
Ex Ina Ilay Ministers captured trying to enter Somaliland

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Ciidamada Soomaaliland ayaa gacanta ku dhigay wasiiro kamid ahaa xukuumaddii Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar kuwaa oo laamaha amaanka ay sheegeen iney si dhuumaaleysi ahaa kusoo galeen Soomaaliland doonayayna iney kasii baxsadaan.

Wasiirada xukuumadii Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar ee lagu qabtay hargeysa ayaa kala ah wasiirka caddaaladda Cabdi Jaamac iyo Wasiirka waxbarashada dawlad deegaanka Soomaalida Ibraahim Aadan Mahad oo dhanka xuduudka Wajaale kaga gudbay si qarsoodi ah, balse laamaha amaanka Soomaaliland ayaa sheegay in labada Masuul gacanta lagu dhigay  iyaga oo doonayay iney gaaraan caasimada Soomaaliya.

Laamaha amaanka Soomaaliland ayaa dhanka kale sheegay labada wasiir iney sheegteen iney yihiin ganacsato kasoo cararay kacdoonkii Magaalada Jigjiga ee dhulka Soomaali Galbeed.

Dhawaan ayay ahayd markii uu xilka iska casilay madaxweynihii maamulka Soomaali Galbeed Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar oo sanado xukumayay Maamulkaas, Islamarkaasina Ciidamo badan oo ka socdo Itoobiya ay la wareegeen Jig Jiga.

Shalay ayaa  Mustafe Cagjar  ayaa Loo magacaabay  Madaxweynaha Cusub ee DDSI.

Mustaf ayaa la soo shaqeeyay Hay’addaha QM, gaar ahaan Hay’adda OCHA,wuxuuna kamid ahaa mucaaradka madaxweynihii Hore.

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Somaliland oo xabsi dhigtay laba wasiir oo ka tirsaa xukuumadii DDSI.

August 23, 2018 - By: Mohamud Nadif



Ciidamada Laanta socdaalka ee Somaliland ayaa garoonka diyaaradaha cigaal ee magaaalada Hargaysa ku qabtay labo wasiir oo ka tirsanaa xukuumada dawlad deegaanka soomaalida Ethopia ee uu hogaaminayay Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar.

Labadaan wasiir ayaa  kala ahaa wasiirkii hore ee cadaalada Cabdi Jamaal Axmed Qolonbi iyo wasiirkii hore ee waxbarashada dawlad deegaanka soomaalida Ethopia Ibraahim Aadan Mahad, xariga labadaan wasiir ayaa lagu sababeeyay in ay Somaliland ku yimaadeen iyagoon haysan dal ku gal.

Wax faaffaahin ah oo intaas dheer weli kama aysan soo bixin Somaliland iyo xukuumada dawlad deegaanka soomaalida Ethopia.

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Since Somalis are based on qabyaalad let me just say this for the clarity, that wasiir Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar the man detained by Somaliland is an **** and not an ****, so it will be just a matter of time till Djibouti intervenes the farce shenanigans SL is putting out for the Oromo pm.

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13 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:


On the contrary, my friend. You see it will be all the same whether they are "Jesus clan" (our very own Xaaji's formulation of clan-names). Or whether they are the usual suspects from the "long-footed-folks" who habitually were the most of the consequential minsters of then "Stoogely-minded-administration" of that Somali region under the old leadership of certain Mr Illey

In other words, if any former ministers of the defunct government of that fiefdom were caught in Somaliland whilst they were in turn on the run, then they will be handed back to their government, just as we have handed back all of the "looted cars" back to the federal's forces of Ethiopia, since the local police (i.e., the Liyu Police) were actually the ones doing the looting itself and taking their stolen good (which mostly were cars) across the border into Somaliland. 

Hence, to us a criminal is just a mere criminal regardless of whatever fancy titles he (or she) may indeed decides to sport. And if such a wanted criminal ever falls into our hands then we speedily return him to where he came from and will face justice for his crimes.

And these former ministers on the run will not be treated any differently, regardless of whatever clan they may hail from. Or even if both of them are "first-cousins" of Mr Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti. And soon you will see that with your own eyes. Which means we do things differently in up here in Somaliland.

I have to give it to Somaliland on this one, they have done the right thing arresting those fleeing criminals, i just hope to see more action like these from Somaliland in the near future.

Also its funny that when these criminals were in power, they used to commit all kind of aggression on the collective Somalis (Somaliland included) without any reason, now that their power has run course they flee from the Justice to the very territories that they used to transgress, the irony right!


Kudos to the Somaliland.

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42 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:


On the contrary, my friend. You see it will be all the same whether they are "Jesus clan" (our very own Xaaji's formulation of clan-names). Or whether they are the usual suspects from the "long-footed-folks" who habitually were the most of the consequential minsters of then "Stoogely-minded-administration" of that Somali region under the old leadership of certain Mr Illey

In other words, if any former ministers of the defunct government of that fiefdom were caught in Somaliland whilst they were in turn on the run, then they will be handed back to their government, just as we have handed back all of the "looted cars" back to the federal's forces of Ethiopia, since the local police (i.e., the Liyu Police) were actually the ones doing the looting itself and taking their stolen good (which mostly were cars) across the border into Somaliland. 

Hence, to us a criminal is just a mere criminal regardless of whatever fancy titles he (or she) may indeed decides to sport. And if such a wanted criminal ever falls into our hands then we speedily return him to where he came from and will face justice for his crimes.

And these former ministers on the run will not be treated any differently, regardless of whatever clan they may hail from. Or even if both of them are "first-cousins" of Mr Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti. And soon you will see that with your own eyes. Which means we do things differently in up here in Somaliland.

I do agree that Somaliland operates differently!   is this all about, sending criminals back to Ethiopia.? or attention seeking and selling some poor Somali individuals hoping to get something in return. Basically, a type of unhonorable business which is familiar to everybody in the horn. Now when Iley is gone and his replacement is welcoming free opinion, is there any hope, we will get similar development in Hargeysa, where dissidents can express their opinion. Or they will be going to jail everyone who refuses to sing the same songs in the daylight. Somaliland seems inherited all the  bad kacaan culture and there is no sign things will change soon. 

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Oodweyne the problem with koonfurians is they view things from  their own perspective narrowminded clanish lenses . Now in  Somaliland we support social justice . Justice between humanbeings and countries  if some one is a criminal  mujrimm than he needs to go to prison it's common logic. But as we have discussed on sol for years.  There are clanish unionist   regional unionst federal unionists  pirate unionists jihadi unionists  we have seen them all . But  they still keep playing the game  with us. And they the wallows are good with abusing terms such as somalinimo somaliyeed somali dis and that boosts bastadi qudhunka talyaaniga lugu walaaaqayaa allooree aboowe..

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Somali land always had done the opposite of what is right in terms of Somali region. Both Rayaale, Cigaal and Siilaanyo handed innocent victims to the Tplf. 

When Cabdi Illey and his henchmen murdered innocent people within Somali land borders they said nothing. Illey and his men used to come and party in Wajaale as they pleased. They even arrested people in Gabiley. Now falsely they are acting  like someone who cares about human suffering. 

This is the traditional culture of the rich  gulf Arabs.  Haddad xoog Leedahay ood ku joogsato way kuu Sujuudi, Haddad daciif tahayna way kugu joogsan. If you step on their head they will respect you, but if you are weak, they will abuse you. That is the moral foundation of what we have seen the last 10 years. 

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1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

Somali land always had done the opposite of what is right in terms of Somali region. Both Rayaale, Cigaal and Siilaanyo handed innocent victims to the Tplf. 

When Cabdi Illey and his henchmen murdered innocent people within Somali land borders they said nothing. Illey and his men used to come and party in Wajaale as they pleased. They even arrested people in Gabiley. Now falsely they are acting  like someone who cares about human suffering. 

This is the traditional culture of the rich  gulf Arabs.  Haddad xoog Leedahay ood ku joogsato way kuu Sujuudi, Haddad daciif tahayna way kugu joogsan. If you step on their head they will respect you, but if you are weak, they will abuse you. That is the moral foundation of what we have seen the last 10 years. 

I honestly believe all somalis overestimated the power of Ethiopia, they are very weak and all Somali regional leaders as well as federal were scared of Ethiopia and Abdi illey.

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1 hour ago, maakhiri1 said:

I honestly believe all somalis overestimated the power of Ethiopia, they are very weak and all Somali regional leaders as well as federal were scared of Ethiopia and Abdi illey.

Aren't you doing the same thing, only in opposite direction?

There is a bit of lawlessness all around the country and any group now can take measures that were unthinkable few months ago. This in kililka is even greater chance of even individual or group retributions either using group power or if possible state power.

There is significant number of Somali politicians and in some cases beaurocrats sitting in Addis by one reason or another until the situation and confusion clears up and some order is restored.


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16 hours ago, Ducale said:

**** will be treated with more dignity than a captured og. 

Why should they? A criminal is a criminal whatever his clan. 

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U malayn maayo hadalka galbeedi inuu qof wax ku dari karaa jiro

Markay snm ogaatay in ina illey fogaaday bay dhabanka ciidda ka jafteen waana nooc ka mida daciifnimada

Labada wasiir waa shaqaalihii sayidkii ay shalay cisayn jireen inay wakhtigaan qabsadaana waa is muujin ay ku doonayaan inay itoobiya iska gadaan.

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Why would Somaliland arrest them now when the same men were freely roaming the region when Illey was President?


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27 minutes ago, Holac said:

Why would Somaliland arrest them now when the same men were freely roaming the region when Illey was President?


Ethiopia and Somaliland have an extradition treaty between them so anyone wanted by Ethiopia whatever the reason will be handed over to them. I don't like it for the flow of traffic seems to be only one way but that is how it has been for some time. 

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niyoow Abtigiis must reject this arrest and release these men. if @Abtigiis wants reconciliation, nobody should be chased for working in Illey government. past is past niyoow. let us move on.  niyoow hadii kale waa back to square one.


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16 minutes ago, Mooge said:

niyoow Abtigiis must reject this arrest and release these men. if @Abtigiis wants reconciliation, nobody should be chased for working in Illey government. past is past niyoow. let us move on.  niyoow hadii kale waa back to square one.


I don't think anybody will be arrested. Actually if you are new governor you want persons lie that to self exile. But Arrest in Ethiopia are not going on. No group is sure yet and nobody wants to start violence unless its like kililka where there was no legal way to make changes. It had to be a coup.

They also had to act fast before Illey settles everything every office in his way and then resigns. Could not allow him to do it his way.

The new guy would be better of doing exactly what PM Abiy is doing with his Oromo. To the extent he is allowed.



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