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Everything posted by YoniZ

  1. Revisiting the Derg era between 1974 - 1977 will be useful to understand what is a head in the next three years. I am glad, this time around we don't have the naïve Kacaan boys who saved the Derg from their internal bloodbaths.
  2. Calaacalku waa lagama maarmaan xaalku markuu murgo. Odaygu intuu maryooley tashkiilinteeda kusoo maqnaa, ayaa balo kubaxday, dagaalna gundihiisa kadhashay. Anaguna meeshaa dal iyo dad baa naga jira, ma oran karno sidii Laangadhe 'Iglan baa gubaneysa maxaa iiga gidhiisha' Calaacalka waa inaan kagurnaa ugu yaraan. Siaanu uga warheyno, uguna diyaar garowno malinka uu maqale u dusayo,
  3. Oodka, Th Yankees will try to limit the damage. However, there will be no functioning Ethiopia with marginalised Oromo. The Gini is out of the bottle, the under table agreements and, Tigre-Habashi qori iskudhiib will not cut with Oromo this time.
  4. Che, I would love Ethiopia to have the kind of the Czechoslovakia disintegration. However, that is not the way events are unfolding, it will be bloody and to say the least very ugly. You don't choose how history is played. Somalis need crazy guy like ileey to act tough and, some other wise politicians that can complement him. We are in a better position than in May 1991.
  5. We are now witnessing the start of the long waited fragmentation of Ethiopia. To unite the Somali home front before the big bang is wise thing to do. Mr ileey is right to reconcile with ONLF. That will stengthen him, as his security forces will be needed protecting Somalis from the madness of the Oroma lynching mobs.
  6. Abwaanku wariyaha cashar fiican oo qiima badan ayuu u dhigay. Tusaaleyn iyo turxaan bixin intaba si kooban ayuu ugu sheegay.
  7. Oodweyne, sxb marka hore welcome back. Marka xigta, waxay ku qurux badnaan laheyd inaad isdejisid oo caratanka iyo magac xumi ugu yeerida qof walba oo kaa aragti ama reer duwan yareysid. SOL ragga kusheekeysta waxay u badan yihiin kuwo is ixtiraama walow ay kala fikrad duwanaadaan goor kasta. MMA waxaad kabixisay sadaal wanaagsan, labada oday ee ku wareeray siyaasada iyo nolosha wadanka. Shilimaadka howlgabka iyo barafka Minnesota ayaa Cawska jiilaal u noqday.
  8. Well done former minister. The South East Asian model, where politicians invest money back in the economy is much better option than the African model.
  9. Saalax, 12 wiil oo Soomaalyeed ayaa baneeyey halkii ay dabaysha iyo cadowga kaa xigsan lahaayeen. Kudadaal inaadan u dhaga nuglaan Gadhcastaa waxmagaratada ah ee dhalinta soo koreysa haligaya maalin walba.
  10. Labada reerood Allah sulxi khayr qaba ha dhexdhigo. Waa arin laga xumaado in dhiig dad Soomaali ehel iyo xigto ah uu si sahlan u daato waqtigan aan maanta joogno. Odaygii bariga Burco dabka ka afuufay maalin dhoweyd, waa in sharciga lahor keeno. Fitnadu waa mid huruda, naclada Alle ayaa kudhici qofka kiciya.
  11. Muse did not do well enough to heal the wounds from the election fallout. Instead, he sent illiterate Gadhcas to Burco to inflame the devisions. He might also thought, as Cold War era officer, starting a war in the region will strengthen his administration. Both are bad miscalculations that will haunt his nascent presidency for a long time. The Djibouti thing and Ina Awsaciid, I will leave it to Galbeedi with a doctor adviced pinch of salt.
  12. Xaajadu waa Xamar Xisaab, Xarardheere Xoog. A guy from Xarardheere (Thabit) is replaced with a guy from Xamar (Yariisow). Beesha Thabit waa inay Shabaab ka xoreeyaan Xarardheere, kadibna gudoomiye degmo ha uga raadiyeen wiilkooda halkaas. I liked this Thabit guy as a young mayor working with youth grassroots. However, he lost his mojo, the same day he sought alliances with the crooked Gadhcas. The days of misusing the capital for clan hegemony are numbered. Whoever advising this government is well rounded visionary.
  13. Well said Galbeedi. The leaders we have today are the ones that matter. We have to incourage them to do their best for the country, commend them for their achievements and, forgive their minor shortcomings. We diasporas (I used to be one) need to criticise less and, work hard in making this country better place than what it has been last three decades.
  14. Guys, give the Xamaali guys some credit. What they did is one step higher than Adcaful iimaan. - They mocked the top guy as Mooge (Apologies to our SOL comrade Mooge) - Took part documenting the the loot. This is tragedy, the top fat guys sell public resources on the cheap, only to fill their pockets. It also happens in Bosaso and Mogadishu in regular bases.
  15. PA, Golis partners in this project are Telesom and Hormuud. Somtel were allies (or sitting at the fence ) of the Djibouti project camp. The resistance against this new fiber line was mainly coming from the top guys in Djibouti. After all, they had vested interest in the Somcable fiber project, which is first marketed to cover internet needs in Somaliland, Puntand and, parts of central Somalia. Three years after completion, they couldn’t even properly cover internet needs in the city of Hargeisa. The reason behind their failure is open to debate. The Oman Fiber optic line came at the back of that shortcoming and, is very good for the public interest (competition is good for the consumer). Make no mistake, this project wasn’t easy, it has been delayed several times, indured pressure and threats from monopolistic forces, which at the end are badly defeated. I hope the telcos behind this new fiber line also learn the lesson and, never think about monopolising the internet.
  16. Galbeedi, Saaxiib ha u joojin qolyahan Injirta leh. Keyboardkana hadhigin, waxa uun ku siyaadisaa inaad wadanka timaado, kana qeyb qaadatid horumarka iyo toosinta waxa qalooca ku jiro. Keyboardka ayaa ka xoog badan qoriga, gaarana meel aad uga fog, sababna u noqdan kara isbdelka aad doonaysid.
  17. https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001265181/kenya-likely-to-compensate-somalia-over-oil-exploration-on-disputed-sea-area Kenya softening the tune and preparing public for the inevitable outcome of the ICJ ruling. Somalia will not ask them only to leave the area, but for full compensation and handing over the illegaly aquired seismic data. “On top of the reparations, Somalia also wants Kenya to hand it over all seismic data acquired in areas that are disputed “and to repair in full all damage that has been suffered by Somalia”.
  18. The first time I see Somali minister immensely knowledgeable about his portfolio. Well done Minister Bayle, proud Nomad with the humility of wise leadership.
  19. Conterary to other borders, the Kenyan one is well defined. There is a road that marks the border line from Ras Kimboni it passes through Kulbiyow, Dhoobley, Ceelwaaq and, all the way to Beled Xaawo. In early nighties, there was an empty half kilometre land that saperate the towns of Beled Xawo and Mandhera. I suspect this last episode is based on that plot of land. As Maakhiri said, Kenya will loose more in the future, if they try annexing any Somali lands.
  20. Galbeedi, Saxiiib, waxa xaqiiqo aan la dafiri karin ah in ragii lixdameeyada Soomaali u kacay ahaayeen intooda badan, wiillal geela markay hayn waayeen ama abaari ku dhufatay reeraha, kadib magaalooyinka soo galay. Oday Galeyr ragaas ayuu kow kayahay, waxuu bartayna hoos uma daadegin. Sikastaba wax ha u bartaan, badawnimada kama harin maalin. Ragaa midwalba asagoo haysta darajo Professor, General iyo inkaleba, haduu xoogaa caroodo wuxuu u xuubsiibtaa, jilib murux qabyaalad iyo qalooc kasoo burqato. Alifkii qaloocdaa Albaqruu kugu dhibaa weeyaan xaajadu. Sababta aanan jiilkaa ula dhacsaneyn, waa kuwii seejiyey Soomaali, dhisida bulsho madani ah oo ku qotonta sareynta sharciga iyo ixitiraam kuwada noolaansho. Galeyr sidaad u sheegtay, wuxuu maalin cad shandad kabuuxsaday, oo aan weli laga heyn xisaab celin, hantidii umadda ay laheyd ee warshadii Mareerey. Dadbaa hadana ninkii madax kahigtay. Sideedaba waxaanu nahay umad habaaran oo aan kala saari karin midka dhaca iyo kan u tura. Xaajadu waa, war Culumada kala qabta.
  21. MMA, Jiilkaas waa kuwa Geela markii ay dayaceen reerahoodu miyi kasoo eryeen. Seeraale kadib, xoog iyo xeelad midkood waxay ku galeen Jaamacado. Walow ay dhar magaalo xiran yihiin, hadana malaha dabeecad Minnessota ama Muqdisho ay ugu noolaan karaan. Waxay u egtahay in giraantu ay halkoodii hore ku celin doonto iyo Geelii ay hore u dayaceen.
  22. According to the below article in early November, around 450 of them are delivered to Somalia. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkish-made-rifles-to-be-exported-121735
  23. MPT-76 is clearly visible at the prade. I hope it doesn’t show up soon at wrong hands, auctioned at the Bakaare market.
  24. Che, CC Shakur is not a politician, and cannot be put in league with other career politicians. Not long ago, he was one of those community gathering gate crashers, and trouble maker for anyone who want to organise Nomads in London. Sharif’s TFG opened the gates for amateurs, and hustlers to enter political arena. Most of these guys including Dam Jadeed and their likes, have background in religion profiteering. They have zero knowledge about how politics work, and not even bright enough to learn on the job.
  25. Che, The legal framework is a work on progress. Hopefully they will come up with some sort of credible judicial system in the near future. Minister Xoosh, if he gets the backing and resources from the top guys, is a capable man. Banadir court can hear such case. However, it can neither refuse the 5 day time requested by the Attorney general, nor announce ruling without appeal. Meesha ciyaalka xaafada baa is wareystay, ugu danbeyna aan kala qaleyno ayaa lagu dhameystay sheekada.