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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. But Harper, at his first news conference as the incoming prime minister, said Canadians gave him a mandate... 124 seats out of 306 and 36% of the vote ain't no mandate. Had there being a proportional representation, his so-called mandate wouldn't have been there to begin with. I hope he won't last through the year, either.
  2. Salaan... I just want to say one thing: Mossad, though overrated agency, disregards any international law or treaties when it routinely pursues what it considers are its priority interests. Be it a murder, kidnapping, hijacking, assassination and other illegal covert activities. Kidnapping of whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu, in Talyaaniga; killings of Gerald Bull of Canada in Biljam. So-called "Operation Entebbe" of Ugaanda. Agents also use other countries' passports and other official documents, as they were caught by Jordanian and New Zealander officials with Canadian and New Zealand passports respectively. Their Western allies blindly ignore this. Just imagine if any other non-Western agency behaved like this. Even Western agencies sometimes are tied by some laws, though they disregard. When the former communist countries' agencies, particularly the defunct Stasi of East Germany, behaved like as Mossad behaves, they were condemned by hypocrite Western nations. I wish Muslim nations would stop being suspicious to one another and create an equal agency that challenges Mossad. There is no doubt Mossad has some agents planted in many Muslim nations, but I doubt if any Muslim nation has an agent present in Tel Abiib [Tel Aviv]. Malaysia is capable, but is too far. Bakistaan could crack, but its resources is devoted to Hindiya.
  3. Originally posted by Abraar: Unbelievable! :mad: What is wrong, dear? Did you vote NDP? Maskiin. Anigaba, this is the first time I voted [i am a political junkie, but voting is a whole different matter.] Of course, I voted NDP. By the way, do know what happened in Dixon on election day? Duqooshinkeeda daraad wee is dabayaacayeen, saying, "War, war, war yaa ii wado meesha laga codeeyo; inkaarqabahaan [Harper] waxaan maqlay haduu dalka la wareego in uu jeegii $900 [pensionka] naga jaraayo." Basas aa loo keenay, lagu raray, iyagoo dhaarsan. No wonder all Etobicoke seats were easily and overwhelmingly won by the Liberals.
  4. Huuwaaya huuwaa Habartaa majoogto Kaliyo kaafee aade Kabaheedee qaadatee Soo socotaaya ma'ogi Sii socotaaya ma'ogi Huuwaaya huuwa Huuwa cadeeya huuwa ... ************** Hooyooy gacalooy Gurigii asluubta Ubax lagagadooma Guuleysoo, waligaa guuleysoo All Soomaali hooyooyin,
  5. Beedaankaa Soo hoobiyee Alahoo isii Midig ka dhaw Bidix ka dhaw Sii sii malaboow Sanjab sanjab ************* Shaq shaq wareejiyoow hurguf ************* Been been maad igu baawihee Been beeeeeen maaaaad igu baawihee Anilee baraakadaa Anilee baraakadaa Bukeen karaa Have you ever buk "baraako?" These are "folklores." Here are a few more. Kuun kuun laminaa Laminaa tabaarikaa Sata uuna barikaa Siyeedlaa muuminaa Wacelaa kisiyaa baxayaaa! ************** Dhakac dhakac dhambalishoow Dhareeriyoow dhashoow dhac Dhakac dhakac dhambalishoow Dhareeriyoow dhashoow dhac Dhakac dhakac... ************** Lama Lamiskale Lita Litaa buure Owloojan ************* Nacash nacash...
  6. Salaan... Daanyeer, saa sheegtay waaye. Waa aragtaa magaalooyin shisheeye markii la joogo, Soomaali ganacsi weyn ayee ka furtaan; oo Qaarkood ayaa Saambiya u socdo. Kuwana Koonfur Afrika. Kuwaa tukaamo waa weyn ku leh Ugaanda iyo Tansaaniya. Dubeey iyo Neyroobi iskaba dhaaf iyo meelihii kale. Laakiin su'aasha waxee tahay maxaa inoo diiday keena inaan dhisano? Maxaa isku aamin la'nahay? Hadaa weydiisid dadkaan dhulalkaan shisheeye ka ganacsado waxee ku lee yihiin anaga ma'aha ee dalkii nabad iyo wax la isku aamino kama jirto, ee anaga hana eedeynina, that marhore business iyo other venturing enterprises ka dhisi lahayn. Hadee marka saas tahay, shisheeye ha u yeerano, iyaga hana maamulaan, Soomaalidiina dalkooda saas haku dhistaan, maadaama dalalkii kale Soomaali maamulin ee ganacsi weyn ka wadaan. Eebbaa noo maqan.
  7. We let this thread stand open for several days to give an ample opportunity the forumers of this section to voice their own opinion about this particular case. We hope it achieved that purpose. However, since this thread is clearly a "complaint" one, which is against one of the ""golden rules" and since everyone has had shared his/her opinion, it is prudent for now to be closed. Thank you all.
  8. Salaan... The person this thread concersns is not banned. His pseudonym is temporary disallowed, which isn't a ban. Read this: "..we made the decision that Jumatatu is best to leave this forum and can only come back if the nomad admits that he broke the golden rules of the forum and will not do so in the future." Banning usually doesn't have a second chance. Disallowing usernames, on the other hand, do have a chance to come back. It isn't a minor "golden rule," too. It was one of the lowest ebb expected from a fellow human, iskaba daa qof Muslim Soomaali ah. For our own information, there are members in this very forum whose relatives were raped, and as a result some committed suicide. Imagine that person whose own close relative subjected to that cruelty coming across those deplorable and reprehensible words. He is kindly asked to apologize on public. That is all. It is up to him.
  9. Salaan... Our travel-loving sii soco, soo soco leaders almost always pass this city. You cannot imagine the so-called leaders going to a foreign country without first not passing this city. It is also where the so-called government's financial and other assistance are kept. Any foreign aid intended for the government usually passes in this city. A considerable number of "ambassadors" to Soomaaliya are based in this city. Any major shir that concerns Soomaaliya, especially a one relating to NGOs and United Nations is held in this city, as many important shir organized by Soomaalis themselves, such as the latest shir organized by the telecommunication sector, which was held in this city recently. Many Soomaalis who travel from West to the country, but not big cities almost always go there as a transit, using the jaad airplanes. It is the largest city most Soomaali warlords feel comfortable to stay. It is one of the few cities most warlords gather to meet, a neutral ground. Most humanitarian NGOs are based in there; they are the NGOs intended to serve Soomaali people, instead they assess, report and request from their cushy and comfy beds of best hotels and mansions. A considerable percentage of Soomaalis who seek the opportunity to travel to Western nations reside there, with buufis. It, along with Dubai, is the desired destination Soomaali businesspeople’s likeability to expand their companies; it is essential once in a while to travel to this city in order to expand one’s thriving business, sometimes keeping their own saving accounts on their banks. It also has one of the largest Soomaali-owned markets. Jaad. What allows warlords to manipulate their uneducated militiamen keep fighting senselessly is imported from here. This city also has a [in]famous branch where Soomaali passport is issued from. Which city is this? Is it quietly becoming our new capital city?
  10. Salaan sare, widaaygiis. Duqa, laakiin I always thought Soomaalida dagaaladooda sokeeye inuu salka ku haayo the abhored qabyaalad and that our sisters were far above that disease. Supporting one group by lip service waa fahmi karaa, but dagaalka ka qeyb galaayo, baroonka tuuraayo? Taas ma fahmi kari. Hadee qolada ee la dagaalameyso bari nin ka dhashay guursado maxee ciyaalkeeda ugu sheekeynee? "Waaya ayaa jiri jirtay aan reerihiin baroon ku leyn jiray?" Original Caption: BAIDOA, SOMALIA - JULY 5: A Somali armed woman looks at photographer in a crowd jubilating over the defeat of forces loyal to Somali warlord Hussein Aidid in the town of Baidoa in Somalia, 05 July 1999. Nuune, taas camal maa ka hadloysaa? Yaahuu iga dheh.
  11. Will you gentlemen and ladies kindly stop the name-calling and reference to other aflagaado? We will not tolerate calling others "primitive savage." We will not tolerate any suggestion to "gayism" to our forefathers. We will not tolerate the reference to "xabado keento." We will not tolerate calling others "digaag/dooro." Gentlemen and ladies, baliis for the love of Eebbe refrain from the badmouthing. Debate in a civilized way, baliis.
  12. Anigaba Jinoole Samaale ayaa la i dhahaa. Faracii tobanaad ee Sheekh Shariif Xaaji Samaale ayaan ahaa. See iiga tagi karaan? Barkee? [*holds his fingers on one hand together, shaking*]
  13. Tusaale ahaan, magaca ilaahay ee kitaabka baybalka hore (Old Testament) ku jira ee "Yahwe"(makii dambena loo rogay Yehova iyo Jehova ), oo afkii Yahuudda ee Cibriga ahaa, wuxuu aad ugu muuqdaa inuu la mid yahay amaseba kaba yimid ereyga af-Soomaaliga ee "Yaahuu".Afka Soomaaliga Yaahuu hadda waxa loogu dhaqmaa magangelyo laga magan gelayo wax xun ama wax halisa. Wuxuuse ereygu u muuqdaa inuu waqtigaa hore ahaa loona yiqiin magaca ilaahay oo toosa. Tusaale ahaan, sanamkii faraaciinta ee ugu weynaa ama ugu mudnaa waxa la dhihi jiray Rac (marna Ra iyo Re), kaasoo ku magac baxay ilaaha qorraxda. Haddaba Rac, Ra iyo Re saddexduba waxay xubno ka yihiin ereyo af-Soomaaliga ka mida oo weliba xagga dhaqanka iyo hiddaha mudnaan kuleh. Waxa ka mida ereyga mudnaanta diineed leh ee "Gowrac". Ereygu wuxuu ka koobmaa laba xubnood oo kala ah "Gow" ama "Goo" iyo "Rac", manaheeduna wuxuu noqonayaa Rac u goo neefka qoortiisa. Isla ereygaa laftiisa afka Oromada wuxuu ku yahay "Goora’", waana sanamka qudha ee ay nala wadaagaan beesha Kushitigga Bari. Ereyada kale ee af-Somaaliga ee uu sanamka Rack u jiro waxay yihiin Garac (oo ina Rac ka dhigan) iyo Gurrac oo macnihiisu wax qalloocan ama qaldan. Xubnaha ereygu waa Gur oo bidix ah iyo Rac, taasoo macnaheedu yahay waxaasi gurta Rac ama waa qalad aan la socon xeerka rac. Sidoo kale Ra wuxuu ku jiraa magaca boqoraddi Arraweelo (oo xubnihiisu noqonayaan Ar-Ra-Weelo, kana dhigan tii Ra warkiisa yeeshay ama u hoggaansantay. Re sidoo kale isna waxa laga heli karaa magacyada Garre, Barre iyo Carre oo saddexdaba Re uu gadaal kaga jiro. Magaca Barre maaha kii barta lhaa sida loo haystee wuxuu ka kooban yahay Bar oo macnaheedu yahay roob, sida barwaaqo oo kale, iyo Re oo sanamkii la caabudayeya. Waaq oo ay Oromaduna nagu weheliso isagu sanam ma ahayne wuxuu ilaaha cirka iyo dhulkaba sameeyey. Ninka qoray qoraaladaan Eebbe ayaa ugu hibeeye garaad sareeyo. Qoraaladaan waa in iskoolada Soomaaliya lagu dhigaa, oo lasii baaro.
  14. Original Caption: MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: A Somali militiawoman carries a rocket-propelled grenade launcher to fighters of warlord Mohamed Farah Aidid on the Green Line dividing Mogadishu 27 October 1993. I didn't know inay dumarka dagaal qabyaalad ka qeyb qaataan. Well, I knew they were mostly relegated to cunto karis iyo dhiiri galin, not the war itself. I once met a survivor of this "dhiiri galin," who became psychologically unstable upon witnessing her fellow captured comrades executed before her eyes. If that is basuuke, ha isoo marin dheh qoftaas. Waaka cabsaday qofta, ameeba i cuni lahayd. I for one meel qori yaalo at least 20 yards away ayaan ka istaagaa. Never held it once; call me fuleey, but Cigaal Shidaad wasn't called the wisest Soomaali person soo maray Soomaalida for bilaash.
  15. The clans did not wait to be conquered. They took the easy way out and sold their rights, most often for less than a hundred dollars. The treaties were remarkable for their three-point simplicity. Point 1: All rights are yours. Point 2: I get 70 or 100 dollars. Point 3: You have the last word in all disputes. This is the nostalgic "protectorate" our honourable members like to remind us. This is the official "ilaalin."
  16. T wo Montreal "swingers" clubs did not breach Canadian standards of decency when they allowed group sex to take place on their premises, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled this morning. In its latest attempt to set guidelines that govern sexual morality in Canada, the top court said two swingers clubs in Montreal were not operating as illegal "bawdy houses," because what went on there did not cause any harm to society. The decision could make it easier for other venues where group sex takes place among consenting adults - such as gay bath houses - to operate without the threat of police intervention. There is no evidence that "the sexual conduct at issue harmed individuals or society," Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin wrote in the majority decision, representing seven of the nine judges on the court. At the clubs, "only those already disposed to this sort of sexual activity were allowed to participate and watch," she wrote. Everyone going into the bars knew what to expect, she added, and at both clubs there was no evidence of anti-social acts or attitudes. "No one was pressured to have sex, paid for sex, or [was] treated as a mere sexual object for the gratification of others." And just because the clubs were businesses, that didn't mean the activities that took place there commercial - in other words prostitution - the ruling said. The only real danger to participants was that they might catch a sexually-transmitted disease, the decision said, but this wasn't a factor in their decision because it is "conceptually and causally unrelated to indecency." Sii wado aqriska on Globe and Mail
  17. Shisheeye maanta waa loo baahan yahay, Soomaali inay is aaminto waa diiday, siiba kuwa ka dhashay qabiila gaar ah oo kursigaas moodo inay iyaga xaq u lee yihiin. Kursiga is kursi. Hadee moodaan inay dhici doonto another 21 years of kaliyo talis, waa riyoonayaan. Su'aasha waxee tahay, shisheeyaha yee yihiin? Amxaar? Uma maleynaayi. Kenyaati? Ma moodo. Shisheeye Soomaali ku kalsoon yihiin ayaa la rabaa, oo waligood arimo Soomaali soo fara gishan. Reer Indonesia? Malaysia? Dadkaas camal. Dad Muslim eh, oo afaaraheena waligeyna soo dhex galin. There is a European country out there today (I think it is Netherlands or Sweden), oo centuries ago ku heshiin waaye qofkii boqor ama boqorad u noqon lahaa. They finally brought a complete foreigner from another European country and installed him to be their newly inaugurated king. His descendants still reign that nation. Perhaps we should bring a la Max'ed Maxaadir of Malaysia. I am sure dalka waa dhisi lahaa, at least.
  18. Salaan... To some, qabiil is their supreme unseen idol. They subconsciously worship it. They may not know it, but the signs are all there. They may deny it, but their actions speak for themelves. It was finely illustrated on a few occassions during the civil war; the cries of "yaa Muslim ahoow"'s silence was deafening. However in the same crowd and when it went, "Yaa hebel ahoow." Inta kacday Eebbe baa og. To others, qabiil is a combination of social security and insurance. It conveniently pays for the crimes some fellow clan members commit. Instead of each for himself, we have this collective guiltiness and happiness. Should a member of tolka la dhaawaco, "yaa hebel ahee" ayaa maqlee. Should a member kill another, "qaaraanka hala bixiyo." It takes the responsibility away from the individual, burdening it to "insured" tol. It may have some aspects of positive contribution to society, but as we had seen in the last couple of hundred years, its wickedness outweights its applauded positiveness. Everybody asserts, "I am not qabyaaladist." If no one is, then who isn't? First sign is to personally admit and reflect. Each should ask particular questions, such as, "Do I feel the right to fume because a person insulted my clan." "Am I agitated to retort back?" "Do I feel happy because a stranger had praised unknown clan founder?" If we are honest to ourselves when answering these questions, it then begins. First, we have to be honest with ourselves. Some people take advantage of this clan "insurance," conveniently going to tolka each time uu qofka wax kas u sameeyo, for that person knows after all the "insurance" pays. Sometimes qaaraan is good, other times it is complete bulshuud. For this, we need a radical, drastic change of the way we collectively think and behave; a complete revolutional change. I don't think it will happen, especially in our lifetime. The closest we ever came to qabiil-free was "ciyaal xaafada" phenomenon. "Ciyaal xaafada" mentality did really change the way those ciyaals thought and behaved; had it continued to generations, it would have been a beginning; alas, it was short-changed by the civil war. And by the way, kusoo dhawoow golahaan.
  19. Qeybtii labaad. Magaceena Soomaali Mushtamaceena Islaam Mawaadiniinta dadkeena Midab oo kala sooco Mabda' oo kala qaado Meesha iigama muuqato Midigteena kitaabka Mahuraanka islaamka Iyo mowqifka diinta baan ku mideeysanehee Waxa meesha iiga muuqda Oo masiibada keenay Iyo macaluusha kordheeyso Maamul iyo kursi waaye Muran taa kama joogtee Maanka hanoo taliyo Maskaxdana ha shaqeyso In Soomaali maseerto Midnimo loo hanqal taago meesha waa ku jirtaa... _______________ Passion, adiga ma aqrin miyaa kor. Meeshaas ayeeba ku qoran yihiin ereyada "wamal xayaatu dunyaa ilaa mataacul quruur." Maki Xaaji Banaadir abwaanimo iyo jilaaye uu isku darsaday. Filimaantiis cusub laga keeno qofkii fiirsado waala dhacaa.
  20. Salaan... Eebbe-u-baahnoow, hada waxaa leedahay in qabiil la amaano meesha waa ku jirtaa, oo waa wax fiican. Ego-boosting iga dheh. Haye, sug waan kuu BURAANBURAA, koleey buraanbur dhan tol iyo reer amaanid ayuu ka kooban yahay: Nimaan Eebbe u baahneen manoolaadee Reer Alla-u-baahnoow Faracooda asluub badanoow Hantidooda amaan badanoow Sumcadooda sharaf badanoow Darajadooda sare badanoow Xishmadooda udgoon badanoow Akhlaaqdooda loo dhasho waayee Been la iskama keenee Iidheh kuma imaatee Eebbe naxariistiis ummada ka doortee Eebbe balaayo ka soocee Xikmo ugu hibeeyee Eebboow la'aantaa lama noolaadee Karaamada u siyaadi Reer Alle-u-baahne Haye, reer "abtigaa" xaada ma kacday? Yac!
  21. Salaan... Sida dhul shisheeye loo yimid saacadaha maku wareertaa? Are you able to different between "afar saac habeenimo" iyo "4 p.m." I have a friend who is notorious not being able to differentiate the Soomaali way of time-keeping and the other. He is always confused, and every time he wants to say "hal saac habeenimo," he says, "1 p.m." which is afternoon. He isn't alone. Dad badan ayaa ku wareero, oo markee sheekeysanayaan saacada aan isticmaali jirnay rabo inay isticmaalaan, but others confuse it to the newly adapted one in qurbaha. That is why Soomaalida badankood u isticmaalaan in qurbaha now "seven p.m.," oo af ajnabi lagu sheegaayo, instead of "hal saac," which could be 1 o'clock p.m. Ours time-keeping is a natural, straight, unique in this world of "p.m. and a.m." We may use aroornimo, galabnimo iyo habeenimo to distinguish, still waa unique. I wonder meeshaan ka keenay. I don't think Carabta inay this way saacadaha u sheegaan, nor do Talyaanigii iyo Ingiriiskii gurigeena inoogu yimid. One interesting fact might have to do since our country happens to be right in the centre of Equator, right in the circle of Earth. Thus, our seasonal time changes little, and always qoraxda soo baxdo at 6 [laba iyo toban saac hiraabtii] and sets at 6 [laba iyo toban saac fiidnimo], safe few minutes plus or minus. I know in northern regions in the "p.m." and "a.m." formula laga isticmaalo, which I think was influenced by the British. Waana the way BBC Soomaali isticmaasho. Same with the way we name nights. "Friday night" Soomaalida waxee u taqanaa "habeenka Sabtida soo galeyso." Waxaan xasuustaa waagii Kiinya loo soo qaxay, dad badan ayaa ku wareeray oo markuu mukhalaska balamiyo "habeenka Isniinta ayaa baxeysaa" u qaadan jiray inuu ka wado "habeenka Isniinta soo galeyso," which is Sunday night. So one night kahor ayee garoonka diyaaradaha iska xaadiri jireen, awalba iyagoo eager iska ahaa. Dad badan ayaa saas kusoo noqday. Of course, the mukhalas meant Monday night, instead. So, waligaa maku wareertay?
  22. He arrived Addis Ababa, as he always does after a major decision, to consult with his superior the naming Soomaali daljire to Talyaaniga, a very important post. Rumour has it, he is going to name the individual in the coming days. Nayruus, you're doing a commendable job; I hope you won't be disappointed 'bout this 30-day waiting period. Already ten days is gone, and wax la qabtay ma aragno.
  23. Markaa waxaas qoraaye, I knew about this "protectorate" business, and for that matter, it was discussed here some years ago. However, the essential central fact remains: "protectorate" was just a fancy coinage given by British colonialists. Nothing substantial distinguished it from what we Soomaalis termed gumeysi. It was just a paper-thin official name, masquerading as a humatarian cause to subject our people to their will. What was other excuses often cited by other colonialists, especially by the British. Oh, yeah, "white man's burden" to civilize the "savageness" out of other races. Kipling, hello. The essential, substantial fact, lest we missed again, remains: Gumeysi is gumeysi, regardless how sugar-coat terms colonialists may have called. As a proud people, we should recognize gumeysi being one of the shameful events of our past. No need to distinguish gumeysi. While we are at this "protectorate" issue, what exactly, pray tell, were they "protecting?" Who were they "protecting" when they air-bombed Soomaalis in Taleex and other places? What were they "protecting" when they awarded the Hawd plains to Haile Selassie's? Hmm...some "protection," indeed.
  24. Horta, mar waxaad tiri Soomaali qabiil lama wadaago, hadana waxaad leedahay qabiilo dhan jameeco walba ku jiro ayaa "despise" gareyneysaa. Wax israaci karo ma'aha. Qabiil walba dad xun iyo dad fiicanba waa ku jiraan. Marka jumlo ahaanteeda in la wada naco macquul ma'aha, unless the person is a die-hard qabyaaladist, which you cannot be if you're to be believed of your non-associated of any Soomaali qabiil. Teeda kale, ogoow, afxumeyn will never get you anywhere. Meel lagu gaaro maleh caaytin iyo aflagaado. Calling C/llaahi Yuusuf "Caasho Yuusuf" asaga waxba uma dhimeyso ka ahayn in waxaad qortid dhab loo qaadan karin. Aniga shaqsi ahaanteyda, habeen iyo maalin ayaan C/llaahi Yuusuf dacaayadeyaa, his polices that is, waligeeyna uma quurin, igumana soo dhicin inaan aflagaado iyo caaytin ka daba wado; maxaa yeelay meel laga caaytamo kumaan soo korin, mideeda labaadna waa oday Soomaaliyeed, si walba ha haloo nacee, wali caaytin waayeelnimadiis oo awoowegeena noqon karo uma qalmo. Dhaqankeena suuban waayeel la afxumeeyo kuma jiro, si walba haloo naco qofka. About Toogane, maba aqriye qoraaladiis uu qoro aniga oo sidaan ku arkay kuwii ugu horeeye qabiil ayee u badnaayeen, wax qabiil ku saabsana, ama amaan ha ahaato ama caaytin ha u janjeerto, maba aqriye. Waaba dhaqankeyga. Mowduucaan sababta u adiga shaqsi ahaan kugu leexday waxaa ugu wacan that provocative title aad ku qortay meesha, waaba og tahay in strong reaction oo jawaab ah heleyso. "Sakiin toobas laqa." I'm no Toogane fan, as I mentioned kor, but ogoow that will make others react, oo aniga waano ayee iga ahayd ee ha iga xumaan, widaayoow.
  25. Ereygaan "terrorism[t]" waa in qoraalada Soomaalida laga rookeeyaa. Isticmaalkiis milaa yacni uu noqday. The author wuxuu la qeylinaayo ayaan kasi waaye; I am sure had Sool & Sanaag declared the independence, this same author would have be singing different tune. Anyway, markaan tan aqriye ayaaba iska qosolsiisay: "Waxa kuwaas ka mid ah dalkii uu Talyaanigu gumaysan jiray ee loo yaqaanay ‘La Somalia Italiana’, iyo dalkii Ingiriisku illaalin jiray ee ahaa ‘Somaliland Protectorate." Talyaaniga wixiisa "gumeysi" ayee ahayd, haye? Kii Ingiriiskana? "Ilaalin." Kii Faransiiskana? Jacburis? Eebboow hana waalin. Teeda kalena, hadana iyadaa shirqool isku rideyso when she says: Xuduudahaas oo ka wada diiwaan gashan Xarunta Ururka Qaramada Midoobay (United Nations). Waxa kale oo dhigaya inaan la bedeli Karin xuduudaha dalalka Afrika Sharciga Ururka Dalalka Africa(Organization of African Unity, iyo ka African Union.) Sax. Waa ku raacsanahay. Xuduudaha dalalka Afrika in aan la badali karin, sida uu dhigaayo sharciga Midowga Afrika. Hadeeba saas og tahay, markii sharcigaas lasoo saaraaye Waqooyi iyo Koonfur wee mideysnaayeen. Hadii wax la badalaayo Soomaali Galbeed iyo NFD ayaa dalka lagu soo daraa, sidee Soomaali aaminsantahay.