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Everything posted by Sophist

  1. Marx, Marx, young man, great iyo good leyne isku xishoo waad qaan gaartey!. Ceeb weeye inaad ceytanto. S.
  2. Sophist, young man I am not threatening you but simply pointing out to you that you have broken the rules of SOL. I am telling you it is shame for a young seemingly educated kid like yourself to spew such spleen against a clan. Hope that helps S.
  3. Marx, this was on the London paper last night- he wasn't dead then but critical. S.
  4. Johny Murtad, you have no say in the affairs of our beautiful religion which you have abandoned at will. Marka, adiga waxaad tiraahdo wax kasoo qaad malaha. Ngone, if you want to debate the issue with LX then be serious. The man is above par then Kashafa!. LX,nin karmeed aleyleh. S.
  5. Marx, you either apologise for calling a clan an insulting name or face a ban which such behavior deserves. You should know better old chap. The Admin should take an action. Rules are rules. S.
  6. Aloow noo gargaar, siiba gabdhaha xijaabka wata ugargaar!. S.
  7. Abraar, inaan odey ahay garatey but I am not Xaabsade!. S PS: Why would you think I am Xaabsade?
  8. She should not be married to him period!. Issues of this kind should stay between the couple. I am almost certain the chap feels the same. S.
  9. I am Green. It is surprisingly true of my persona though I have a high orange too!. S. PS: I have had a comprehensive psychometric test in my last job and the result corresponds to the earlier findings.
  10. This is a joke, no? It seems these "Shekhs" have very little understanding of Maqaasidu Shareeca or usuul Fiqh. Ngone, the two issues are different, I mean the Saudi and the Egyptian. Why? Because the only time you are permitted to forgo an obligatory deed is when there is a Daruura- Laa darara walaa diraara! Now, playing a footie is not daruura, the player can decide not to play the game and fast whereas the Saudi residents if they fear that their life will be in danger they can forgo the fast- remember the hadiith that permits those who are sick not to fast? Having said that, you could argue , why not move then to an area where there is electricity? I guess, you would be right as the Qaacida says "Maa laa yutimu waajibu ilaa bihi fahuwa waajib". But then it will depend whether they have the means to move to another city where they could perform the deed. Walahu Aclam. S.
  11. This is the most disturbing video I have seen for long! I have tears on my face!. Something has to be done. We can feel sorry and do nothing or we can contribute to the betterment of our plighted people!. S.
  12. Waa Tan iyana maansadii "Erayga" taas oo filihu ahaa in aad todobaadkan dhagaystaan waxayna kamid ka tahay Maansooyin diimeed inoo taxnaa oo Cismaan Cabdi Nuur Xaashi curiyey. Todobaadkii tagay hadii aynu soo aragnay Maanso ka hadlaysa milgaha iyo badhaadhaha Maalmuhu leeyihiin, mooganna waxaynu dhugan doonaa Maanso qiimaha Eraygu lee yahay abaari doonta. Erayga Eray waa alhuumoo Ilaahbaa aqlooloo Jeer hore aheeyoo Uratibay idaasoo Idilkood oraahaha Intuu Aadan baraybuu Imtixaan kaleetiyo Abaal aan lahelinbuu ku idbaaray qowm'oo Malaa'igta ku agbilay. Abnaq iyo isheegoo Adigaa aqoonley, Idilkood naqeenoo Aadanow u tiribaa Ilaaheen ku meershoo Akhrintiyo abaartii Eebbo uu ugu deequu Abbaheen ku meeryoo Aynigood sujuudiyo Anbaqaad sharfeedbaa Amarkii arooroo iblays oo ku lumaybaa Eed iyo ba qaatoo Isbid iyo jigraar buu Oofintii ku diidoo Anbadkiina lagu eri. ... .................... .. Intii kale adeecbay Aqbalkii faleenoo Awaamiirtu erayey Ku agaasimneeno Oraahihii uu naqaybuu Aadan libbin kutaamoo Ajar iyo siyaaday intuu dhalay ku mudatoo Ubad sii dhaxlaanoo Ayaado qur'aanaa inahaa cadeeyoo Yaguna oraahbay Arooraan xiskeenoo. .................... ...... Aduunyadu iskeedaba Eray weeye taxanoo Axaadiistu oraahbay Abidkood ahaydoo Askunka iyo bin'intaba hadalka asiiboo Dhawaaqbay ahaataye Ayaannta iyo jeerkaba Afnaqaa tilmaamoo jiraal aakidkiisuba Ogaan iyo afweeyee Asraarta iyo idlaadkuba Eraybay galaanoo Aaladaha gabigood Oraahbaaa sadaysoo Aadmigu dirkiisaba Erayguu dhahaayuu ilbaxnimo ku gaadhoo Astiriyo xis gaabkuba Waa wada aftahamoo Anfaciyo wax tabaintuna Ishaariyo war weeyoo ka alaysanaayiyo ka abuurmi doonaba Oraahbaa midaysoo Taxanaha oreedbaa Noloshuba abbaartoo Ahaan iyo ekeenbaa Erayga anbba qaadoo Idilkood xog uunbay ku agmeerayaanoo .................... ......... Arin aan lahurinoo Aadmigu wax qiima ah ku ilaawd sadeenbaa Afaf kuba yihiinoo ilaaheen ka yeelaye Magac aayatiinliyo Ayniga faleediyo Alankiyo xarafkaa isku xidhaha muunshoo Aqoontuna tubtaasay ku agaasan taayoo Allihii nabaraybaa Aad inoo gar gaaroo Ammaan iyo naqcelinbaa Abaarteenu tahayoo Ergo iyo shisheeyiyo Afqalaad turjumidiyo ilamo adan dhaqankood Eraygaa ku faayoo. .................... ..... Hubka oo ladumiyo unkidiyo farsamo idil Dawadiyo intii agab Aynaan hureyn ee Akhirskiyo qoraalkiyo Adeegiyo socsocoshada Arsaaqdiyo xayaatada idil hawlaheeniyo Ahaanteena gabigeed isagaa u mudanoo Eraygaa u wacanoo inta kale arooroo Ayni iyo u qalaniyo Away lagaga maarmiyo wax uun lagu amaamudo Oraah dhigan badali kara lama uumin dunidee Awoow iyo ab duugmiyo isirro iyo sooyaal Ayaamo iyo waayiyo ifka iyo wax soo jiray Afka weeye erayada Aqoonta iyo barashada waxa aan u ayniyo Ogaantuba dhamaanteed Aqloolkuba dirkiisaba Arin oo dhan beegii Ahaanta iyo noloshuba oraahday ku tarantoo Awoodii ilaah iyo Amaraa iltirayee .................... ....... In uu eraygu aad yahay Alab iyo itaal yahay Aad aan lagudin yahay Aadmiga anface yahay Axad waliba eray yahay Abaar waliba idan tahay Akhbaar iyo ku taamiyo Hindisaha abuurniin agabkuba af uun yahay ilaah uu kuaga daray Oraah iyo tixraaceed Ahaantiyo mudnaanteed. Adiguna aqoonsoo Unugaaga hidintiyo Abnaqaaqa weeyoo Asagaad ku ababtoo Aarr aad ku noqataye Aad iyo ubaro aad Eraygaad ku dhaqantaye Aad iyo ubaaro aad isgaad ogaalkiyo iimaanka diintiyo Anbiyada ku bartaye Abaalkiisu yuulumin Aragga iyo baahida Urta iyo dareenkaba Isagaad ku tabisaa Aqloolka iyo wax jirintee Aad iyo ubaro aad .................... .......... Aalad aan laheliniyo Akhwaan qiima dhaafiyo Arsaaqdii ilahay, Amuur yaababeediyo waa awaadh qadirle Aad iyo ubaro aad Amaan iyo tixgalin sii Aadna ugu sii bogo Eray waa ahaanteen Illaah baana mamaula. Dhamaad
  13. ^Simply put, to worship Allah. S. Ps: I am astonished you will ask such a question Marx or you were being ironic?
  14. Congrats old chap, very happy news indeed. Cafimaad, caqiido wanaagsan iyo cimridheer ayaan urajeyneynaa Muscab!. S.
  15. GG, sorry dear fellow for the move. Such serious subject matter belongs to the Debating Corner. Thanks. S.
  16. Admin, may you kindly please move this topic to Camel milk debate section where it belongs?!. Thanks. S.
  17. Originally posted by -MARX-: [QB] lving in the slums of Eastleigh or a reer bari student in hydrabad doesnt mean diaspora. I must admit this takes the biscuit, way to go Marx! S. PS: How is the LLB going? The first year went swimmingly!.
  18. Make a Wish, Adeer soo dhoow and Ramadan Kariim. SOL is in need of new blood; it has become somewhat stale of late. Farancab,Xaaji Ramadaanta ayaa na aamusisey beryahan. Oodweyne dhulkii ayuu kawardoon dooney ayaan filayaa as he hasnt been aroundmaalmahan. S.
  19. I am now reading Faith and Reason in Islam by Ibn Rush.
  20. Duceysane, correction, Sanaag is second largest region!. http://www.mapsofwor alia-map.jpg About the story; geel caruuri qaadey mafoga!
  21. Abwaan, Dmmye is a friend but we differ on current political situation. Aniga recruitment kayeeli maayo cidna for the time being!. Ayoub, Do you know that he became a first secretary when he was the tender age of 26? You can say it was due nepotism but we are not talking about the moral's of the Siyad Bare's government. S.