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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Israel, despite the tough talk , doesn't have the capability to attack Iran. Throughout the years, even during the Obama administration, the idea was to draw American to war against Iran. Israel might attack Iran's nuclear facilities , but it could only damage them which would give Iran the green light to leave and al together abandon the nuclear inspection regime and pursue it's program. Almost every analyst said that fighter jets that need refueling to attack Iran are useless to make a severe damage. Israel does not have sea based ships to send Tomahawk cruises. The idea of America scaling down it's middle east has been in the works for long time. Neither Obama nor Trump is willing to attack Iran or wage another war in the region. America has been chasing the middle east wars since 1990 . For the last Thirty years America has paid both human life and treasures for wars that make things worse for the American interest and the people in the region. In 1979, China was a communist back water seeking to modernize and open their economy while maintaining their communist order. While America was chasing monstres in the middle east, China has grown like a giants and by 2020 will be the largest economy in the world. They never voted at the security counsel to oppose the American adventures by abstaining and giving America a green light. From 2001, after the 911 attack to the collapse and recovery of the economy in 2011, American deficit hit a trillion dollar a year, and China was happy to keep it's surplus dollars in America to finance the deficit and buy treasury bonds and keep dumping goods to America. It was the second world war that destroyed the British empire, and another war in the middle east will definitely eliminate America as world power. After that war, America would be chasing Mexico and Canada for trade and other issues. For the first time since the invasion of Iraq, the relationship between America and it's western allies was never been strained like now. Both Macron of France and Chancellor Merkel of Germany left Washington without getting any concessions on the Iran deal. Yesterday, Netanyahu has released a video targeting to only one single audience , Trump in order to convince him to cancel the Iran deal. Cancelation of the deal will isolate America since other powers had refused to follow. The policy of the American government to leave the middle east might have been a well thought policy, yet after the trillion dollar bonanza of the fat gulf boys throwing to the American weapons industry, Uncle Sam has no choice but to suck the dollars from the gulf. Why not ride the gulf mule as long as it lasts. The major obstacle for Iran war is the American military. They have the capability to destroy Iran, but they are not willing to jump the unknown factors that will arise from a pre-emptive war waged to country that did not attack America or it's allies. They know that the American bases in the gulf could be a siting ducks in the Persian gulf, and the war mongering outlets like Dubai will be te first causality of that war. America is led by a gangster and a fool, but the nation's top military and intelligence leaders would not allow another adventure. Further more, the monster called Iran is a cash cow that must be maintained. If Iran disappears from the theater who is going to to spend billions for weapons. If I were America, I would keep talking the Iran monsters until I take all the monies from the fat gulf boys.
  2. A mother and her two children drowned at the creek, and freight carrying trucks have been swept. It is a similar story every year. Sometimes due to the speed and intensity of the water , the creek could not be crossed for 48 hours. Yet, it just about fifty meters of water that could be passed by a well built bridge. Muuse Biixi has doubled the budget of his little office with a two dozen clansmen employees to $13 million , while just in the south of Hargeisa, they could not spent few millions to build a bridge to make travel for both people and transportation. For eight years they consumed millions of dollars of development money from donor countries , yet they could not build one single bridge which is life line for transportation. Further more, all this water will end up in the sea. They allocated just about hundred thousand dollars for rural reservoirs. Walaahi waa budhcad soo shaqo tagtay. Markanse way ku kor dumi. I did talk some family members yesterday in Borama and they told me that due to inflation, people have no longer able to live in the region. He told me that some family members are moving to Jijiga or other places in the Somali zone. You have to exchange your dollars to the merci of exchange companies with rates changing 20-30% every day. People had enough of Muuse and his cronies pocketing everything and making life difficult for everyone.
  3. Traditionally, Muuse Biixi's family are farmers and traders, yet he want to look like a tough nomad.
  4. Toggle menu Skip to content STATEMENT ON THE OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF SRAJ Admin Apr 29, 2018 Ethiopia / Home / News / Politics0 Comments Minneapolis, 28 April 2018 – The Somali Region Alliance for justice (SRAJ), a political movement that aims to unite the people of Somali Region for the attainment of genuine self-rule, is officially launched. The party was established late last year after two years of extensive consultations with different sections of the Somali people and held its founding congress in Nairobi from 22-26 December 2017. The launching event was attended by hundreds of members and supporters of the party as well as representatives of like-minded Ethiopian political formations. The longstanding oppression and suffering of the Somali people in Ethiopia shows no signs of abetting. On the contrary, the violence unleashed on our people by successive Ethiopian regimes seems to be getting out of hand by the day, with the latest chapter being the horrendous human rights violations committed against our people by the current ruling party, the Ethiopia People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) – directly and through its native surrogates. SRAJ Chairman, Mohamed Ismail and Deputy Chairman Ahmed Gurhan A good deal of the blame for our people’s misfortune lies on our own hands as we failed to confront the evil of injustice and oppression we continue to face with a united front as Somalis. SRAJ’s primary objective is to rectify these past mistakes and leadership failures and to unite the voices of the Somali people, regardless of clan or geographical affiliations. SRAJ is committed to joining hands with other marginalized and oppressed nations, nationalities and peoples in Ethiopia in the pursuit of justice, freedom and democracy for all. “As we hold this event in safe and calm conference hall thousands of miles away, most of our people back home are living in fear, many are in detention, and some are being killed. The recent change of leadership in Addis Ababa did not lead to any improvement in the fate of our brutalized people. The jails are full of innocent sons, daughters, mothers and fathers. The reign of terror is intact. We must fight for our rights. The rulers in Addis Ababa will not bring our rights to us in a silver plate”, said Mohamed Ismail, the Chairman of the Somali Region Alliance for Justice in his opening remarks. Speaking on the event, Deputy Chairman of SRAJ, Ahmed Gurhan added “the wanton killing of the Somali people must stop. Somali political prisoners must be released. And proper investigations into the crimes against humanity committed against our people must be conducted”. Gurhan praised the youth of Shinille zone for rising up against tyranny and urged the youth and women of other zones to follow suit. Addressing the event, invited guests from Oromo brothers, including Jawar Mohammed of Oromia Media Network, expressed their solidarity with the people of Somali Region and stressed the need for a common front to attain a future of just, inclusive and democratic Ethiopia. *** 28 April 2018 For more information, contact SRAJ on: or
  5. Look OOdweyne,, I am not an arrogant like you. If it is an old clip as you claim, I stand corrected. Further more, if you want the port modernized and built, dump your buddy Biixi. If he resigns, the opposition party would get a better deal and build the port. So, you either have to wait another four useless years or you could dump him and we will build not only Berbera, but also other minor ports.
  6. Both Dahereeto and Duufaan had offered a very smart analysis of the issue. It could go either way. A hard ball game or a lost cause.
  7. This guy is the chief of staff of Muuse Biixi. he doesn't need to talk about American bases around the world or other issues to get a cover. The threat of the UAE to the shipping lines of the Red Sea is easy to see. UAE took over Berbera over a year ago. She done nothing infrastructure wise in the region, yet for few millions of bribes , it was able to push a deal for base in exchange for nothing other than a false promise.
  8. Unlike what OO says, this trip wasn't probably planed. There is a war brewing on the Djibouti border and Abiy Ahmed asking Cumar Ghelle to calm down the uprising. He will promise that Cabdi illey will be gone soon, but " please give me some time and calm down the situation" The head of the Shiniile uprising is in Addis now talking to Abiy.
  9. For me, Galbeedi, UAE is like Burma , Austria or Greece, an insignificant nations that has no value for my side of the world. They might hurt some innocent people like the Rohingya, or immigrants as the case of the Neo Nazi Austrians, but we Somalis must avoid to be their victims. My friend, Dubai is nothing but a city in the desert with corruption and some Dinars.
  10. OO, Who said the known Ethiopia is gone? Whether Ethiopia changed for good or not will be known for the next few years. We haven't challenged them yet. Soon , we will come to take back our lost sheeps of Somaliland and Jubba land , and will see how you guys behave. You might tolerate a weak Somalia that doesn't bite , but real Ethiopia might show up as the old, and if you behave as the old , I can assure that you will pay a high price.
  11. Dubai’s dirty secret 30,000 hookers openly working in Islamic city By THE DUBAI DIGGER 27th January 2015, 11:15 am Updated: 5th April 2016, 4:30 am MIDNIGHT in a crowded bar and prostitutes in short skirts and skyscraper heels are blatantly touting for trade – they do not have to wait long. Some British tourists approach a couple of the girls, hand over £500 for an hour of their “company” and head off to a room in a nearby hotel. There is no doubt the people here are buying and selling sex. But this sleazy transaction is not taking place in some brothel in Eastern Europe — this is DUBAI, where the strict Islamic religion forbids holding hands in public, where homosexuality is illegal and sharing a bedroom outside marriage will get you banged up. Shockingly, there are 30,000 prostitutes working in Dubai, the largest city in the United Arab Emirates. Local women outside may be hidden from public view in burkhas, but inside the late-night venues are scantily clad call girls of every shape, size, nationality and ethnicity. Dubai’s paid-for sex trade is accepted by expats and locals as the norm. Even the police seemingly turn a blind-eye to the sordid behaviour going on all around them, despite prostitution being illegal and the strict laws banning women from dressing “provocatively” in the street. The oldest profession in the world is actively encouraged in the hotels and bars. 6 Some provide a free buffet and drinks vouchers for the working girls and others rent them regular rooms because of the big-spending clientele they bring in. It is not just the hotels making a fortune from the lucrative sex trade. Zara, 28, earns thousands of pounds from willing punters. She says: “I go to Dubai a couple of times a year to work in the big hotels. “Every bar is full of working girls — it’s the hidden culture out there. “My main clients are businessmen from all parts of the world and local Arabs. That shocks some people when I tell them. “The businessmen pay £500 an hour and are just after straight sex. “Arabs are slightly different because they have an obsession with cleanliness, so I spend most of the hour in the shower, which I find odd. “With locals, the sex normally doesn’t last longer than ten minutes.” She adds: “Businessmen automatically take you for a prostitute in Dubai if you are a woman alone in a bar and they’ll come and chat. “I’ve been bought gifts of upwards of £5,000 on some shopping sprees. “Any money I make I wire back to Britain because you can only take so much out of the country by law.” Dubai gives the impression of being a safe holiday hot spot with its plush hotels, sandy beaches and — thanks to its strict Islamic religion — very little crime, alcohol or sex. But behind the windowless bars and clubs, prostitutes are busy plying their trade. They come from all over — Nigeria, Philippines, China, Thailand, Europe and Russia. 6 Work often brings video producer Lloyd Ludgrove, 28, from Welwyn Garden City, Herts, out here and he has seen Dubai’s dark underbelly. He says: “The adult industry is booming, which seems mad considering the religious restrictions. “Most Arabs choose to book very pale skinned, blonde escorts and they will take them shopping for whatever they desire. “They walk around the shops with bodyguards and expensive shopping bags. You can see escorts of all nationalities working here. It is so blatant, every hotel you go to you will see girls sitting at the bars alone, dressed like a million dollars. “Some of the girls offer massage services and others are more open with their advances. “One thing is for sure, they’re not afraid to tout for business. “I have stayed away from paid-for sex, I have more respect for women than that. But whatever floats your boat can be found in Dubai and sex for cash is widely available. “You can earn thousands in one night in the right circles.” Working girls usually meet up with their wealthy clients in hotels. One receptionist, who works in a well-known chain, says: “Most of the escorts advertise their services through Tinder and they don’t try to mask what they do. “But you can just meet one in a bar if you prefer the old-fashioned way. There are plenty of ‘clubs’ about if you’re a guy looking for cheaper women, too. “In Dubai, it’s all about hooking a rich guy and, generally, sex doesn’t come for free.” Laura, 30, spent a summer escorting there after a friend mentioned how much money she could make. She says: “After a month escorting full-time I returned home with thousands of pounds and some lovely gifts. “While a few punters asked me to meet them in their hotel lobbies, most hosted lavish private parties and treated me as a VIP. “When I did go to hotels, the staff turned a blind eye to what was going on. “It’s crazy when you think you’re not allowed to drink or hold hands in public, but it’s all about money and power over there. “The more high-class escorts the hotels get in, the more rich men will follow to spend their cash. “I was never turned away from a hotel, even though I’m pretty sure they knew what I was doing there.” Stefani even prepares a free buffet for the prostitutes who keep the punters spending in the hotel sports bar where she works. 6 She says: “All the girls are for sale in this place. Working girls are part of the culture, even though it is officially illegal. “We provide them with a drinks voucher so they can hang out until they get a client. Some girls see four or five men on an evening.” As the night goes on, most men move on to clubs inside the hotels and shopping malls. In Dubai, “Ladies Night” is a code name for the many prostitutes on offer. The sheikhs tend to sit apart from the women, but keep a watchful eye over the financial exchanges. Dubai’s sleazy side is something tourist Simon gradually became aware of on his holidays here. The 21-year-old, from Chelmsford, Essex, says: “Although I come for the sun and parties, there are lots of seedy places here and prostitution is rife. In some hotels there are around five girls to every guy. “My company often send English workers over on short business trips and they can’t wait to get themselves an escort for a few days — even if they’re married. “Dubai has really developed a reputation as a provider of easy and open sex, despite all their rules and regulations. You have to assume that every girl here is an escort, because the vast majority of them are.” They flout the law and risk prison because there is so much to be made from selling sex. Simon adds: “There’s a really huge amount of wealth here which makes people think they are invincible. “As long as there are women available on tap, men will keep spending their cash on sex. “One of my mates told me about a time when a hooker was banging on his hotel room door offering him whatever he wanted. “At some point they will have to crack down on it, before it pushes holidaymakers and families away for good.” GETTY IMAGE
  12. I think the economic needs of Puntland could be taken care off without UAE. As we mentioned before, the UAE is a grave threat to the sovereignty of Somalia and the maintenance of that sovereignty and the existence of the nation supersedes everything. The issue of training and salary for Puntland security must be addressed by the federal government as they address the security issues of MOgadishu. The interest of Somalia and Puntland are identical. If I tell you that this entity is trying to finish off the Somali state or cut in half, you must not ignore these dangers. We see everyday the gathering of the storm from the gulf. They are killing and selling their own brothers throughout the middle east and making every little quarrel like a dangerous for for the region. They want to remain the only peaceful and prosperous island in the Red sea and the gulf while destroying competition. Look in Korea. Both the South and the North have agreed to unite after seeing the threat to their nations and the stability of both South and North. Yet, for the gulf it is a throat cut business where one brother must eliminate the other. Junior king Salmaan is detaining and oppressing his own cousins and brothers in order to rule fifty years. Somalia for them is a playground.
  13. They were little late to respond the Hiir-Shabele flood. Finally today the prime minister Khayre resoponded and nominated a delegation led by deputy premier. The president must just a message of Solidarity with people and depart to watch the game. This is huge for the Somali youth and for all of us. In fact it is like the world cup for us. Imagine Somali youth coming from a war torn countries and defeating nations like Uganda and other one by one. We want the president of the REpublic in the stadium cheering and probably receiving the cop for all of us. It will be a great boost for Somalia.
  14. That is why we have to stay away from their playgrounds. Avoid their money and you will be save.
  15. That is right. Trump said without USA they might disappear. Pay now or you will be swallowed by Iran. The WWF is in Saudi Arabia to take the Trump message to Him.
  16. Furthermore, an insurgency in Balochistan fueled by India and foreign intelligence is aimed to target the development and slow down the project. Even Trump openly attacked Pakistan blaming her of the failed Afghanistan war. I have no doubt that the colonial outpost of UAE is probably sending cash to destabilize Pakistan. The UAE had involved more than six or seven coups in Africa and middle east since 2011. They are trying to destroy some countries like Yemen, Libya and Syria, while targeting Somalia, Tunisia, Pakistan, Turkey and others through covert and economic destabilization. They want to fragment Somalia, Yemen, Libya . In Libya they are supporting the Benghazi based separatist led by general Hafter. In Yemen , they armed and created the South Yemen separatist army, and they want to build base in Berbera which will bomb Mogadishu, Kismayo and other Somali towns . This is not crazy idea from Galbeedi but it could happen. We must kick them out from Puntlland and other places in order to survive, and eventually replace for whatever services they were providing in these regions.
  17. Maakhiri, THrough the Panama papers, they destroyed former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, the most successful Pakistani prime minister in recent years and the architect of Pakistan China Economic Corridor --CPEC. The Chinese are spending $46 billion dollars to built modern port, railways and highways to connect northern China a to the Persian gulf. If there is war or blockade in South China Sea, the Chinese trade in the pacific will halt. By coming to Gwadar port, they cutting the travel time for thousands kilometers of see travel. Both India, UAE, and America want to stop the CPEC project. As I said, this colonial post will destroy many more countries.
  18. The diplomatic crisis and conflicts in the Middle East and the Gulf did not affect Turkey's trade with the region last year, as business increased by 22.1 percent, reaching $56.4 billion Despite the diplomatic crisis and conflicts in the Middle East and the Gulf, Turkey's trade with the region accelerated in 2017 compared to the previous year as its foreign trade with the region increased by 22.1 percent, reaching $56.4 billion last year. While political instability in the Middle East, particularly in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, pursued its effect last year, the problems that have arisen have worsened the economic stability of many countries in the region and led to worsening public finance due to the increase in defense spending. The fall in purchasing power due to economic difficulties caused trade and investments in these countries to decline compared to previous years. Despite the hitches in the Middle East, Turkey's trade and economic relations with the countries in the region continued to develop. According to the 2017 annual report of the Economy Ministry, Turkey's exports to the Middle East and Gulf countries last year increased by 13.6 percent compared to the previous year, reaching $32.7 billion, while imports from the region increased by 36.3 percent to $23.6 billion. Turkey's foreign trade volume with the region last year was about $56.4 billion, rising by 22.1 percent compared to 2016. Qatar came to the fore in Turkey's economic relations in the Gulf region last year. During the crisis, which started after the coalition headed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Egypt cut all diplomatic relations with Qatar on June 5, 2017 and their decision to impose an economic embargo on the country, Turkey carried out a major logistics operation regarding Qatar. Turkey's exports to the country increased significantly, adding a new link to the emerging Turkish-Qatari economic relations. The four Arab countries accused Doha of supporting terrorism. The Qatari government has denied the accusations, blasting the blockade as unjustified and a violation of international law. In addition to diplomatic efforts to solve the crisis, Turkey has also sent food, including fruit, dairy and poultry products by ship and air, to help Qatar beat the embargo. Turkey's exports to the country as of June, the start of the crisis, until December last year saw an increase of 92 percent compared to the same period of the previous year and reached $478 million. Overall, Turkey's exports to the country rose by 48 percent to $650 million in 2017, while trade volume with the country stood at $1.3 billion. In this context, last year there was intense diplomacy in Turkey's economic and trade relations with Qatar. Despite the diplomatic crises and conflicts, Turkish contractors maintained their investments in the Middle East and Gulf countries. Turkish contractors have undertaken projects in the Middle East and Gulf countries worth $7.1 billion in 2014, $6.5 billion in 2015 and $6.6 billion in 2016. While the number of projects conducted by the Turkish contractors in the region stood at 56 last year, the total amount of the projects in question was recorded as $5.2 billion. In the ministry's report, it was noted that oil prices, which showed an increase last year, are expected to follow a horizontal course this year, and thus, it is anticipated that Turkey's trade volume with oil-exporting countries in the region will increase. According to the report, the growth in the economies of oil exporting countries is predicted to increase if the increase in the price of oil continues. With the rebound in oil prices in Middle Eastern countries, which hold 47.7 percent of the world's oil reserves, Turkey's trade volume with the Middle East and Gulf countries is expected to increase. Turkey's exports in 2017 amounted to over $157.05 billion, marking a 10.2 percent rise compared with the previous year, according to the national statistical body. The country's foreign trade volume reached $390.84 billion in 2017, marking a 14.56 percent annual increase, according to provisional data provided by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) and the Customs and Trade Ministry. Meanwhile, Turkish imports climbed 17.7 percent to $233.79 billion.
  19. Law and order is getting out of Shiniile. All prisoners were released from jails. Jijijga itself is brewing. THere were strikes in Harowo region and the violence ould spill any time. The question is what is going on in Addis?. Is this Abiy Ahmed guy waiting for the violence to spread, or he afraid to move before he consolidates power? There is Oromo_Somali Solidarity event in Minneapolis for April 28, 2018. Illey has sent his brother in law to America with $700 dollars to fight and divide the diaspora.
  20. This is an emergency, but no one from the MOgadishu government is talking or helping. Somalis every where must help the people of Hiiraan.