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Kismayo Update

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^^ You make it sound like it's all Madoobe's fault. It is a clan problem that invovles the government too. There is no "bad guys" here.

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(AFP) — A warlord in southern Somalia's Jubaland has declared himself "president" of the region, clan leaders said Thursday, shortly after the election of another militia commander to the post.


With tensions already high, the move raised the risk of clashes between rival factions in the southern port city of Kismayo, a former stronghold of the Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab, where Kenyan troops in an African Union force are now based.


The city was quiet Thursday, but residents have reported clan militia reinforcing their positions across Kismayo.


On Wednesday, former Islamist warlord Ahmed Madobe was elected Jubaland's "president" by a conference of some 500 elders and local leaders.


Neither the title nor the region itself is recognised by the weak central government in Mogadishu.


His supporters -- including the powerful Ras Kamboni militia -- fired heavy machine guns into the sky to celebrate his appointment, residents said.


"They were firing guns late into the night...the situation is calm now but the city is tense, there are fears of clashes between militia," Kismayo resident Hassan Mohamud told AFP.


Madobe is a key ally of Kenya, and his appointment risks opening a rift between Nairobi and Mogadishu.


But shortly afterwards, former Somali defence minister and warlord Barre Hirale, who comes from a rival clan, declared himself also president after a separate conference.


"I was nominated president of Jubaland by the elders...I call on the people to support my presidency to assist me in bringing peace," Hirale told reporters.


"The conference where I was nominated was organised and belonged to the people... while the other conference was organised and pushed by Kenya," he added, calling on people "to lay down their arms and help rebuild the region."


Hirale, a veteran militia commander from the ******* clan, has in recent years been backed by Ethiopia to battle Shebab insurgents.


Both elections are understood to be opposed by the central government in the capital Mogadishu, which is keen to stamp its authority on the lawless and war-ravaged nation, not to see further regional splits.


There was no immediate reaction to developments from Mogadishu.


"If fighting breaks out in Kismayo, it will be the Somali government that will take responsibility for the bloodshed, because they are creating instability between brotherly clans," Madobe told reporters.


Residents in Kismayo said they now had two leaders.


"Today we have two presidents, and one of them is aided by Kenya's army...the city is quiet but people are not moving in the streets as they are worried," Kismayo resident Ahmed Ali said Thursday.


"Clan militia supporting either side are reinforcing their positions across the town," he told AFP by telephone.


Jubaland lies in the far south of Somalia and borders both Kenya and Ethiopia, and control is split between multiple forces including clan militia, the Shebab, Kenyan and Ethiopian soldiers.


Jubaland joins other semi-autonomous regions of the fractured Horn of Africa nation, including Puntland in the northeast -- which wants autonomy within a federation of states -- and Somaliland in the northwest, which fiercely defends its self-declared independence.


Invading Kenyan troops -- now part of the AU force mandated to support the government in Mogadishu -- captured Kismayo alongside Madobe's troops in October 2012.


Madobe, from Somalia's ******i clan, was once governor of Kismayo and a key member of the Islamic Courts Union -- whose armed wing was the Shebab -- that was toppled by Ethiopia's 2006 US-backed invasion of Somalia.


During the invasion he was wounded in a bombing raid in southern Somalia, and was captured and taken to Ethiopia, spending at least two years in jail.


After his release, in late 2011 he switched allegiance to battle his former Islamist comrades by fighting alongside Kenyan troops.


Source: AFP

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One side followed the rules as they understand them. They conduct themselves in a civilized manner. They held meetings, consulted all the stakeholders, compromized with their opponents, accommodated their distractors and deliberated on the issue for months.


I can't say the same thing about the other side :)


NORF said there are marked differences about the tone and the substances of the issues on hand. Awoowe last year and today the issue at hand is one issue and that is how to implement federalism folks have agreed during the roadmap :) Nothing changed. The root cause of all of this noise is still same old canta :)

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KISMAAYO: Maamulka Jubbaland State iyo AMISOM, oo musaafurinaya rag uu ku jiro Col. Barre Hiiraale( Warbixin)


KISMAAYO: Maamulka Jubbaland State iyo AMISOM, oo musaafurinaya rag uu ku jiro Col. Barre Hiiraale( Warbixin)

May 17, 2013 10:50 am GMT - Written by PP - Edited by PP

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Kismaayo: (pp)- Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa laga masaafurinayaa rag uu ku jiro Col, Barre Aadan Shire Hiirale , kaddib markii lagu qiimeeyey inay isku dayeen falal qas iyo ammaanka qatar ku ah.

Shaqsiaaydka laga musaafurinayo magaalada Kismayo ayaa waxaa ka mid ah rag ay Muqdisho kasoo dirtay DF ee Soomaaliya, kuwaas oo loogu tallo galay inay Qas iyo jahawareer siyaasadeed ka sameeyaan magaalada Kismaayo oo waqtigaas lagu guda-jiray inay ka dhacdo doorasho xor ah ay dadka deegaanadan dega ay ku samaysanayeen Maamul Federaal ah.


Barre Aadan Shire ayaa lagu wargeliyey maalinkii shalay inuu ka baxay Ballan uu la galay Odayaasha, maamulkii kumeel-gaarka ahaa oo ka jiray magaalada iyo Ciidamada AMISOM ee dhanka ammaanka qaabilsan , isagoo ka ballan qaaday waqtigii uu magaalada Kismaayo soo gaaray inuusan ku lug lahayn wax siyaasad ah uuna u yimi magaalada Xaaskiisa iyo Caruurtiisa oo magaalada Ku nool, nasiib darro doorashadii maalinta ay dhacday ayuu daqiiqado kaddib sheegtay in isaga loo doortay Madaxweyne , arrinkaas oo ay ka yaabiyey dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool aduunka dacaladiisa.


Hadalkaas kasoo yeeray kaddib ayaa lagu qiimiiyey inuu been ka sheegay qorsheyaashii uu u yimi magaalada , kaddibna lagu wargeliyey inuu ka baxay go’aankii lagu ogaa oo ahaa inuu reerkiisa u yimi oo uu la joogayo.


Waxaa kaloo raga magaalada Kismaayo laga masaafurinayo ka mid ah Maxamed Aamiin, oo markii la xiray ka shifay in DF ee Soomaaliya ay usoo magacowday Guddoomiyaha magaalada.


Sikastaba, waxaa banaanka u soo baxay in arrimahan oo dhan ay ka danbeysay DF ee Soomaaliya , taasna keenaytay in lagu ciqaaabo raggii ay dowladu adeegsatay in la xiroqaarkood dibna loogu masaafuriyo magaalada Muqdisho oo shirqoolkooda laga sooa abaabulay.


Dhanka kale, Madaxweynaha Jubbaland State Sheekh Axmed Islaam ayaa la sheegayaa inuu go’aano badan ka soo saarayo arrimo deg deg ah oo khuseeya dhanka nabadgelyada, isagoo shirar gooni gooni ah kula jira Ciidamada ammaanka , siyaasiyiinta , dhanka kalena la tashiyo ku saabsan dhismaha dowlada cusub la yeelanaya bulshada qaybaheeda kala duwan.



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As we predicted the short news cycle and the false narrative it propelled is about to end...the federal government has crossed a line, and is in violation of the very political framework it draws her legitimacy from.


NORF as always is struggling to understand the political caravan, and the long crawl to reach the desired station. Somalia has made a huge progress, it has a constitution, an elected leadership, and a parliament. The world has invested in this political framework and will ensure it is implemented as expected. Even if some Somali leaders think they can deviate from it, a course correction will be imposed.

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War Deg Deg: Musharax Sheekh Shakuul oo taageray Doorashadii Madaxweynaha Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoowe


Musharax Maxamed Ibraahim Shakuul ayaa maanta ka hadlay munaasabada caleema saarka hogaanka Jubbaland oo hada ka socota hoolka shirweynaha ee Jaamacada Kismaayo.


Sheekh Shakuul ayaa madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe ugu hambalyeeyay doorashada loo doortay xilka madaxweynaha Jubbaland. Sheekh Shakuul oo dhinac fadhiyay madaxweyne Axmed madoobe ayaa mikaroofanka qabsaday halkaana ka muujiyay shucuurtiisa.


Wariyeheena ee magaalada Kismaayo oo hada kusugan hoolka ay munaasabadu ka socoto ayaa sheegay in munaasabadii ay wali socoto goor dhawydna la dhaariyay madxweyne kuxigeenka Jubbaland Cabdullaahi Sheekh ismaaciil(Fartaag).


Madaxweynaha kuxigeenka ayaa sida wariyuhu kusoo waramayo halkaa khudbad dheer jeediyay iyadoo khudbadiisii ay hadda soo gabagabowday.


Waxaad dhowaan naga fishaan sawiradii iyo codadkii

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DHAGEYSO COD: Madaxweyne Ku-Xigeenka Jubbaland State Gen. Fartaag “Doorashadu waxay u dhacday si Dimoqraadi ah waxayna ahayd Doorasho Taariikhi ah


Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Dowladda Jubbaland Gen. C/laahi Shekh Ismaaciil Fartaag oo wareysi siiyay warbaahinta gudaha ayaa sheegay doorashadii doraad ka dhacday magaalada Kismaayo ee lagu doortay Sheekh Axmed Madoobe inay u dhacday hab Dimuquraadiyad ah, isla markaana ay soo doorteen dadka reer Jubbaland Madaxwaynahoodii.


Wuxuu madaxweyne ku xigeenka Gen Fartaag xusay in goobta ay ka dhacday doorashada ku sugnaayeen dhowr musharaxiin, wuxuuna sheegay tanaasul ay muujiyeen musharaxiintaasi kadib in Madaxwaynahii ugu horeeyay ee Dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland loo doortay Sheekh Axmed Maxamed Islaam.


Dhinaca kale wuxuu Gen. Fartaag soo dhoweeyay Xilka Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Jubbaland ee loo magacaabay, isagoona sheegay aad inuu usoo dhowaynayo in loo magacaabo Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland State.


Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Maamulka Jubbaland Gen. Fartaag wuxuu ugu baaqay dadweynaha jubbaland in ay maamulkooda cusub lala shaqeeyo, wuxuuna uga digay shacabka Jubbaland dad uu ku sheegay inay yihiin war xumo tashiil oo aan doonayn Nabadda Jubbooyinka.

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Yes awoowe.


Cracks are opening up in Mogadishu admin; Interior Minister was speaking off script, while the PM and Information Minister seem very composed.

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Shaqsiaaydka laga musaafurinayo magaalada Kismayo ayaa waxaa ka mid ah rag ay Muqdisho kasoo dirtay DF ee Soomaaliya, kuwaas oo loogu tallo galay inay Qas iyo jahawareer siyaasadeed ka sameeyaan magaalada Kismaayo oo waqtigaas lagu guda-jiray inay ka dhacdo doorasho xor ah ay dadka deegaanadan dega ay ku samaysanayeen Maamul Federaal ah.


Barre Aadan Shire ayaa lagu wargeliyey maalinkii shalay inuu ka baxay Ballan uu la galay Odayaasha, maamulkii kumeel-gaarka ahaa oo ka jiray magaalada iyo Ciidamada AMISOM ee dhanka ammaanka qaabilsan , isagoo ka ballan qaaday waqtigii uu magaalada Kismaayo soo gaaray inuusan ku lug lahayn wax siyaasad ah uuna u yimi magaalada Xaaskiisa iyo Caruurtiisa oo magaalada Ku nool, nasiib darro doorashadii maalinta ay dhacday ayuu daqiiqado kaddib sheegtay in isaga loo doortay Madaxweyne , arrinkaas oo ay ka yaabiyey dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool aduunka dacaladiisa.


lol :rolleyes:

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The Zack;951392 wrote:
Shakuul's endorsement is huge!

I agree , Sheekh Shakuul --who was a fierce opponent during the run up to the election--endorses the legitimacy of the process and concedes to Madoobe. That is big deal.


Fartaag's testimony is also very powerful --yesterday Aw Libaax spoke about the election as well.


Federal government's tacit support to Barre will not be forgotten---it is a huge blunder

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Today the office the PM rejected the outcome of this narnialand election. Madoobe thought he could fight the somali gov with foreign muscles. He is in for a wake up call. As many others :)

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The Zack   

xiinfaniin;951397 wrote:
I agree , Sheekh Shakuul --who was a fierce opponent during the run up to the election--endorses the legitimacy of the process and concedes to Madoobe. That is big deal.


Fartaag's testimony is also very powerful --yesterday Aw Libaax spoke about the election as well.


Federal government's tacit support to Barre will not be forgotten---it is a huge blunder

True! You know the elections were fair when contestants that lost congratulate the winner. Some were claiming it was stolen. Things are moving very fast... to the right direction.

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