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I have since the age of about 4 had a problem with my left thigh. Usually when it's cold. I have been feeling the tingly pain for the past few weeks (cooler weather) then I remembered how it happened :(

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^^ They took him to one of those mad Somali wadaads that spit at you and slap you as they read quran over you I bet. :D

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^ :D , reminds of this sister.She has been single for many years and is very picky when it comes to the potential men.Her family took her to see the 'wadaad' kuyee she must be possessed by a male jinn.


She was cynic about it all,some how the wadaad sensed it,boy! was she whooped,his excuse was the jinn is stuborn and needs to be beaten out of her..


It took sometime for the bruises to disappear,and she is still single..Lol

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I was having my afternoon nap. Opened my eyes and saw what looked like a kid standing on the window cill. I thought it was a brother but he swears it wasn't him. It (the kid whos face I couldn't see) jumped down on me and stuck it's knees into my left thigh. I was screaming like mad and had muscle spasms for months after that with me not being able to stand or walk sometimes.


Doctors in both KSA and UK haven't found a thing.



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Malika lool, dat was some wacky wadaad indeed, the lady needs some jimicsi dear dat is all.



Norf, are you sure you were not being kidnapped by aliens etc, your story sounds very similar to one I had xalayto, while I was sitting and havin tea around 2am(I dono waxaan la soo jeeday dat time), this person, it wasn't human at all cuz I can see it how it looked like, it was LIVE motion pictures starin at me while I was tryin very hard not to look at it, the rest of the story is terrifying and would not share anyone in here as I am afraid that person or someone might read this and would get kidnapped again, ooh by the way, got back after 3 hours, it was around 5am I came back to my house, in those 3 hours, lots of things happened, alot of chanting, meditating with strange people who were not humans at all, had alot of fights with one of them untill they broke my arm, but I am ok, and my arm is now feelin better.



I think I am sharin alot here, had to stop it now

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Had a peculiar dream last night.


I was talking to a little kid after Jumca salaat. He was carrying a wooden box (he told me he just finished making it at school) and bottle of Chicken Tonight LoL


I said it was not Xalaal (the Chicken Tonight) and he said OK. Then a bunch of Xijaabi Asians who had left the mosque insisted it was Xalaal and said 'look it says Xalaal in Urdu'. I could'nt read it but took their word for it. The kid went of with his box and CT. I woke up.

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Norf the heat is getting to your head man get back up North, you probably saw a Bengali midget restaurateur carrying the ingredients for his tandoori chicken and you thought you were dreaming lool.

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