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Is Clan Everything?

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To me clan (jesus moses) is everything. I live and breathe it daily and I'am thankful and proud of my clan and our achievement. However its a personally affair and I keep my thoughts on clan to myself and my clan.

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Is clan everything?


I pray not,as it serves little purpose in a growth of a person or group or nation..Being in the shadows of your clan,eliminates you from being a free thinker..


NG,one would hope that one has evolved since the era's your comparing and giving as evidence,since then there has been nation's built,without having any reliance on tribalism...


Tribalism is dangerous just like racism,so promoting it is equally dangerous..It must be eradicated at all levels.


Islam is everything.


ps.About time there is a movement here on SOL to eradicate the likes of Ngonge and his thinking.. :D


Out with Ngonge and co! Say NO to tribalism!



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Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

got thumped earlier by Xabashi & Rastafarian working together. Where was this clan then???

Nearly doesn't count...Amaa sariir kortay? Which clan are we talking about here horta? :D Ani waa horaan ina'adeerkeey korkiisa joogi lahaa...

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We were made in to nations and tribes so that we may know one another, hence there is some good in it. I think that it can be useful when tracking family (especially when travelling lol) but I don't think one should put too much value on it.

Clan business doesn't effect my life personally, its not something I think about nor is it something that would determine how I would do something or treat someone.

It saddens me when people around you(sometimes your own family) express their negative views regarding some clans on you, this seems popular during marriage courtship. I just don't understand how people can judge someone purely based something their ancestors did which they had nothing to do with.

It's a double ended knife, better used to cut cake, not each other.

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all- hail Malika's thoughts.


i really do not want to speak of peoples secrets but this is where reality is concerned. Once there was a heinous crime where a man, who was the same tribe as his wife, raped her little niece. The people in his tribe were excusing his actions and sayng things like he was "drunk" and blah , blah. If this man was another tribe people would surely have slit his throught. but no. they even paid "bail for this man".


qabilism is a from of racism, it makes you blind to jusitce, to lateral thinking and worst of all to your deen. It was sad to see some of these peoples response, most of them are called "muslims" but what kind of muslim are you when you can not defend or enjoin what is good because of your qabiil. Its funny, because i read a hadith once, i don'tknow know how sahih it was but it said that "if people dont enjoin what is good and forbid evil, they will be destroyed".


maybe this is the essence of our ordeal, personally i lost hope after that day. People do forget humanity if they pay attention to qabiil. In this incident people forgot that this could happen to their daughters, or their little neices- they forgot that their defence in this case would make other people see this as a norm, they forgot all in the name of thier qabiil. :mad:


qabiil is the root of all evil.

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Tribe is like a sword, depending on how you use it it can benefit you or destory you. But, as far as somalis go Hayat I concur with your above comments. It's sad how we use qabiil the wrong way and hurt each other. Heart breaking walahi...


Ilaahay somali dhibtan haysata ka qaad oo walaalo ka dhig. Ameen!



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I think it would be cool if a dictatorship government took over somalia again and this time they impose an artificial insemination on all child bearing capable women. Also for better genetical distribution they force all adult men to participate in the sperm donation process.


So that a generation of basstards are bred that have no clan affiliation what so ever and this process is continued until the clan system is abolished for good.


What do you guys think?

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How about just educate all Somalis specially the younger ones that they are somalis and one ummah. That they need to work together and for once just forget the past...the past is gone and it doesn't matter is all that matters so that we can build better somalia for our children inshallah something the older generation took away from us...


my 2 cents

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^ your two cents are worth £2 pounds :D


Farancab, i have intuition that Intuition is a woman. :D hint:signature ;)


Kool_Kat - those two spoke to me in Amharic fully aware that i am somali and once i told them "i don't speak qushasha language" they got upset actually the jamaican guy laughed first - it was the ethio who got the insult first. :D jamaican only got upset when in laid into his supposed saviour mr salads who was buried in a toilet :cool:

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I feel your frustrations I too know of the incident you discussed. Behaviours such as that is inexcusable, thank god he was given a jail sentence. It's unfortunate that issues such as this arise all the time, think about all the people who send family members overseas when they cause a crime like rape, assault and even murder.


I guess I should have mentioned that the ayah I used "I have made you in to nations and tribes so that you may know one another" ends with Allah saying that the best among you are the most righteous.


We need to keep in mind that our deen stresses the importance of knowing who you are and where you are from, but that you need to be just in all your dealings with your fellow mankind and remain righteous.

Allah knows his servants very well, enough to make a Heaven and a Hell. Take comfort in knowing every man will have their day.




LoL who you calling brother

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^Adna qolamaad ahayd, walaal? Haddaad quruxleey tahay kolleey anagaad iska tahay. You get no choice in that. :D


Oo maxaad ka rabtaa halka eey ka yimaaddaan? Ma in reer Hangool i nagu soo duulaan ayaad dooneeysaa? ;)

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