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A lesson by a japanese

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Salam aleykum wr wb


After a long day at work today I turned on the TV to watch some news, instead there was a discussion about, as I understood it, young Muslim/ Somali girls that were “prisoners†in their own home. As soon as I understood the topic (ie. muslim girls oppressed by their families), I turned it off. I was too tired!


As you all probably would agree with me on, is that we are daily bombarded with negative information about Islam and Muslims. Of course we as Muslims and Somalis do wrong, yes we do commit faults, behave bad, hurt other people and ourselves. I get sad and despaired for the overwhelming problems we face.


I don’t believe in conspiracies and so on, but I’m convinced that the western countries are dusting off the old fear for the green danger from the East. In their ignorance they believe we are posing such a threat to them, they have to feed us with massive negative information, which puts us, Muslims in the west, were they want us, in a state of despair. We are in a situation where we constantly have to defend ourselves, we are automatically the villains if we can’t proof otherwise.


I did not write this text to enlighten anyone, I think most people are aware of the situation, and I did not write it in an attempt to solve it (then I would have hubris). I merely wrote it because I was upset, and I needed to ventilate my anger. One thing that comforts me is that by tomorrow most people have forgotten what was said today (in other circumstances this fact is very tragic).


However, before I end my letter I would like to share something that is in contrast to what I mentioned above. A Japanese colleague of mine, who is a surgeon, told me that he once flying with a commercial flight helped a person from dying. For us it might seem obvious to help a person who is in need, especially if you’re a physician. But according to Japanese custom he could be held responsible if the outcome was not satisfactory.


After the incident he went on the internet and discussed with other Japanese if he did the right thing or not. The discussion was long but finally ended with the statement that Somalis are better in the sense that their community is built on the tradition that one should always help in the best way one can.


I was so surprised that first of all Japanese people knew anything about Somalis (my ignorance), secondly that they knew anything about our traditions or customs. The great thing with this story is that things in our behaviour that we take for granted are maybe not that common among others. And maybe instead of focusing on the how to fix the negative stuff, we first start appreciating the good in us.


People on the other side of the world are admiring us for our solidarity, setting us as good examples, maybe it’s time we also did that?

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OG Moti   

Well said but brother we do appreciate our uniqueness and our rich culture, if you see two Somalis sitting together talking, half of their conversation is all about how Somalis are good and have culture to be proud of… but brother do you know why your friend the Jap guy was worried if he did the good thing of not. Simple they don’t believe in God and they don’t believe the outcome is up to Allah no matter how careful or how right you did, to us there is Allah we do our best to help others but the out come we could only hope it will be positive InshaAllah and if not positive we say “QAdara Lah wa maashaa a facalâ€, That we call it Faith, and unfortunately not many people have it.. Including few Muslims who are influenced by the loads of the massive negative information as put it, fed by those who see Islam is the greatest threat on their way of living.

As far as I am concern, there is nothing to explain and no need to defend Islam, as Allah subaxaanah tacaalaa said (meaning): Today I completed for you, your religion, and I (Allah) allowed Islam to be your religion


Laa ikraaha fil diin qad tabayana al gaya minal al rushd…


Sorry I don’t want to take my freedom to translate the Qur’anic verses it is a responsibility I don’t want to be accountable to…


Viva Islam… 3aashal al Islam, and Islam for All, Allah choice this no one can change it.. tell every Muslim don’t try to explain, tell them to seek the truth by themselves.. them refers to those who question Islam……….. Peace

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Elysian, I know exactly how you feel. The anger the frustration, we've all been there. Every muslim feels it.

But OG_MOTI, I just cant seem to understand where you stand. Would you ever let someone slander and disrespect the name of your mother or father, your sister or your brother? No, so why should you or anyone else feel that way about islam? You gotta stand up for it. Make the people who talk trash see that its the right religion. Islam is getting beat down 24/7 and true we might not have the strength to stop it now, but at least do your bit and stand up for your faith. Dont be ashamed to be a muslim.

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OG Moti   

Dear Chocola.. it seems you totally misunderstood my point, I am not will never ever be ashamed to be a muslim, Actually I am so lucky to be a muslim, so that you offended me... secondly we have to understand here .. what do you mean to stand up for.. i didnt mention anyone trashing it .. that do what your brain tells you, fight or walk away it is a personal choice, what i ment was you dont have to defend when they come to you with judgments like you muslims marry 4, you muslims force women to cover all over her body, these kinds of talk is pointless and you dont need to defend, just tell them go and seek the truth by yourself, believe i tried to explain and i found out you can explain to someone who is asking to know not to someone who already judged ... so please read carefully before you judge my words.. and thanx for the advice.. peace

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I think what OG_MOTI is saying is important. You have to choose your fights, don't always go into a discussion with the aim to defend Islam, instead you might bring more damage to it if you don't have the knowledge and the arguments.


This is first of all a reminder to myself, I've been there to many times when I wished that I hadn't opened my mouth, and I often get angry with myself for not having more knowledge.


Your sister in Islam.


ps. I think Elysian means a state of great happiness (I'm not there, and I'll probably never get there, but it's always a goal to strive for)

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Thanks sis, more so because this is on my mind in a very big way at the moment. I had a Jewish woman bring up the old 'Muslim women are oppressed' spiel this evening. I wonder what it is about people that makes them think they can start a conversation off in such a way? I'm sure it antagonises some and is meant to at times but you never know what another's intentions are. The western media is all some have as a source of information.


However, considering this woman was from what should be and is Palestine, I was particularly conscious of her words and mine. An emotional response to her words would not have served any purpose. I wouldn't have made my point well and she wouldn't have heard what I had to say to such things as, 'I read a book where a Muslim woman was on the run from her family...' That these are the book-selling, headline grabbing stories was quite lost on her- out of ignorance or deliberately is only known to her herself and Allah. I suspect one way more than the other.


I do what I can. I am faced with it very often. I don't know why I attract these people. Perhaps I seem approachable, perhaps Allah wants to test me...perhaps perhaps.. I am aware that I should never carry on with a conversation that may invite dishonouring Islam just as I am aware that I have a role to play and that I must keep my head and use it in these situations.


I feel drained right now. I'm sure I could have done better. I have so many of these conversations you would think I'd get used to them. No. The sense of responsibility never diminishes. I am also aware that as Muslims we don't do as much to spread the message of our faith to those outside of it. Should we be annoyed when what the haters spread about Islam reach us through televisions, newspapers and strangers?


I should do more.


Thanks again.

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Amiin! and thank you Sophist.


Dear sister sheherazde, what you are experiencing is common to all practicing muslim women, we are walking da'wa, whether we like it or not. I think by just living accordingly to our beliefe is most of the time good enough (considering how difficult it is already to practice in a western country).


Some muslims consider teaching non-muslims about islam is their essential duty. But I think at this stage we need to teach ourselves how we can implement islam in our daily lives, before we go out to preach for others. Otherwise we might stand out as hypocrites.

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Right. Right. However, when I talk of spreading the message, I'm not talking about preaching or converting, merely informing, making it a norm to hear of normal Muslims doing normal things through the media.


I don't have the ability to preach, only talk of what I know of Islam and Muslims when asked. Mostly, I try and highlight the differences between culture and diin.

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Sorry sister, I should have been more clear. I understood and fully agreed with you the first time, what I meant was that for example some people in my community are eager to preach to non-muslims how they should live while at the same time the muslim families are having major problems and is on the verge of break up.


If we would live according to our belief we would be the best of civilizations. Insha'allah we'll reach there someday.

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"Some muslims consider teaching non-muslims about islam is their essential duty. But I think at this stage we need to teach ourselves how we can implement islam in our daily lives, before we go out to preach for others. Otherwise we might stand out as hypocrites"


Hear Hear


This is my take on this topic, there is no doubt that we are being scrutinized and targeted unfairly by the the society (western) we are living in and is orchestrated from the top down by devious group of ppl who want to achieve some power or domination of Muslims(read Arabs)resource.


Now in this day and age its becoming morally wrong to attack a group of ppl because of race or ethnicity, like the colonial times. It is illegal according to international laws and almost hard to sell in western society.

What is still acceptable is to attack what others believe/way of life (remember communism) only if you can prove the threat is not the people but the idealogy they subscribe to. Thus Islam.

America and the Zionist are out to get the Arabs, they want to control them and there resources and to achieve this Islam is become the scapegoat. Whether these campaign against Islam effects non-arab muslims is irrelevent to them, there objective and the persception of there masses is what counts.

Thats why I dont give rats *** what the avarage joe or jane thinks about me or my faith. I know it can be frustrating at times but I cant waste my time. If you want to do something, target your energy and efforts colectively through an Islamic organization or institution that is capable of countering the source of problem

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