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Mogadishu: The Somali high level consultative meeting

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Somalina;744307 wrote:
You can shove your miserable 2cents were the sun don't shine. Cheerleading is a weakness I observed about Somali men on public forums recently. Waa iska caadi, soo tuur waxaad hayso bal. C'mon then, don't leave anything behind.

You cleary have some issues. Its kinda out there now. I dont have anything to prove to you.

And this dicussion is not about male vs female, theres plenty of sister out there who dont sit on high horses.

Your posts just clarifies what i stated. Your attiude is the cause not ur gender

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The Zack   

Dabrow;744303 wrote:
I was not even mention your name. But its good sign that you are self-aware about ur problems.

This is a public forum and I was expressing my mind....but then I forget this is "your thread"

Loooooooool@your thread.

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Somalina;744259 wrote:
When you muster up enough courage to stand on your own two feet come and talk to me ok. Hiding behind SOLers who comment on my threads is not geesinimo neither is following me around SOL, it's pathetic.

Again, well put.

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I will just watch you make excuses for your cheerleading dances and making a fool of yourself. You got your 15 minute of fame with Somalina, hey fun yeah!



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The Zack;744258 wrote:
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL EXACTLY!!!! Mahiga's Facilitation + Clan leaders meeting + Meeting held in an Airport lol + Guarded by AMISOM brothers = Fruitless.


Lol. Why of all places they decided to hold this meeting, by supposedly CEO Mahiga consulting with the important stakeholders, at the airport? As an easy escape route in the unlikely event of an attack? :D

What about Villa Somalia?

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Like many people have already mentioned, although the idea behind these meetings is a good one ie. a road map to legitimate elections, the whole process could be futile because of the non inclusion of important players in the political mess that is Somalia.


Firstly I'd be very interested to know if anyone has made overtures to (the saner factions within) Al-shabaab, and if so what their reply has been. They are without doubt casting a huge shadow over this whole process as they are still an existential threat to the TFG and still have a strangle hold over much of the country.


Also i cannot see elections that will be acceptable to the majority of Somalis happening without a real discussion within and between clans to agree on:


1) The constitution (to be written up by TFG:rolleyes:)


2) A smaller parliament ( most likely based on 4.5). With each clan family providing a list of candidates who satisfy the required criteria. Also road map needs to address how (or if) factions like Ahl-sunnah will be represented in parliament as they will skew a system based on 4.5 and will result in another bloated parliament


3) A fair election to be held in Mogadishu, with external observers


4) If the elections go ahead in a transparent and fair manner, that they will all publicly back the president and support his efforts to form a representative, but most importantly able cabinet.



For all this to happen we need unity between clans, political factions and other stakeholders like we've never seen it before AND neutralise the menace of Al-shabaab. So i'm not holding my breath.

Most likely the TFG and co. will fail to write a constitution or make a hash of it, and the pathetic political manoeuvering for next year will begin in earnest before long whilst the Shabaab continue to drag the country further into the abyss.

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NASSIR;744290 wrote:
The United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) seems to regard "Somalia" as the former Italian Trust Territory?

Told u ... It is heading in the right direction

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LoL...meeshani waaba ruwaayad socota. I could just smirk and giggle but I like both Somalina and Zack and as they are both prolific posters waa in la dhexdhexaadiyo. *Rolls her sleeves up*


Oi Zacky Wacky (don't mind the nick, it's what I call my little nephew), you used to be mild mannered (or is that just my assumption?) but your extended stay in the politics section seems to be turning you into a bit of a militant! Come to the general section more often for some R&R to keep your balance. Dr Val's prescription, that is.


Somalina, I love your informative threads, your energy and your passion for politics. I have to say though your posts in this thread didn't present you in a good light. SOL dadkoo dhan ayey u dhaxeysaa, so it's not fair to tar and feather nomads for posting in your threads! Don't lose your cool. Unwanted sisterly advice, that is.



Now, I was gonna be all negative about this high and mighty meeting too, but dib ayaan u yara gurtay (*peeks to see if Nina is still holding on to her budh*). Luckily Centurion articulated most of my thoughts beautifully (except for the al shabaab bit - NEVER invite alshabaab to such a meeting unless you want to see bits and pieces of human flesh stuck to the walls as an outcome).



I leave you all in peace.

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badanaa qof markuu wanaaga isku dayo ,dadbaa dhan kale u weeciya ama isku daya in fikirka la leexiyo.

reer walba wuxuu sameystay maamul goboleed qaar shaqeeya iyo qaar magac u yaal ah badankoodna waa un qurba joog ,qabiil dabada ku haya , hadey ka waayaan meel sidey rabeen looma dhama ayeey la soo istaagaan .

suura gal matahay in cidwalba oo sheegatay maamul gobol ama degmo in la invite gareeyo kadibna ayadoo madax ah eey goobta soo fariisato? bal suureyso cid walboo madax sheegatay oo meesha fadhido . ma shirbaa kaa.

beel walbana yaa qancin karo . reer tanag hadaan nahay nalama wicin ,reer sariir hadaan nahay nalama wicin taasi xal makeeneysaa ?

hadaan waxwalbo cilad u raadino maxalbaa lagaarayaa ?

shirka inta isugu imaatay hadey xal gaaraan waxa haray oo lala xaajoodu un waa kuwa kooban oo cid walba leyskuma daalin doono .


nabada iyo wanaageedana waxaa dareemi karo qofka ku dhax jiray dhibka arkayna waxey tahay nabada laakiin qof SOL ka aqriyay wararka ama TV ka daawaday dacdooyinkii u danbeeyay inuu isaga caweeyo sheekada waa wax iska caadi ah.

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My 2 cents on this thread.


1. Consultative meeting in Moqadishu is a positive first step towards dialogue between regional stakeholders in Somalia.


2. Many other regional stakeholders(Azania,Gedo,Bay&Bakool, Hiiraan,Shabbele's,Xiin iyo Xeeb,etc) are missing in the meeting.


3. These regional stakeholders have other priorities at the moment (establishing authority on the ground, ousting Al Shabaab). But will join the consultation when they have established authority and Al shabaab is ousted.


4. The TFG institutions as we know it now will end to exist. They will make place for real federal insitutions set-up by and for regional authorities in Somalia.


5. Constitution can only be drafted when all relevant regional factors are engaged and elections can only happen when framework for this is set-up. Neither is possible at the moment.


6. Remaining period of the TFG it should spend funds and manpower in supporting regional actors to gain authority on the ground and ousting Al shabaab from Somalia.


6. Dialogue and cooperation between Somaliland autorities and SSC/Maakhir is considered by most stakeholders as a seperate process due to factors on the ground (authority is with locals, Al shabaab is not a relevant factor, etc).


7. Dialogue and talks between Somalia and Somaliland will be established once they solve the more urgent issue's and establish real authority on the ground.


7. All in all, I think Somali;s are slowly establishing an equilibrium.

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Valentina waad ku mahadsantahay taladaada. Ogow laakiinse, qof aad taqaano yaad tahay lama yiraahdo, waxyaabo badan aadan ogeyn ayaa jira, dadbaa shaqo ka dhigtey iney i dabakacaan halkaan, waxaana munaasib iyo waajib ah in aan hal mar dhameeyo sheekadooda.


Ciyaalsuqnimada waxay bilaabatey markaan diidey Azania inaan aqoonsado, :D aflagaado iyo heer qabiilkeyga la caayo ayaa la gaarey. Taana waxaa lagu darey in mar walba marka member kale aan hadal is weydaarsaneyno in lagu soo ganbado oo side jabs and trolling lala soo shir tago. Marka Fall cleaning waa muqadas, is yeel yeel iyo heeso ma aqaan, hoo bariiska waxaan ahayn maba aaminsani marka dadka qaarkood lala macaamilaayo.


Mida kale, cid aan ka hor istaagey iney fikradooda dhibtaan ma jiraan, weligey miyaad iga haysaa anigoo kuleh Valenteenah ka tag meeshan?

Meeshan dad badan ma joogaan, sedex weji ayaa maalin walba is eegaya oo ku celcelinaya the same thing. Kan Fuad Shangole la dhaho ayaaba ah prime example oo waaba kaas. :D

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