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Is Clan Everything?

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When people say clan does not matter, I don't believe them. I mean seriously are you kidding me? Clearly people think it matters, that’s why we ended up in the west in the first place.


Clan matters, it tells you where you came from, who your family is etc. How else would I know how to reach my water well if clan does not matter! :D Clan means I came from somewhere, I don’t like this western notion of three grandfathers and then after that you might as well have dropped out of the sky. I like the fact that my siblings can list their forth fathers right up to the fake Arab man (everything before him is correct)



Aaah: speech: I like my clan, I think we are most important people in the world, no one is better than us, not even reer puntiland oo dan (yes they are all the same clan) and everyone from Xamar (they too are all the same clan) and lastly we are better than all the Arabs and Africans put together :D Aaahm I feel better :D

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^My fav. saying waxaa waaye 'when my Adeero yaal were making history, adeeradaa mexey sameynaayeen?'...How 's that for 'I feel better' reality? icon_razz.gif

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kat,haye,xaafadee ku dhalatay? lol i have a feeling inaad isbtitaalka banadir ku dhalatay? ;)




sxb,waxaan rabaa inaan tuulo buuryoqab soo booqdo? how is the weather like there?

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Clan is everything, that is why I have three different clans(of course waan kuwada abtirsan karaa) Hadba midkaan is iraahdo waad ku bad baadaysaa ayaa la soo baxaa.

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Kat,I heard this story laakin iney run tahay ma ogi.


Wiil magaalada ku cusub baa wuxuu shukaansanayay gabar markaas bey maalin maalmaha ka mid ah waydiisay "walaal,xageed ku dhalatay" markaasuu intuu madaxa yara xoqtay yiri"waxaan ku dhashay cisbitaalka xayat" the girl couldnt help giggle because she knew in cisbitaalkas 2003kii la furay. :eek:


Very awkward indeed the miskiin was embarrassed walee.

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Originally posted by Eng.Cadde:




sxb,waxaan rabaa inaan tuulo buuryoqab soo booqdo? how is the weather like there?

it is your acestral toolo or you like it to visit for other reasons , it is now called toolo xarfo.

the old name was changed.

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What is 'everything'?


Personally it doesn't mean much to me. I hardly know lafaha aan u kala baxno let alone any other clans.


Sayid, Burco iyo Qhardo ha isu keenin'e compare it with it's tuulo equivalent Jaamac Qabar :D

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^^ As if I know. Lakin you still know quite a bit and you're a person that spent almost all of his life outside the country.


As for everything:


How many people from your clan know what job you do. How many know the number of kids you have. How many know how much you earn. How many know things that, in the normal workings of the rest of the world, only your family should know?


You see how clan is everything in the qurbo by looking at single mothers. Note how many 'abtis' their kids suddenly acquire. :D


You see it in the way schools, mosques, the needy and even the workings of government are viewed or helped.


Clan is EVERYWHERE. Clan is everything.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ As if I know. Lakin you still know quite a bit and you're a person that spent almost all of his life outside the country.


As for everything:


How many people from your clan know what job you do. How many know the number of kids you have. How many know how much you earn. How many know things that, in the normal workings of the rest of the world, only your family should know?


You see how clan is everything in the qurbo by looking at single mothers. Note how many 'abtis' their kids suddenly acquire.


You see it in the way schools, mosques, the needy and even the workings of government are viewed or helped.


Clan is EVERYWHERE. Clan is everything.

I don't know 'quite a bit' saxib. What I do know I only recently learned. Not many know about my life apart from mostly 'family' (immediate and extended in kasta oo ay intaasiba badantahay).


Clan is a natural fall back position for Somalis yes but only in places aynu ku badannahay.

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