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Everything posted by Coofle

  1. I will consider this post is only talking about the Great Muslim Scholar Abdul Qadir al Jaylaani and not with a hidden disturbing agenda. on a side note, Sufism is a path you take when you have gained sufficient amount of Islamic (fiqh and Caqiidah) knowledge, if not then you are a lost cause. I was fascinated with matters of inner faith and Sufism (not xeraw) for many years, The basic milestone is to Worship Allah as if you see him Remembering Allah sees us but leads to a treacherous maze and requires one to have a concrete knowledge of Caqiida. .. Anyways this is not the discussion for Sufism and Inner faith....
  2. Guudmar = in wax loo falanqeeyo si guud. Diyaaradaha Qumaatiga u kaca = Helicopter. ---Haatuu do you understand "Waar u qumi" that is why I think its funny!!!! Yagleel = to start building ( ugaadhaan xeryaha yagleelaa ~Tahliil song) Riyo-ka-dhalis(West of Hargeisa) Layla goobalay (East of Hargeisa) = Waa ciyaar dhalaanku dheelaan oo dhulka laga qoto 10 god midkiiba lagu guro 4 dhagax blah blah blah...its not specific to Somalia as I have seen it in Malaysian cultural expedition they thought it was only played in malaysia until I sat down and started playing,,,,amazingly the rules were nearly similar. Baryihii hore Ereyga Qalanjo (Maroodiga dhaddig) dumarka amaan buu u ahaa, Laakiin hadeer gabdho badan oo lagu amaano hadii macnaha ereyga loo sheego inay ka xanaaqi lahaayeen baan filayaa...
  3. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;975357 wrote: Waaq is not the sound of any bird. It is the sound, to our human ears, made by the crow. What is crow's name in Afsoomaali? Tuke, course. What else is tuke meaning is known for? To pray, of course. And it is no coincidence. Hence, Soomaalidii hore probably revered in some way or other tukaha. Its dha waaq -- another 'waaq' in right here -- waxee Soomaalidii hore u maleeyeen probably it was invoking the Creator in the heavens. Tuke the bird, of course, is no ordinary bird. It has a prominent narration in Quraanka and diinteena in general, starting from the beginning, where a tuke taught Nabi Aaden's son how to bury a dead sibling markee isdileen, the first murder on earth. I once saw a family's surname being Waaqdhowr. Many Soomaalis use its Carabi version, barako. I thought that Waaq also is sound of crow, because when we were young (af-baradkii) we used to call the crow, Waaq-Waaqle, but then waan ka yara shikiyay that I might be wrong....Thank you.
  4. Waaryee ina blondy. ...inaar maxaa la sheegay....Trolling-kii iyo walxihii xageed marinaysaa.
  5. "Carrab dheer geedo laac" loolz ...Waa sida dhalaanka reer magaalku ugu yeedhi jireene. Gurgur-qaad = Ratiga aadka u layliyan , marka reerku guurayaan waxa la saaraa alaabta u nugul inay jabto. kolkolna dadka nugul sida duqayda iyo dhalaanka.
  6. Siidh laga bixiyay lacag dhan 2 Million.....Rule number, Hadii la beero , Midhaha soo baxaa mar labaad lama sii beeri karo oo waxa lagu qasbanyahay in dib loo soo iibsado siidh cusub --rule number 1 , waana siyaasad ganacsi. Ta inoo taalaa waxa ay tahay in beeralayda la baro sidii ay uga faa'idaysan lahaayeen Siidhkan. This is like the first time your friend introduces you to weed/jaad/cigarette/balwad in general, they pay for the first few times and when you are hooked you start supplying the chain.....this means our agriculture after few years will be dependent on modified seeds, that we will join the global seed market.
  7. Haatu;972260 wrote: Arbe - hero as in the hero in a book Jilayaal - characters of a book. Arbe =Maroodiga lab ///Some places arbe means a theif. Qalanjoy = Maroodiga dhaddig ereyada aan badiyaa la adeegsan laakiin aadka ii soo jiita waxa ka mid ah Guud-mar, Qumaatiga u kaca, yagleelid, riyo-ka-dhalis (layla koodalay) ,
  8. Tallaabo;972572 wrote: Rear word: Waaq , meaning God Funny word: Inan , pronounced in two ways to mean two different things- boy and girl. Waaq = Micnaha ay dadka qaar sheegaan ee waa Ilaah soomaalidu caabudi jirtay (wal ciyaadu bilaah) Islaamnimada kahor ma laha caddayn adag....tusaalaha ay adeegsada waxa ugu caansan,,,,Caabudwaaq iyo ceelwaaq Waaq = common meaning, denoting a sound , especially that of birds, that is why in songs they used the word Waaq-la'a,,Examples (Walee Waaqlaan u baxayoo, cidlaan heehaabayaa)
  9. Wasiirada waxbarashada ayaa arrinkaas ku sifaysay " "It's like mass murder." ...Qosol badanaaa....
  10. Coofle

    Refuses to Kiss

    Restrain yourself after kissing....A lot of BS...
  11. The only problem they did is coming to the market.....Ciyaala xaafadku intay gurigooga ka ag dhawyihiin waxan waa xidhaan.....on other note, the arrest made was unjustified ...
  12. kickz;974657 wrote: All apart of the plan, first Syria and then onto the final stage IRAN. Despite Assad being a dictator, he would not be idiotic enough to gas these people with the UN right there, That's suicide, I would not be surprised if Israeli special ops did this. They have recently been on record bombing Syria with their planes I agree with you , I don't think Assad was behind the chemical attack....but regardless of that, He massacred enough of the people, its time for the bloodshed to stop ....
  13. Cambuulo iyo bun;974645 wrote: bullshyt, assad is innocent they're looking for an excuse to invade syria wax aanad waxba ka ogayn ha ka hadlin.....Everybody knows that Bashar al Assad is brutal dictator, the death tolls is hundreds of thousands, who is killing HAG (not this time my friend)..... sometimes you need to sit down and read about the realities or visit the neighboring to syria and see the Million refugees maxaa dalkooda keenay (not famine)....
  14. Oiler;974632 wrote: The heartbroken doctor is now requesting the one-time love of his life to pay $1.5 million for the organ he donated. He insisted his cash-for-kidney claim was a direct result of his wife's behavior. [​IMG] Something its better to man-up after all she is the mother of your kid. He should forgive her , move on and continue living life, Get a new wife etc etc....This would be a lesson of persevernce and patience to his kids and win their hearts by being the MAN.
  15. it has to do something with Maturity,,,,,I always referred myself as "Dhalinyarada" until one day stranger boys and some girls! started calling me "Adeer", that was my epiphany .... @Alpha you can always stay young in your heart, but yaan lagaa dareemin, act mature , talk mature , the better you fake the more people believe your maturity , and God knows I mastered that art long term your own time, enjoy being childish, ((I am still a follower of an anime series that was from the late 90s, I wish it finishes so I stop hiding around when looking at it...loolzz..)) as I said maturity is all about acting and taking responsibility like a man .....
  16. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;974254 wrote: Barbaartaan Eebbe ayaa u maqan. Teenagers,,,Another word for unstable Hormones...With lack of proper role models and out-look to a better life, This is their destiny.
  17. or simply do something *tupid & let the admin finish your life.....Misa you want to leave with honor
  18. Tallaabo;967763 wrote: They should make a "men" sub-forum too for equality sake;) and what topics do you think would be dissected, Excluding politics -its own subforum- and Sports - part of General forum- .. Women and topics related to women is next in line thus we have Women forum---its not only for women, it also encompasses topics about women by men.....Thus your argument is revoked. no need for a man sub-forum
  19. Ilaahay baa bahaayimka inoo sakhiray.....Shayga qudha ee inoo yaalaa waa in Dilkooda iyo rabaayadooda la wanaajiyo. Indhayartu sidii robots-ka ayay ula dhaqmaysaa xoolaha.
  20. According to reports from friends in Ground zero, many of the supposedly Airport funds were mismanaged-being professional- ..Lacagta waxa loo bixinayay dufco dufco, mar walbana waa in la muujiyo ayay ahayd qaabka lacagtii hore loo maareeyay, markii u horeysay ayaa lacagtii iyada oo aan wax saasa lagu qaban iska go'day waxana loo baahday dayn si wax loogu sii qabto oo loogu bandhigo jihada deeqda fidisay. yaa kale oo dayn laga helayaa oo aan ahayn "the gold tycoon"
  21. on a side note let me tell this short anecdote; There is Mandera & Garissa in Somaliland, so I only knew the Mandera near Hargeisa, and the Garisa in Awdal. There was this time radio was doing some program, and they keep interviewing people in Garisa and Mandera etc...I was like "Waar tuulooyinkii maxaa umad dagan!" , and they they kept repeating the Kenyan Govt ....After a while someone made it clear for was mind boggling(Some facts are not disclosed due to their sensitive nature))
  22. What is happening in Syria is what happens when people don't read history!.....Started with a simple "Arab spring" uprising against a well established dictator, ends with religious and ethnic bloodshed. The rebels won't give (that is not an option) and Bashar's group will continue, considering bashar was defeated a Sunni-Shi'a conflict is to be expected. Wait..I have seen this movie before,,,Yes, Somalia.
  23. Alpha why do you have to fear to be exposed? are you involved in terrorist activity? *Terrorist* that is the only thing people scared of these days, Just avoid it and do what else and nobody cares.