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Sida ay ka warqabaan dadka Soomaalida ah ee akhrista website-yada Soomaalida ayaa waxaa laga yaabaa in ay arkeen qoraalo ay qoreen labo nin oo magacyadooda lakala yiraahdo Peter Tatchell iyo Tyler Stiem. Labadan nin oo ah raga xun xun (gays) ayaa waxay bilaabeen olole ay ka wadaan wadamada Ingiriiska iyo Canada si ay dawladahaas ugu qanciyaan in Somalia lakala gooyo!


Labadan qof ayaa waxaa soo kireeystey oo ay xiriir hoose la leeyihiin sida la sheegay rag ka tirsan Maamulka Somaliland ee Hargeisa ka jira!


Waxaa ceeb iyo fadeexad ku ah umadda Soomaaliyeed in nimankan magacyadoodu halkan ku qoranyihiin aay maanta ku nool yihiin Hargeisa una ololeeynayaan in gobollada Waqooyi ay ka go'aan Somalia inteeda kale. Hadaba su'aalaha meesha yaal waxaa weeyee: Maxay ka sameeynayaan nimankani Hargeisa? Yaa geeyey? Yey la degan yihiin? Maxay tahay ujeedadooda ay iyaga iyo ururadoodu Hargeisa u joogaan?


Horaa loo yidhi "hal yahay geed walba daaqdaye markaad ciin daaqdaa laguu yaabaa!"


Nimankan doonaya in ay Soomaali ka go'aan ayaa maanta waxay dani baday in dad noocan oo kale ah soo wakiishaan oo yiraahdaan na caawiya!!!


Kuwani berina wax kalay soo wadaan!!!



Bal hada waakuwani eega: Peter Tatchell:

Halkan ka eega taariikhdiisa iyo wuxuu yahay:



Tyler Stiem:


Halkan ka eega meesha uu degan yahay:

Ururkan ayuu ka tirsan yahay:

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One wonders, if this sort of garbage was allowed on this Website, why not too long ago a fella nomad was banned for posting something about Ayaan Hirsi Ali and a particular clan?

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Waa arrin yaab leh. Before we jump the gun one needs to read throughly the links attched with the post. Per these links It is these two men are well known gay activists. However what we do not know is whether they are in Hargeysa or not. So I will keep my comments to myself untill we know more.

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Kuwani berina wax kalay soo wadaan!!!

Ka waran kuwa Xabashadda -- Soomaali's numero uno nemesis; cadowgooda koowaad, labaad iyo sadexaad, no doubt -- keenay, isla Xabashadaas xasuuqay dadka maatida ahaa u sacabtumay, haddana leh waa ku fiicanyihiin oo guryahooda maxee ugu bixi waayeen. Haddana leh waa 'argagaxiso.' Haddana magaaladdii intii ka badbaaday dhulka la simay. Haddana kuwii kale masaakiinta geeljiriyaasha iska ahaa Mareykanka diyaaradihiis miigga weyn ku duqeeye, ku garaacay, kuwaas lagu yiri 'argagaxiso' kale ayaa tihiin, oo waa ku haboonyihiin.


Kuwaas dadka magaaladda ka tirtiray, ka baabi'iye, ku xasuuqay, oo Xabashaddii ay keeneen kufsaday gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed -- the most repulsive, abhorrent, repugnant act any Soomaali with the littlest damiir ku jiro cannot withstand with -- kuwaas maxaa ka dhihi lahayd noo sheeg hee?


Waa in la isla barbardhigaa waxa dhacaayo, oo la iska indhatirin.


The question is, indeed, kuwaas bari maxee soo wadaan?

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Whether these guys are employed by the SL authorities we cant possibly varify laakin this guy who states he lives in Hargaisa on his web page is odd to say the least.

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Mansa Munsa, don't believe anything you see on the net or you will go crazy ,,,, :D



Markii ceeb kele la waayay iyo wax laga hadlo ayaa hadana la keenay laba nin in la yidhaa waa rag noocaas ah oo somaliland u ololaynaya ,,,, iyo weliba waa la kiraystay ,,,, qof kasta oo somaliland u hadla waa la kiraystay sow maaha ???


Somaliland waa xaqiiqo jirta oo aan la dafiri karin aduunkuna wuu arkaa waanuu og yahay ,,, waxba yaynaan isku maaweelin warar kutidhi kuteen ah iyo been ee aynu indhaheena furno oo xaqiiqada taabano ,,,,, xataa hadaad necebtahay cadowgaaga hadana marna lagama tago runta iyo xaqiiqada ,,, cadaalada ayay ka mid tahay.


Somaliland waa tii siyaad barre liqday, kuwii cadowga u ahaana hadh cad u quus goysay ,, mid kasta oo ka hor yimaadaana wuxuu ku dambayn doonaa miskiin dawarsada sida C/qaasim oo aan wax qiimo ah ku fadhiyin ,,,,, good example: Maxkamadihii yaacay :D


A/Y is not doqon waanuu og yahay xaqiiqada laakiin qaar isaga la jooga ayaa weli is indho tiraya iyagaanay u xun tahay ,,,,,,,



again, cidna lama soo kiraysan qofna lama odhan noo hadal ee dadkuk xaqiiqada ayay fahmayaan day bay day ,,,,, hadii markii hore ay reer somaliland ku koobnayd imika xaaladu way ka gudubtay oo aduunkii bay u gudubtay markaa iska adkaysta haday taasi idin dhibayso ,,,,, runtu sideedaba way xanuun kulushahay marka aanad doonayn ,,,,,,

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Shame on who ever invited these kind of people to the affairs of our people. This is sick and for those who are in denial, I will only say do not blame the messenger but guilt lies with those who brought this shame to our shores.



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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

quote:Kuwani berina wax kalay soo wadaan!!!

Ka waran kuwa Xabashadda -- Soomaali's numero uno nemesis; cadowgooda koowaad, labaad iyo sadexaad, no doubt -- keenay, isla Xabashadaas xasuuqay dadka maatida ahaa u sacabtumay, haddana leh waa ku fiicanyihiin oo guryahooda maxee ugu bixi waayeen. Haddana leh waa 'argagaxiso.' Haddana magaaladdii intii ka badbaaday dhulka la simay. Haddana kuwii kale masaakiinta geeljiriyaasha iska ahaa Mareykanka diyaaradihiis miigga weyn ku duqeeye, ku garaacay, kuwaas lagu yiri 'argagaxiso' kale ayaa tihiin, oo waa ku haboonyihiin.


Kuwaas dadka magaaladda ka tirtiray, ka baabi'iye, ku xasuuqay, oo Xabashaddii ay keeneen kufsaday gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed -- the most repulsive, abhorrent, repugnant act any Soomaali with the littlest damiir ku jiro cannot withstand with -- kuwaas maxaa ka dhihi lahayd noo sheeg hee?


Waa in la isla barbardhigaa waxa dhacaayo, oo la iska indhatirin.


The question is, indeed, kuwaas bari maxee soo wadaan?
Waxaan ka dhihi lahaa.. Isbahayssiga TFG-da iyo Itoobiyaanku waa ka dar oo dibi dhal!

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Castro, question for you. Are you puking because of the fact SNM gangs are exposed in using cursed (nacalad) tactics (using the remnants of Luud race) to make a case for elusive recognition or are you puking because fags are mentioned in the thread? If it does not hurt you that Hargeisa is becoming a meeting place for world homosexuals , I don’t know why you are in this forum and why you are bothered by what is happening in Somalia. If you are in Canada, I want you to get a copy of the last Saturday or Sunday Toronto Star and gage the magnitude of destruction a white Canadian man has done to a group of Indian youths while he was residing in India. This man was only an electronic and communication salesman. The only finance he used to sexually rape the boys was what he generated by himself. Imagine the level of abuse and destruction a couple of homo journalists with perhaps unlimited pink dollars can cause to the boys of a third world country…..

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^^^ The greatest threat we face is not from two homos or even pedophiles. To headline such a pathetic line and use it to score a lame political point is what induced the vomit.


Imagine the level of abuse and destruction a couple of homo journalists with perhaps unlimited pink dollars can cause to the boys of a third world country…..

I don't have to imagine. It happens every day in third (and non third) world countries. There's nothing stopping these "pinko-fags" from doing the same thing in the rest of Somalia or even Ethiopia.


Unless, of course, you're insinuating Somalilanders would sell their children for sex just to get recognition.

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The first man getting punched in Russia!


I struggled through the first post in this thread and I really can’t tell what the point of it is!


Despite what Mansa says (for he gave no source of the article he posted) Peter Tatchell resides and works in Europe. Regardless of his sexual orientation I find the fellow an obnoxious, self-serving and lime-light-seeking drama queen (not Mansa).


Still, and this might come as a surprise to most blind kittens on this thread; homosexuals work in a variety of areas and control a number of high positions in Europe and the West. Peter Mandelson, the European Union’s Trade Commissioner is said to be a homosexual. Will Somalia or Somaliland refuse dealing with him if they had the chance, stone-age people?


I agree with Castro :Dpuke.gif

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