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Everything posted by Eng.Cadde

  1. Qandaalaawi How are they irrevelent? when they are members of the clans that reside there? as long as it is not comprehensive admin that represents all the shareholders in the region from the gedo block to the mogadishu block,it will become an utter fiasco.legitimacy is a key thing.lol i dont see why these guys are any different from warlords. yes,i agree with you,i will be watching it while drinking some tea this exciting movie and how it ends up.
  2. Dabrow;758415 wrote: AY traitor brought ethiopians. azania traitors brought kenyan and israelis? May allah help Somalia regain its proud again. lool,the only person making sense in this thread.
  3. xiinfaniin;759009 wrote: Aside of releasing these lethal scripts, where is Abtigiis today? nothing is lethal in my post sxb.if every qolo wants iney meel soo oodato which are shared.then,it will only further these conflicts.
  4. Qandalaawi both middle and lower jubba are inhabited by various clans and if you take this azania group out of the equation,i am sure the rest will form the majority.comon,somalidu waay isku dhex nooshay.
  5. Qandalaawi Gedo Block are there and cant be dismissed and i believe me i am not reer gedo.
  6. Any clan based maamul in jubbas is doomed to fail for the simple fact that there are many opposing clans that live and claim there.some are just prominent and aggressive in their pursuit,The Gedo block and azania while others are just watching and seeing how things will work.even sharif own clan claims to live in parts of middle and lower jubba and they will make sure every maamul there is fairly balanced and their interests are well guard.the azania thing is a joke in my opinion.
  7. The Kenya invasion will fail and if they succeed what ever admin they form will evaporate.There are many players in the jubbas region as there many clans who live and claim there.The Gedo Block with the support of those in mogadishu will always have the advantage as they are the majority in those regions.
  8. Originally posted by Libaahe*: Che. It must be something to do with the foreign element mixture culture of the south. City size is not a excuse. Burco as of today is bigger than Kismaayo, Brava, iyo magaaloyinka koonfurta expect Mogadishu. Are you actually implying burco has no gays?
  9. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Gheelle.T How much about child/human trafficking, Somali prostitution in Yemen and Nairobi, ethnic cleansing, rapes of hundreds of thousands of Somali women by Somali men, and the list could go on. And what's sad thing is while we gasp and say Allow sahal amuuraha, things will go on as is.I doubt community in MN will do anything-maybe express shock and horror as we are doing here. You are probably one of the few Folks who make sense in this joint,I mean dadkaan iney is yeelyeelan iyo in kale ayaanba la yaabanahay.child prostitution rings of underage somali/non-somali girls are active in arab countries as well as somalia and kenya.go and visit syria and see it for your self.
  10. Originally posted by Abaay Heylay: I didnt know C&H had the same story as me, I guess fine people notice other fine people. I dont where you live, but where I live, if a Somali person sees me they just start conversation with me, I guess I am an open person. So you enjoy talking to strangers? ewww.
  11. What do you think, do you think Oromos want to take over Somalia or something? Silly Question has no answer.
  12. Originally posted by Abaay Heylay: Not bad, I am sure if our somali men dress up, they can beat them in no second. Speaking of handsome man, I saw the most finest somali man today. I was in the elavator when it stopped at different level nd this masha'allah brother came in. I was standing near the elavator buttons, when he said "abaya can you press number 5". His words were echoing in my head, wow. I need million looks to get over him in my head. How is this story different from C&H one? I mean it doesnt matter to me if someone is somali or not but who in his right mind will just start talking to strangers??
  13. Originally posted by Cawaale: ^Look at you!. Energy-gaga wuxuu ku dhamaaday Habaar, Aflagaaddo iyo Dood ma-dhaleys ah. Shaqo wacan sxb. kolley waxaan aaminsanahay in wax kastaa sabab uu ka dambeeyo, adna cartan-kaagan ujeeddo aa ka dambeyso. meesheeda ka wad. Nin Gaabyaa ah baa yiri "muxuu cay dameer igaga dhimi, wayska ciyaaye" marka ninkaasi runtii boqolkiiba 90 runta buu asiibay.
  14. Originally posted by Cawaale: ^Look at you!. Energy-gaga wuxuu ku dhamaaday Habaar, Aflagaaddo iyo Dood ma-dhaleys ah. Shaqo wacan sxb. kolley waxaan aaminsanahay in wax kastaa sabab uu ka dambeeyo, adna cartan-kaagan ujeeddo aa ka dambeyso. meesheeda ka wad. Nin Gaabyaa ah baa yiri "muxuu cay dameer igaga dhimi, wayska ciyaaye" marka ninkaasi runtii boqolkiiba 90 runta buu asiibay.
  15. Lol,Maaddeey showing us the sheer ignorance of alshabab murtads.Dadow haduu wuxuu sheegayo ay jihaad yihiin halkaan cambuulada kuma cuneen ee xabadda buu isku dhigi lahaa.poor soul.
  16. Originally posted by NGONGE: I think people are jumping the gun here. Somalis would kiss you at the first opportunity they get. I don't know about the girls, but guys, have you not had a bit of an altercation with a total stranger (Somali) in a maqaaxi and as you jumped around promising to kick his head in, he would apologise and try to kiss your head (and neck) to prove it? Our Taxi driver friend sounds like one of those. I mean it's not like he tried to squeeze her bottom or anything (a pervert's first goal). What the hell? A guy kissing your neck? lool,iska ilaali khasiis buu ahaa kaas.
  17. Amna,how can a brother contact you?
  18. Thanks guys for appreciating sisters and i hope they will reciprocate accordingly.
  19. Originally posted by Tuujiye: Abaay Fuufu magaca aa la badalay fiiribo! MZanzi=i'm sexsy! qarxis hoo abaa!...... Fuufaa, abti gabdhahaan aan bilaajeenaaye nooh saa u mooleysatid sidii banoonigii...qoftoo xagaan ah kulahaa nin yuul ah marabo when we know in ee ka danbeyso nin yuul eh oo wili madaxa ka dhidido...qalbiga ee ka dhahdaa "aloo dhididkiisa shafka iigu xoqa" markee aragto qaarjigoo hada gym kasoo baxay.... Markaan ku dhahayna fuufaa aa diyaar eh, indho gad gadis iyo farqaniin iyo buufis ee bilowday sidii dooradii..... Fufaa aka MZanzi, ninyahoo naga qabo gabreeyaashan nooh! sabuurad camal ugaga tirtir! Wareer Badanaa!!!! What kind of language is that? I swear i hardly understood what you just wrote above.
  20. These kind of Threads make me laugh,war heedhe,Nin rag ah ma tihid miyaa waa yaabe? There are more important things to worry about than somali men/women marrying non-somali.waa personal choiceka qofkuu doono ayuu guursan karaa.Dont make somali women as special naagaha kale ee aduunka ayey la mid yihiin.Naagi ninkii sariirta saara ayey ku dal iyo diin tahay.
  21. He has done worst than that,he kills mothers and children on daily basis,may be someone should tell Warlord ali dheere to stop murdering somalis.
  22. xilligii aan xamar joogi jiray ninkaan waxaan u aqooni jirnay inuu yahay "waalida dhaqanta" lakin in waalidiisa heerkaa gaarsiineyso ma anan fileyn.waa iska calooshii u shaqeeste.
  23. War intey Khat iska dharjiyaan bey ku oranayaan Somaliland this.....somaliland that.duf ku baxe.