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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. it is, very poor Somali journalism, didn't even do photo search.
  2. why driving on the wrong side of the road.?
  3. Galbeedi, we are 100% on same page, why Galaal who knows the truth propagating lies?
  4. This was expected, the air control, and now this, more will follow that will foce SL to negotiating table. Time will exhaust SL.Advice for SL, get a BIG deal while at strong position, and things can change, secession out of question.
  5. "Discontent with the Siad Barre regime began to spread after the military loss against Ethiopia. Siad Barre had eighty-two high level military officers executed in Ethiopian territory for their opposition to the way the war was handled. The military failure and execution of military officers prompted a 1978 coup attempt. Despite somewhat diverse clan participation amongst the coup leaders, Barre portrayed the coup as orchestrated by the Majeerteen clan. In a pattern similar to what would be used later against the Isaak clan in 1988, Barre responded by purging the government and military of Majeerteen, and committing reprisal killings against the Majeerteen civilian clan members that left roughly 2,000 dead.[ix]" There is no doubt some of the officers were angry of the withdraw.
  6. Galbeedi, these killing happened before the coup, the people killed in Hargaisa is that during the coup of 9th April 1978?
  7. Guys, the officer blaming Samatar is most accurate, who fired the shot is not that important, Sheekadan ma dhacdeen iyadoo amar laga haysan Siyàd ama Samatar.
  8. Waxaan ku raacsanahay Gooni, TAARIIKH fog maaha waana fududahay in la ogaado cidii ka danbeeysay hadii la rabo runta in la ogaado. Cid kastoo fulisayna waxay u badantahay Mogadishu amar ka haysteen, ninkan Galaal nin wax walba Siyaad u fulin jirey buu ahaa, yes man, hadhow markii xaajadii Siyaad ku xumaatey ka booday markabkii oo mujaahid iska dhigey, lana saftey xasuuqii dhiigya cab Caydiid Alla naarta ha ku fogeeyee. Markalena Yes man u noqday Caydiid. Sheegan Voa ma miisaana , dhinac bay ka rarantahay.
  9. Where are SLers? what is happening? I see only one SYSTEM!
  10. the first world cup in years that I don't watch
  11. The office looks extremely amateurish, don't have a proper cable manager?
  12. ICAO ends its operation to control Somalia's airspace in Nairobi Tuesday June 19, 2018 Last flight over Somali airspace controlled from Nairobi, Kenya The entire process of controlling Somalia’s skies from Nairobi has officially come to an end on Monday after Somalia and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) jointly agreed to close the office in Nairobi. ICAO has been controlling Somalia’s airspace for over 25 years since the fall of the country’s central in 1990. Somalia’s minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, Mohamed Abdullahi Salad said ICAO's office in Nairobi formally stopped its function to control of Somalia’s airspace from Kenya. “Today 18th June 2018, Somalia’s airspace control office in Nairobi which had been operating more than 25 years, will stop its function. All function of airspace control will take place in Mogadishu,” said Salad. The minister said that the move represents a significant step towards the development of the country. "It is a great honor for us to witness this historic day that we are fully moving the control and management of our airspace to the city,” the minister said. In March, Somali government relocated 34 air control personnel who were working in Nairobi to operate in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. The U.N.'s aviation agency began controlling air traffic over Somalia after the county descended into civil war. Due to security concerns, the organization worked from Kenya until 2017 when the government of Somalia took the control of the airspace from ICAO. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. Its headquarters are located in Montreal, Quebec region, Canada.
  13. what happens when you are overrun, and become minority in your country, like Uyghurs!
  14. or just chat, does not look a secure location to discuss wax sir ah.
  15. I think blogger is on something.This has always been the grand plan of Ethiopua.
  16. where is his army? why carry two Ak47?
  17. as long as it protects the First Minister, so be it.
  18. Religion must be parked aside until we understand how much distortion/damage happened, and as it is been used badly by all lunatics,
  19. I think we over obsessed the 4 ports,, there were other points in the agreement that made a lot of sense, and it did not all come into being by just the visit, delegates work and negotiate on these, and leaders just show up and sign. OO, Ethiopia, with road know-how, that is great. I think if Ethiopia wants to be great, they need as many ports as possible and never rely, one group, like Arabs alone, and a great relationship with neighbors, Developing Ethiopia is a great news for SOMALIA as well. It is win-win, as long as there is no backstabbing. Both Ethiopia and Kenya strategy has been in last 30 years to sabotage and keep week SOMALIA, now they have realized, SOMALIA on fire, negatively affects them, who is going to come to invest when your neighbor is a shithole.