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Waa lasoo furay

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Our language is just rude, sometimes!


As for the lady, she should be happy she is being soo furay, some men like to hold women hostage long after the break down of a marriage.

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Originally posted by -Lily-:

Why doesn't she throw a party :rolleyes:

Divorce party eh...


LLPP, la soo furi okaa... ;)


MMA, wali la'ima guursan aa? Don't worry, dataan Toronto too yar oo bocor guduud ah oo ku guursata kaaga soosaarin, cimaamadaan wato naag mawadato... :D:D:D


Our language is beautiful...Can someone tell me a language that is not sexist?

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LOL @ she should throw a party, hmm I should throw it for her really....he was a scumbag but this is not about the lady ....tis about our sexist language.

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Beautiful. Sadaxdii baa laysugu darey! sounds better. This reminds me of 5 Fure . This chap with 4 wives and one of them couldn't stop yapping so he said 'Naa waan ku furey!'.


The second wife in line injected, 'Lee, waryaa gabadha maxaad fudaydkaa ugu fureysaa?'.


'Naa adigana waad furantahay..! came his answer. The third and fourth had a similar fate after failing to shut their gobs. The fifth woman was his neighbour's wife who started yapping after all four wives got divorced. Naa adna waad furan tahay .. was the surprise answer to a woman who is married to another man. The neighbour heard about the incident and agreed that his wife wey ka furan tahay' .


Too many furniin creates chances - cleanses the tai-chi blood flow smile.gif .

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Originally posted by Paragon:

Sadaxdii baa laysugu darey!
sounds better. This reminds me of
5 Fure
. This chap with 4 wives and one of them couldn't stop yapping so he said
'Naa waan ku furey!'


The second wife in line injected,
'Lee, waryaa gabadha maxaad fudaydkaa ugu fureysaa?'


'Naa adigana waad furantahay..!
came his answer. The third and fourth had a similar fate after failing to shut their gobs.
The fifth woman was his neighbour's wife who started yapping after all four wives got divorced.
Naa adna waad furan tahay ..
was the surprise answer to a woman who is married to another man. The neighbour heard about the incident and agreed that his wife
wey ka furan tahay'


Too many furniin creates chances - cleanses the tai-chi blood flow

LoooL. Naa adna waad furantahay,ninku geesi sanaa? while his neighbor,fuleysanaa? yacni he had no guts to divorce markas buu ninnkaan afkiisa ku marmarsiisanaa?


Anyway,Keyf furitaanka is not really furitaan, he is untangling himself from masuulida uu qaaday.

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