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Everything posted by Aroori

  1. Probably from eating Monkeys. Fruit bats; at least some species, are hosts to Ebola, and through their droppings or fruit they have come in contact with, can infect other non-human primates such as gorillas and chimpanzees; a delicacy in that area of Africa.
  2. I noticed there isn't that much night photography in this thread, so i would like to contribute a few shots i took from the backyard of my house, though a professional photographer could've done a better job at taking night time photos, but i did my best. so enjoy.
  3. Very tragic; both the government and people are at fault here. indeed it has nothing to do with money, it is due to lack of common sense/judgement among the people of the area, plus a lack of giving a ****** among the politicians they elected to represent them. funnier still, if you table a discussion about this issue many scapegoats are immediately ready; among them: Qadr [fate] (Subxanallah), Ictiraaf (hahahah), Money (oh..plz....) and many unfathomable/embarrassing excuses. ilaahay ayaa umdan u maqan.* *it is my excuse; you may add it to the list.
  4. An environmental impact study/report on any project anywhere on the Somali peninsula; is like the proverbial unicorn! yet we all pride ourselves as Nomads. Waar horta wasaarada deegaanku maxay qabataa?
  5. while you are entitled to your opinion; you seem to be completely missing the point of the post, where did i mention Somaliland?
  6. in my opinion; i think this is fake. 1-the alleged tweet no longer exists on his timeline. 2-all sorts of color/shade inconsistencies with this picture of the "tweet". 3-the grammar is a bit off. whoever made this tweet should've use the word (ستحرص) = will make sure. instead he used the word (ستحرس) = will guard, as in a soldier guarding his/her own country.
  7. i wonder if there is a Vogon style somali gabay somewhere out there.
  8. guleed_ali;989695 wrote: Kaluun just start a "Somaliland politics" thread and update it daily. It would work better and would get lots of hits cause you're always bringing different topics. I start to lose track of your threads so if you put them in one place I think it would work better. Just a suggestion bro.... +1
  9. Tallaabo;980804 wrote: Here is a quote form the article: " Somalia’s government is working on the new petroleum legislation, including a change to the constitution regarding natural resource ownership, Mohamed said. The nation’s parliament would have to ratify the proposals, which would enforce the federal government’s authority " The SFG wants to kill and pin the constitution for which Faroole worked so hard all these years by changing it whenever it suits their narrow interest. This is bye to federalism and hello to Mogadishu dominated centralism. +1
  10. nuune;980620 wrote: MMA, don't worry, Somali Passport will soon be the most expensive one in the world to obtain, the least restrictive one. Horta ma ogtahey baasabooorka adduunka ugu qaalisan inuu hada yahey Kuwait. Somalia can turn the tables around, in my view, waad arki doontaan, Somalia of today will not be the same of Somalia in 5 years, that is right, 5 years. okey, that might be of little bit out of the mark for some people, recently when I met a guy from the UK, a white guy who owns some businesses in Kenya and in the Middle East, after long discussion, then came the question about passports, he asked about what is the most expensive passport in the world, I told him Brunai, no he said, I told him Belarus, he said no, he told me it is Kuwait, and Somalia will overtake Kuwait in few years time, I asked him why he thinks that way, and continued to say that all eyes will be on Somalia for the next 10 years, he continued to say that he is observing the development in Nairobi to get some billions of contracts, his main business core is RAIL & AGRICULTURE, he said that he wants to be the first to develop these areas before anyone else does, and if they do, he will buy their business, asked him where is he going to put the profit, and he said he will invest inside Somalia, and employ local Somalis and pay them good wages, I told him since Somalis can own the business he has in mind he doesn't need to employ them they can set up easily, he said, that is the problem he has with Somalis, very different from other Africans and that is his main concern, very authoritative and not care how British or white you are, that is some of the reasons Somalia will be a heaven for Somalis in few years time, and continued to say even Microsoft and Google in Somalia will be slaves in Somalia and won't be acting like kings as they do in their Nairobi offices!! Here are my indicative scenarios: Half of Somalis in the diaspora will return home permanently within 10 years Somalia will have laborers from Asia & Africa to fill the growing market jobs, this will happen on 2018 UTOPIA!!!
  11. mkhalil;974612 wrote: SubhanAllah may Allah swt guide the original poster. None of this information, with the exception of smoking, has little basis for any kind of facts. Divorce happens in this generation more and more regardless of if parents were divorced or not. Obesity is a health risk for anyone, man and woman. It increases health problems, and puts people at risk for adult onset diabetes, certain (BUT NOT ALL) types of cancers, and increases risk for heart disease. Breast size of a woman has NOTHING to do with her health or weight, some are just more 'blessed' than others. This sounds like a zionist pig, not a Muslim who knows their deen, who came up with this information in the OP. May Allah swt give the poster what he/she deserves. +1