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Everything posted by Coofle

  1. Sharcigan hadii la dhaqan galiyo, Kufsiga wadankii ragaadiyay ina lagu soo doogi anaaba og!
  2. Carafaat ... The only way there could be Bantu Somalilanders is when Somaliland becomes an avid asylum-seekers destination granting nationality after 5 years of legal stay....Naturalized citizens hadii si kale loo dhigo. @Wadani, Inaar ma Soomaalinimadii baad hadeer noo diidantahay...Hadii aanu reer galbeedka nahay (Ha iloobin Sand-dwellerska laftoodu waa iska galbeed, waxba Burco ha isku dhajin, yaan sidii laxdii burco maroora-dilaaca u dhimane! )
  3. I have high hopes for the 40 years mark...[ Allah ] said, "Then indeed, it is forbidden to them for forty years [in which] they will wander throughout the land. 5:26 Soomaalidana Danbigooda ayaa batay markaa Afartankii sano ayay Arlada ku duurayaan oo garaadka laga rafacay.
  4. @Wiilcusub, 571 waxa looga jeedo maad garan? loolz, Hadaba niyaw waa cusubtahaye ha dagdagin ,, Nabiga ku salli..
  5. Saalax;979975 wrote: Some are Somali Bantu? Are those the people from Mogadishu who were given scholarships to Turkey. I don't think so, I think waa caruurtii Reerhooda dhaqan-celiska Turkiga u keeneen.
  6. Mad_Mullah;979972 wrote: Cajeeb I don't like judging but Rap, hip-hop etc...makes me sick to my stomach....Dress normal and speak normal y'all
  7. Safferz;979823 wrote: From Al-Arabiya Saudi women seeking to challenge a de facto ban on driving should realize that this could affect their ovaries and pelvises, Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaydan , a judicial and psychological consultant to the Gulf Psychological Association, told Saudi news website Driving “could have a reverse physiological impact. Physiological science and functional medicine studied this side [and found] that it automatically affects ovaries and rolls up the pelvis. This is why we find for women who continuously drive cars their children are born with clinical disorders of varying degrees,” Sheikh al-Luhaydan said. . R.I.P scientific research.....Ashamed to call myself in Healthcare profession now...
  8. Mad_Mullah;979815 wrote: Better/worse? It would have been even worse, the wrong thing reiterated by people is considering "Culimada" as politicians, Being a sheikh doesn't qualify you to become a leader or politician. Yes some of them may prove to be distinguished leaders (rare few) as every rule has an exception, but the majority will not understand what is going on.....I think we have tried this firsthand in Somalia and we are living the consequences today!. A mullah always leads in prayers but not a nation
  9. The guy went to save his only brother and got stuck in the chaos.
  10. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;977787 wrote: Micneyntaan yaaku raacsan? Also Radius = gacan Radius of a circle = Gacanka goobada
  11. Haatu;978001 wrote: MMA, according to the dictionary that's correct. What did they used to translate it as in Somalia? Nuune, Why use Laki when you can say Doorey? Abbas, can we change eraygasirta to eraysireed? The latter seems more grammatically correct. Alpha, I don't know why you can't understand me. No one else seems to have a problem. Luki is Afaan-Oromo and Dooro is an offensive word in Somaliland and Somali Galbeed and sayid Mohamed Abdulle used it to describe gaalada "Dooro-waynaha'e"!!! to explain the meaning would be against the rules of SOL unless its a dirty jokes thread. Also Soomaalidii Hore way ka faani jireen cadka Digaaga iyo Shimbiraha, Tusaalaha suugaanta ku xusan waxa aan u soo qaadan karaa Lo'layda degaanada Galbeedka Somaliland ayaa marka ay lo'ada Waraabinayaan ku heesa. Kaalintaan dago een darka ahayn Hadaan doorsado Inta duushiyo Duufka maan cuno Shimbiraha ayaa waxa uu barbardhigay bakhtiga cunistiisa.
  12. Tallaabo;977669 wrote: I don't know how you could be proud of moory@n cartoon characters who reduced Mogadishu to rubble;) Xaaji Tallaabo Inaar Adigu You understand more about Eddo dhagdheer iwm.
  13. You can Visit for further translations for diseases.
  14. Dheefnuug , I am fascinated by the translation of this word.
  15. Golcas = Waa qoraxda xiliga galabta. Sibir godan = dee waa sibirta geela, Qoraxda galabtii way kulushahay , geelana sibirta waxa ka marsan haabeed , Hadii qoraxdaasi ku dhacdo haabeeda aad bay u gubaysaa , sidaa aawadeed geelu waxa uu isku dayaa in uu kala jeediyo sibirtiisa iyo Qoraxda. Thus the proverb Golcas iyo sibir godan kala jeedi geelu (you can find it in some songs)
  16. Haatu;976844 wrote: Xiidxiito = Ringed plover The somali xidinxiito (as I call it) tends to be taller.
  17. Allyourbase;977530 wrote: I loved watching Nadia Secret of Blue Water just because its protagonist was black In Arabic it was knows as the Blue Diamond.
  18. @Mullah, Waxani waa wixii Danbee, Sidaan Filayo Hadii aad wadan Carab ah ku kortay, You would understand how nostalgic the following animes could be, They were Educational! and more importantly Motivational أيام زمان ... النمر المقنع Epic.
  19. Haatu ha iloobin Nuune ereyada la xidhiidha cilmiga dhagdhagawga! waa inagaga fiicanyahay....Waa ruug-cadaa. Avatar = if you mean as SOL avatar, simply it will be astaan. Choose your avatar - Dooro astaantaada
  20. its important to know the context in which each word is used. but If it try, Just what coofle could come up with. I am interested to see the proper translation. update = Jaan-qaad (Barnaamijkani waxa uu la jaan-qaadsanyahay nuskhadii u danbaysay ee soo baxday) avatar = Interesting word indeed.....Qori-ismaris is the only cultural counterpart I could recall now. dismiss = (according to context) attach = lifaaq (dhambaalka ku lifaaq - attach to message) post = qormo (Abuur qormo cusub - create new post)
  21. The perfect depiction of the Somali proverb Golcas iyo sibir godan kala jeedi geelu.
  22. Coofle

    The inlaws

    There was this professor in University, One day He started the lecture with.....A good mother in law is a dead mother in law .... I guess maalinkaa odayga madaxa ayaa laga haystay....Qoysku waa muraayad laga dheehan karo Qofka with Exceptions...
  23. Mad_Mullah;975878 wrote: I prefer this and Over the artificial computer made songs we listen to on Universal TV etc. Lanaa Dhaqanunaa, Wa lahum Dhaqanuhum....
  24. Question is, According to the Law, Danbigu lagu soo oogay muxuu yahay? public Misconduct, Exhibitionism, Waaranka lagu xidhayna maxaa lagu saleeyay? ......