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Everything posted by Eng.Cadde

  1. Originally posted by ailamos: ah!! homosexuality is the source of it all... we should have known all along... Are you a homosexu al by chance?
  2. As long as there is a damand there will always be some one who will supply it. for all those who scream that prostitution brings physical harm,you should know there are countless "proffessional prostitutes" who tell you they like thier profession and the choices they made in their lives,so who are we to tell they they are forced?.It will be a good thing if somalis periodically organized such programs to educate the prostitues in the community about STDs,Pregnancy Risk and HIV.
  3. Where do they get the idea that somali men arent controlling? i know a lot of somali men who dont allow their wives xitaa iney guriga ka baxdo. so, does this generalisation still apply to them? ALLAMAGAN what makes you think somali women are more "qaali" than lets say arab women or white women? war ninyahow candhuuftaa dhib u liq,it is 2010 and people marry who ever they wish.Aniga xitaa would never mind marrying non-somali lady as long as i am free from haliimo`s baggage and her attitude. You are painting all IR marriages as "doomed ones" which is not true in most cases.
  4. Originally posted by Tuujiye: War waxaan oo kale markaan maqlo ama aqriyo, dhiiga ayaaba igu kaca! duli ala idin bad!!! ala necbiyaa bajaqyaasheena caqliga yar!!! hah!!! Wareer Badanaa!!! Waryaa,it is 2010 ninyahow,Somali men and women marry other races marka i dont see anything wrong with it.
  5. Ibti I agree with you on the fact that,If the person doesnt fear Allah(Non-muslim or muslim wanna be) then waxyaabo badan baa laga filankaraa oo aan qof ilahey ka baqayaa aan ka suurtoobin. naagahaas oo kale waxaan oran jirnay "waa la qabaa wayna qaraabaataa" ilahey nama soo ag marsiiyo waa wax laga cuudi bileesto. cheating your partner nullifies the marriage hadaad tahay nin Giiro badan inaad gacan gaado huri meysid.lol If she has the audacity to get dirty with another man ayadoo la qabo,that would make her the ultimate "nijaasa" walle. some men are naturally "weak" grew up with too much gabdho ama very controlling hooyo marka kuwaas waa layska dul socdaa.It is human nature.
  6. Dambi aan galay ma arko! LOL,You got the wrong man here.It aint about attitude it is about raganimo. hadey naagtii uu u dhihi jiray ay dhiibanesyo muxuu ka noolyahay ruxaa? But i understand waa non-muslim wax kastana waa laga filan karaa.lol Thanks,Kibirka waa laygu dhalay .samaj aarihai behan ibti.
  7. Another reason why women should never be trusted.keep her in a chastity belt ama ka samir.bal arka dayuuskaan naagtiisa dhileysaneysa asagana waxba kama oga.weak people waligood waa lagu kor socdaa.
  8. If she loves him and he is a muslim,calture should never be a problem.It just depends sidey ifku fahmaan. Good luck.
  9. Che Nothing sxb,maxaa aragtay? I just had this impulse to enlighten some folks dee.
  10. QAXBOOYIN The last time i checked on the somali dictionary Qaxbo was offensive term used for dirty,untidy woman with nymphomaniac tendencies who cant keep her legs closed.lol magac kale oo ragga ku haboon mala waayay.
  11. What is there to celebrate? Throwing a party where what most of men do is chew qaad and dance like girls while obese fat xalimos shake thier backs back and forth in what they call niiko?
  12. That was some random thing that popped into my mind.laakinse there might be some truth to it.If she can reward him with sex then it can happen in the other way round.
  13. Loool @ Reward her with sex! Ma pay cheque baa. Istupid waxaid. Isn't this considered a blatant aggression? a form of personal attack? I can call you far more worst names but that is out of my domain for right now.
  14. Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: quote:Originally posted by Jacphar: CH: Ina-adeer dadku isku caqli iyo fikir ma ah. You ain't doing justice to those beautiful women when you list their names next to Ayan. The likes of Iman & Waris should not be listed next to that ugly cow. Iman did much more for Somalia than Geeljire even thought of. Geeljire is just bitter hypocritical confused young man. Glance the politics section and he's all over the place when it comes to the endless violence back home. The only person who is being a hypocrite is you. You have to hide behind Lazie's skirt and even start praising topless models- only because you despise the brother( who is a grown and married man btw) for the position he takes on the Somali issue. I didn't think you could get so pathetic. Ouch!! some men were created that way,they cant help it.
  15. Do people still believe in love ? Some times,It is interesting if you look at marriage from an economic perspective. Marriage is a give and take.for example, If the wife is not working(Lazy stay at home),she cooks food,cleans the home and makes the bed.You came home and eventually reward her with sex.
  16. Originally posted by nuune: Stable Somalia government, only in there a rule that prohibts the practice could be applied, and punishment be in place, even if that were to be achieved , underground movements will appear who will carry out the practice, and the price for the service will be astronomical. What do you think is the solution? I dont think this practice will disappear any time soon.It is a sick practice,I heard most woman who undergone such practice in uu dareemaha ka dhimanayo oo inaad saaran tahay iyo inkale ayanba kala ogeyn,but i am not sure if it is true.what is disturbing more is the fact that in most cases it is the mother who insists on the practice rather than the father.
  17. Why almost every one is jumping on geeljire? he is entitled to his own opinions and no one should judge him.Jeez,Qoormuu forumka sidaa noqday? Why call geeljire a confused,bitter young man(personal attack) when what he did was simply air his views? PEOPLE never forget that ther is something called "freedom of speech".You have no right what so ever to silence him and i think may be you should get a life instead of trying to attack a cyber person who doesnt know you from adam. Geeljire,Dont listen to these kind of people.
  18. Eng.Cadde


    guys guys,one word of advice."NEVER MARRY TWO WOMEN" that will be a very big mistake of your life.there will a bitter competition b/w the two women.the two of them will try their best to outdo the other,you will be asked too many questions.is she better than me? am i good in bed than her? all these endless questions will pop out from time to time.the solution is simple,make them three!!! in that case there will be no competition among them and your life will never be the same.
  19. I am not really surprised since men have become scarce resources now adays.
  20. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: Somali men r weak and cant keep up with women if women become politicans. Therefore, women should spread their love and keep the faaraxs happy so they get stronger! i think that will be a win win situations 4 all nomads. lol no need 4 more caraweeylos! correct. lol,I hope you joking sxb,Aint weak ninyahow. Carawelo didnt exist,It is a figment of some ugly xaliimo`s imagination who suffered from penis envy.Dont let her fool you.All I need to say is You are a man enjoy the privilege that come with it. Dont take bull$$$ from any man/woman.Life is too short for such drama.
  21. Even though abortion is haram shit still happens,This girl i know had to undergo abortion twice before of her carelessness.Her family had to arrange a dhaqan celis trip back home.lol,I dont condone it and i dont judge her.it her lifestyle after all., I believe it is very rare for a normal muslimah to find her self in such situation(Having some dude plant his illegitimate seed in her womb). C and honey Do you have any experience with such thing?
  22. Man,if only other women followed suit. life would have been much more exciting.imagine the idea of having this chick for the whole night and asking her in the morning "naa soo bood oo lacagta iska bixi waan sii ambabaxayaa e". Makes you feel like a super stud! P.S It is sad they are beyond their desirable age.
  23. I prefer to use the term "homemaker". so,The title of the article should have been "Not homemakers anymore:Somali women of the diaspora". interesting..
  24. Are women intimidated by broke men? :eek: Arsaaqda ilaah baa baxsha,marka phobiyada iska dhaafa.