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Everything posted by YoniZ

  1. She is Very articulate, and sadly, great loss to people of Puntland, who badly need leaders like Aniiso. Call it what it is. I liked the way she looked at the Gadhcas with open disdain.
  2. Old Observer, sxb thanks for the enlightening intervention at this important topic. I am anxious to know about your take on, why the Somali region is allowed to build formidable security sector in the past decade? Gelbeedi and the Co. should step a little bit back, and stop feeding us kacaan style fadhikudirir
  3. This government should make judiciary reform priority number 1. The hierarchy of the court system is none existent. This comic Banadir regional court has ruled, the attorney general has no case, because he cannot provide detailed evidence in 24 hours. It has also ruled that, there is no appeal for this judgement. Well, we have regional court behaving like the high court or even higher authority. Cimrigaaga oo dheeraada geel dhalaayana waa ku tusaa.
  4. Well well well, they already have seen the writing on the wall. They can cry wolf, and park at the Indian Ocean. ICJ ruling in this regard (when it comes out) is final, binding, and with out appeal. The best thing Somalia did in many decades is, to understand how the legal machanisims operate in this world. Madax adeyg iyo indhacadeys meel laguma gaaro. Marka talada loo dirsado cid aqoon u leh, natiijadu waxay noqon mid loo aayo. Kudos to Wasiir Bayle who have been the architect of this case. I hope he gets the freedom to deliver more tangible benefits at his current portfolio.
  5. Tallaabo, Sxb marka hore waan bogaadin go’aanka geesinimada ku dheehantahay. Marka la eego khatarta maanta ku xeeran Soomaalida iyo weliba in gumaad & gumeyn lagu hayo, waa mihim in cuqaasha SOL ay eegaan danta guud (bigger picture) Hargeisa waa meel Soomaali oo dhan usoo hilowdo, ahna meesha keliya ee isku darsatay jawi wanaagsan, magaalo siraadan, iyo nabad raaxa leh. In albaabada laysku soo jebiyo, oo jirdil ka dhaco, waa arinn foolxun, sharaf dhacna ku ah magaalada iyo maamulka intaba.
  6. I totally agree with Che. There must be somewhere to draw the line. Sooner or later, someone should have done this, and stood up for the dark forces roaming havoc at the capital. These guys were undermining not only the current government , but the future aspirations of this wounded nation of ending being a vassal state, and a playground for foreign spies. The coming days will tell us if this government has the strength to overcome this high stakes confrontation, or crumble under the dark forces of Mogadishu Political Maffia. I hope they do survive and crush these dark forces, then comes the total annihilation of Alshabaab.
  7. It is time to drain the swamp and make fresh start. Get rid of all these soviet era dinosaur officers, and give the leadership to the junior officers at the elite units. The foundations for capable SNA is already laid in these small elite units. Anyone who didn’t see this coming is in a deep sleep.
  8. https://horseedmedia.net/2017/12/14/xalkii-loo-helay-muranka-dakadda-boosaaso-iyo-mustaqbalka-maqaal/ A really different and well-thought article. I like how the writer broke the general term of Ganacsade down in to Hawker vs Investor. His encouragement in a long term investment thinking is what is really missing in that part of the country. While buying land with astronomical prices (led by speculation) is where the majority park their money. Anyone with good investment plan will find it very hard in getting investors, even from very close relatives.
  9. Weldone president Bihi for not wasting time consulting all these Gadhcas crooks. That was the decisiveness of good military man. I hope he will equally be decisive in dismissing any minister in that list who is found corrupt and/or incompetent.
  10. Oday Gooni waan kuslaamay marka hore. Suaalaha Maxaa kuqoran heshiiska? Dr-Puntland ayaa laweydiin iyo Waasiir Raage. Shacabku xaq ayey u leeyihiin inay dalbadaan aragtida heshiiska. Mida aan jecleystay inaan kajwaabo waa mida dal aan dastuur laheyn heshiis mageli karaa? Jawaabtu waa haa, tusaale waxaa kuugu filan UK inayan ilaa hadda laheyn dustuur qoran, marka laga reebo sharciyada midowga Yurub oo ayba hadda laadeen. Soomaaliya dastuur way leeydahay, laga soo bilaabo kii lixdameeyada aftida looqaaday, ilaa midka Faderaaleynta ee gudiyada qaran ansixiyeen. Wolow qodobo u baahan bidhaamin ay jiraan, hadana waa dastuur jira oo shaqeeya. Suaal aan jecleystay inaan kuwaydiiyo waa: Shacab arkay ama latusay meel maku haysaa heshiisyada shirkadaha Turkiga kula wareegeen dekeda iyo Airportka Xamar? Wadanku ha dhismo, cidii xisaabtan qabta xoog ama xeeladba hadhow wax waaku maareysan doonaan.
  11. Thanks Libaax for the great effort of polishing up SOL. The new Community area looks wonderful, specially on the phone!
  12. This seems to me another hasty PR stunt from the Mogadishu local Admin and the Odoyaasha beesha. If this government, or any other previous one is serious about creating justice for the victims who lost their property/land. They would have started creating clean judiciary system, and courts that specialise in this kind of cases. Sheekadu waa idaacadaha waxaan kasheegno abaabula sanadkiiba mar ama labo.
  13. Waa in aan markan Sanka ka taabto Libaaxa, cabasho adagna u gudbiyo
  14. MMA, How does the profile picture allocation work at SOL? I wasn’t happy with mine at all. It was sort of Nerd catoon image, and had to change it with something more expressive (Nomad Afro)
  15. Sababta Odayada miyiga lixdan jir ugu guursadaan minyaro labaatan jir ah waa midaa. Maraq baaskan waa in laga soomiyaa odayadan maalin walba lasoo taagan lacag soo dir reer baa soo siyaaday
  16. You must be living in a big Utopia fantasy. CORRUPTION is the big elephant in the room, whether you are in Garowe, Hargeisa or, Mogadishu. Mr Carshe is a nomad hero who has shawn good character, and genuine empathy at the hight of the Sima draught.
  17. YoniZ


    Oodweyne is the new architect of SL foreign policy. He is busy drafting some hard hitting policies that will ultimately benefit the new government’s stand in the world. Give him some time and we will hear from him soon, after the cabinet announcements.
  18. YoniZ


    Marka hore waxaan Allah uga baryi in Muuse uu ka dhigo hogaamiye wanaag iyo horumar u horseeda, dadka Somaliland iyo walaalaha kale ee Soomaalyeed dhamaan. Alpha, Jiilka Muuse hadaanu Cabdimadoobe gadaal istaagin uma aha dowladnimo.
  19. The long 2+ years (delivery like) election process is now over. No election is perfect in this corner of the world. I am glad to hear Cirro concede and accept the outcome of the election. In la tanaasulo wax ka qiima badan ma jiraan, xitaa hadii uu xaq leeyahay, dadka in loo turo waa bisayl iyo waayo aragnimo. There are many pressing issues that need to be addressed now, without losing anymore time in party campaigns. In the economic front, unemployment is rampant, economic development outside Hargeisa is somehow nonexistent, and the high inflation is pushing people towards extreme poverty. Addressing these must be priority number one. In the political front, heal the deep mistrust that became lately visible to everyone. Hold out an olive branch to the opposition by releasing anyone detained after the election, and to involve them in the political process is the best way forward. Devolution of power and local governance is an other front that need urgent work. Make peace within the communities and don’t wast your limited resources in security issues that can be solved diplomatically. Stop squandering the meagre budget at the presidency by giving cash to useless Gadhcas. Instead, give that money direct to the elected local governments in the near future. Ugu danbeyn, mansibka madaxweyne ee hadda loo doortay Muuse wuu kaduwanyahay, midka hogaamiye ciidan ama mid beeleed. Waa nabadoon midka ugu sareeya ee dadka isku wada dhamaan. Muuse asagoo wax dili kara, inuu duco qaato ayaa markan looga fadhiyaa.
  20. Galbeedi, saaxiib salfudeydka (kneejerking) maalmahan xagee kaaga soo degay. Laba maalmood kahor tiro aan lahubin ayaad madashan ku haysay, ugu danbeyna waa adigii ka bixiyey raaligelinta. Siday wax u dhaceen iyo xaqiiqada jirtaba way soo bixi mar aan fogeyn. Maxaa ku jaban inaad sugtid natiijada kahor intaadan kucelis iyo sheeko kale bilaabin?
  21. Ninkan leh waraaqo meel lagu soo daabacay ayaa wax lagu qalday. Suaasha u baahan in lawaydiiyo waa: Maxay tahay sababta waraaqaha meesha uu sheegay lagusoo daabcay in uunan muran kakeenin xisbigiisa doorashada kahor?
  22. You are on to something Deeq. I hope whatever you on to is replaced by inner peace and salaamat al-sadr.
  23. Somaliland is decade ahead of other Nomads when it comes to organising elections. The voting was historic and tall order to match by anyone in the horn of Africa. Sadly, the choice that people got in this election was to vote for one of the corrupt elites, non of the three candidates came from outside the usual circle. However, people voted generally in excellent fashion. In the past two years, there was a big amount money pocketed by the ruling elites and their cronies. Some of that money is used to corrupt a good number of traditional leaders and even opposition figures. The elites got wealthier, where the laymen got poorer because of the inflation caused by the new money, and the recurrent draughts. Whoever wins this election, the good people of Somaliland showed other Nomads the way. How to vote in civilised society, where the resources are limited, and elites are crooked beyond redemption.
  24. “A second security official said explosives had been hidden under rice, sugar and other goods on the truck, which passed though a government-controlled checkpoint at Sinka Dheer, about four miles (7km) outside Mogadishu” “Suspicious officers stopped the vehicle and briefly detained its driver. It is understood a local businessman and tribal leader vouched for the truck” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/16/mogadishu-bombing-al-shabaab-behind-deadly-blast-officials-say That Gadhcas guy and the Ganacsade crook should be lynched at KM4 square. The one they captured should also meet that same fate. I remember not so long ago, similar lorry which security forces caught at Bosaso enterence checkpoint. It was carrying fruits and explosive barells. Luckily, there, they had strict routine of inspecting lorries. What the guys at the checkpoint found was astonishing. Massive explosive barrels hidden under the juicy fruit shipment. The inspection and the detention happened just before getting calls from the shameful Gadhcas. After busting the blot and, detaining that death laden lorry and its crew. Again, there was the brave faces of the Gadhcas, this time bleeding for the save return of the lorry and its crew to its honourable Ganacsade in Baladweyne.