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Everything posted by YoniZ

  1. @cadnaan1 said: adiga oo rer mudug ah wuxuu ilaahay abuuray ugu caqli xun aya dad kale wax ka sheegaayo hadaan ahaan lahaa dadka aad ka dhalatay waaba is aasi lahaa duli foqol duli Cadnaan, Garashada intaa gaarsiisan waa waxa maanta meesha aad taagantahay ku dhigay. Marka halkaas kasiiwad, tusaalaha wanaagsan, si fiicana ugu dayo oo dumi intayar ee dhowaan la dhisay.
  2. Cadnaan1, Caqliga xoolaha mid kasii liita ayaad lasoo shirtegtay. Nolasha Aadamuhu hadii ay zero sum game ku qotomi laheyd horumar lama gaari laheyn. Maryooleyda aad adigu wax garadka u tahay, waxay caqli moodeen labadan mid: 1-Ku qabso qadi mayside. 2-Cadkanow ku cunay ama ku ciideeyey. Kan hore haduu shaqeyn waayey, kan danbe waa halka ugu hooseysa garashada BiniAadamka.
  3. https://horseedmedia.net/2016/09/30/maxaa-keenay-in-maraykanku-duqeeyo-galmudug-video/ Above piece looks credible explanation of what happened that night in Jeexdin. (you need of course to deduct some of the usual Maryooley bias, but this builds picture of the event) It seems, someone in the Galmadug admin had misjudged, the reaction it will create threating PSF base near Galkacyo airport, where US personnel are also present. To put the blame squarely on PL is desperate reaction to say the least. When it comes to that sort of missions, Both PSF and Danab get orders first from the Yankees, and not necessarily from Garowe or Mogadishu .
  4. Eid Mubarak Galbeedi & Co. The only concern I have with the recent gender issue is, the ownership of this just cause have to come from Somalis themselves not from the NGO parasites. To adopt just cause doesn't need waiting for Alshabaab elimination. Women have every right to get their 51% share or more at the next parliament. The greedy-backward trinity of Garcas, Gardhuub and Gurubsade, have no moral high ground spreading false nonsense at the Media. The question need to ask the 3 Gs alliance is, what kind of justice have they provided to this nation under their corrupt influence?
  5. It looks like when of those phantom flights. The only piece of info there, is the usual Somali TV crap advert. No facts, no website to book, or listed flight schedule at DXB. The day these guys provide credible information, I will be the first to buy a ticket.
  6. The guy has been the longest serving Bari governor in the recent memory. He started this stupid mutiny just months after losing his position. The tracks you see are probably repainted, PMFP equipment donated not so long ago for the purpose of fighting piracy in the region. Caku Nomads and their small mentality, that can't process further than this "habeen buu kan i xigaa' shallow stupidity !
  7. @Che -Guevara said: Abdi Iley works at the behest of the Ethiopians. What Somaliland needs to re-evaluate its relationship with Ethiopia. It's lopsided relationship. Somaliland will probably send a delegation to Addis, and complain about Abdi iley's folks as being from hostile clan. From Ras Kamboni to Ras Aseyr all the way to Lowyacado, that is where we sadly ended up.
  8. Have you had any dought about where AL Shabaab got all the supplies from ! Mutual interest exist where both parties stay relevent and indispensable. I will not even be supprised if the seaborn battalion in March, got all their military equipments and supplies direct from the parasites for that especific mission. No wonder, they were advocating not long ago, the expansion of their operation zone to Puntland. if the locals are happy with it, who will refuse to get fat salary, perks and, black market money? If only the Nomads, especially the South central intellectuals understand that, the parasites (AMISON) are there to suck every drop of blood out of their people.
  9. Ramadaan Kariim Gooni, Qofkii dulmi loo gaystay wuxa uu xaq u leeyahay qeylo iyo farta kufiiqid, maxkamadna hadii uu helo kaba sii wanaagsan. Arinta kale ee siyaasadeynta dacwada waa mid meesha ku jirta. Lakin ogsonow, raga aad leedahay denbi bay ayaguna galeen oo cidna ma dacweyn. Waxa kagaabiyey cida danbiga ka tabaneysa inay dacweeyaan. Lakin caqli maaha in la dhaho, anaguba midka danbiga naga galay maanu dacweyn ee kan ku dulmiyey maxaad u dacweyn. Dadka Tuke dacwaynaya, waxa uga fiican aarsiga Maryooleyda, dacwada ay hadda wadaan. Tan cafinta ah ayaduna waa khiyaar ee khasab maaha.
  10. @gooni said: Dadka muslinkaa waxaa ku filan (xasbunallah wa nacmal wakiil) inay ilaahay talo saartaan xisaabtoodana u dhibtaan. Snm gaaladaan ay dhunkashada ku boobayso waxaa u dhaanta, inay ilaahay dartiis ku samraan ama aar gutaan sidii rag ahaan jiray, suurto gal ma’ahan in shaqada iyo masaariifta caruurta layska toogto. Oday Gooni, Waxaad i xasuusisay Odayaal ku sheeg aan dhowaan wadanka kusoo arakay, waxay daqiiqadna yiraahdaan Allow dowlad caadil ah nasii, isla daqiiqada xigtana, reer hebel aan iska dhicino iyo sadbursi inaan helno waa sax. Waa idigaa marna cimaamad diin dusha saartay oo iscafin ku baaqay, marka xigana sidii garcastii dhiiga umada garka ku aslatay aargudasho iyo raginimo ku yuustay. Waxa maanta Soomaali halkaa dhigay, danbiile shaati qabiil lagu difaaco iyo, dulmane lagu yiraahdo iska sabir qaab kale ayaan uga xaaleynaa arinta. Cida dacwada u qabta waxay xaq u leedahay inay dacweyso Tuke. Hadii uu danbi galay iyo hadii kaleba, wadan maxkamado leh ayuu joogaa oo uu is difaaci karo. Qaabka aad arinta u dhigtay ma qurxanee, oday bal markale dib uu eeg xaajada.
  11. @Che -Guevara said: Tallaabo, Somalis are not unique in this, besides, it's our society that produced these "leaders". That says more about us than they. I second that. Everyone is trying hard to sell what is left from the 1/4 century devastation. Polititions sell to the highest bidder Wadaado sell to who they think is from their Jamaca Garcas sell to who they think will keep them odayga reerka dhalinyaro sell to the buufis squad qurbo joog sell to who ever give them sandareerto caydh haweenka subscribe to the five above. Morality is rare and endangered specie among the Nomads.
  12. I wonder if Oramas are looked in suspision more than someone from Jareerweyn in Hargeisa/Bosaso. Charity starts home. Somalis need to tolerate one another first. Then we can have tolerance and respect for other humans.
  13. @Che -Guevara said: Who are the Jaarso? Che, According to the Kacaan propaganda in the late 70s, Jaarso waa niman Soomaaliyeed oo Caruuso ah. They are the closest Oroma to Somalis in terms of geography(Hararghe), and physical looks. They can pick the Somali and speak it in very short time. That is why the Kacaan folks had a policy of making Caruuso part and parcel of Somalia. Galbeedi may have more info in that field By the way, you have made very serious points about the situation of the Nomads where ever they are today. The dollar grabbing holy grain of the Gardhcas, Gar-dheere and the Gurbiste (siyaasi) is the bedrock of all failures.
  14. @gooni said: Waraabuhu waa hunguri badan yahay waxaa laga yaabaa neefka jiiska ah ama laangadhaha inuu orod ku dhaafo si uu usoo qabsado kan ordaya mana dhergo isku meel buu ku cunaa aakhirka. Gidaarkaan aad sawiraysaan qurux ma’ahan dhanka aan rinjiga la marin kala wareeg markii sawir xun laga bixiyo koonfurta ajaanibka hortooda waxaad ku tiraahdaa anigu soomaali ma'ahi ee somaliland baan ahay then listen the reply carefully. Warkaas kore ayaa xikmad oo dhami ku dheehantahay. Suldaanka & Xaajiga hadii ay is moodsiiyeen in dowlada aan deriska nahay kamarantahay siyaasada iyo howl maalmeed siyaasiinta SL, riyo dheer ayey ku jiraan. Qaabka waraabuhu u eryaday ariga ayuun baa kala duwane, meel bad qabtaa majirto.
  15. An excellent piece of journalism rebuttal to AlShabab sympthisers on facebook. Well done to Horseedmedia, this whipping against Alkabaab should continue on land, and also on the cyber fronts. https://horseedmedia.net/2016/03/30/taageerayaasha-al-shabaab-oo-baraha-bulshada-ee-internetka-ku-faafiyey-sawiro-been-ah-oo-ay-ku-sheegeen-puntland/
  16. Oodweyne, Sxb that is the point I rised about the biometric machines. There were two options open for the guys in charge (by name) of these admins: 1- To become Banana state and share the info with the interested parties when ever they like so. 2- Act like the head servent of a 21st century colony Sadly they have happilly chosen the easier option and routed for 2nd. None of them has even tried, the Hamid Crazai level of tanterums, showing they are the masters of the land and, these foreign friends are their partners not their colonisers.
  17. It is very beautiful but neglected place, just like Raskamboni and its natural beauty. When you see those places you wonder how so stubidly blind we are.
  18. Galbeedi, One missing element your businessman friend didnt mentioned is there is an identical finger print machine in operation after checking your passport in Hargeisa/Galkacyo/Mogadishu. The one thing I asked those guys at the airport is: Who owns the machine? the answer is no body knows!
  19. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Did you guys hear at 2:16 , he said Somali bank" ayaa maalganayo $20 million. We have a central bank which basically is government deposit and salary dispenser. how could they lend someone 20 mil. Can some one elaborate. What kind of bank is willing to give 20 million for someone to build gated communities. Let them raise their own money from private investors. Unless they clarify, this smells like connected people getting rich without hard work. The project is owned and funded by Hormuud and its financial arm Salaam Bank. They have just completed 7 KM tarmac road connecting the estate to the old Industrial road (Jidka Warshadaha). In my opinion, the idea behind this project is to have some sort of save havens for the middle class Somalis, Gated neighborhoods is popular in Nairobi. Even in Mogadishu itself, you have heavily protected gated neighborhood at the Halane - Jazeera area for Westerners and their business associates. Coming back to the question, where these guys get 20+ million money from. They are the Rockefellers' of Somalia. Since they control most of the liquidity in the country (EVC, Sahal, Zaad), they are the De-facto central bank of Somalia including Somaliland and Puntland. Every person/business have some sort of daily interaction with there payment/saving mechanisms in all over the country. The money funded from this project could well be, pooled savings of the Somalis. That makes this project locally funded. The debate of whether these guys should be allowed to control the lion share of the nations wealth is a one that needed to happen sooner or later. The role of the Central Banks (Federal, Regional) is very limited for reasons we all are aware of. As it stands, I will trust my money with these guys, until I see responsible leadership in every level.
  20. How is the secret buyer here, Alpha may be? Waryaa Salaax, take it easy man. Your dislike towards the old man, and now surprisingly to his clan is having no limits. You are breaking all the boundaries of being sensible person.
  21. Wacyigelin iyo dadka in la barao sidii ay ula noolaan laheyeen bay'ada ku xeeran ayuu xalku kujiraa. Qolyahan Talefishinada, idaacada iyo Joornaalada macno darada umada ku wareeriyey, fursad ayaa halkaa uga banaan, waxay wax kusoo kordhin karaan qeybo nolosha Somalida lagu falanqeeyo. Nac nacda iyo fadhi kudirirka in ku filan waqti waa lagaliyey ee tan barashada nolosha ayaa dhiman.
  22. Somalia Investment Booklet. Good job, and hopefully great start from Minister Hadliye and his MFA team . You can download the booklet here: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=29642454604097440373
  23. I suspect you are one those born after the nineties. Your tone is just like the idiots who use to say ‘Magaalo anagaa qabsanay’. Dadka Somalida ah Allaha kala badbaadiyo. Meesha Galkacyo ah wax magarato ayaa isugu tegtay aan cashir kabaran hadimihii dagaalada sokeeye. Waryaa isku xishood
  24. I suspect you are one those born after the nineties. Your tone is just like the idiots who use to say 'Magaalo anagaa qabsanay'. Dadka Somalida ah Allaha kala badbaadiyo. Meesha Galkacyo ah wax magarato ayaa isugu tegtay aan cashir kabaran hadimihii dagaalada sokeeye. Waryaa isku xishood.
  25. <cite> @ElPunto said:</cite> Yoniz - how much did it cost? Who paid for it - the government or NGOs? The cost was small grant of $55,000 funded by The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and UNDP. It comes under Climate Resilience project launched in Garowe earlier this year. http://www.so.undp.org/content/somalia/en/home/presscenter/pressreleases/2015/01/27/somalia-launches-innovative-climate-resilience-project.html