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Che -Guevara

U.S. to recognize Somali government, opening door to new aid

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Xiin, whatever the President's personal opinions may be, he understands that majority of his citizens want Federalism and that Federalism is the only hope of unity we have now. It is evident to everyone that there is no trust between the clans for us to adopt a unitary system anytime soon. The President understands all of this and has acted maturely (case in point his reversal in the Jubbooyin issue). It is unfair to keep digging at him for being against Federalism after this.

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The Sage   
That does not mean Somaliland's demands for political settlement with the south will just go away. I always thought recognition was never in the cards for Somaliland./QUOTE]


Gee what a unbiased comment from Xinny.


Anyway I think the pronouncements and lofty statements ignore key facts on the ground and sobering realities for the central gov. What we are seeing is a shaky government slowly coming out a decades long conflict in what will be a process that will take several years if not decades to go through recovery (even countries with prolonged civil wars like Sierra Leone, Liberia are still going through this process). I imagine that once Hassan's government and it's successors go through this process only then can they readily take care of pursuing any resolution to the Somaliland issue.

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Waranle_Warrior;909656 wrote:
This is good news but the Somali government has to grab this opportunity make something out of it.

i doubt xasan qoslaaye would make opportunity out of anything.

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Mooge;909520 wrote:
take a dose of your own medicine ninyoow. check how many negetive comments you made about Faroole and Puntland/puntlanders on this thread we are commenting now.


you are as hapless as it gets ninyoow. your fingers and brain don't work together baan umalaynaya. loool.

What negative comments?

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“Maraykanku Muu Odhan Somaliland lama Shaqaynayo, Aqoonsiga Soomaaliyana…”

January 18th, 2013 Comments Off




Xukuumadda Somaliland Oo Ka Hadashay Mowqifkeeda la xidhiidha Aqoonsiga Maraykanku siiyay Soomaaliya


Dubai, (Somaliland.Org)- Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa ka hadashay mawqifkeeda ku waajahan siyaasadda cusub ee uu Maraykanku sheegay inay ku aqoonsadeen dawladda Soomaaliya.


Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda iyo Xidhiidhka Caalamiga ah ee Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar oo ku sugan dalka Imaaraadka Carabta oo maanta u warramay Laanta Afsoomaaliga ee Idaacada BBC-da, ayaa sheegay inaanay Somaliland saamayn ku yeelanayn xidhiidhka cusub ee uu Maraykanku sheegay inuu la samaynayo, isla markaana kula macaamilayo dawladda Soomaaliya.


Waxa kale, oo uu Wasiirku tilmaamay inaanay waxba iska bedeli doonin xidhiidhka Somaliland, Maraykanka iyo beesha caalamkuba, waxaanu *****lka ka qaaday in qaddiyadii ay caalamku hore u sheegeen inay Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya mid walba ula macaamilayaan gaar ahaantood aanay saamayn ku yeelan doonin aqoonsiga uu Maraykanku siiyay Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale waxa uu Wasiirku sheegay in xidhiidhka cusub ee Maraykanka iyo Dawladda Soomaaliya waxtar u leeyahay Somaliland, kaasoo uu tilmaamay inuu dawo ka noqon doono khataraha ammaan-darro ee Somaliland kaga yimaada Soomaaliya.


Wasiirka oo arrimahaas ka hadlaya waxa uu yidhi. “Dawladda Maraykanku wada-shaqaynta ay la leedahay dawladda Soomaaliya anagu waxaanu u aragnaa mid anagana faa’iido noo ah oo khatarta nagaga iman jirtay Soomaaliya ee nabadgelyo darrada iyo xasilooni darradu ka mid tahay, waxaanu rajayn doonaa in arrimahaas yaraan doonaan, laakiin dhinaca kale Maraykanku muu odhan Somaliland lama shaqaynayom, waxa kordhay oo aad u sii badanaya danaynta iyo soo dhaweynta ay caalamku u qabaan Somaliland oo ay ka mid tahay socdaalka aanu hadda ku joogno wadanka imaaraadka oo markii ugu horeysay ay wadamada carabtu albaabadooda iyo siyaasaddooda u fureen Somaliland, bishii hore dawladdo badan oo reer Yurub ah oo ay ka mid yihiin Ingiriiska iyo Denmarka ayaa ku baaqay inay mucaawinooyin dhaqaale oo toos ah ay Somaliland siinayaan, markaa arrimahaas oo dhami waxay muujinayaan in dareenkii iyo wada shaqayntii beesha caalamku ee Somaliland aanu runtii yaraanin ee uu sii badanayo.”


Wasiirka oo ka hadlaya qaddiyad wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya waxa uu yidhi. “Midi waxa weeye mawqif mucayin ah oo ay dunidu inta badan qaadato oo ah in arrimaha Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya ay yihiin arrimo iyaga u gaar ah ka shaqayntoodu, waana masalo siyaasaddeed, laakiin waxa muuqata in shirkii kal-hore caalamka oo dhami isugu ee Maraykanku uu ka mid ahaa ee London ka dhacay qaraarkii ka soo baxay wuxuu ahaa in Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya ay beesha caalamku ku tyaageerto inay ka wada hadlaan arrimaha ka dhexeeya iyo mustaqbalkooda, waana dood iyo wada hadalo hadda lafteeda noo socda oo aanu labada dawladdood filayno inay ka wada hadlaan, dawladdo badan oo caalamka ka mid ahina ay ka qayb qaadanayaan, markaa waxaan filayaa taasi inaanay Somaliland mushkilad ku ahaanayn Somaliland.”


Sidoo kale, waxa uu Wasiirku *****lka ka qaaday inay Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya mucaawinooyinka ay hore ugu qoondeeyeen in mid walba gaarkiisa loo siiyo, isla markaana aanay waxba iska bedelin. “Dhinaca kale qaddiyada labada xidhiidh (dual track) wuxuu ahaa wuxuu ahaa qaaciido mucaawinooyinka loogu kala qaybiyo Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland arrintaasna wax isbedel ah oo ilaa hadda noo muuqdaa ma jiro. Laakiin qodobka waxaasoo dhan ka wayni waxa weeye xorriyada iyo madaxbanaanida Somaliland waa mid ay goosteen shacabku, maaha mid dal kale iyo umad kale ku xidhan.


caalamkuna wuxuu ahmiyada siinayaa qaddiyada ay shacabku goosteen ee shuruucda ku dhisan, arrintaasina mid isku bedelaysa xidhiidh dhex mara Soomaaliya iyo Maraykanka maaha, khatarna uma aragno arrintaas, waxaanu u aragnaa mid aan waxba yeelayn ictiraaf doonka.” ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda iyo Xidhiidhka Caalamiga ah ee Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar.


Wasiirku waxa uu sheegay inay soo dhaweynayaan xidhiidhka cusub ee dawladdaha Soomaaliya iyo Maraykanka.


Cumar Maxamed Faarax


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Oodweyne...You have expressed your views but allow me couple of Qs, are those at top are intentionally undermining Somaliland for purely selfish reasons, or are they simply incompetent or worse closet unionists?

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^When you put in simple terms like that, then yes but otherwise, this could be consequential if this man knows how to take advantage of this endorsement.


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in my opinion the recognition is will yield more economic burden than welfare development for the common citizens of somalia.

The usaid and the world are not friendly institutions that deliver general good, they rather sow debts.

Having said that, the hard question is '' ma aqoonsi baa mise wada shaqeyn?? The latter never ceased in play. From the fall of the central government in 1991 upto now the usa was always at large.

Aqoonsi is misplaced. Somalia is not a new state

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