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Gedo Delegates Arrive at Kismayo Airport

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When Mr. xunjuf hears Kismayo and Gedo he thinks of a particular 'enemy' clans, forgetting this is a very diverse region, and the community is unified in wanting a regional state.

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Xiinfaniin there are no enemy clans, but this Jubbaland halkay ka so dhaqaaday eh Kenya , umalayn mayo inay so dhaafayso. Hadhow uun ha odhan Xaajigu run bu sheegeyey:D

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xiinfaniin;928079 wrote:


...and there was an innocent small boy slaughtered in Hargeysa last night as well.

As predictable as ever :D


Why don't you just tell us you don't want to 'discuss' but prefer calaacal :D


Mintid, Kismaayo is the new caravan since the day after the new president was elected. It wasn't important back then as Xiin said but this issue is all he seems to have posted about for the past 4 months :D


When one questions the whole process he and others think you're against it :D

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Ergooyinkii Shirka Maamul u Sameynta Jubbooyinka u Mateli lahayd sadexda Gobol oo Maanta la Magacaabay


Talaado, 19 Maarso, 2013(HOL) - Waxaa gudaha magaalada Kismaayo mudooyinkii u danbeeyay ka soconayay shirkii maamul u sameynta gobollada Jubooyinka, iyadoona shalay ay magaalada sooa gaareen ergo ka socotay gobolka Gedo, kuwaasoo qeyb ka ah xubnaha ka qeybqaadanaya dhismaha dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland.


Gudoomiyaha Gudiga Farsamada shirka maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka C/qani Cabdi Jaamac oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay gudaha xarunta Jaamacadda Kismaayo ayaa ka warbixiyay shirka iyo weliba halka uu marayo.


Gudoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in xarunta shirka uu ka soconayo ay kusoo qulqulayaan ergooyin ka kala imanaya gobollada Jubooyinka, wuxuuna xusay in shalay ay shirka kusoo biireen xubno ka socday gobolka Gedo, islamarakasina maalmaha soo socdo la filayo in ay soo gaareen ergo kale oo cusub oo iyaguna ka iman doonta isla gobolka Gedo.


Masuulkani ayaa sheegay in la qeybiyay ergooyinkii matali lahaa degmooyinka iyo gobollada Gedo , J/hoose iyo J/dhexe, isagoona sheegay in sedexda gobol midkiiba la siiyay 120 Ergo, wuxuuna xusay in ergadaasi aan lagu soo xulan qaab qabiil balse lagu soo xushay hab deegaameed.


“Waxaa lakala qeybsaday ilaa 485 Ergo 15-na waxaa laga dhigay Keyd si wixii hadhow soo baxo loogu xalliyo, 485-taa ergo waxaa loo kala qaatay, sedexda gobol, gobol walba waxaa la siiyay 120 Ergo, hadana gobol walba waxaa loogu daray 15-Ergo oo dumar ah,” ayuu yiri masuulkani.


Sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay in gobolka Gedo la siiyay 30 Kursi oo dheeri ah, taasoo uu sabab uga dhigay gobolka Gedo oo ah gobol baaxad weyn, wuxuuna intaa ku daray in dagmo walba inta la siiyay ay dadkeeda ka fariisan doonaan islamarkaasina ay isaga soo xuli doonaan habkii ay doonaan.


Ergadani laga soo xulay sedexda gobol ayaa la filayaa in ay ansixiyaan axdiga KMG ee la doonayo in lagu maamulo gobollada Jubooyinka islamarkaasina ay u gudbaan dhismaha dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland State.


Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan Online.


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KISMAAYO: Shirkii Maamul u samaynta Jubbooyinka & Gedo oo dib u bilowday iyo Ergooyinka oo la qaybsanayo.


Kismaayo: (pp)- Waxaa dib uga bilowday guddaha magaalada Kismaayo ee Xarrunta gobolka J/hoose ee Kismaayo shirkii maamul u samaynta deegaanada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo, iyadoo shirarkii horay uga socday magaalada Kismaayo ay kusoo biireen ergooyinkii ka maqnaa shirka qaarkood ee gobolka Gedo.


KismaayoWararka aan helayno ayaa sheegaya in ergooyinkii ka imaan lahaa gobolka Gedo aysan weli soo dhamays tirmin inta dhimana la sugayo maalmaha soo socda, inkastoo ay wakiilo u joogaan magaalada Kismaayo.


Sadexda gobolee kala ah J/hoose, J/dhexe iyo Gedo ayaa isku afgartay inay qayb sadaan ergooyinka , inkasta oo illaa hadda banaanka la keenay in sadexda gobolka ay si toos ah u qaybsanayaan ergooyinka, kuwaas oo ansaxin doona dastuurka kumeel-gaarka ah ee Jubbaland & Gedo.


Waxaa loo maleeyaan illaa hada waxyaalo badan laga gaaray horrumar ee arrimaha dadka deegaankaas ku nool, kuwaas oo ku qanacsan illaa hada sida ay wax u socdaan.


Inshaa’alah hadii uu hirgalo maamul goboleedka Jubaland State ayaa noqonaya maamulkii Labaad ee buuxsha Maamulka Federaalka ee Soomaaliya , maadaama ay yihiin illaa 3 gobol, marka laga soo tago dowlad goboleedyada Puntland oo 14 sano kahor dhidhidaba loo taagay.


Waxaa kaloo jira maamulka Galmudug oo maamul ahaan u jira , lakiin aan buuxin shuruudihii Federaalka ay ku noqon lahaayeen, waxaa kaloo jira Ximan & Xeeb oo iyadaha gaarkeed u ordaysa iyagana aaan buuxin shuruuradaha federaalka.

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KISMAYO, Somalia Mar 19 2013 (Garowe Online) – A Somali Federal Government (SFG) delegation is expected to visit the port city of Kismayo in the coming days as the Jubaland state conference is set to resume, Garowe Online reports.


Sources close to the SFG told GO that a ministerial delegation will be arriving in Kismayo shortly.


The SFG had stood against the Jubaland state conference previously calling the conference 'unauthorized'. After failing to stop the conference, the SFG have taken another approach to the state building process, sources tell GO. The delegation’s planned visit is coinciding with the continuation of the Jubaland state conference that began last month but had been adjourned last week.


One of the reasons why the conference was adjourned was to include absent delegates from Gedo. On Tuesday, over 80 delegates from Gedo region arrived in Kismayo to take part in the Jubaland conference.


While the Jubaland conference was in recess, IGAD regional bloc, Kismayo’s interim administration and SFG military officers had been meeting in Kenya to discuss the recent deployment of 200 government forces from Gedo region to Berhani 40 KMs from Kismayo airport.


The meeting was a bid to mediate between the two sides after Kismayo’s interim administration expressed concerns of the deployment. Sources tell GO that the mediation went well and both sides agreed to continue the conference without any further disturbances.


Although the SFG hasn't specified that they would participate in the conference, the visit to Kismayo coincides with the upcoming resuming of the Jubaland conference. Traditional elders, intellectuals and organizers of the Jubaland process have repeatedly requested that the SFG take part in the state building process.

- See more at:

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You know better ---people like your caliber understand organized conferences like the one in Kismayo, anchored in the new federal concept , backed by local stakeholders cannot be reversed. The government will find a way to bless it and accept the outcome at worest--- at best a high level delegation will visit as reported and show respect to the effort to govern the region and claim credit .

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Looking good. Do you have the list of the delegates? Please post it if you do.


Could it be Faroole and Saacid and the arm-twisting that transpired in Nairobi did the trick! :) Who knows that might be it. Wacade wiilka Faroole la yiraahdo waa wiil hoog :) Saacid gets it but we'll see how well he succeeds in making the u-turn without making it appear government is flip-flopping on federalism. War jiraaba Cakaaro iman!


At any rate, state-building effort will go on.


Folks waht is happening in Kismayo is a legitimate gathering of local residents in the region. It is a peaceful gathering aimed at building federal member state and insha'Allah the locals' effort will succeed.

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People like to discuss the power struggle between the SFG and the people who would like to form Jubaaland but they forget the consequences of doing nothing. There is a power vacuum in that region, the SFG is not the all powerful entity (they can't even secure the capital) and they expect people to wait and see this vacuum filled by Al Shabab or other militias. Kenya won't be there forever and the SFG doesn't have the troops to replace them, and instead of jumping on this opportunity and guide it to a better outcome they drag their feet and hope it fails. If the SFG wants to form the states of the federal government why don't they show that they can do that and start doing something? maybe they can help form a state in Bay and Bakool and organize a conference there and show that they can do things better. You can't just drag your feet and expect things to go your way.

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Xiin, iska dhaaf Xaaji Xeyraan anaa meeleenayee, dhowr Cariish oo Fargaas ah wali waan u hayaa, illeen ninka weyn kolka afka loo buuxiyo aburka uu seyrayo wuu yaraadaa.


Awoowe hada wadankii baan ku maqnahey oo waayadan kuma badnaan doono SOL balse marmar isha waan soo marin oo waan soo halgaadi wixii nafaqo ah.



Oo kaaley, aawey the usual suspects, xagee ka dhaceen topigan uguma jeedee, waxaan ka hadlayaa sxbkey Macalinka, my old friend Gabbal, at least wax lee soo qora nooh, see waaye waraada, naga daaya cayaarta camal

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I don't have the names yet. Perhaps our Mooge from SOL could furnish the gallery with the 'ergo' names ---he is in Kismayo , on the ground.

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