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Mogadishu: The Somali high level consultative meeting

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Jacaylbaro;744206 wrote:
A very good development indeed ...... Why would XX mingle about the other country's affairs bal ??

You should ask him that question. He wrote many times on Somali forums that Somalia is the number 1 enemy of SL.


Azaniya ayuu la soo ordey, kulahaa maxaa loo casumi waayey, haddii uu daacad yahay SSC maxaa loo casumi waayey ayuu oran lahaa. Shaley maanu dhalan cid uu ka caqli badan yahay halkan ma joogto.


p.s. Ximan iyo Xeeb waala casumey, ayaaga isa soo xaadirin.

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The Zack   

Yo Xaaji Xundhuf, leave our Azania alone ninyahow, we don't go to no fake "meetings" held in Airports. This so called "meeting" is useless and will have zero impact to Somalia's situation.

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If there was an Azanian flag flying in one village in the Jubbas then there would've been a discussion on whether to invite loser canbe Gandi or not.

Fake hotel maamuls are not invited to Somali high level meetings. Fake hotel maamuls don't call shots in Somali affairs.

Whether the meeting is in Nairobi, Djibouti, or Mogadishu, no fake maamuls have a say in Somalia's future. Simple and plain.

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Since Somaliland is part of Somalia it should've been invited. We need a solution to end the I clan trying to secede for being bombed 23 years ago. Which seems to be their only reason together with the "Somalia is in a civil war and we dont want to join". Even though nobody told them to join in on the war, but being smart they could atleast be like Puntland instead of trying to join Ethiopia against all Somalis, funny since they are Somali themselves.

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Shirkii Wada tashiga oo wajigiisii labaad la soo gaba gabeeyay iyo Gudiyo lagu magacaabay


Shirka Wada tashiga Arrimaha Soomaaliya ayaa wajigiisa labaad galabta la soo gaba gabeeyay, iyadoo shirka maanta heshiis lagu dhex dhigay Maamulada Galmudug iyo Puntland oo dhowaan khilaaf soo kala dhex galay kadib dagaalo dad fara badan ku daatay oo ka dhacay Waqooyiga Muqdisho.


Wada hadalo ay garwadeen ka ahaayeen Ergeyga Qaramada Midoobey Mahiga, Ra'iisul Wasaaraha, Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo Madaxweynayaasha Puntland iyo Galmudug oo wada jir ahaa.


Labada dhinac ayaa heshiis la dhex dhigay, kaasoo ku qotoma in xal laga gaaro dhibaatadii ka dhacday Waqooyiga Galkacyo.


Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ka hadlay goobta ka hor inta uusan ka duulin garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho ayuu sheegay inay wanaagsan tahay in meel la iska dhigo tuhunka jira, waxaa uu tilmaamay in dhankiisa balan qaadayo sidii Maamulka Galmudug kala kaashan lahaa xasilinta Magaalada iyo Gobolkaba.


Faroole ayaa sheegay inay sii wadi doonaan xiriirka inuu taagnaado, isla markaana meel looga soo wad hor-jeesto waxa uu ugu yeeray kuwa ammaan darada iyo fidnada ka wada Gobolka , ayna ka wada shaqeyn doonaan nabada iyo amniga Galkacyo sida uu yiri.


Madaxweynaha Galmudug Maxamed Axmed Caalin ayaa dhankiisa soo dhoweeyay heshiiska, isla markaana ay ka hortagi doonaan dadka dhibaatada wada, isla markaana ay iska gacan siin doonaan is dhaafsiga xogta ah, iyo sida looga hortagi lahaa kuwa amni darada wada, waxaana uu sheegay inay isku sheegi doonaan xogta kuwa dhibaatada wada.


Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Dr. C/wali Maxamed Cali ayaa sheegay inuu taageersan yahay in shirkan fursad u noqdo in Madaxweynayaasha Galmudug iyo Puntland ay ugu faa'ideystaan inay isu keenaan, isla markaana meesha ka saaraan.'


Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan ayaa sheegay in fursad fiican uu u yahay shirka wada tashiga, isla markaana lagu abuurayo jawi Soomaaliya Qaranimadeeda iyo sharafteeda lagu soo celinayo.


Ergeyga Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan Arrimaha Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay inuu jiray is afgaran waa yar oo sababay dagaal dhimasho iyo dhaawac dhaliyay, hase ahaatee waxaa uu tilmaamay in Maamulada Galmudug iyo Puntland ka heshiiyeen ka hor inta aysan Muqdisho imaan, isagoo tilmaamay in Beesha Caalamka ay ka taageereyso dhinacyada la dagaalanka Argagixisada iyo Burcad badeedka.


Dhinaca kale Waxaa gudiyo laga soo saaray shirkii wada tashiga ee maanta wajigiisa labaad la soo gaba gabeeyay, waxaana la magacaabay afar gudi ka soo tala bixiya qodobada loogu tala galay inay falan qeeyaan ee ku aadan qorshe howleedka la wajahayo marka uu dhamaado xilliga KMG ah.


Wasiirka Warfaafinta C/qaadir Jahweyn ayaa sheegay in Afar Gudi oo kala ah Gudiga Dib u Heshiisiinta, Gudiga Ammaanka, Gudiga Dowlad wanaaga iyo Gudiga Diyaarinta Dastuurka lagu magacaabay shirka maanta.


Maalinta berri ayaa lagu wadaa in la soo gaba gabeeyo shirka wada tashiga, ee maanta lagu qabtay Xarunta Xalane, waxaana shirka maanta uu ahaa mid ka duwanaa kii shalay oo ay ka qeyb galeen Wafuud Caalami ah.


War murtiyeed ayaa la filayaa inay ka soo saaraan Ergada ka qeyb galeysa shirka, kaasoo noqon doona go'aan dhaxal gal ah oo horay loogu sii ambaqaado howlaha horyaala Dowladda mudada sanadka ee lagu wajahayo qorshe howleedka.

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The Zack   

Someone needs to inform you that the TFG is based on clanism, it is called 4.5. Azania represents major clans in Somalia, clans who have a huge say on what can or can not take place in three beautiful states. Having said that, no need to argue about the airport-held-mahiga-hosted fake meeting. Let me know what impacts it makes when it is concluded.

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No one cares about the hotel maamul Azania, not Mahiga, not Mark Bowden, not C/Weli. Case closed.


FYI, I don't need to take political advice from someone from Godey.

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The Zack   

Somalina;744227 wrote:

FYI, I don't need to take political advice from someone from Godey.

At least I proudly say where I am from. Unlike you, I don't hide behind the crap of "I am reer Xamar...". We all know you are from a little hat in Hiiraan. Proudly say which tuulo in Hiiraan you hail from ehehe. We know you support Shariifka for qabiil reasons, why not support the real kins, reer Hiiraan (Publicly).



Faroole and Caalin have always fought and agreed before, I am sorry but that is not news. This conference is fruitless.


Xaaji :D

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The Zack;744238 wrote:
At least I proudly say where I am from. Unlike you, I don't hide behind the crap of "I am reer Xamar.. but I am still clanist". We all know you are a little hat in Hiiraan. Proudly tell us which tuulo in Hiiraan you hail from ehehe.



Faroole and Caalin have always fought and agreed before, I am sorry but that is not news. This conference is fruitless.



I'm from the city that I, my parents and my grandparents were born in, and that's Mogadisho. My family is well known and I don't need to prove anything to you of all people, a poor soul from Godey.


When you muster up enough courage to stand on your own two feet come and talk to me ok. Hiding behind SOLers who comment on my threads is not geesinimo neither is following me around SOL, it's pathetic.

Free yourself first from those chains around your neck before you can stand toe to toe with me. Ok! ciao

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The Zack   

Ugu sheekee taas caddaank ayeeyo. I am from DC, one can claim. This aint America, this is Somalia where CLAN is everything. Your entire forefathers can be born there as you claim, but your clan has NO word in that city. You are full of it qabiil and you know that better than anybody else here. Proudly tell us which TUULO in hiiraan you hail from. After all you opposed Yussuf and support Shariif for clan reasons. We are not buying the small threads you open about Gaas, we all know where your heart is. This is Somalia yo!



Say it with me, I, Qabiilina, is from Hiiraan!


After all it is you who started the town war, deal with it!

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Somalina awoow laakin anigu godane ma tageero iyo Alshabaab miyanan ta ka heshiin mar hore , marka anigu ma ihey Qof cadaw hogaamiyo , Laakin Shirka manay ahayn in zack iyo professorkoodi ka so qeyb galaan ileen waa Somaali eh Mise dad gaar uun ba Somali ah bal halka yara faah faahi awoow lol

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