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Self hating dabdhlf

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President Dahir Rayale has a problem; he hates his home region. And anyone who thinks this is a wild claim should only look at his attitude toward the people of his hometown.


In January this year many people lost their lives and their livestock in the coastal areas of Awdal region. While Awdalians at home and in the diaspora poured out their hearts and their pockets to assist the hapless victims, Rayale remained unmoved. Even after he woke up when Awdalnews chastised him with its clarion call editorial (Wake up, Mr. President. Wake up!), he couldn’t stomach a trip to Borama and had instead veered to Wajaale.


Rayale has refused to attend the funeral of any of the prominent Awdal personalities who died since he had become Somaliland’s President. The last was Hassan Sh. Momin, the famous playwright, whose death was mourned by all Somali speaking people all over the world.


Now with the death of 21 youth from Awdal, the most tragic incident that Somaliland has experienced in the recent past, Rayale has failed to even send a cable of condolence to the parents and the people of Borama.


People of Awdal know that Rayale is the "President" of the whole of "Somaliland" and as such they do not expect him to do any special favors for them on the basis of nepotism but they expect him to feel their pain and share their sorrows with them like any other President of the country would have done.


It seems, however, that Rayale thinks showing sympathy for his people in Awdal is somehow a weakness and that he would rather look the other way when calamity strikes them. He assumes by becoming President he had accomplished the highest achievement for the people of Awdal. Well, one may remind Rayale that the Awdal people would have been more vocal to demand their rights and more confident to get them if he was not in power.


It is time to refresh Rayale’s memory that he had won the last election with only 80 votes and with the next election around the corner, the people of Awdal may well prove their readiness to give their votes to someone who values the life of their children and has the compassion of a leader to comfort the grieving mothers. Being from Awdal doesn’t guarantee you our votes, sir, if you have no heart for our pain.

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The policy of divide and rule is the mainstay of colonial administrations and dictatorial rulers. It is only through division along tribal lines that such shaky governments retain power and consolidate their grip on the life of their subjects. Rayale’s recent announcement of new regions and districts in Somaliland is a textbook example of such bankrupt regimes that cannot survive without leaning on clan crutches.


The people of Somali-land had great dreams for their sovereignty. Emerging from the yoke of brutal dictatorship that thrived on division and playing one clan against the another, they aspired to build a viable state based on good governance, social cohesion and constitutional democracy where elected houses made decisions through transparent systems and public debates.


But with his latest decision, Rayale proved to us once more where his priorities lie. He made it clear that all he cared about was his chair and that he is works for his tomach only. Rayale’s decisions have become so predictable on the advent of any election. Among his previous tactics were announcements of major trade deals with phony foreign companies, cabinet reshuffles and nominating honorary parliamentary seats, presidential advisors and other redundant posts for political gains.


Accordingly, his designation of new regions and districts at this time when the country is preparing for the second presidential elections comes as no surprise. The gravity of this decision, however, lies in its long-term effects of dividing the country into tribal ghettoes.


Instead of building a united, integrated and cohesive society that puts the higher national interests at its focus, Rayale opted to heighten tribal polarization and hostility among the people of Somaliland.


Somaliland consisted of two regions only during the British colonial administration. All clans of Somaliland were governed from Hargeisa and Burao. Borders of the Southern regions of former Somalia also cut across clans and sub-clans. It was Siyad Barre who designated regions on clan basis. As a man schooled in Barre’s system of ruling the country as tribal fiefdoms, Rayale finds it quite normal to turn a page of his mentor’s policy book whenever he feels threatened. Safeguarding his chair through clan loyalties is the core of this policy.


To create new regions and allow different areas of the somali-land to manage their resources and run their own affairs may be an essential factor for the decentralization of administration, but demarcating regions along clan lines is a call for division and reversing the wheel of the country’s progress towards statehood. It is Rayale’s attempt to realize his delusional dream of ruling Somaliland as a republic of clanistan.

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Anyone expecting anything different from this man is setting up themselves for disappointment. Reer Awdal have no one but themselves to rely on. Hopefully there are better days coming their way.


P.S. It look likes every little child, woman, and man might get their own region icon_razz.gif

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^^ Shalay baan BBCda ka dhageesanayay gudoomiyaha gobolka Awdal, dhibaatooyinkuu sheegayay iyo biya la'aanta ka jirta gobolka waa mid aad looga deyrinayo.


Siduu gudoomiyaha hadalka u dhigayna waxeey aheyd, reer Awdal ha tashtaan oo ha isku filnaadaan maamul iyo dowlad iyo aduunya kale yeysan waxba ka sugin, ha tashadaan, ha tashadaan reer Awdal

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Wax aan maqli jirey self hating Jew but Riyoode is the first self hating Dabdhlf.


Dhibta laguma waaree Che'oow(wacanoow) :D

Awdal waxay sugaysaa Soomaalia wanaageed.

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^Cadeey,kheyr baan urajeenayaa Awdal intee Soomaaliya kasoo kabanayso.Riyoode iyo rag badan hurdo la,aan ku dhici markay Xamer cadeey hagaagto. :D


Nuune...I understand the administration mightn't be equipped or have the resources to deal with some of these things, but atleast they acknowledge these disasters. Their complete indifference is very telling.

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It looks like biya la,aanta has caused this incident.


“Riiggan waxa loo wadaa Magaalada Borama, ka dib markii uu shalay BBC-da ka sheegay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Awdal inay Biyo-la’aani ka jirto Gobolkiisa.

web page

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So Riyale is a goof-off , goldbrick, weak son of a gun who doesn’t help his people? Pity that ,I will send him a letter- through Odweyne – and advise him to grow a backbone.No one should have a luxury cruises, or an exotic tours while his people are dying of thirst. No more mild-manered cheerleaders sort of character. Time to be a pushover

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Now all he needs to do is throw in a dance lesson, a brunch or comedy show for these youths and move the rig to the thirsty folks and warn them that no more bubble stories for Hargeysawis kids. If he doesn’t assert some authority now it would be difficult to control his citizens. So this is the hot-topic out of Somaliland? It must be promising.

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Xiinoow ninku waa criminal caloosshiis u shaqeyste.


His wife is honoring the SNM gang :mad: criminals who murdered many innocent people in Boorama. Ma waxaas baan cabsi ka aheyn?



Lafo-gurka Hadaladii Marwo Huda Ee Gobolka HAWD“Haddii Ay SNM Baligubadle Ka Dhigtay Degmo,Annaguna Waxaanu Ugu darnay Gobol.”












Axadii toddobaadkan, waxa magaalada Baligubadle lagu qabtay munaasibad loogu dabaal degayay wanqasha gobolka HAWD oo ka mid ahaa 7 gobol oo uu Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin laba bilood ka hor magacaabay.


Munaasibadaas loo qabtay dabaal degga gobolka HAWD, ayaa waxa ay huwanayd laba arrimood oo taariikh iyo siyaasi ah. Sidaas darteed, ayaa xafladaasi waxa ay noqotay mid si weyn u soo jiidatay rayul caamka Somaliland, waxaana ka qayb galay dad aad u tiro badan oo ka kala yimid dhammaan gobolada Somaliland . Dadka munaasibadas ka qayb galay waxa ka mid ahaa Madaxda sare ee dawladda, xisbiyada qaranka, madaxdhaqameedyo, culimo, Abwaano, saxafiyiin, fanaaniin iyo dad kale oo tiro badan, kuwaas oo danaynayay muhiimadda siyaasadeed ee xilligan iyo taariikhdii halgankii SNM oo ay Baligubadle xarun u ahayd.


Taas daraadeed ayay dhinacyada siyaasadda ee Somaliland waxay u ahayd fursad qaali ah, waxaanu dhinac kastaa [Mucaarad iyo Muxaafid] door bidayay inuu ka muuqdo oo uu ka hadlo wanqashaas, islamarkaana muujiyo dareenkiisa ku waajahan noqoshada Baligubadle ee xarunta gobolka HAWD.


Marka laga yimaado martidii xafladaas ka qayb gashay ee hadalada ka jeedisay, waxa kale oo jiray dad aan iyagu nasiib u helin inay madashaas goob joog ka ahaadaan, balse hawada u mariyay hambalyo iyo bogaadin. Dadkaas waxa ka mid ahayd Marwada Madaxweyne Rayaale, Marwo Huda Barkhad Aadan, waxaanay Telefiishanka qaranka gobolkaas u marisay hambalyo iyo bogaadin.


Marka dhinac la iska dhigo hambalyadeeda, hadalkaas Marwo Huda waxa ku jiray ereyo macnayaal badan keenay oo la xidhiidha magacaabista gobolkaas. “Haddii ay SNM Baligubadle ka dhigtay degmo, annaguna waxaanu ugu darnay gobol.” Weedhaasi waxay ka mid ahay hadaladii marwo Huda hawada u marisay gobolka HAWD.


Weedhan oo u dhadhamaysa laba macne oo kala ah isku dhererin dhinaca SNM ah iyo mano sheegasho. ayaa waxa ay noqotay mid soo jiidata dareenka dad badan oo xiiseeya la socodka siyaasadda iyo waxyaabaha ku cusub, waxaana hadal haynteeda si weyn looga maqlayay goobaha ay bulshadu ku kulanto.


Dadka qaar ayaa waxa ay doodooda si weyn carrabka ugu xejinayeen erayga ku jira hadalada Marwo Huda ee ah ‘ANAGA.’ Dadkan oo doodooda su’aalo ka dhigayay waxay isweydiinayeen macnaha ay Marwada qaranku uga jeedo ‘ANAGA.’ Ma waxay ula jeedaa qoyska reer Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, mise waxay ula jeedaa Xukuumadda uu Rayaale Madaxweynaha ka yahay, mise waxay ka wadaa Reer Awdal ahaan.?

Waxa kale oo jiray dad kale oo weedhan ka arkayay dhinac kale una yeelayay macnayaal ka duwan kuwa hore. Waxa ay ku doodayeen in hadalka Marwadu ahaa farriin ay u diraysay dadka reer Baligubadle, oo ay u sheegaysay in meeqaamkii SNM gaadhsiisay ee ahaa heer degmo, ay xukuumadda maanta ee ay u tahay marwada koowaadna ugu dartay gobol. Dad kale ayaa iyaguna waxay qabeen in hadalka Marwo Huda ahaa mid ay reer Baligubadle ugu tilmaamaysay muhiimadda ay magaaladaasi u leedahay Somaliland, si ay u soo jiidato aragtidooda siyaasadeed, maadaama oo ay doorasho soo dhawdahay.


Qaar kale ayaa waxa ay ku doodayeen in maadaama oo uu Madaxweyne ku xigeenku xafladaas kaga qayb galay afka xukuumadda, aanay marwo Huda meeli uga baanayn eraygii xukuumadda.


Dhinac kale marka laga eego ee meel gaar ah la iskaga tiiriyo saddexda aragtiyood ee kor ku xusan, erayga ‘ANAGA’, waxa kale oo uu iftiimiyay doorka ay marwadu ku leedahay talada dalka. Bal u fiirso ‘Annaguna waxaanu ugu darnay gobol.” Sida laga warqabo marar badan ayaa waxa siyaasiyiin iyo wargeysyo tilmaamay doorka marwadu ku leedahay talada dalka lagu eedeeyay inay aflagaadeeyeen marwo Huda Barkhad, waxaana mararka qaar la bixiyay wax lagu sheegay XAAL oo aan hanaanka dawliga ah iyo habdhaqanka siyaasiga ah meelna kaga jirin.


Si kastaba ha ahaate eraygan ‘ANAGA’ ee ay marwadu ku tiraabtay waxa uu u markhaati furay tilmaamaha warbaahinta iyo siyaasiyiinta qaar ee ku waajahnaa inay marwadu tahay xubin


firfircoon oo ka qayb qaadata go’aamada hoggaaminta dalka.

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