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BREAKING NEWS - Qoslaye tries to assasinated a Somali MP over kismayo comment

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If It is a crime for an MP from a certain region of the country to be in xamar then what you are also saying is that the people of that region cannot be represented in Xamar, and therefore it stands to reason that since they cannot be represented in Xamar, then The Government cannot lay claim to that region or it's people.


That is absolutely ludicrous!!!

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Odey;921599 wrote:
If It is a crime for an MP from a certain region of the country to be in xamar then what you are also saying is that the people of that region cannot be represented in Xamar, and therefore it stands to reason that since they cannot be represented in Xamar, then The Government cannot lay claim to that region or it's people.


That is absolutely ludicrous!!!

thanks oday as they say:


“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.”

- Charles Darwins

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Ragan Afamadow kabo ka waawayn baa loogaliyay oo reer Puntland ay u galiyeen :D Waxa la buun buuninayo iyo waxaa la dilirabay meeshaan kama jiraan. And you are right I have yet to see a Hotel manned by Amisom.



Reer afmadoow banooniga dhulka dhiga hanoqonina buundo lagu gudbo.

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Good to know that u r ok Macallinka, kan The Zack la dhahayo waxba lama socdo berrito isagaa kabtay bilataa loo billaabi doonaa oo marb dhinac isku ceyrsan doono. All this caro for Maraxweyne iyo PM ma helin yaab badanaa. Waan kugu raacsanahay cajaladaha halla iska demiyo oo indhuhu runta ha arkeen.

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The Zack   

Macalin iyo Abwaan horta waa Aflagaaddo iyo meel ku dhac inaad reero dhan ku tilmaantaan in la wato when you clearly know they are and have been leading this initiative for a long time. You are giving Reer Puntland too much credit, reerkaas si buu idiinla weyn yahay ama aad uga baqdaan. What makes you think Garowe is pushing this, when you clearly know that Azania and Jubbaland were there on their own for a long time.

Intaas kadib, walaalaha galgaduud ee abwaan iyo macalin, remember that reer Puntland and reer Jubooyinka are of the same sub clan. Even if they work for the good, there is no problem. Abwaan adigu unuka waad wadataa oo wakaas xamar degmooyinbla tirsan gudoomiye kaaga wada dhigay inta dadkii degenaa ka qaadeen ee macalinka auaan la yaabanahay lol. Dhuuso mareeb usoo celiya bal asagaa degi jiree..

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loool@Zack. Duqa reer Puntland inay gurbaanka idiin garacayaan way iska cadahay. Anigu wax badan oran maayo haduu dagaal ehli ka dhaco saamaynta ugu wayn waxay ku dhacaysaa waa anaka. Sheekadaan all over suddenly ah xuquuqda D-block baanu raadinaynaa waa film aan meelna jirin ragaan anakaa kaa naqaano sxb ee tartiib dagaal wax fiican maha. Si ragnimo ku jirto aan wax u qaybsano oo ay san ahayn dagaal ayaa ka dhalanaya meesha.


As for Dhuusamareeb.........Caadi waaye demographic wuu is badala waa la isbarakiciyaa, Abwaan ayaa dabada xabad iga soo galiyay. Xataa Cadaado waa la iga soo xoogay, Gudoomiyaha xamarwayne waa nin Cadaado kayimid waxaasi waa caadi . ;) Mana iga maqlaysid anoo barooranaya sababtoo ah ragnimada kamid maha waxaad xabad ku waysay inaad baroor ku raadisid looool



Xalaa calayk aan dhahay waan ka socday (bal MMA taas ka dhaadhici camal - he will forever moan about bardhere but the reality on the ground will never change )

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^^^ Macallinka, see camal, ninkaan isku cid aan nahaye na raac oo D'da fiiri K'da lee ha ku dheganaanin uu ku dhohooyaa, warkiisa yeel. :)

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Macallinka;922128 wrote:
loool@Zack. Duqa reer Puntland inay gurbaanka idiin garacayaan way iska cadahay. Anigu wax badan oran maayo haduu dagaal ehli ka dhaco saamaynta ugu wayn waxay ku dhacaysaa waa anaka. Sheekadaan all over suddenly ah xuquuqda D-block baanu raadinaynaa waa film aan meelna jirin ragaan anakaa kaa naqaano sxb ee tartiib dagaal wax fiican maha. Si ragnimo ku jirto aan wax u qaybsano oo ay san ahayn dagaal ayaa ka dhalanaya meesha.


As for Dhuusamareeb.........Caadi waaye demographic wuu is badala waa la isbarakiciyaa, Abwaan ayaa dabada xabad iga soo galiyay. Xataa Cadaado waa la iga soo xoogay, Gudoomiyaha xamarwayne waa nin Cadaado kayimid waxaasi waa caadi .
Mana iga maqlaysid anoo barooranaya sababtoo ah ragnimada kamid maha waxaad xabad ku waysay inaad baroor ku raadisid looool



Xalaa calayk aan dhahay waan ka socday (bal MMA taas ka dhaadhici camal - he will forever moan about bardhere but the reality on the ground will never change )

:) :) :)


Horta maxaay ku dambeeysey sheekadhan?


It reminds me of that girl during the 2008 election who claimed that a black man had carved a B on her face....

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Macallinka;922128 wrote:
loool@Zack. Duqa reer Puntland inay gurbaanka idiin garacayaan way iska cadahay. Anigu wax badan oran maayo haduu dagaal ehli ka dhaco saamaynta ugu wayn waxay ku dhacaysaa waa anaka. Sheekadaan all over suddenly ah xuquuqda D-block baanu raadinaynaa waa film aan meelna jirin ragaan anakaa kaa naqaano sxb ee tartiib dagaal wax fiican maha. Si ragnimo ku jirto aan wax u qaybsano oo ay san ahayn dagaal ayaa ka dhalanaya meesha.


As for Dhuusamareeb.........Caadi waaye demographic wuu is badala waa la isbarakiciyaa, Abwaan ayaa dabada xabad iga soo galiyay. Xataa Cadaado waa la iga soo xoogay, Gudoomiyaha xamarwayne waa nin Cadaado kayimid waxaasi waa caadi .
Mana iga maqlaysid anoo barooranaya sababtoo ah ragnimada kamid maha waxaad xabad ku waysay inaad baroor ku raadisid looool



Xalaa calayk aan dhahay waan ka socday (bal MMA taas ka dhaadhici camal - he will forever moan about bardhere but the reality on the ground will never change )

still living in the kitchen of your dumaashi Asha Haji? looooooool.


you spoke like a true laangaab there ya Maccalle. loool. calaacalka jooji ninyoow. Asha Haji's project reerka durbaan u timaysa horan kugu shegay. Awrka qoslaye and his family idinku kacsanayaan dan waaraysa maaha. loool. u sheeg Saacid hurdaaye, hurdadad isagoo ku jiraa Jubbaland la samaynayaa and I, the clan you fear the most, will have ministers and run Kismayo when Jubbaland is created. I will still control its business just like today and there will be nothing you can do about it ninyoow. if the two Jubba's leave you alone, you know you will not even live in Beledxawo. RRA is waiting as MMA said. loool.


ninyoow, we took up arms against Siyad's Barre's might and machine when no one dared. We still live in our land (From Wardheer to Raascasayr) and we are moving forward. The only clan that doesn't have anything, i mean zero, in Somalia is you and you know Gedo is the forgotten land of somali geography. while we were building our land, all you have been doing in the last 20 years was carrying the boots of the same HAG that have kicked you out of Dhusamareeb and the rest of your historic land. dawladinimadu waa u dhalasho ninyoow, ee inta borka iska jaftid, stop sending hijabbed men to Kismayo.


anyone who tries to cause trouble in Kismayo will de dealt with firmly and there won't be JVA this time that you can bring to Kismayo to rape the young girls. that game is no more ninyoow. attackers will be karbaashed just like few days ago and men who sent them will be crying "Justice halagu soo qabto dadkii xasuuqay oo bililigaystay Guulwade district" when in reality nobody was xasuuq, all that happened was that the attackers lost their men.


dantaada garo ninyoow and stop living in the kitchen of your dumaashi. nin rag iska dhig oo ragaga wax la qaybso.

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^^ Oodka, our Gabbal and Macalinka had different view, Gabbal supports Jubbaland whereas Macalinka position can be read in that long post, he is clearly advocating for a clan warfare, and that is the sad part of his post, at least that is what I read from his post: 'nin raga hadaad tahey iska key celi ha barooranin' is what his post reads!!

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Mooge;922187 wrote:
still living in the kitchen of your dumaashi Asha Haji? looooooool.


you spoke like a true laangaab there ya Maccalle. loool. calaacalka jooji ninyoow. Asha Haji's project reerka durbaan u timaysa horan kugu shegay. Awrka qoslaye and his family idinku kacsanayaan dan waaraysa maaha. loool. u sheeg Saacid hurdaaye, hurdadad isagoo ku jiraa Jubbaland la samaynayaa and I, the clan you fear the most, will have ministers and run Kismayo when Jubbaland is created. I will still control its business just like today and there will be nothing you can do about it ninyoow. if the two Jubba's leave you alone, you know you will not even live in Beledxawo. RRA is waiting as MMA said. loool.


ninyoow, we took up arms against Siyad's Barre's might and machine when no one dared. We still live in our land (From Wardheer to Raascasayr) and we are moving forward. The only clan that doesn't have anything, i mean zero, in Somalia is you and you know Gedo is the forgotten land of somali geography. while we were building our land, all you have been doing in the last 20 years was carrying the boots of the same HAG that have kicked you out of Dhusamareeb and the rest of your historic land. dawladinimadu waa u dhalasho ninyoow, ee inta borka iska jaftid, stop sending hijabbed men to Kismayo.


anyone who tries to cause trouble in Kismayo will de dealt with firmly and there won't be JVA this time that you can bring to Kismayo to rape the young girls. that game is no more ninyoow. attackers will be karbaashed just like few days ago and men who sent them will be crying "Justice halagu soo qabto dadkii xasuuqay oo bililigaystay Guulwade district" when in reality nobody was xasuuq, all that happened was that the attackers lost their men.


dantaada garo ninyoow and stop living in the kitchen of your dumaashi. nin rag iska dhig oo ragaga wax la qaybso.

Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa "Doqoni meeshii lagu dagaalay un bay xasuusataa ee meeshii lagu heshiiyey maba oga".

Waryaa Mooge booto badne, ninka ragga ahi sidaan baan ku yeeli iyo sidaan baan ku iri inuu yiraa waa laga fiican yahay. Ayaandarrada jirta waxay tahay inaad dusha saaraneysid wax aadan samayn dad baan xagga u ceyrsadey iyo xaggaan aadey ku lahaa..:D Waxaaba iigu daran markaad tiri illaa waagaan Maxamed Siyaad Barre isku taagey oo aan hubka billaabay..:D Horta halla is weydiiyee maxaa ka dambeeyey? Soo adigii dharka soo doontay xoogaa markaad jiqda ku jirtey, nin dowlad la dagaalay dhar la'aan waa ku dhacdaa laakiin adigu arrad baad soo doonatay, ma xasuusataa markii dukaanka inta lagu keenay dharka iyo kabaha laguu gaday and xiddigna lagu siiyey that was end of the story. Don't tell me qaar baa weli halgan ku jirey illaa dowladdii dhacday waayo waad ogtahay kuwaas uu AY horjoogaha u ahaa waxay sameeyeen, ma illowdey inay Galdogob iyo Balambal calanka Itoobiya ka taageen? And guess who kicked them out? Gen. Aidid and Gen Salxaan. Intaas markaan kaftanka hagartu ku jirto uga baxo, ninyahow dadku waa dagaalaa waana heshiiyaa kulligeenna Soomaali baan nahay ee nabadda halla qaato in 2013 la iskugu booteeyo cirkaan u duuli jirey qofna meel ma geyneyso.

Galguduud dagaal kama jiro haddii aad ogeyd in beri lagu dagaalay insha Allaah haddana ka dhici maayo, wixii dhibaato ahna Ilaah ha naga hayo. Sidoo kale Jubbada Hoosena in dagaal ka dhaco wax wanaagsan ma ahan ee ninyahow adiga xitaa meesha ciidan kuuma joogo ee ninkaan The Zack ah ha waalin oo dadkaan walaalaha ah ee Macallinka iyo The Zack in mid badda lagu guro ha u horseedin.

Aan kula taliyee haddii aad tabar heysid orod Shabaab iskaga celi.

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Oodweyne awoowe ragga ha isku leyn :). Mooge waa kaftamayaa and he understands Kismayo port and the region it serves have the resources to feed millions of Somali. When all said and done Juba region will need talented professionals, laborers, farmers etc. -- middle class folks that have the income and capacity to transform the area and make it the engine of growth...


Awoowe one thing the region is in need of is population and if I have the power I would have recruited folks in Benadir, Mudug and Togdheer folks and settle them in the city in order to compete with Benadir, Bossasso, berrbera and even Mombasa.


Awoowe naga badan meeshu :)

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Outch! :( Awoowe hadalkaa ma aha mid meesha soo gali kadha.


Marqaati waxan ka ahay in eray rag lagu yiraahdo aanu hadalkaa ahayn. Mooge waa iska xukuman yahay. Shido waxay ka joogtaa golaha hadalo qadaf oo aan habooneyn baa ka dhaca had iyo goor. Giddi ma xukunaa awoowe mise waxad leedahay kan baa qoyan ee bal horta meel issaga meel ha la saaro :)

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