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Training Academy For Somali Men ( Controversial Topics Series)

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You offer those classes here in the midwest or are they only online classes? I've got a herd of men that I wanna sign up for these classes.

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Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity :D . Accusations will be forth-coming as long as you address hot-botton issues. It is inevitable, if u are honorable.


Before you hand us that 'mindi iyo kal' and send us to the kitchen you might wanna address this lingering attitude our ladies seem to be holding on for ages. I'm refering the "qor-qode" crab they utter whenever men get acclimated with the kitchen etiquette. How about "xille-gube" accusation whenever we perform a simple review on family budget. These words must be eliminated from 'Xaawaleey' diction if your classes are to have any effect.

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Nice idea Nur, hope you can help those brothers, flying still hope its not just online.. i would like to bring my two brothers lol and more people :D

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It seems i posses all the requirement and i feel i am well-qualified or over qualified for all your classes. Can i take the test and go to upper level or grad. school? If there is any?

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Quick Responses



Sunshine sis


Amazingly It is true sis, wallahi, but my beliefs did not come with a silver lining, I struggled for all of my convictions and worked hard to accept them, with the Help of Allah SWT, everything is possible.



Athena sis.


Classes will begin when you are read sis, how manyt relatives do you have in mind?



Samaha sis


Ranya's brothers are already signed up and well on their way to earn their APRON of the week award, so tell your bros to keep up with the Warsames' next door.



Observer bro.


I am proud of you bro. If you are ready for graduate work, you will need to sign up with your wife, she has to sign your certificate before you can advance to next level, courses get more interesting, The following are the mandatory courses, for all grad students, the rest can be selected from our catalgue.


1. Understanding 501 ( How to read your wifes mind )


2. Understanding 502 ( Using your heart not BRAIN when criticising your wife)


3. Foot Massage For Overworked Housewives 634 ( How to releive built up stress of your wife by a gentle foot massage)



Baashi Bro.


You write:


"Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity "


Bro, Trying humans to like you is a losing battle, out here what I write may not make everyone smile, it is job that has to be done, and I am volunteering for it, so your support is needed bro, and also your critticism when I goof, which i occasionally do.


As for "Qorqode" and "Xila Gube" these are female tactics to keep the man out of the home biz, do not fall that trick, so the ladies enjoy all the goodies and guys are kept in the dark about home economoics, which is what the lady uses to save money to order her Jewelery from Dubai without the poor guys knowledge, this specific course is a graduate level course, and if you pass the first course, it can be your Thesis to figure out a solution for this phenomena.



to All


Much respects




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To brothers who are offended by this write up, you are not alone, here is my answer to WALID:



Brother Waleed


you ask :


Don't you think a comment such as yours is ridiculously feminine. I mean, have you ever seen a Somali man pointing out a fellow Somali man who been already taking. You can run, but you can NOT hide NASRA."


You see brother Waleed, In Islam, we do not have the battle of the sexes as you may have been influnced by western media. You seem to have lost your sense of direction due to your lack of Islamic knowledge and shallow knowlege of Western ideals, you seem confused and not confident in your role in society as a male. So when a man comes to the defense of women, he is either a traitor to his gender, or a woman hiding behind a males screen name. Why not think of a third possibility, An enlightening brother who shows you the way.


Let me take you back in time, to the eighteen century Europe at the beginning of the industrialization revolution. Up to this point in time, women in Europe were literelly possessed by men, in the medieval times, soldiers used to lock their women with Chastity belt and take the keys with them. Women in these days were were solely sex objects, for the pleasure and entertainment of men. They rarely appeared in scholastic, artistic or business innovation.


The industrial Revolution presented a dire need for workers in the assembly lines and industrialists invented a great lie called the Womens liberation. What it meant was simply to use women as a labor force in factories, pay them peanuts, and then use them for sex objects at the end of the day for free. Liberated women got their new found previllage to pay for their own beer, get drunk like men and become one of the guys, in addition to their biological constraints and emotional hardships.


Women realized what has happened to them, but instead of understanding the roots of the problem, they began their feminist movemement which you have referred that I belong to. I do not think that you understand the political, social and religious implication of the feminist movement, because if you have indeed read my write-ups, you would have known better than that.


Where do I stand on this issue:


1. Women are dignified, Allah gave them dignity, ( Wa laqad Karramnaa banii aadama) as partners of men in life. They have a role in society as important to that of men, but not the same. The Prophet SCWS told them that if they do their part, they will get as much reward as men. In an ideal Islamic setting, women would be entrusted to look after the narturing, rearing, educating and upbringing future men and women, a daunting task by any yardstick. The end product if these women do their job right is a good society with honest, hardwaorking, ethical, and respectful members of society.


If they fail, sorry to say this, but we have fleeing refugees, moriyaan, and worthless unmotivated men who hang around coffe shops all day talking about Triabalism. So, you either keep your head in the sand, or seek to change your mindset, being a man is not having two balls, it means being sensitive to the needs to those entrusted to you.



Nasra is not a bad name, but because at birth I was declared a boy, and to your dismay, I remain a healthy male to this day, it may not be a bad idea after all to use Naasirul Deen as my screen name.


In Conclusion, may I remind you that:


Simple minds talk about people

Average minds talk about events

Great minds talk about Ideas



Brother Waleed, where do you belong in that spectrum?




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To sisters who may have been offended by this article, here is my response to one of you:



Sister Sawsan


Assalamu Caleykum, wa raxmatuh wa barakaatuh.


You write:



"Ok,i have been an observer of this forum for a while,and i must admit nuur i admire your postings.You postings are always well written not to mention they are informative and also comprehensive.I appreaciate the fact they are appealing tend to cover essential points without being complicated."





I appreciate your evaluation, positive and negative, a feedback is always helpful and I welcome it with a big heart.



You write:


"Your latest post has struck a deep wound within me,i couldnt resist but to reply.I was literally blown off my chair after reading your post."





My Dear Sister, I am sorry to hear that, I never intended to hurt a Muslimah, if it was not warranted, please forgive me, on the otherhand, if what I said had a merit of sorts, again, sorry for your misunderstanding of the topic.



You write :


"Training Academy for Somali men on how to cook and clean,what were you thinking that this the good for women???"



Dear Sister: At this point it may help to simplify things.


Yous see sister, Farmers turn the soil to plant the new crops, in doing so, lot of nutrients surface and pests die. This process is painful, for the farmer, plant and pests, but it is necessary effort.


Likewise, our society has many ills that led to our current debacle, the solution of which are firmly placed in our faith, Islam, but unfortunately, our culture sidelined our faith in setting standards of acceptability of social norms and cloning itseklf as Islam. Addressing these social ills are sure to upset some, but at the end, I intend to show that our faith calls for justice to all, and if some members of our society are not treated justly, then this will reflect to negatively characterize our faith to be an unjust faith, XaashaaLillaah.


In my writings, you have to be careful, I freely switch from being serious to sarcastic and joking, but with one common objective, to provoke questions in the minds, to pull people away from their comfortable chairs so they can take ownership of the topic being discussed, and your repsonse is a proof to that.


Going back to the topic, I have sensed that you have not read all of my rebuttals on this topic, if you did not, please read them and come back, if you did, continue reading.


Dear Sister, Like medicine, different viewers respond to different style of writing, while some are blown away like in your case, this topic was intended to be the light side of men's lack of participation in helping out house chores.


If a man can sit in front of TV for hours, is it such a bad idea that he learns a skill or two to give his wife a break? a skill that may prove helpful when a man is faced by a wife in labour, kids at school and no relatives to help out?


As for he unmarried men, they can even boast to their fiancees about their new found masculine skill, a sure attention getter if he is wife hunting.


Now this brings us the question of our faith's stand in this new role for men.



It was reported that Omar Ibnu Khattab appointed a governor to a region under the Caliphate. Omar sent an emissary to audit the governor by interviewing a sampling of the citizens. The emissary reported to Omar that the constituents of the region have pointed to three grievances against their governor.


1. The Governor does not stay behind at night to socialize with coworkers and citizens after work hours.


2. The Governor takes one day of the week off


3. The Governor comes to work late in the morning every other day.



The Caliph Omar came to town, a Town Hall meeting was called and Omar requested that the governor respond to the citizens concerns. The Governor requested to make the response in private and only to the Caliph, but Omar refuseed and demanded an open response to the public, after all he is responsible to them.


The Governor responded:


O Caliph, I do not stay late at night at work, because, I reason if I serve the public all day, I need to serve Allah at night in prayers, so I go home to pray the Midnight Prayers ( Qiyaamul Leil)


Second, the reason I do not show up for work one day in the week, because, I WASH MY CLOTHES. and I do not have a spare Thawb.


Third, the reason I come late on alternative days is because, I take turns in cooking with my wife, when she cooks and washes, I come early, when I cook and wash , I come late.



That is a lesson from our Islamic Heritage, now let us compare it to lessons of our Somali Heritage, which so many people are upset that I caled it antiquated. Note, Our Faith is not antiquated, our culture is.



In Baadiye, The men,s main job is to go look after the camels all day, play Shax on the ground, indulge in oratory, clan praising poetry, and from time to raid other tribes to steal their camels , maim or kill their people, take their women by force and marry them against their wishes. I personally know people who were born that way.



Women on the other have the following responsibilities:


1. Building, removing, packing of Aqal Somali whenever the nomads move. ( This is a construction company on the go)


2. Milking, cooking ( There is no Aunt Jemima Waffles, or uncle Bens Rice brands) she has to prepare it from scratch.


3. Clean up of the Aqal Somali, or Muddul


4. The painful nine month Pregnancy journey , Rearing, and raising kids.



You write:


" I would like to being by saying that men and women have been created equally by their creater and are subjected to the same transaction and behavioural views as expressed in the holy Qu'an.However we posse different biological functions and different

physiological structure,for that specific

reason Allah has signed each sex to a different role within the home.When signed to each role,we were placed to how we would tolerate our roles.Therefore a womens role become her home."






In one of my responses defending Islam's view of womens place in society, I wrote:


" The industrial Revolution presented a dire need for workers in the assembly lines and industrialists invented a great lie called the Womens liberation. What it meant was simply to use women as a labor force in factories, pay them peanuts, and then use them for sex objects at the end of the day for free. Liberated women got their new found previllage to pay for their own beer, get drunk like men and become one of the guys, in addition to their biological constraints and emotional hardships. "


I Also wrote:


" 1. Women are dignified, Allah gave them dignity, ( Wa laqad Karramnaa banii aadama) as partners of men in life. They have a role in society as important to that of men, but not the same. The Prophet SCWS told them that if they do their part, they will get as much reward as men. In an ideal Islamic setting, women would be entrusted to look after the narturing, rearing, educating and upbringing future men and women, a daunting task by any yardstick. The end product if these women do their job right is a good society with honest, hardwaorking, ethical, and respectful members of society"



You write:


" A womens role in the olden days was her home ,where she was situated happly while husbands fulfilled the role of the provider.

So why would you reverse roles?"





I did not reverse it, I found it that way, I do no agree with it as you can see from my last paragraph, but, I am realistic, I found the mess and we can not stick our heads in the sand and expect the problem to go away.



You Write:



" Ofcourse we are also aware that Islam does not require women to participate in trade or proffessions unless neccessary"



Answer " Neither does Islam forbid it if done under the auspices of Sharia law.



You Write :



" Why nur go to the extend to develope a training acadamy for household chores,women can tackle such a daily obstacle which requires basically no help???:


Answer :


Prophet Abraham Caleyhi Salaam did not really mean the Big SANAM Killed the little ASNAAM either, I hope you get my point sister.


You write:


" You should be wasting your enegry on battling

the high numbers of jaad chews within our society rather than upgrading our brothers culinary skills to an advantage stage."





So do you suggest that women cook for these Qaad Chewing guys, while they sit idle and talk nonsense all day? That is no good strategy at all, walaasheey diinta aan ku walaallownay.



Besides, I am passionate in presenting topics that question, and provke our thoughts, and for one single intention,


Allah's Pleasure, can you think of a more noble cause that should drive people?




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very interesting indeed..I wish i had a brother i would have a signed him but unluckly i don't, but i think I myself need the third semester are females allowed by the way

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Caakifah sis


That is sooooooo kind of you to have such a big heart, by all means, bring'um on, all midwest somali men chillin out near Cincinnati are a wasted resources and once we qualify them and package them , we are going to reduce the bachelor/bachelorette imbalance in our community.



Sundus Sis


Yes families are allowed in our academy, although we prefer to train would be husbands before they tie the knot so that their culinary skills and houskeeping talent can show in their resume. But it is never late so bring your hubby, we are going to have a lotta fun, inshAllah.




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Nur: We surely blessed if atleast one of our nomad brothers thinks like this... but experience has thought me otherwise... meaning " timirta lafaa ku jirta" brotha what is really your catch in all of this? Are you trying to lure sisters to your direction or are you simply renovating Somali men??? Pure curiosity that is all it is!


Baashi: Sister that used those words when her gentle husbands lends a hand needs to be deported back to stone age!

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*Fresh* smile.gif



Mansha Allah - about time. walaahi, this is a seriouse issue - I have grown cousins taht refuse to make their own shaah - so they get none :D But i'm working on my baby bro.. before he becomes a burden on some poor sister..

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