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Saqajaanimo tendencies of Somali People!

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Well say it like it is. If you can do something do it and if you can't just say no. Why make life hard on yourself trying to make everyone else happy. I know being selfish isn't good too, but you shouldnt feel guilty saying No to something you dont want to do or cant do.

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The other day I was at a bus stop near my university, when a Somali woman approached me and asked me to buy her Khat from the local marfesh. This lead me to be in two minds, clearly I have never entered a marfesh before but I didn’t want to disrespect the Somali woman as I couldn’t allow her to enter a place of such social ills with maniacs tranced in mirqaan and with taqsiins the size of apples and teeth the colour of burco’s sandy roads. So I gave into her demands and when into the merfesh, albeit reluctantly. I ushered through several swirling turns of emerald carpeted stairs before finally reaching the den.


I asked for ‘miiro’ but the dealers, said they only had ‘bariixi’. I asked to explain what he meant and he duly explained. I asked if they had fresh batches but he was adamant that it would not arrive until late that same night. I was in two minds yet again: should I buy the bariixi khat for the lady in the street?, but if I did I would buy her ‘bariixi’!. I went against my better judgement and decided to play it safely and return to tell the lady that they had only ‘bariixi’. At which point she replied ‘uff, waar kaas baa uguu macaan’’! Hinting for me to return up those stairs.


I left the scene with my head down in disappointment. Such is the level of saqajaanimo of Somali people.

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Originally posted by Muhammed:

Well say it like it is. If you can do something do it and if you can't just say no. Why make life hard on yourself trying to make everyone else happy. I know being selfish isn't good too, but you shouldnt feel guilty saying No to something you dont want to do or cant do.

ninkaan hadalkiisa si fiican u dhageeso, Soomalida ka dag ninyow.


Subax Wabnaagsab

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I had the chance to read a small book today at a resource center on such tendencies when people assume kindness for weakness and brutal honesty. Kindness however is a strength of character and that without it there won't be civilization, argues the book. Co-authored by Alistair and Kate, it recommends interesting course of actions to which the source of happiness can be accessed.

1. To be very kind to others even if your politeness and courtesy is not reciprocated. People will eventually acknowledge your strength of character and personality and return those favors in a synergy of unexpected levels.

2. To understanding that life is a rhythm, that to avoid creating distractions which can destabalize and distract other person's goals, expectations, and activities.for instance, being on time.

3. Eating with friends or families. "Whoever eats without friends is living the life of a wolf and lion"

4. Giving yourself enough sleep. "Early to bed.."

5. Communicating to others about your feelings, problems and relations with them.

6. Understanding your surroundings.. Etc.


So, kindness is what is always needed in our lives.

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Originally posted by MAXIMUS POWERS:

The other day I was at a bus stop near my university, when a Somali woman approached me and asked me to buy her Khat from the local marfesh. This lead me to be in two minds, clearly I have never entered a marfesh before but I didn’t want to disrespect the Somali woman as I couldn’t allow her to enter a place of such social ills with maniacs tranced in mirqaan and with taqsiins the size of apples and teeth the colour of burco’s sandy roads. So I gave into her demands and when into the merfesh, albeit reluctantly. I ushered through several swirling turns of emerald carpeted stairs before finally reaching the den.


I asked for ‘miiro’ but the dealers, said they only had ‘bariixi’. I asked to explain what he meant and he duly explained. I asked if they had fresh batches but he was adamant that it would not arrive until late that same night. I was in two minds yet again: should I buy the bariixi khat for the lady in the street?, but if I did I would buy her ‘bariixi’!. I went against my better judgement and decided to play it safely and return to tell the lady that they had only ‘bariixi’. At which point she replied ‘uff, waar kaas baa uguu macaan’’! Hinting for me to return up those stairs.


I left the scene with my head down in disappointment. Such is the level of saqajaanimo of Somali people.

What was that other thread you posted about people taking advantage of you?? Man-up ninyow. Just say NO to qaad :D

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How would you go out of your way to buy qaad for someone if you've never been in such a place on your own? Strange indeed

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So Max, are you a madow look a like? or your just telling us u don't look like a somali oo waad naga fool xuntahay?


Jareer or Jareerta waa dad saaxiib (Slave)= Adoon kala baro marka hore cunug yahoo fosha xun.. Max waxaan maqlay waxaad u eg tahay the letter "f" Calaashaan Goobo daraadeed ma runbaa?lol



Wareer Badanaa???

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^^ Maxaa Ku qoslee MMA, Ninkaan naga qabo nooh!


everyday asoo marqaansan ayuu dhareerka iyo qoryaha jaadkiisa nugu tuur tuuroyaa!!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Max waxaan maqlay waxaad u eg tahay the letter "f" Calaashaan Goobo daraadeed ma runbaa?

:D:D:D:D tuujiska hada u kudhahaa saqajaan yoho maxaa iiceynee ..cunugaan trobo jil jileec moos BAQAY camal

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

quote:Max waxaan maqlay waxaad u eg tahay the letter "f" Calaashaan Goobo daraadeed ma runbaa?


Waxaan wax fiyoow ma'aha. 'F' kulahaa.
Waraa hadaa capital "F" ka dhigto halkaas goobadaa dhaxda ka baxeeso, ee inooga dhig "f" si goobadu u muuqato.



Ninkaan Tuujiska caadi ma ahan

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nuune aka shiikh niikiye abti waa u jeedaa in ninkaan dagaal nugu haayonooh..luuqkaste asagoo kale in loo is taago waaye oo laga xoogo waaye qalin rasaaskaan.... Mar hore aan u sheega kuwa meeshaan u taliya in ee ninkaan keyboardka ka qaadaa yaaqee...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^^ :D haye inaa ka booleesato maa rabtaa igaarka, waxaa soo xasuustey sheeko cunugoo tabcaan uu ahaa, xataa dugsi looxa qadiisa gabdhaha aa ka qaadan jirey camal, looxiisa xataa waxba kuma qoron jirin waayo gabdhahaa iska harowsan jirey oo dhihi jirey kaalay kutuleetiyoow ii qor cashirkaan, magaciisa kutuleeti aa la oran jirey, adi ugu danbeen markaan aragnay wiilkaan seey u silcinaayaan aa waxaa ku tashanay inaan u gargaarno, calaashaan uu kutuleeti gabdhahaan ka taabsado, illeen ayagaba wey iska isticmaalaan, waana dammiin fowqal dammiin waayo mashquul wuxuu ku ahaa looxyada gabdhaha qoristooda,


anyway, kaartaa u dagnay inuu gabadha ugu kibirka badan ee asaga qadiisa iyo everythign ka qaadata inuu habeenkoo ballamiyo kana taabsado halkaasna xabadkeedana li'iilaaf ku akhriyo, xariifkaan markaa u soo bandhignay arrintaan madaxuu qabsadey, wuxuu yiri waraada hooyaa idiin sheegaa, waa qasabney anyway, oo ku dhahnay gabdhahaan ku guumeesto mid kasta ballami habeen kastana luuq ku qabo oo mirji halkaasna ku garaac,


wiilkii waa naga yeelay arrintii, tii ugu kibirka badneed uu ballamiyey habeen khamiis ah uusan subac dugsi jirin, dayax ma jiro, mugdi waaye, luuq malmalaado magaciisa la dhaho oo ka fogeen dugsiga aa lagu ballamay, xariifkii arrimihii aan usoo dajinay intuu iska dhaafay ayuu gabadhii ul dheer intuu soo goostey ayuu siduu ula dhacayey korkeedi dhannaa murxey :D



xariiftii sabtida dugsiga ay imaatay ayadoo bararsan kor iyo hoos, gabadhii gabdhihii kale ayay ku dhahdey wiilkan hala iska ilaaliyo, xariifkii mar danbe yaa juuq u dhahay ushiisa dheer uu wataa mar kasta



waxaa ku keenay, ninkaan goobada "f" leh waa in asna la yiraahdo ushaada la soo bax oo wax garaac :D

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