this world that could use a fraction of the campaigning, resources, and energy going into this.
  3. ^meesha waa lagu kala guuri laha if that were to happen, lol. Lol@ XIIN. Nuune, I have a deadline in couple of hrs and so this qarxis maybe a product of the stress that's building up, lol. Lakeen, I forgot Paragon waa inaan iska ilaaliyaa. Can you imagine At&T in a team? Intuu conflict resolution ku jiro bey ciyaarto dhamaan lahayd BOB, Allow hadaan sey u egyihiin xitaa sheegi karo reer waamo, iska daa wax kale.
  4. ^oo sooka isaguba ku jiray maha (or maybe not); I can pick on him too to make you feel better. Xiin: are you doubting me?
  5. Didn't finish it but it seems like the kinda song you want to play during a crazy rush hr on friday evening...I don't know why.
  6. Nuune, Mise dhanka bidix? Lol. Don't worry, my gaze is always lowered so si fiican uma sii eegin. Dad safan umbaan arkay Paragon, maxaad ku qosleysaa? Lol.
  7. ^Keed umaleyneysaa inuu u egyahay? I have one in mind. There's also one that resembles Ngonge in there (a certain bidaarloof ). Facebook dad khabardaar ah buu fashilay...including you yaa nuune
  8. ^Muaah, wa iyak macanto. So good to see you around. And classes already? walee gabadh khatar ah baad tahay . Nephy, you're very wlc hon.
  9. @ BOB. We had a reer waamo sister come into our family not too long ago; I love her but boy did she come with a strange and often hard to undertsand lahjad. Sidaan every word ey tidhaahdo ugu wada qosleyney (maskeenah) bey hadda saaxiga keentey, no more 'jaa' iyo wax la mid ah; agga-da xitaa si quman bey hadda u tidhaahdaa
  10. ^Yarasug bal, aqoon weyn baa kuugu dhiman Haneefah. Hadal faaqfaaq iyo anigu isku sentence ma wada galno, walalo . The gist of my comment was that this petty issue did not deserve the response it received - neither this thread nor A&T's. I'm sure Xiin would've picked up my lighthearted undertone. Anyways, Allah knows I shouldn't even be here.
  11. ^Salaam, Sis. That's exactly my sentiment; if anything, this speaks volume of the deteriorating quality of this forum. I just caught a quick glimpse of these pathetic references in the other thread, and quite frankly, it's saddening but not suprising. I can expect anything from Somalis these days. Xiinow, waa halkii Bishaaro ee Bidhikaale kasta gogol looma dhigo. To do that would be authenticating their nonsense with a respone, which in my opinion, this matter certainly doesn't deserve. Xeerka gogashu waa two men of similar intellectual caliber in la is horfadhiisiiyo, in this case the discrepancy is not lost on anyone baan u qabaa. Marka, saaaxiibkaa 'Aw-Tusbaxle' ha u gafin saa isagu kuu muuna quudhilahayne (ok, I admit, I'm not exactly promoting maslaxa am I )
  12. Sweetie, Somalis can be bunch of backward people (wixii lagu qoslana kuma qoslaan, wixii aan qosol galinna wey dhibyareystaan). Tajweed is not a light subject walahi, it is an essential component of Quranic studies...and most non-arabic speaking folks struggle with it unless they've been formally taught, or at least covered the fundamentals. In fact, I've seen Arabs themselves having problems with it if they haven't been exposed to the basics. There are tajweed courses offered in many western Islamic institutes, even online I believe. InshaAllah, look into them; I'd also suggest listening to Xusari's recitations, he's the master of tajweed, May Allah have mercy on him, and a lot of people have learned it well just by listening and reading along. Meanwhile, you can always count on me as a personal tutor (though I'm not very good myself)
  13. Oh darling, missed you lot too. I'm not entirely back yet, just violating my own rules a bit...I still haven't emancipated myself from the (non)smelly ( ) student life, you know. One day soon, Insha ALlah. Oh btw, I went to your old hometown for a while this summer. Wish you were there, I would've forced you to partake in my mission to visit all the beaches I could think of (Coronado was my favourite) - had a splendid time.
  14. Sheh, I wish I could. Lakeen as it appears, some of you seem a little too sporty for moi....buur la fanto Ilaah baa ileh ee kuma jiro...waan idin ku daba lumi lahaa. Insha'Allah, make it happen; I wish you all a wonderful time.
  15. Watch amazing young Somali competitor in the Dubai international Qur'anic musaabaqa. May Allah bless his teacher, parents and himself. His tajweed is flawless, subxannallah. *Goosebumps* I thought our boys were good...
  16. I was really, really aiming to vote today, alas, my busy schedule got the best of me :mad: P.S. The NDP was very close to the tories in SK, hopefully they'll win.
  17. ^LoL. Walee waa yaab, A&T, Ilaah baa kugu og ee ma sidii baad xaajiga ula daba socotaa gabay. This is beyond abnormality adeerow, unless there's something inagu anaan ogayn P.S. This reminds me of bari nin Castro la yidhaa uu Ngonge sidan ugu mirqaamay.
  18. It is, isn't it? Well, for many other reasons especially. *waves @ Neph*
  19. Yes, I was still reading while I shouldn't have been; I am a bit jealous, ya know A canoeing trip might be worthwhile if you're into outdoor activities; nothing beats canoeing on a beautiful fall day.
  20. Assalamu Alaykum ya jamaaca, I'd have nominated Paragon for president but I suspect he won't be running. So here's an option: 1. Xiin 2. Laba-X (if he's still around) @ Cara...so long as you don't apply for that position, he'll be ok. LOL, astaghfurullah.
  21. Haneefah


    Use a different browser. Switching to Firefox solved it for me.
  22. Originally posted by Ibtisam: What is wrong with you people! Shiiid, it should be against the law for anyone to wake up early on sundays. It is catch up on sleep and washing clothes day. Don't worry, I made up for all those morning birds. Got up 1 PM even though I have a lot to do (>12 hr sleep), went to a community picnic, played some badminton and just got back. And now, I'm searching for a movie to watch. Edab daro It's beautiful and sunny out there.
  23. . I expect you to come to my defence if that is the case.
  24. ^Indeed a great dose for a Friday. Allahu Akbar. May Allah restore her health and bless her. I remember attending an MSA organized lecture of hers in the late 90s; you could literally witness the noor she exudes; her soft-spoken, patient and merciful nature really captured the whole audience.
  25. ^Red, for all we know, he could've authored few Somali romantic novels (I am told they did exist). He certainly has the imagination A&T, waxaad i xasuusisey an old acquaintance of mine, quite an admirable and unique person, who once humbly admitted that his rather impressive skills in this arena were acquired during his days as a young delivery boy for his many older siblings, back in Borama; not once did he deliver a love letter without first reading it, he said, and thus becoming acquainted with the art at a young age. Hada, it appears sidaad dad wareersan wax ugu qoreeysay, in aad ku takhasustay sheekooynkan