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Everything posted by cadnaan1

  1. i think that shariif is using juju u cant get him out, last year sfg and south west parliament together tried to get motion against him but they failed.
  2. Xaqiijin ayey u baahantahay arintan dhulkaas dagaalo badan ayaa ka dhacay oo habraha dhexdooda ah
  3. This guy sola when did he became spokesman for the government.
  4. I m not sure if this news is true but it s wrong to punish poor people.
  5. Laakin dhibka wuxuu Ku dhacay dad masaakin ah sida kuwa xanuunsan, waayeelka, waxaan ka naxay islaanta tiri waxaan ka imid looyacade xaduudka jabuuti
  6. It looks like these employees are not happy to be moved to the new location that is why oo khadkii laga jartay.
  7. This is not unique to just baydhaba we know and have seen videos of xabashi xaflado Ku qabsada Hargeisa iyo garowe every year.
  8. OO the reason why sfg is very careful in this issue is that Somalia economy is connected to uae all our commercials is connected to Dubai and we have seen what they did Qatar.
  9. it is sad to see young girl going through this,, allaah u fududeeyo safarkeeda iyo riyadadeeda allaah u rumeeyo.
  10. Reer balcad oon dhan ayaa mudane bilad sharaf oo waad ogtahay warshada kaliya ee ka badbaaday bililiqo waa warshadii dharka we balcad.
  11. Somali gov should warn Somali business community in Dubai to find somewhere else before they decide to do anything we all know what these Arab did to their brothers Qatar's.
  12. I m not surprised to hear this warlord who once said....aniga wax dili Karo duco qaadan maayo oo u markaas dagaal Kala dheexeyey dad reer tolkiisa ah.
  13. why not use this green land as a farm...this is not the image i had from puntland region i thought it was all rocky and dry land.
  14. I don't see Arab league can do anything on this issue,we all know UAE is powerful within Arab Arab league. I think sfg should go to UN and not wasting their time on Arab league. And not to forget all our commercials is connected to uae they will punish poor somalis.
  15. The public will welcome this news dad ayaa 6 in the morning airportka imaada la leeyahay markaas ayaa 4 pm la qaaday.
  16. He was once refused of entry to America even though he show them his gold medal that he is world champion and all that nonsense yet they deported him to Canada. He was allowed back after uk government intervention.
  17. He is only known in UK outside UK he is just Somali qaxooti.
  18. Another example is Aden port was handling 4million shipping containers per year before DP take over and after a year it went down less than 1 million. And that is before the war started in Yemen.
  19. Kkkkk ilmo mucjiso reer waqooye I like their sarcasms oday 90 Jir sariir saaray ayey yiraahdeen ilmo ayaa Ku dhashay.