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Everything posted by cadnaan1

  1. That is not true,,the former president of Kenya Daniel arap MOI said after he left the office that Kenya and Ethiopia are in agreement not to allow Somalia to become stable again and keep it in this mess.
  2. Oodweyne I don't shy away from telling the truth irrespective of who u r or what qabiil u r
  3. They are all corrupted and I believe kheyre is the worst of the three leaders
  4. I don't believe they have 200 MPs as they claimed and if they do why are they still asking him to resign today they r not confident.
  5. He is adopted tigray/canfar whatever he is in in this forum. Let's not discriminate him
  6. Have u also heard the name Micheal Maryam or maryano who was also famous politician from burco.
  7. I don't see anything to be happy about in our situation but again as muslim we are taugh to always say alxamdulilaah for ever situation and not to complain.
  8. Reer qawdhan idinkana habarta Edna ayaad haysaan oo la wada ogyahay diinteeda iska aamusa.
  9. Wuxuu ahaaba aakhiro la aaday waxaa la ogyahay inuu ahaa qof aaminsan mabda'a hantiwadaaga oo wax diin ah shaqo Ku laheen.
  10. OO president is going there with 6 ministers to sign big investment deals with Qatar.
  11. Safarkii farmaajo wuu baaqday waxayna ahed berito axada inuu baxo laakin khilaafka taagan awgeed ayuu u baaqday..Caadiyan markuu madaxweynaha wadanka ka maqanyahay waxaa xilka sii qabta jawaari lakin jawaare mooshin ayaa ka would have been interesting to see what would have happened if he leaves tomorrow.
  13. Ducaale waa sheegato beesha barakaysan ka mid ma ahan.
  14. I think it is religious beliefs as Muslim u can't complain about life u have to be greatful what allaah gave u and say alxamdulilaah.
  15. No big deal here UAE were last five years in puntland training puntland security forces.
  16. Aniga magac mana sheegin ee maxaa kaa waalay Mise waad is ogtahay xantaada horay ayey kusoo gaartay inaad reerka ugu caqli liidato.
  17. Maxaa loo yiri da'da iyo caqliga wey Isla socdaa rag waxaan aragnay Ku socdo lixdan Jir hadana caqligooda yahay 15 Jir.
  18. Part of the deal signed with dp world was no other port were allowed in Somaliland how is this gonna work .
  19. Walee dagaalkii khaleejka wuxuu usoo wareegay Somalia Farmaajo asagana wuxuu maalinta khamiista u socdaa Qatar with 6 minister.
  20. Iraq was helped by Turkish and Iran to inforce this aviation ban on Kurdish region.