Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Che -Guevara


    LooooooooooL@ your imaginary adventures and cartoons Cara. Is it me or reer UK n Kanada are addicted to TV shows?
  2. ^It's more anout debunking the other person's line of reasoning than it's actually to find common ground for reasonable palatable agreement. waa teeda hadee san socon midkale ma soconayso.
  3. ^It's more anout debunking the other person's line of reasoning than it's actually to find common ground for reasonable palatable agreement. waa teeda hadee san socon midkale ma soconayso.
  4. Hiiraan(AllPuntland)- Wararka naga soo gaaraya xadka ay wadagaan Labada wadan ee Soomaaliya & Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in ay dhaceen dagaalo xoog leh oo dhexmaray dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya & Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda,waxa ayna dagaaladan geysteen khasaare lixaad leh. Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa lugu qaaday weeraro xoog leh ayagoo ku jirey markaasi Kolonyo kuna soo jeeday dalka Soomaaliya ,waxaana lugu waramayaa in ay ciidamada Itoobiya ku dhaqaaqeen markaasi adeegsiga Hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan. Xadka uu gobalka Hiiraan la wadaago Ismaamulka Soomaalida ee dalka Itoobiya oo ay dagaaladan ka dhaceen ,waxa ayna sheegteen Mucaaradka dawladda Soomaaliya in ay ciidamada Itoobiya ka gubeen gaadiid dagaal oo gaaraya 4 Baabuur. Magaalada Baladweyn ayaa wararka naga soo gaaraya ay sheegayaan in deegaanadii lugu dagaalamey ay dageen ciidamada dawladda Itoobiya ,ayagoo markaasi habeenkii xalay ahaa ku hoyday meelahaasi. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in ay Ciidamadan Itoobiyaankaa sidoo kale ay qaadeen howgalo ay ku galeen deegaano badan oo ka agdhawaa goobihii uu dagaalkan ka dhacay ,mana aheyn markii ugu horeysay oo dagaal noocaan oo kale uu dhaco. Todobaadyadii ugu dambeeyey waxaa samada ku sii socdey dagaalada & Weeraro gaadmada ah ee lugu qaadayo ciidamada dawladda Itoobiya & kuwa dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ,ayagoo laga dhawrayo mucaaradka dawladda Soomaaliya hirgalinta qodobadii ay ku soo saxiixeen Magaalada Jabuuti. F. C. Geylan AllPuntland
  5. Waxaa degan xaalada deegaanada ku yaala xadka u dhexeey gobolka Hiiraan iyo dhulka ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia kadib markii saaka dagaalo xoogan ay ku dhex mareen ciidamada Ethiopia iyo xoogaga Mujaahidiinta Islaamka Soomaaliyeed. Tuulooyinka Baar Kuuloow iyo Dib-gaab oo u dhexeeya deegaanada Feer feer iyo Jawiil ee gobolka Hiiraan ayaa waxaa ka dhacay dagaal ba'an kaas muddo socday. Wararka aan ka heleyno deegaanadaasi ayaa sheegaya in weli halkaasi ay ku sugan yihiin xoogaga mucaaradka ah ee dagaalka gaadmada ah saakay kaga naxsaday kolanyo Ciidamada Ethiopian oo marayay halkasi xili ay ka tageen deegaanka Buurta Janta kundishe kuna sii jeedeen sida la sheegay deegaanka Feer feer ee dhulka Ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia. Ciidamadani oo watay ilaa 8 gaadiidka lagu daabulo ciidamada ayaa la sheegay in ay wadeen meeydad iyo dhawacyo ka dhashay dagaalo xoogan oo baryihii tagay ay ku galeen deegaanka Ceel-Gaal ee duleedka Waqooyi ee magaalada B/weyne. In kastoo aan si dhab ah loo ogeeyn qasaaraha rasmiga ah ee ka dhashay dagaalkii saaka ka dhacay halkasi ayaa hadan warar laga helayo dadka ku dhaw halka dagaalada Saaka ka dheceen ayaa sheegaya in dagaaladaasi la isku adegsaday hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan isla markaana ay jiraan qasaare soo kala gaaray labada dhinac. Sarkaal ka tiransan ciidamada mucaaradka oo lagu magaacaabo C/llaahi Max’ed Aadan (Cabdullaahi Fareey) oo la hadlay saxaafada ayaa sheegay in ay gubeen labo gaari oo ay lahaayeen ciidamada Ethiopia islamarkaana ay ka dileen askar fara badan waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye. Isku soo wada duube waxa isa soo tarayay maamahan dambe dagaalo xoogan oo ay ciidamada Ethiopia kala kulmayen xoogaga islaamka ee ku sugan gobolka Hiiraan. Dhanka kale waxaa jahawareer iyo cabsi xoogan oo ka jirta gudaha B/weyne taasoo ay qabaan dadka ku dhaqan magaalada kadib markii la sheegay in ay gudaha u soo galayaan ciidamada Ethiopia ee haatan degan Buurta Janto Kundisho islamarkana xoogaga mucaradka ah sheegeen in ay kula dhax dagalamayaan gudaha magaalada. Boqolal dad ah ayaa maanta la arkayay kuwasoo xafadhooda ka cararaya Islamarkana raadsanaya goobo ay ku badbaadaan. Dadkaan ayaa guryahoda ka cararey kadib markii ay maqlern in ciidamada Ethiopia gudaha magaalada u soo gali doonan iyaga oo biyo raadanaya. ilyaas Guute, Garoweonline B/weyne
  6. Any debate between two Somali men will not yield any meaningful solution. This is just more of the same, but let's hear Xiin's reply.
  7. Any debate between two Somali men will not yield any meaningful solution. This is just more of the same, but let's hear Xiin's reply.
  8. Malika...That's my way showing that I care about her :cool:
  9. ^Welcome. There is garrulous crowd on these pages, so you should feel rite at home.
  10. Northerner-Well I keep it short. I don't question your genuine heartfelt concern for the sufferings and miseries that has beffalen upon Somalis in particular Benadir, but you being a staunch secessionist ( Do let me if that's unfair charecterization) I do question your politics vis-à-vis Somalia as your interests are diametrically opposed to revival of Somali State, and will in no dought be threatened by unified stable Southern Somalia. I think ignoring this simple fact is disingenuous unless you subscribe to the idea of seeking independence through Mogadisho or simply choosing to remain in Somalia granted your grievances are adequately addressed. As for Somaliland aiding and abiding Ethio's onslaught on the South, I don't think they are anymore guilty than any other Somali entity, and I'm talking about admins here. The public much like the rest of Somalia are just passive audience, of course disgusted but powerless.
  11. Red is one man command unit on Jihad annihilate evil doers in Puntland.
  12. Northerner..You could have set the right tune by not calling people simpletons and qabiil inclined while you consider yourself above the fray.Extend some courtesy to people that's you wish to maintain your "sharaf" And I don't understand other being in defensive mode (which you are in here), do those starting "debates" expect to change anyone's opinion or just do it for sake of refuting someone else's argument. People are entrenched in the views and no Somali is willing another Somali's train of thought. In the end, more of the same. You hold on to your guns and they do the same. They accuse of something and you reciprocate. And who's started, come and debate with me thing. I guess people like trendy thing. Ok folks,come and have some tea with Che then Your Qabiilist Che.
  13. Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.: ^ Abdullahi Yusuf or Pland has done So Yeey and Pland are synonymous. Same verdict Saaxib, Xiin is guilty
  14. War ninyahow here's ur comment in bold letters Those desperate comparison can only be heard from Planders who are guilty of letting EThiopia into the country. So Xiin is guilty
  15. Ayoub-I didn't know that, but it's good to loose that comment. I even stop calling Yeey duke's adeer. War Red, just read the last page, why don't you jihad on Puntland considering Garowe right next door?
  16. Security has been getting out of everywhere unless you just woke up from comma. Reactionary half hearted measures won't fix anything.
  17. LoooooooooooL@your uncle in Hargeysa. You know I never actually knew what Qabiil Castro hails from, but thanks to Red, we actually know and here preaches Islanimo. Loose "your uncle comment".
  18. I guess this report is true. Somalia: Puntland leader to impose 'emergency rule' 1 Jul 1, 2008 - 12:09:00 PM GAROWE, Somalia July 1 (Garowe Online) - The regional governor of Somalia's Puntland State administration has told a ceremony marking the country's 48th Independence Day that he will impose 'emergency rule' to avert the collapse of Puntland. Gen. Adde Muse, the president of Puntland, told a crowd Tuesday in the administrative capital Garowe that Somalia has suffered for too many years from war and poverty. "Somalia has been a free country for a long time, but has been unable to free itself from destruction and we pray that Allah [God] makes things better for us," President Muse said. The Puntland leader detailed some of the sufferings of the Somali people in general, and constituents in Puntland in particular, saying: "Today, the people are dying of hunger, prices have skyrocketed, there is no salary and there is a war front on every side of Puntland…both inside and outside." While admitting that Puntland is undergoing "hard times," Gen. Muse tried to paint a picture of success with regard to his leadership in the region. "We [Puntland administration] believe that we have accomplished more than the promises we made before the election [of 2005], and we could have made bigger accomplishments if we could find peace," he said. President Muse praised the security forces for their actions, saying: "The prisons are full…I praise the police for their efforts over the last three months." He indicated that there is a conspiracy aimed at destroying the government of Puntland and creating instability across the region. "As you know, we have been attacked from many fronts," Muse said, while urging Puntland residents to "protect the borders." He cited an example from yesterday, when Puntland police thwarted a planned kidnapping of two journalists from France. "Foreigners are attacked in broad daylight. The objective is for foreigners to flee Puntland," President Muse said. Further, Muse indicated that Puntland has many enemies who wish to destroy the relative peace the region has enjoyed since the 1990s. "There are many people who have decided to ruin [Puntland's] internal politics and pay some of us [people of Puntland] to create instability among the public," Gen. Muse said. He went further to indirectly condemn opposition to his policies inside Puntland, saying: "And the little politics going on in Garowe, they are irrelevant." In recent days, Puntland lawmakers in Garowe have demanded that Speaker Ahmed Ali Hashi – a Muse ally – show up in parliament to possibly face a no confidence vote, after MPs accused him of "illegal" conduct during an oil law vote in March. On Monday, 14 traditional elders representing the major clans in Puntland called for a consultative conference to "save Puntland" to be held in Garowe next month. [ READ: Clan elders call for conference to 'save Puntland'] But President Muse came up with his own idea of saving Puntland when he told the Independence Day crowd that his administration will impose 'emergency rule.' "Yesterday, I told the parliament and I will tell the Cabinet on Thursday, that we will enter emergency rule to defend Puntland," Muse said. It is not clear how the Puntland Parliament and the traditional elders will respond to President Muse's declaration of emergency rule, but insiders say Muse lacks both the public support and the military muscle needed to implement emergency rule in the region. Some reliable sources have linked Muse's emergency rule to widespread rumors that he plans to extend his term in office, although Muse has denied such reports in the past. Source: Garowe Online
  19. Che -Guevara


    Are you gonna ask if she's pro Habashi or anti-Habashi first
  20. ^LooooooooL, you sould like this American kid in my class who seem lost in a maze of foriegn classmates yapping away in their native languages. He beats himself up for not knowing another language. Ironically though he feels left out and I don't even though there are no Indians/Pakis or Somalis I could talk to. I'm trying to learn Spanish this summer. P.S. For someone well versed in English, I would have thought you would pick anothe language as well or they are not your thing?
  21. Che -Guevara


    ^I have big forehead and skinny limbs. Welcome