Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Coming out party for NGONGE web page I wanna the world to know :cool:
  2. Qaraxii Gilgilay Magaalada Garoowe Ee Puntland {Garoowe}10-7-08Qarax xoogan oo geystay qasaare nafeed oo dhimasho iyo dhaawac isugu jira ayaa waxaa uu ka dhacay magaalada Garowe ee caasimadda u ah maamul goboleedka Puntland. Qaraxani ayaa u ekaa mid la soo abaabulay iyada oo ay Maalmihii ugu danbeeyay ay ka taagnaayeen Xaalad Amaan daro Magaalooyinka Puntland sida habeen hore oo markii laga soo baxay Saladii Subax lagu Dilay Ganacsade Nabadoon caan ka ahaa Magaalada Gaalkacyo, Beesha Dagtaa ay ku eedaysay Dhinaca Koonfureed Beesha dagto. Ilaa iyo haatan lama garanayo halka uu Qaraxaasi ka dhacay iyo sida uu u dhacay wallow warar la isla dhexmarayo uu yahay in Qaraxni uu ahaa mid Qorshaysan oo lala eeganayay Baabuur wadadaasi maraysay. Qaraxan oo aan la ogeyn waxa uu yahay iyo cidda geysatay ayaa la sheegayaa in ay ku geeriyoodeen labo qofood oo rayid ah isla markana tiro dad ah ay ku dhawacmeen, iyadoo aan la ogeyn cidda lala rabay. Horaantii sanadkan ayay ahayd tiro ka baxan 20- oo dadkii u soo qaxay ah Magaalada Boosaaso kana soo jeeda Itobiya gaar ahaan Qabiilk Oromada ah lala eergtay Goob ama xaafadooda Qaraxa Miinada dhulka laga hago ah oo ay tiro gaadhaysa ilaa 20- iyo dhaawac gaadhaya 30- ay halkaasi ka dhaceen. Widhwidh Online News Desk…Media Center
  3. Gaalkacyo: Labo qof oo caawa lagu dilay magaalada Gaalkacyo 10. Juli 2008 Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)-Fiidnimadii caawa ayaa labo qof oo rayid ah ku geeriyootay is rasaaseyn dhex martay labo dhinac oo ku sugnaa xadka kala bara Koonfurta magaalada Gaalkacyo iyo Waqooyiga, kadib markii nin ku sugnaa meesha shilkan uu ka dhacay la soo weeraray. Wararka laga helayo magaaladaasi ayaa sheegaya in koox dhalinyaro ah ay soo weerareen nin halkaasi ku sugnaa kaasoo la sheegay in horay uu u dilay dad, isla markaana kuwa soo weeraray ay ahaayeen kuwo ka duulayey aanadaasi qabiil ee horay u dhacday. Labada qof ee geeriyootay ayaa waxaa ay ahaayeen dad rayid ah oo aan ku lug laheyn khilaafkaasi, waxaana arintan lagu tilmaamay mid aano qabiil oo u dhaxeysa dhalinyaradaasi oo dhamaantood ku nool koonfurta magaalada Gaalkacyo. Falkan ayaa ku soo beegmay xili magaaladaasi ay ka jiraan xiisado kacsan oo dhinaca amaanka ah, waxaana gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo ka socda howlgalo ay ciidamada Booliska Puntland wadaan oo ay wax ugu qabanayaan amaanka magaalada Gaalkacyo. Shalay iyo maanta ayaa waxaa ka dhacayey bannaanbaxyo ay dhigayeen dad careysan oo ka soo horjeeda falalka dilka ah ee ka dhacayey maalmahan magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka Mudug. C.M.Cali AllPuntland.
  4. By Andrea Szobolits in Budapest, Hungary Thursday, July 10, 2008 BUDAPEST, Hungary, July 10 (UNHCR) – Samira Németh is adjusting remarkably well in Hungary, considering the trauma and hardship the 18-year-old endured in her native Somalia before reaching Budapest. The young woman has also discovered a whole new set of relatives since being resettled last month with UNHCR help in the land of her father, a Hungarian national who made a life for himself in Somalia until his murder by gunmen in Mogadishu in 2005. And there is more good news on the horizon; the rest of her family – mother Herera and four siblings in Somalia and a brother in Kenya – may be allowed to join Samira and her long-lost brother Sandor in Hungary. Somalia has been a volatile country ever since the overthrow of the Siad Barre regime in 1991, but Samira never thought of leaving until the death of her father, Lajos Németh, and three of his other children in the 2005 attack. And even then, she decided to hang on in Mogadishu – even as the security situation deteriorated in the Somali capital in 2006 and 2007, causing tens of thousands to flee – in the hope that her surviving relatives, who fled after the killings, would return. "I never gave up hope that I would see my sisters and brothers and my mother again," recalled Samira, who continued going to school and was taken care of by a neighbour. "But finally, my caretaker told me my only option to stay alive was to flee to Kenya and seek asylum in Dadaab." In January, she took the advice and crossed the border into north-east Kenya, where she found shelter as a refugee in the sprawling Dadaab camps, home to some 190,000 Somali refugees. But her problems were not over. Samira found herself facing unwelcome attention from a much older Somalia man, who wanted to marry her so that he could get to Europe. Her mixed blood also caused problems in Dadaab. "My skin is much lighter and I have always looked different. I have always been mocked by other children, but I could cope with it as long as I had my family by my side," she said, adding: "In Dadaab, I decided not to go to school to avoid the curious eyes of other people." But this, ironically, worked in her favour because a UNHCR worker noticed her absence from class and went to talk to her. Her story soon came out and UNHCR, armed with documentary proof of Samira's ancestry, contacted the Hungarian authorities. Her case was rushed through the system and on June 18, with help from UNHCR and non-governmental organization Hungarian Baptist Aid, she arrived in Budapest from Nairobi on her new Hungarian passport. There were a couple of surprises in store. The Hungarians had discovered that her older brother Sándor, who had disappeared from her life years earlier, was living in Hungary, while Samira's paternal aunt and uncle were alive and living in a village near the southern city of Pécs. Sándor had reached Hungary a few months earlier with a group of Somali asylum seekers and was living in a refugee reception centre. He was soon reunited with the sister he had not seen in seven years, while their aunt and uncle agreed to provide them with a new home. Samira's finally getting to do the kinds of things that young people her age take for granted in many countries around the world, like going shopping without unescorted and without fear of attack. And soon she may have even more reason to rejoice. Another lost brother, Bela, has surfaced in Dadaab recently, while her mother has been contacted by telephone living near Mogadishu with her four youngest children. "UNHCR is helping the Hungarian and Kenyan authorities to find out about the intentions and possibilities of the Németh family members in Kenya and Somalia," revealed Lloyd Dakin, UNHCR's Budapest-based regional representative. "If everything goes well, Budapest might greet six new Hungarian citizens soon." Samira, meanwhile, is basking in the love and attention of new relatives. "When I left Somalia, I did not even have hope that I would stay alive or see any of my family members again. And now, here I am in Hungary, together with my brother, my aunt, uncle and cousins. I feel like I have got my lost life back." She will never be able to bring back her father and her three slain siblings, but a least she now has a life to look forward to. Source: UNHCR, July 10, 2008
  5. ^I think you might be talking about the Islamic center in Sharon and Quincy web page P.S. Couple of friends in Mutual Funds went to the Harvard lectures. It was really interesting. Baashi...Do you do marketing? Just wondering.
  6. ^I don't know what the exact figures, but you would run into one almost every corner. There are however close six thousand Somalis in and around Boston. Those numbers are growing and it's more common to see now Somali women donning Jalbaab around Boston. There are couple of Islamic that are in competition with each other but they offer services to the communities(They are divided along ethnic line South Asian vs North African Arabs with Somali siding with the Arabs). I can't honestly tell they offer though. These are either extreme or accommadating in their views and their interpretions of the religion. You either burn in hell fire as some preachers love to only rant about or Islam is no diffirent from any other Abrahamic religion. Regardless, there's healthy community that's thriving and enough resources shall one take the endevour of discovering Islam. There are also Islamic School that offers K-12 classes and is certified by the state. And we are finally about to finish the biggest Islamic center in New England after yrs of resistance from the Jewish organizations and lack of funds resulting from cutback on Saudi money that's flowing into Islamic centers around the country. The community couldn't just master enough money to finish the project. I'm hoping it will be fully operational this year.
  7. ^You haven't really answered anything. Does the man actually did his research. He's basing facts on what he thinks Somaliland achieved. Forgive us if we take his commentary with grain salt. Until today, many jealousy Somalis who campaign against Somaliland believe similar ideology of Siyad Barre that says "Don´t develop and progress if we are not". My Somaliland friends told me such people are called in Somali language "XAASID". Something like qoate above hardly advances his argument. Just facts would help but it looks like it's just another emotional ridden rant.
  8. I'm too cynical or have been around too many American Evangelicals with mega Churches, I'm always suspicious of 'non-profit' religious organization with just doting affection for their respective religion.
  9. HIIRAAN ONLINE E D I T O R I A L Tuesday, July 08, 2008 In Somalia, the murder of the society’s notables and innocent foreigners—especially aid workers—is becoming an epic problem. In the past number of years, unknown dark forces eliminated hundreds of important and innocent Somalis and visitors from other countries. This space is not big enough to list the names of the victims assassinated in Somalia. In fact, as we were drafting this editorial piece, we were shocked to read about the news of yet another cold-blooded murder. The collective failure of the government and the opposition forces to halt these assassinations (if they are not involved in them) ought to produce another grassroots, people-owned revolution against these horrific, un-Islamic and un-Somali murders. Just to pinpoint some of the victims would illustrate the breadth and depth of the premeditated and politically motivated assassinations in Somalia. On Sunday July 6, 2008, we are reading about the execution of Osman Ali Ahmed, the chief of UNDP- Somalia, Mogadishu Office. The victim was gunned down as he was leaving a mosque where he performed evening prayers. On Sunday June 21, 2008, Eng. Mohamed Hassan Kulmiye was assassinated in Beledweyne, where he tirelessly worked in the areas of peace and reconciliation. He left behind seven children. On Wednesday July 2, 2008, Abdikarim Sheikh Ibrahim, a well-known Somali businessman who campaigned for Somali orphans, was killed in Mogadishu. The victim assisted over one thousand orphans. On Monday June 30, 2008, Siyad Orow, the head of local charity organization working with WFP was kidnapped and later killed. On Saturday June 7, Nasteh Dahir Farah, a reporter with BBC, was murdered in Kismayo. This shocking and partial list of murdered Somalis was in the months of June and July alone. Many others where killed in the previous years and they are too numerous to list. As a reminder, let us mention some of the victims of the assassination spree in Somalia. On Wednesday February 9, 2005, Kate Peyton, a BBC producer was killed just moments after she arrived in Mogadishu. On Friday June 23, 2006, Martin Adler, a Swedish photojournalist, was killed in a broad daylight assassination while he was filming a Mogadishu rally. On August 11, 2007, Mahad Ahmed Elmi, a radio talk-show host, was murdered outside his radio station. Ali Iman Sharmarke, the co-owner of Hornafrik was murdered after he returned from the funeral of his assassinated colleague, Mahad Elmi. On November 4, 2004, Mohamed Abdi Mohamed, a well-respected Somali general, was shot and killed on his way back from morning prayers. He passed away five days latter in a Nairobi hospital. On July 11, 2005 Abdulkadir Yahaya Ali, was murdered in an execution-style killing at his home in Mogadishu. On Friday July 28, 2006, Abdalla Derow Isak, a Minister with the TFG and the Former Speaker of the Somali Parliament, was killed as he left a local mosque in Baidoa; he just finished Friday prayers; and on and on and on… Most probably, the men who pulled the trigger of the guns that silenced these victims did not know their targets. Most likely, the victims did not cause any harm to their killers, for how the late Ms. Kate Peyton of BBC who was in Mogadishu in mere hours, crossed anybody. These people died because someone or some group marked them to die. Similarly, in every assassination, there was more than one assailant, as well plenty of eyewitnesses, who saw the unfolding horrific crimes. It also plausible to assume, in addition to the culprits who carry out the killings, there are others who are privy to the planning and other information concerning to the murderers we have chronicled as well as other hundreds of killings that we did not mention. To put it differently, the victims the Somalia assassinations did not die in an uninhabited desert. Many people know about these crimes. Many theories abound about the perpetrator and their motives. Conjecture is not the best root to solve crimes. There are time-proven methods to solve murders. It is called homicide investigation. Somalia has had experienced criminologists; also there are many Diaspora Somalis who honed their skills in this field. Our society is also known for its propensity to divulge secrets. There is no way that the killings of hundreds of people could be covered forever. Diaspora Somalis should seek the support and cooperation of the criminologists in the host-lands. There are sophisticated ways and means to bring justice, not only to the killers of the innocents in Somalia, but also the masterminds behind the killing spree. The file of every assassinated victim in Somalia should be an open file… justice must prevail. Doing nothing about the assassination spree in Somalia and allowing criminals to get away with the murders of the best and brightest is as bad as the killings itself. Send your comments to:
  10. You know Duke, when Cadde's admin willfully became party to the massacres in Xamer, the least he could have done was to forsee the consequences of Puntland's involvement in the south. There are ramifications for siding with the Woyanes, but that's not to justify the murders of civilians and targeting of non-military instlations. This latest murder is 10th or 12th one in as many weeks, we have yet to see any substantive measures taken to secure the city. True, it's big city with many exits, but let's be honest Somalis know each other and have tendency to spill guts to each other.With enough determination and proper procedures, the so called admin can atleast pinpoint where and who the attacks coming from. So far no measures have been taken. And while you blame all problems on others whether "clanist courts" or warmongers all whom by the way are justifiably angry, you turn blind eye to what got us here in the first place. It's utter failure of the morons running the place. The people know it, the Culumma know it, and the traditional leaders know it obviously as evidenced by latest declarations from Garowe. I know accountability is not word one could find in your dictionary but atleast be little introspective next time before you shoot off about exeternal enemies. Little self-criticism won't kill you.
  11. Blunder after blunder, you have been saying the samething. How long it does to acknowledge things are going the wrong the direction or you would be blaming external invisible forces like Uusay does everytime prominent person is murdered, and another town secedes to Hargeysa. Can anyone seriously expect Cadde's presence in Galkayo would make diffirence. The man is baffoon with no intellectual capicity to lead any governmental entity militarly or administratively. As if high inflation, general insecurity and loss of territory weren't enough to alarm him , the man deals with every emergency situation like it is nothing out of ordinary. It's time for the general public, the traditional leaders,and Culuma throw his admin under the bus.
  12. Yeey and Uusay reer Puntland waa inay ka tashadaan. This can't go on any longer.
  13. Source? And where do they get the numbers from?
  14. Puntland on the otherhand is nothing more than a club where a group of gangsters, pirates, hijackers, human traffickers and money launderers share their loots, masquerading as 'politicians'. Couldn't agree more.The men running this place are shameless. A change and new direction is in order!!!!
  15. A&T...I don't think I wanna be between you and anything. It's like getting in the way of Pamplona bull.I'm merely pulling Ibti into safe alley where she's safe from your rampage on these threads.
  16. AT-You over-active imagination is getting the better of you. Get grip!
  17. ^You sound like an obsessive complusive schizophrenic. I don't think he would even ask for explanation.
  18. Junaid Jamshed of the vital signs?
  19. ^So, you support Ethio policy in Somaligalbeed I'm Yankee fan :cool:
  20. Red....That's why I mentioned Kulahaa. Naga qaley ninyahow..Here's another dacwo..never ending it seems web page
  21. ABU MANSUR: “Baidao is the last defence of the enemy therefore we call upon all mujahideen to come to Baidao”. Hiiraan Online Tuesday, July 08, 2008 Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - In a press conference through a telephone, the spokesman for Al-Shabab Movement Sheik Muktar Rabow Abu Mansur claimed that Al-Shabab Movement was behind mortar attacks on five different locations in the city of Baidao. Abu Mansur said the attacks inflicted damages on the enemy and Transitional Federal Government (TFG) troops. “Baidoa is the last defence of the enemy troops therefore I call upon all Mujahideen forces to come to Baidao” said Abu Mansur. The spokesman added that Ethiopian and TFG troops are hiding the casualties they suffered as a result of last night’s attack and are also refusing the public to see the areas that were targeted in last night’s attacks. Abu Mansur added that Al-Shabab forces are stationed on the four corners of the city’s outskirts and that they will continue their attacks on both Ethiopian and TFG troops. We are telling those who serve Ethiopians to seek shelter where Ethiopians are because Baidao will be in the hands of the Mujaheen”, said Abu Mansur who added that Baidao was the only city that was not attacked but now is under attacks. On the other hand, Abu Mansur talked about the killing of Osman Ali Ahmed, head of UNDP in Mogadishu two nights ago saying that “we condemn those behind his killing and we have a feeling that those behind his killing had special interest in his death or had projects which he (the deceased) refused to approve” said Abu Mansur who added that they have nothing to do with the killings of those serving residents in Mogadishu. © 2008 Hiiraan Online Inc.
  22. Ethios and their lackeys seem to be losing control if they can't even defend the nerve center of their operations in Somalia. web page Many more shall come Paragon though war in another urban center will be devastating for all. People are already fleeing Beledweyne.