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Why most eligible bachelors pursuing marriage abroad?

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OG Moti   

Bulo and Ameeenah, No one said girls is the west have no religion, dont mix things, and no one said no one wants educated girl, girls in Syria are also very educated, we are just saying girls in the west challange men, and much dragged into femanisim and we dont need men ideas, they run ahead of you, talk before you, try even to run your life, she tries to take control in everything in your life, they want to go with you wherever you go, know your friends, give daily reports, and ..................


Yes I live in Cambodia but I am not isolated from the world, reports and legit reports come to me, I also follow researchs done by international organizations, dont tell me those organization are spreding wrong information... please dont say that, they put loads of time and effort into their research... with proves and facts to support their findings... Allah kariim



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^Well, boohoo! icon_razz.gif What is your concern exactly. Surely you don't live in the west? Fortunately for you, you're saved from our wrath.



Aha! NGONGe, Ayeeyo


I'm not as sharp as I once was. Off course; she who is westernised can only make a feminist analysis. Why aren’t I surprised; we have already established that we of the west cannot be Islamic- so I guess we’ll fight our corner through feminism.


I shall assert my points'further by stating that Marriage to a Somali (the ultimate misogynist) is like imprisonment. Sisters, should avoid this ordeal by either shunning marriage altogether or finding a Muslim from none-Somali communities.




The Westernised Feminist :rolleyes:

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U know what u really mean Caveman, Men go back to Somalia and elsewhere because they would rather marry a woman who will more likely hold an old view to marriage. ie A subservient woman. I actually have come across a few of these married women and some of them have such shocking attitudes towards gender relations for example one said " Men are more intellegent then women" :eek: :eek: :eek: the others id rather not get into. redface.gif

Now if the true reason men marry back home is to establish ties in the motherland then im all for it, but please don't come with an excuse that women in the west are "competitors". If u havent noticed Somali women have recognised the role they can play both in building a stronger community and many of us are making the effort ot work and educate oureselves so that we can some day inshallah return with something useful to contribute to our homelands. All of my friends have recognised the need to work an make it here in this so called ""hassling and wheeling World" but havent forgotten the importance of marriage in Islam.


For too long Somali women have stood by and let men do all the work outside the home and where has that left us. Ill tell u.. right here in the West in poor struggling single parent families. I mean u men screwed up our country and we women were the biggest victims of it. Do u think were gonna let u try again without us?. Hell No!


The so called competitive women u talk about, dont even exist. All somali women i know recognise that in Islam family comes first. But that doesnt mean we should resign ourselves to the home only. Not that being a homemaker isnt a respectable occupation but really i think women can be quite capable of working and taking care of the family. Tell me something if all u men run of and marry girls back home what will happen to the sistahs in the west? looks like they will be forced to marry outside the community to someone who isnt so narrow minded. Now wouldnt that be a shame?

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I am being sincerity….there is “Calafâ€, no matter if you gotta Mongolia in western china to find wife/husband, if Allah(sw) has a different Qadar for you right here in the heart of N-America, you’ll came back in hurry and establish what Allah(sw) intended for you, that is fact. But, ladies here is my Question if you are Pious ambitions, Muslimah, and educated why you care if there is the trend or not?.

The Ladies in Syria or where every else can’t came close to you. Then why the hostility towards my article of just stating this trend that we all know exists.





“You should aspire to marry a lady who is not only worthy of you, but indeed better--†–

sxb very wise man baa ku dhalay..masha’allah




I agree with you on the important role Somali woman have played and I thank Somali mother’s hardship times they have stood by us. No one can even deny that, And that is not even the topic.


You said: same people believe " Men are more intelligent then women". Any man who marries a woman with that mentality, is actually ****** himself…cause she is gona raise his daughters believing that they aren’t as smart as a men.


On your last Question, yes it will be a shame but I doubt all Somali men are booking flights and sending “nikaax†to oversees. But I am acknowledging this new and rising trend. I my self opted here, with educated contender here and about the competition the score is even 0 – 0,…no one has scored yet! J




“Caveman that is Good for the Guys! I'm seeking a guy ABROAD myself too!â€


loolz…good one there, see choices, diversity and looking every option works.



Again honesty doesn’t have a barrier,…but Pretty quickly I am getting bad rep…here….soon I am gonna write real nasty article about Farahs(us)..hopefully this hostility will die down then…J

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"Trust me I know there is plenty of qualified and capable ladies here in N-America. But, with this new trend could the fundamental reasoning be that qualified “marwo’s†are few or could it be they are not happy with the potential life partner here?".

i think it has to do with the individual making the choice.There are plenty of respected and well behaved sisters in this part of the world.Lets not endorse this abnoxious idea that women are competitors with men here in the west (if i understood the meaning of competitions as how we mostly perceived it to be a tug war in the household core).What is that induces us to mistakenly attribute women progress to a mere "competition"?.My stab to that will be that we the men are not in a position to adapt to the role reversal that is happening.There will be those, no doubt, who will charge that iam riding roughshod over what they said and that iam supporting the girls point but please before you do that read Raula's points,a good explaination indeed.I know a guy,a professor, who went to Somalia to get married.He thought he was gonna be happy getting married from the motherland,god knows what he is going through at the moment.So, my advice is it is good to get married whether it is from somalia or the hills of georgia what matters is does she understand the living life of the west, the strugle, the pain of working one or two jobs!.

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Waraa ingariis ayaa naga badiseen maaaaaan!!!


Og-MOTI kaalay suuriya ma gabdho carab baa naga xiga? Somalida shan xabo bas ayaaba ka joogaan.

And plus i rather in aan guursado mid westernised ah than mid carabnised ah..Wax carabta ku koray oo fiican maba arag wiligey...Mise gabdho cad cad oo carab ah aa nala rabtaa...waraa Aniga waan kasoo horjeeda arintaan wadan kale guur loogu raadsanayo.....


Caveman waxa uu sheegay waa wax run ah oo wee jiraan dumar nimanka la ficiltama oo very feminist ku noqday westiga. Laakiin sida kale niman bad baa jira oo qurun ku noqday westiga. I think in Nimanka halaabay iyo dumarka halaabay, nimanka in ee badan yihiin...


Meeqo nin oo somali ah baa jira oo xamaali ah ayaga oo jooga wadan shisheeye..gabdhaheynina ee kuligood jamacada ka wada baxaayaan..Nimanka MN jooga iyo Toronto iyo Ohio 24 hours waxee u fadhiyaan qaad (qayilaad) oo reer koodi iyo dantoodi lumiyey...


Diinta hadii laga hadlona waxa ka tagay badanaa waxaa u badan Raga...Reer kaste hadaa fiirisidna waxad arki hooyo kaligeed oo caruurtii korineyso. Odaygiina magaala kale buu u shaqo doontay..more like u qayilaad doontay oo caruurtiina wadanka ku lumeeyn oo qamri iyo qurun ku barteen...


I believe in the west in aan ku liidantamnay hadii la fiirsho xag somalinimo kuna guuleysanay hadii la fiirsho xag qaxootinimo...Guushana badankeed waxee ka timaaday dhinaca dumarka..Jamacad kaste oo North america kutaal waxaa u badan dumar. Family kaste oo back home jooga dadka wax u diro badankood waa dumarka.


Marka hadii aan dhahno gabdhaha inta jooga ma fiicna oo wee nala tartamaayan oo meel kale baan u guur doonaneynaa ma wax fiican baa? nin nimaa? ma sharaf baa!! war ninka raga ahi gabar lama tartami karto hadii ee isku daydo xataa!!waa imposible...hadii ad tihiin rag liitana gabarta xaq waxee u leedahay in ee idinla tartamto maxaa yeelay ileen idinkaa isku kalifee.. don't blame the sisters our problem. the computition wuu jiraa because we let it happen. And is a possitive computition one that will wake us up..


Wee jiraan gabdho badan oo aad u liita oona jooga heer ee nacaan nimankooda somaliyeed. Wee jiraan gabdho ka jacel nin ajanabi ah kan somaliga ah. Wee jiraan gabdho dhaqanka nacay because waxee u arkaan in uu yahay mid raga u dhinac xiga. Wee jiraan gabdho feminist noqday oo diinta u xadgudbay. Laakiin waxaas dhan in ee nugu kalifto guur safreed xaq ma aha...


Yaa guursanaya gabdhaheyna america hadeynu anaga guursan? qaladka aanku sheegeyno ma ayaaga isku geestay mise anaga ayaa u geynay? yaa dhahay gabar suuriya joogta ma aha feminist? yaa dhahay waa gabdho fiican? makuligood bad dabeecadahoda kaseysaa?...


OG-MOTI & CaveMan, saxiibayaal aniga waxaan aaminsanahay in aan anaga u aqal dhisano gabdhaheyna north america maxaa yeelay XAQ bee nugu leeyihiin specialy qalayda badankood marka ee kasocdaan dhinacayaga....




wareer badanaa!!

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Qac Qaac   

I don't know, for most of the men here, but as for me, i would go and marry from out side these western countries, not because i have low esteam, but because i am looking for a strong woman, who has karti, who still believes the values from our mother generation, any girl who think she is more educated then her mother, is doomed to me.. it is a personal choice. so what's the problem...


Modesty good choice, even guys back home, are better than western somali men,

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As FF said, the reason why some men choose to marry aboard is because they want women they can control and manipulate.


Sorry but if that’s what they want so that they can feel that little bit more secure about their sad little existence, then I say good riddance and good luck to those poor women who end up with them.


If you ask me these men are far from eligible because the only thing these men as eligible for is a bloody brain transplant!

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As FF said, the reason why some men choose to marry aboard is because they want women they can control and manipulate.

And what makes you and FF sure that women in the West can't be controlled and manipulated ;)

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A lot more than crap needs to be cut

Well said FF, I have a rusty sakiin if scissors are too humane icon_razz.gif



Degree and Certificates doesn’t make you educated, remember that…

Don't worry moti, we have such an example of that from you men that we are unlikely to forget how certificates don't give some people common sense :rolleyes:


Caveman, i'm starting to think that you have bene in a cave for far too long. The worst thing is that u seem to be so sincere in ur topics and so clueless. No matter what we sisters say, we come across looking like man haters who patronize their counterparts back home, something that you men are more talented at doing.


Now let us look at another scenario. You go to wherever, coming from america with ur certificates and ur credit cards and ur promise of a better life. A girl that only has the security of her dhaqan and deen marries u because it is a way of survival and she can be helpful to her family by being abroad.


You bring her to america and introduce her to worse conditions than she has been accustomed to. She will be in a country where she doesn't know anyone, where people look down on her because she seems so ignorant, where she has only your family and friends to rely on, people that have been in western countries for solong that they can't relate to the girl.


So the good girl that you "rescued" for you selfish egoistic needs is in a world where people will only understand her if she canges. But wait a minute, when she changes, won't she be exactly like those female waraabe dadoow in Europe. And voila, you have brought about the ruin of a girl that only wanted a better life. Congratulations.


But wait a minute, u can opt for option two. Why bring the girl to america when u can support her where she is? We all know that long distance marriages are wonderful. And you know, absence makes the heart grow fonder :rolleyes: The girl finds herself with a man she hardly knows who drops in when it is conveniant for him, with no thought for what she needd. BRAVA, once again u have made an unsuspecting girl who deserves better than you trapped in an unhappy life :rolleyes:


Most of you seem to think that we girls abroad are fuming because we see the men choosing other girls above us. The truth of the matter is that we know how hard life here is and it is disgusting to watch you men bring more girls into a life of hardship. Laakinse maxaa la idinkugu qeeylinaa, u will never understand anyway, tiina lee idiin muuqato...

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