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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. The latest is 100s of Puntland students are moving out, very sad. I agree, Reer Borama did a great job, iyagana magan u yihiin ardeydu, Pl acknowledge that.
  2. of course without British help, Greater Somalia would have been realised, ,and yes true, Kenya and Ethiopia were always scared of Somalia.
  3. What liberation are you talking about, parallel universe,? there was not a single major town in SL in the hands of SNM in late 1990, and as matter of fact and recorded by not me, but the international community, SNM was completed defeated, and failed, and normalcy was returning, snm fighters handing over the weapons, who feed you this bs? Go read real history not revisionist. Late dictator was thrown out by those Southern militias, and if it were not USC, his son maybe have been still in power.
  4. This aid should not be politicised, SL foreign Minister spoke better, saying , Anaba waa u gormaney, markii abaaraha. Waraabe is a retard, shameless, miyuu tol lahayn, War neefkan meesha ka kaxeeya, he is getting old and getting worse.
  5. Puntland is not arming them: , anyone in Somalia with money and can gather fighters is able to access latest weapons.
  6. we will have three-tier system economy: Super (FAT)wealthy Capital, wealthy States and unfortunate poor States. Fighting over Sool now make sense!
  7. saaxb waa markii hawada lagu duban lahaa SL, sidii gobolkii muslimiinta ee China hal habeen dhulkoodu ku noqday minority
  8. ^Is he Ethiopian? wierd accent. Not surprised with the flag.
  9. Oo, thinks federalism is right for Somalia, because it weakens the national gov and it was a virus inroduced to Somalia by Ethiopia.
  10. not surprised, UAE will only lose their money: People in Mogadishu witnessed hell and will not entertain this treachery.
  11. yes, with high unemployment, and so much power wasting away, this is good.
  12. maakhiri1


    Thanks Ifiye, it needs few teething issues, these young guys, with stable gov, can easily secure the
  13. This evil group who taken a foothold near GALGALA for years must be kicked out, by any means. This was done in 1993 when Hassan Dahir AWEYS and his ITAHAD had taken similar positions in those mountains. Of course it is very hard,and Shabab knows it, but it is possible, they don't even take technical cars they capture with them, but burnt them, as it is no use, and no roads
  14. Koox ka tirsan ururka al-Shabaab oo dagaal gaadmo ah ku qaadey ciidanka Puntland June 2, 2018 - By: HORSEED STAFF Shares Habeenimadii xalay ayaa koox ka tirsan ururka al-Shabaab ee ku sugan buuraha Cal Madow ee deegaanada ku teedsan Galgla ay weerar ku soo qaadeen fariisnka ciidamada Puntland ee deegaanka Galgala gaar ahaan kuwa fadhigoodu yahay togga loo yaqaan Balli Khadar oo dhaca waddada loo maro Galgala, kaas oo aan wax badan ka fogeyn tuulada Karin ee uu mareo Laamiga Boosaaso ku dhamaada. Sarkaal ka tirsan ciidanka PMPF ee Puntland ayaa Horseed u sheegay in al-Shabaab ay laba jiho ka soo weereen saldhigga ka hor salaadii Cishe, wuxuu sheegay in ay iska difaaceen oo ay u dhigeen cashar. Maamulka Puntland weli si rasmi ah ugama hadlin khasaaraha ka dhashey weerarkaas. Ururka al-Shabaab ayaa sheegtey in ay dileen 7 askeri oo Puntland ah ayna qabsadeen gawaari Tikniko ah. Dad ku dhaw deegaanka ayaa u xaqiijiyey Horseed in Saldhigga ay saakey ku sugan yihiin ciidanka Puntland oo aysan u suurta geln in ay qabsadaan kooxdii soo weerartey. Dagaalka Buuraha Galgala ee mar kale al-Shabaab soo qaadeen ayaa ku soo beegmaya iyada oo Puntland colaad kale uga furan tahay gobolka Sool halkaas oo ciidamada Somailand iyo kuwa Puntland ay dagaalo isaga hor yimaadeen. Puntland ayaa marar badan ku eedeysey Somaliland in ay gabbaad iyo sahayba siiso Malayshiyaadka al-Shabaab ee ka dagaalama Cal Madow muddo 9 sano ah, Puntland waxay ku eedeysey Somaliland marar badan in ay kooxdaan u fudueyso weerarada ay ka geystaan gudaha Puntland iyada oo gabbaad iyo hoy siisa caruurtooda iyo xaasaskooda, Somaliland waaa beeisey eedeyntaas. Waxaa dad badan is weydiinayaan waxa colaada Tukaraq ku soo beegay midda xalay ka dhacdey buuraha Galgala. Horseed Media
  16. wind tunnels is also a major issue in big cities with skycrapers you notice this wind. here in Chigaco, they left whole floor empty for the wind