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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. Xaaji, in Awdal, what percentage are pro SL and what percentage pro Federal govt? And do you believe they should be forced those against secession?
  2. Yes I agree, not possible when Adam Madoobe on speaker seat, we need highly educated people, that can foresee future, 1p1v, push for that at any expense, then that benifets all Somalis specially KG
  3. I remember, he almost won, imagine if late Jawaare didn't run
  4. Saxb, dial down conspiracy theories, who can allow a bullet fly over him and hit his ear?
  5. Xaaji, it is step by step process, I could see blue flag but no secessionist flag
  6. Is it possible arms captured in Abudwak was meant for protection for this oil?
  7. Down Muuse shaani
  8. Next revolution against secessionist has started
  9. Kicking horns nest
  10. Very similar how SSC were dealt with. Or how they were underestimated. It is fact, Awdal people have tolerated way too much nonsense, far too long, it is time to get rid off these vultures , now or never
  11. Biihi n his minions are trying hard to provoking Awdal, specially before election Meeting someone from Somalia? what a nonsense
  12. Very funny I am certain some of the arms looted in Abidwak are now on sale in Bakaraha
  13. In la heshiiyo baa ka horeeysa I think either we all forget how to build a nation, or we have not reconciled properly Somalia, like few other countries, everyone is armed and more will exacerbate the situation I have looked those West Africa countries , who went into civil war, all the civilians have been disarmed, by incentives, buying back etc and peace achieved
  14. Why, Shabaab getting loads of arms, civilians ,it will be wild wild west It was always easy to get it in Pl, from Yemen
  15. And I miss what did he do? He looks like smart ,.someone SL really needs it, why you guys can not tolerate him? He speaks the truth ? I have seen speaking out extreme government corruption and disastrous mismanagement of Sool
  16. Massive mistake Somalia is no where near ready, and my gut feeling was this, I think this will fuel more clan wars for coming years I am not only referring the recent incident in Abudwaq, but more, macawisleey, the policy by this government to arm civilians, it is disaster in the making, and more Abudwaq will follow
  17. War heedhe maxaa idinka khaldan, maxaa ugu hoobateen xabadihii idin la joogtay.
  18. Haye Xaaji, what is the plan when Ethiopia collapses? Who will help you counting on
  19. Muslims unfortunately are in very difficult spot, laba daran mid dooro
  20. Did Samatar speak? What was he thinking? Join duriyada club? Sometimes all the education does not make you smart, this is nothing but duriyada clan racist project He is now humiliated and thrown out of his part? Worse than his Mogadishu experience
  21. I believe he will win, if he makes it. This was inside job from Republicans
  22. The noose is tightinig , my friend, the best thing for SL would have been to hung BIIHI for this massive miscalculation, you still have small chance, dumb this fool asap No place to escape for secessinists, cornered from everywhere