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  1. Mashaa Allaah, I am so happy with my new knowlege. I am talking about "Maahmaahda". Alle Ubaahne thanks for sharing with us this wonderfull Maah Maah. Before I unswer your question, there are couple of other questions we need to ask our selves. Why are we fighting? we have same religion, calture, language, why? why are we killing one another? the unswers of these question will lead us that we are not independent people, we can think and make our own decision, some other Shisheeye qof ah, is making the decision for us. If we are free from the influence of others, our women and children woundn't starve. People We Need to think Out side the Box. Hope IS ON THE WAY. the more we ask and share these kind of topics, the more we figured it out what is wrong.
  2. Brothers it is true that the TFG didn't do that much,but let us give them more chance to correct the problem. To be honest with you, I am not a big fun those so call " warloads" I hate them as much as I hate hell, but in the meantime my philosophy is bad goverment is batter then anarchy. Couple of days ago I went to a conference in Minnesota, and one of the keynote speakers said that his uncle is minister of the TFG, "I don't want to mention his name, becasue someone will get upset". Anyway this guy didn't know how to sign with his name, it took him two months to learn. So these are the type of people we are dealing. Actually, I heard I don't know the authenticity of it, but majority of the MP's don't even know how to write their names. So my point is, let us give them time, hopefully this will successed, after that we will take them to Hauge International Court.
  3. Question to my fellow brothers/sisters? I really would like to ask you a question which I was trying to find an answer for a quit a long time, but getting the unswere was uneasy task. The question is, is there any way that we as Somalis can eradicate the whole idea of tribalism? please let me know, because we are suffering today, Why? becasue of Qabiiil!! in order for us to solve the problem, we have to find the roots of the problem first. I always use to think when old generation passed away, the Qabil will be over, but I find out that is not going to be the case, Ciyaalkii baa qabyaaladii bartay, so if you have an unswer please let me know. wad maraqsantihiin..
  4. Won In 2006? As most of you said already, only Allaah SW knows what is going to happened in 2006, but If I make my prediction, all somali warloads will end up in Hague international court Insha Allaaah.Somalis in the diaspora and inside the country will watch them live tv From Hague.