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Everything posted by Xargaga

  1. President of Hatred, this is the same as asking is Goldogob part of Puntland? :confused:
  2. Geeljiraha soconaya? ma la ban-garaynaya? -------------------- Noo saxib sababtoo ah geeljiraha shubanku makaro. nin caana geel soo cabaiy waa caafimaad qabaa. so welcome geeljire.waa haddii adoo geel wada soo gashid.
  3. War yaa ilahay yaqaan. waxay noojoogtay madaxweyne. Hadda waxi yimid Boqor dee waxaan kabaqayaa hadhow inay nebi tagto wallee.
  4. JB: Dee ninkaa hunguri. Hungurigiisa wax kufilan mahaysaa? waa intasoo uunagaleexdaa. Mise waa qoladii haamaha labaqaadka ah' sootoshay ee labada ceelba kadhaansha.
  5. I came across this analogy which really is an interesting one. 'Ma ninkaan ogaa baa! 1983, 1992 2007' Qiso La Yaab Leh Oo Dadka Iyo Dalka Somaliland Ka Tarjumaysa Xasan C. Madar — ----- — 17 March, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA NINKAAN OGAA BAA!! Xasan C. Madar nabaadiino@yahoo.com Sannadihii ugu horreeyey ee dalka lagu soo noqday xilli barqo kulayl ah ayaan ku leexday mid ka mid ah makhaayadaha Hargeysa ee qaxwaha laga fuudo si aan koob shaaha oo kulaylka iskaga qaboojiyo uga cabbo. Waa xilli laga soo noqday xeryo qaxooti oo dadku waxba ma hayo, jeebaduhu way madhan yihiin, busaarad xun baa magaalada ka taagan oo xataa koobka shaaha ah la iskuma shubo. Dalka shaqo ma jirto wax dhaqaale ahna lalama soo gelin. Busaarad baa dadka indhuhu cas yihiin, ninkii abu xaraara ahaa oo dhan wuu ku go'ay meesha anigase balwaddayda ugu weyni waa shaaha, jeebkayguna wuu sii qoyan yahay oo maalmahaas uun baan ka soo laabtay magaalada Diridhaba oo laga diran jiray telefoonka lagula hadlayo qaraabada dibedda. Waxay ahayd halka ugu dhow ee laga diran karo telefoon dibedda lagula hadlo. Woxogaagii halkaa la iigu soo diray oo kharashkaygii sii socod, soo socod iyo gacantii qaraabada iyo shixaadkii saaxiibbada laga jaray ayaan weli sii hayaa. Anaa ugu sandheer magaalada mar haddaan shaaha shubi karo. Waa sidii xaalku ahaa nin ogaa baa ogaaye. Kolkaan makhaayaddii oo dadku aad ugu badnaa ku baydhay baan ku fadhiistay daasad meesha taallay. Kuraas lagu fadhiistaa ma jirin oo daasadaha caanaboodhuhu ka dhammaado ayaaba cidhiidhi ahaa oon la kala heli jirin. Daasad nin ka kacay baan ku tallaabsaday si aan gacanta ugu dhigo inta aan la iiga horrayn. Nin kale oo isna daasadda ku soo dhaqaaqay baannu hal mar ku wada kulannay oo gacanta ku wada dhignay, laba daraf baannu kala qabsannay. Ninkii baan kor u eegay isna wuu I soo eegay oo indhahayagaa isku dhacay. Daasaddii ayuu dhinaciisa sii daayey oo isagoo wax khajilaad iyo naxdin u egi ka muuqdaan dib u joogsaday. Halkii kamuu dhaqaaqin anna maan dhaqaaqin. Wax hadal ah ismaannu dhaafsan, labadyadaba filanwaa baa nagu dhacay. Midkaayana ka kale meesha kama filayn oo markii isugu kaaya dambaysay baa ahayd maalin taariikhi ah, maalin muruqa laba suul ninba si la ahaa. Maalin nin faraxsanaa ninna murugaysnaa. Indhahaygu si adag bay kuwiisa u hayeen intuu hayn waayey ayuu hoos u foorarsaday. Intaan daasad kale oo laga kacay soo qaaday baan u dhiibay oo ku idhi ku fadhiiso. Cabbaar buu hakaday oo malaha is yidhi ma dhaqaaqdaa, ma carartaa, ugu dambaynse wuu aqbalay oo waannu is garab fadhiisannay. Laba shaah ah ayaan minqaxwigii uga yeedhay. Anigaa calool adaygay oo hadalkii bilaaabay "ma I garanaysaa?" baan weydiiyey. Jawaab gaaban buu "haa" ku yidhi. Waxa jirta mar aad kala garan weydo inaad doqon tahay iyo inaad fariid tahay. Marka dembiile ma naxaan ah oo si xun beri kuu galay kuu soo gacan galo geesinnimada iyo fariidnimadu waxay tahay baa dad badani yidhaahdaan inaad ka yeesho wuxuu kaa yeelay. Dad kalena waxay yidhaadaan raganimadu waxay ku jirtaa samirka iyo dulqaadka iyo adigoo saamaxa cadowgaaga. Ta dambe ayaan qaatay oo hadday xataa doqonniimo tahay aan isku qanciyey inaan ku adkaysto. Waxan isku arakayey inaan ka gacan sarreeyo oo ka gudan karo waajibkayga oo ugu yaraan ah intii uu I gaadhsiiyey haddaanan uga badanin. Waxanse doorbiday inaanan intaa u dhaafin oo Alle u samro. Intaan lacagtii shaaha bixiyey baan sare joogsaday oo nabadgelyeeyey anigoon kelmad u dallicin. Bal haddaan in yar milicsiga taariikhda awgeed cajaladda dib kuugu yera celiyo oo maalintii ninkaa isku kaaya dambaysay kuu sheego waaban kuu sheegayaaye waxay ahayd maalin aan laga sheekayn Karin. Waxan ahaa nin ganacsato ah oo dukaan yar ku haysta magaalada Hargeysa. Cidna dhibaato uma gaysan jirin oo afkayga iyo addinkayga muslimiintu way ka nabad galeen. Maalin ka mid ah maalmaha anigoo waa sani ii beryey oo dukaankaygii yaraa ku Alle sugaya ayaa waxa ii soo galay niman dharcad ah oo ciidanka nabad sugidda ah. "waxa lagaa doonayaa xerada ee dukaanka xidh oo inna keen" bay yidhaahdeen. Maxaa jira idhi oo si jikaar ah baa la iigu jawaabay "waxa jira waad ogtahaye soo bax waqtiga ha naga lumine". Baabuur baa la igu qaaday oo la I geeyey meel dhinacna xafiisyo ka ah dhinacna dadka lagu caddibo. Waxa la I horgeeyey ninkii meesha haystay oo la yidhi taliye waa kan ninkii. Intuu aad indhaha iigu gubay buu yidhi "ma adigaa ninka la sheegayey?" "Ninkee?" baan idhi anigoo fajacsan. Iga dhab bay ahaydoo waxan ay shegayaan iyo waxa la igu haysto midna ma garanayn iyana iimay sheegin. "Kaagaas oo kalaa magaalada laga fadhiyi laayahay" buu si dhiirranaan ah u yidhi. "Taliye maxaan sameeyey?" baan idhi. "Waliba ma annagaad na waydiinaysaa?"intuu yidhi buu kor iyo hoos indho arxan daran iigu eegay. Haddaad arki lahayd ninkaas kibirka ka muuqda... "Taliye wax aan sameeyey garan maayee maxaa la igu haystaa bal ii sheega dee haddaan dambiile ahayna maxkamadda ii gudbiya haddii kalena iska kay siidaaya". Intuu istaagay ayuu sare ugu qayliyey ha la xidho. Qol yar oo madow oo xagga dambe ku yiil baa la igu tukhaantukhiyey. Fiidkii baa la ii yimid oo inta beerka la ii jiifiyey laba dible la ii xidhay oo garaacis naxariis darro ah la igu bilaabay . waxa goobta taagan oo amarka bixinaya taliyihii oo kabihiisa buudhka ah madaxa iyo meel walba igaga laadaya. Askarta ayuu canaananayaa oo ciqaabta ku adkeeya leeyahay. Dhib kastoo ay ahaydba maanta waan ka noolahay oo waa kan ninkii dhibkaa ii gaystay isagoo ismiskiininaya I hor fadhiya. Waa kan hadalkii ku dhegay ee jiir bisadi qabatay noqday. Waa kan ninkii arka een hore u aqoon moodayo miskiin Alle ka cabsi badan. Lama moodo nin weligii cid dhibaato u geystay, cumaamad iyo macawis buu wataa oo waxad moodaa wadaad cabsi eebbe la ilmaynaya. Gedgeddoonka waayuhu galabba waa cayne haddana waa goor kale iyo goob kale. Maanta wax adduun ah gacanta kuma hayo, berigaas baaban dhaamay oo ahaa ganacsade heer dhexe ah, se maanta ayaan ka farxad badanahay, waxan haystaa xorriyad taam ah sida aan isleeyahay. Haddaan gaajoodo waan ku qanacsanahay, meeshaan doono ayaan seexan karaa, saacaddaan doono ayaan socon karaa, fikirkayga si xor ah oon cabsi lahayn baan u dhiiban karan. Intaas uun baan u soo dagaallamayey, dagaalka kibir iima gayne, kadeed la I baday baa igu kallifay, waxan rajaynayaa inaan inta noloshayda ka hadhay xorriyad ku seexdo oo ku soo tooso. Baahi kasta oon qabo ma dareemi doono.. Maanta waa maalin kale, maxaa si ah. waanigan makhaayadda hor fadhiya, faalaynaya waxa waddanka ka socda, dad aan tiro yarayn baa goobta jooga, hareeraha ma eegayo, hoosna uma hadlayo sidii waayo qaar, kalsooni buuxda ayaan qabaa, dadka goobta joogaana waa ila mid . wixii cabsida iyo kala shakiga la odhan jiray mooyi meel ay mareen. Waa la murmaa, la kaftamaa oo dhallaaxda la isqaadaa kadibna la kala tagaa tiiyoon waxba lasyku qabin oo laysku calool fayowyahay. Kolkii sheekadii dhammaatay meeshii baan ka kacay, cabbaar kolkaan sii socday gaadhi ayaa garabkayga joogsaday, waxa ka soo degay laba nin. Waxa lagaa doonayaa xarunta... ayey yidhaahdeen. Soo fuul gaadhiga bay yidhaahdeen. Inaan fuulo waan ku qasbanaa. Wax su'aalo ah la ima weydiine wax la ii dhaadhiciyey xabsiga halkaas oo laba habeen kadib la ii sii gudbiyey maxkamadda. Waanigan maxkamaddii dhex fadhiya, dad badani meesha ma joogo marka laga reebo dhowr qof oo eheladayda iyo asxaabtayda ah oo la yaabban waxa la igu soo xidhay, ma garan karayaan waxa laygu soo xidhay aniga qudhayda ayaan garanayn. Maxkammaddu mid caadi ah maaha, malaha waa mid ciidan, malaha waa mid xaafadeed, malaha waa mid sare sare, aniga qudhaydu garan maayo. Wax yar kadib waxa albaab xagga dambe ah ka soo galay nin aad loo ilaalinayo oo oo aan is idhi waa garsoorihii, ama kiis oogihii ha ila yaabina sharciga maxkamadaha aad uma aqaane. Waa loo sare kacay, ma hubo in shan daqiiqo loo aamusay iyo inkale laakiin marka horeba cidi ma hadlayn. Wuxu bilaabay hadalkii. waa nin dhiirran oo firfircoon... waanigaa indhaha ku dhuftay, qac.. Alla waan garanayaa isna indhaha igu dhufay oo I garay.. wuxuuse yeeli mooyi... haddii darraad uu ahaa sarkaal sare oo aniga xilligii ******ta jeelka igu dhabar garaacay... shalayna markaan dalka xoreeyey aan kula kulmay makhaayad horteed isagoo miskiin ah oo aan koob shaaha u shubay.. dambigaan u haystayna ka saamaxay, maanta garan maayo wuxu yeeli doono... waanigan hortiisa jooga..waa tan awooddii markale gacantiisa ku wareegtay. Inkastoon maxbuus ahay, maxkamad horteed fadhiyo nin aanuu waayo isla soo go'nay guddoominayo, cabsidii waayo qaar ima hayso, isagase ma ogi in dhiirranaantii iyo geesinimadii waayo qaar uu leeyahay.waxan eegayaaa wuxu yeelo Waa ninkii laftiisa.. waagii hore iyo waaganba anigu waxan ahaa dulmane isaguna daallin... anigu dambiga la iga galo waan saamaxayey isaguse dambigaba isagaa abuurayey.. qof aan dambiba gelin buu dakharka la dhacayeye tolow ka dambi galana muxuu ka yeelayey... Waayuhu mar walba ma wuxu la jiraa dambiilaha oo ka jiraa dulmanaha.. mise tolow wuu u seeto dheereeyaa oo shallaay wuu dambeeyaa, qoomamo way dambaysaa...yaah...yaaah..!!!
  6. You are wrong Mr tesfaye. Amiin actually invaded Tanzania and took over part of Kagera province. while the Islamic courts never invaded ethiopia actaully its ethiopia who invaded somalia from the begining in diguise.This is totally an irelevant comparison.
  7. Northern will be the finance/planning minister. Red Sea/Shucayb will be the secretary of state Odwayne…communication Saylici.. Interior Qudhac…defense Wariyaa Jaylaani you gave everybody a post In your shadow government, except me and Jacyl baro. Be cautioned we will have to start a war. Anyways somaliland recognition is overdue. the reasons are many but the main one lack of clear policy and seriousness on the part of the current and also past administrations. I suggest that the next admin. should give recognition the first and foremost priority.Somaliland intelectuals should also join the efforts too.
  8. What about the Tigrays Fuggets Government TFG? Yaa general tesfaye
  9. I came across this gabay at hiiraan online and it will move any who understand Caynka gabay Cibaarow adaa caalim ku ahaaye Cisihii Rasuulkiyo adaan sunnihii caasiyine Calankeenna daafaca adaa cod ula taagnaaye Caawimaadda ehelkuna aday kugu cuslaanayne Curiskaaga yaa laga gartaa caaqilkaad tahaye Cimrigiisu raagyow runtaan kuu cabbirayaye Cabashadeyda saakana bal maqal Caalimkaa weyne Casiiskii na uumiyo markaan diinta ku ciyaarnay Ku ceebownay ciiddaan lahayn caalamkoo idile Carruurtiina nala yaabtay iyo caaqa liitaaye Caadiyo waxaan dhaqan laheyn camal karaameysan Cayayaan waxay nagu tirshaan aan cindi lahayne Ciilkaan la seexdaan walaal kuu cabbirayaaye Cabashadeyda saakana bal maqal Caadilkaa weyne Cafiskiyo qoomkii nabadda naca oo is ceyrteeya Oo ceesh qabyaaladi u tahay cudurna maalaaya Markey kala caroodaan dadoo cidiba meel aaddo Cadowgii nimuu ciidanshaan caymo filaneyne Qalbicamo markii loo xuliyo kuwo ciyaal suuqa Oo caalimiintii la naco jaahilna caweeyo Caku kama dhamaatiyo inuu galo calolyowe Annagana canaasiir ayaa noo cimaamadane Calaf waxay u haystaan wixii gala calooshoode Cosobkii dhulkeeniyo dalkii siiste caanteyne Cawaannimo halkey gaartay baan la cajabaayaayoo Ciilkaan la sexdaan walaal kuu cabbirayaaye Cabashadeyda saakana bal maqal Caalimkaa weyne. Ciil looma go’ Maxamedow ceeb adduunyada’e Soomaali caawa sidey tihiyo caatadaa muuqan Nimankii colaad waarta iyo iyo cudurka beeraayay Nimankii cududdii aan lahayn cadcad u googooyay Raggii ceynwareejiyay talada samana ciideeyay Culimaa’uddiinkiyo kuwii caaqillada iibshay Colaadaha kuwii huriyayee gooyay ciribteenna Caadaqaatayaashiyo kuwii cunayay jiirkeenna Nimankii cidihii soomanaa casar duqeynaayay Nimankii carqaladeynta iyo dhibka ku ceeshaayay Cilladihii dhexdeenniyo kuwii keenay caalwaagu Haddey maanta casumeen Tigree waan cajabayaaye Ciilkaan la sexdaan walaal kuu cabirayaaye Cabashadeyda saakana bal maqal Caalimkaa weyne. Itoobiya col baan abid aheyn taniyo coorcoore Ceyriinka nimankii baroo ceyrsadaan nahaye Maantana haddaan cudud la siin caalamna u hiillin Cashar kale inaan siin lahayn waa wax caadiyahe Marka ciidan is horjoogsadee taangi la cabbaysto iga celiya wow caado oo kama cabsoodaane Cadow soo gurmanayaa hadduu cirka ka soo duulay Oo uu carshaantii gubiyo xoolo cows daaqa Carradeenna uu xoog ku yimid lana cambaareynin Haddii dulmigii loo ciidanshoo xaqii la ciideeyay Caaq bey la tahay guul iney cadowgu gaareene Waa cowradii dunida oy calal ka feydeene Ciilkaan la sexdaan walaal kuu cabirayaaye Cabashadeyda saakana bal maqal Caalimkaa weyne. Nin caqligii calool uu ka galay waa caddilanyahaye Cawaantaa la soo waalayee calawasaadeysa Caaqibadey la kulmayaan ciribxumaanteeda Caalim kii ahaa wari ninyahow caamo yeelkeede Musafeni cantuuguu rabaa cunaha naafeyne Caddaaladda hadduu jecelyahoo cahdi uu dhowraayo Cagafcagaf ma mariyeen dhallaan waayay caanihiye Coomaadi kuma soo kacsheen wiilal caaridaye Cirroolihii ma wada layn lahayn cunugyow jog yiriye Intii dumar curyaan noqotayoo hooyo la ciqaabay Cisbitaal intuu gubay ayaan cidina moogeyne Caydhteeyay shacabkiisiyoo cunto ma haystaane Caynkii Koongo hadduu naga rabiyo inaan casnhuur dhiibno Oo uu dhulkaa wada camiran qeyb calaameytay Ceego wow danbeyn idam-Ilaah iney cabaadaane Anoon cagajugleyneyn runtaan sii cabbirayaaye Cabiidnimo ninkii nala rabow taladii kaa ciirtay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cabdikhayr Sheikh Xassan Sh. Soofe E-mail: soofe@hotmail.com
  10. You see when you talk of disarming it means selective targeting one community and a declaration of War. But what is going to happen in Mogadishu is a blood bath. may Allah safeguard the Masakiin. This is not new with any clan government. They did this in 1988 in the north. But failed now history is repeating itself only now in a different location. Just wait if xamar ppl continue resisting Morgan have been appointed to finish the job while using his hargeysa experience. That was the resume that A/ Yeey considered.
  11. No body is attacking nobody we just giving some advice to one suffering individual justifyng killing and destruction of innocent civilians.
  12. Inaa lillahi wa ina ilayhi raajicuun. May allah have mercy on him.
  13. Better have an empty bravado which symbolizes hope rather than being in your state of mind. About ignorance. i think this applies to someone that is dwelling in a delusional state of mind yet fail to admitt.Saxib you need help and if you reside in one of these western nations better go and see a therapist. Its not wrong to admitt maybe you was one of those that ran for their lives from those lands you are obsessed with.watch the pics and arrange a visit to that place they will still welcome you. i think that will give a closure to you burning rage and cuqdad
  14. Edit:Nabadshe,u are day dreaming,i share no single blood drop with Gen morgan but ur simple mind can't give u that there exist a pple who look beyond tribe and beyond all else interms of principles.Guess what,the secessionist mafia won't get that land,and yesterday it was morgan tomorrow its gonna be Xalane and Co that will bring it down to its knees and the same applies to any other part that poses threats.Sleep on that! Then you must be psycho or maybe suffering from some post war sydromes or something. My advice to you is that you dont deserve living in any civilised society. I bet you need to be locked away in an army camp/barracks/garrison. Just to await orders to kill. and mark you this is politcs section and not millitary section. The other thing is your cabaad about land whose land are you talking about? you must be sick indeed.
  15. Watch this link.Post war Hargeysahttp http://www.world66.com/africa/somaliland/lib/gallery/showimage?pic=africa/somaliland/airport_rd wheather they did a hell of a job or not their objective never materialised. there is a somali saying that goes. Geel baan lahaan jiray dameer aan haada leeyahaiy ayaa dhaanta. Hargaysa reasidents came back and rebuild their city and are living a better life than before. I bet this is what is awaiting Mogadishu as would be suggested by Xalane given that His uncle Morgan has been appointed to oversee operations in xamar. And to Guree ill say that those SNM fighters were fighting a recognized clan government and for a just cause just as the insurgents in xamar are doing. That government too employed South african mercineries to bomb Hargeysa city and the fleeing civilians.Same as The failed transitional gangs are using Ethiopians. So dont expect any special treatment from the left overs of the Previous regime who are out to unleash their revenge.
  16. Malaa gaalka cad baa ku falay Waa iga suaale horta gaalka cad iyo ka madow kee haatan lagudambeeye, keese falka yaqaan?
  17. around 60 Million US dollars is bending Did you mean Pending? JB
  18. Our withdrawal is not contingent to the deployment of the African mission," said Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin. "But of course we have to withdraw leaving a situation that would not lead us again into sliding back," he told reporters. To the supporter of the TFG( Transitional Failed Gangs) So When are the ethiopians withdrawing? Here the foreign mister talks in a clear diplomatic language which if analysed means "We are not yet planning to withdraw from this land of our enemies"
  19. b]lol. The troops are getting trained in Bali-doogle of all places. The impossible is now not so. Remember the Clan Courts used to own Bali-doogle it was IndaCade's turf, no more saxib, its TFG turf much like Mogadishu, Kismayu and so on. [/b] Woow It seems You are so excited General tesfaye. So the glorious times is back again. I bet Oodweynes' famaous reteric "The defeated lot of yesteryears" Is on its way to be rephrased.Yet I blieve its too early to celbrate.
  20. Just wait and see am sure the moment this Transitional Failed Gang(TFG) 's term is over, you will hear Betrayersland calling for cessation.Then cessationland would then be calling for unity.Can you imagine the scenario?
  21. I dont know who is who and who is doing the most lap dance. But what i know is that cabdullahi amxaar is so far the Transitional fedearl Garbage president. being the favorite dancer he has all powers infested upon him to either fire or Hire whoever he deem fit/misfit, and also the power to declare marshall laws.In the meantime the rest of your so coined "Lap dancers"fellas are bitterly cheerleading a dawn of new Era in Xamar. How would it End? lets wait and see as events unfolds.
  22. wallee waa siduu hore uu uyiri Cabdullahi amxaar. This ppl know not any other language but force. Look at them now i cant believe this are the same warlords vowing against beerlawe's call for foreign troops. My question is why didnt they allowed it voluntarily just to come out hyprocritically after the nation has been forcefully accupied by amxaars . I remember there was a time IGAD was hatcing a way for frontier nations like ethiopia to be excluded from the mission. Now after everything has been lost they are making desparate speeches, who wants their support anyways, the oldman is already at Villa Somalia well guarded by tigarays and Puntland militias.
  23. Before you start asassinating the character of the speaker you first need to look at content of his speech. I think all what he said is true.
  24. What about the guurti issue ? did their term expired when they extended their term through riyaale?
  25. Checkout on this. It summarizes the way 4.5 works with the (aristrocratic tfg) or as many may cal dawladda dabadhilifka. A Reality Check for Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf of TFG The World has enough for everyone’s needs, but not for everyone’s greed Mahatma Ghandi Col. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, the President of the flimsy fragile Transitional Federal Government of Somalia has recently appointed arbitrarily a number of presidential and military portfolios. It is certainly bewilderment that the chosen, without proper qualifications, are from the President’s immediate and distant family. By and large, they, though lived outside of Somalia for the past two decades, are veterans of his former armed rebel front, SSDF. Col. Yusuf, known by majority of Somalis as a pawn and puppet of Ethiopia, is a totalitarian and traitor by nature. He bragged, in the presence of fanatic fans gathered in Royal Garden hotel in London week ago, that he had signed Ethiopian occupation in Somalia prior to Meles Zenawi’s decision to launch military offensive against Somalia. Parachuted by Ethiopian forces, Yusuf got his life-long wish of sleeping as ‘the man of the house’ in Villa Somalia, the last Somali dictator’s presidential palace. When Somalia turned out to be the Iraq of Africa, as mortal shells constantly firing out from Suuqa Xoolaha, Mogadishu’s Sadr City, the President preferred to return back to his bunker hideout in Baidoa. Subsequently, Col Yusuf has surrounded himself a group of in-laws and sub-sub-clan personalities who their requirement is simply to be loyal to him. He appears to listen to no one, but his family folks. In a nutshell, Col Abdullahi Yusuf is Col Abdullahi Yusuf. But an indispensable question that emerges at this instant is: Does Yusuf want to benefit his sub-sub-clansmen from acquiring Presidential Palace? Is there no other dream behind that dream? A Somali aphorism says, “Hal Xaaraan ah, Nirig Xalaal ah ma dhasho” which roughly translates “A forbidden camel never gives birth to a legitimate or Halal baby.” One object should, for sure, be irrefutable, which is inline with the conventional wisdom that the clannish posture of Col Yusuf and his likes will never triumph over fairness and justice. Yusuf’s handling has debarred other Somali clans from attaining important positions within the armed forces. It is evident that he rebuffs the basis of power-sharing that was formed his Transitional Federal government in Kenya. Consequently, the TFG President violated the Transitional Federal Charter again and again, and ironically persists to breach. Below are positions awarded based on family membership and not out of merit. The recent Appointments 1. Kooshin Mohamed, the Somali Ambassador to the United States - Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan of ******* clan. This man is nephew of Col Yusuf. He is a 28-year-old Seattle Grocer. According to US State Department, he has no bona fides and he is presenting himself with all sorts of different titles he doesn’t have. For further reference please see http://www.aayaha.com/viewpage.php?articleid=4292 2. Gen Mohamed Sa’id Hersi (Morgan), National Security Advisor to the President – Abdirihin sub-sub-clan of *********. He was previously a rival to Col. Yusuf, but now is a follower of him. 3. Bashiir Iise, the newly-appointed Governor of Somali Central Bank – Iise Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. One must keep in mind that there is no central bank in Somalia for the last 16 years. 4. Isma’iil Haji Warsame, Director of Department of Foreign Aid – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He continually prints fake Somali money from South East Asian countries. 5. Son of Abdullahi Aynab, Cashier of the Presidential Palace – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He is the son-in-law of the interim President. 6. Omar Jamaal, 1st Secretary of Somali Delegates at the United Nations Headquarters in New York – his identity is questionable. In Toronto, he is a Canadian citizen and claims to be another clan. In Germany, he was a refugee and reer Hamar clan. In the US, where he currently lives, he is a refugee of Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan and is on trial for lying US federal authorities on his identity. 7. Mohamed-Deek Abdilkadir, Director General of the Ministry of Information – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 8. Abdirahman Ali, Director General of the Ministry of Post and Communication – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 9. Abdishakuur Mohamud Gurey, Director General of the Ministry of Tourists – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. His father was sub-sub-clan chief in north Galka’o, Somalia. 10. Hussein Mohamed Mohamud, the newly-nominated spokesman of the President – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He has no formal education. Not surprisingly, he is the webmaster of Idamaale.com, a website which disseminates Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf’s propaganda and odium. 11. Abdi Barre, Deputy Head of the Immigration Services – Bi’iidyahan sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. Mr Barre was Carwasher in Minneapolis, USA. He has no formal education; no previous experience in immigration matters, but the prerequisite of the job is an admirer of Col. Yusuf. 12. Gen Abdullahi Ali Omar (Ina-Libah-san-ka-tabte), Chief of Armed Forces – Arab-Salah, a minority sub-clan ethnically dominated by ********* sub-clan of ******* clan. He is related to Col Yusuf by marriage. 13. Colonel Mohamed Darwish, Head of the National Security Services – Bi’idyahan sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He was promoted a Brigadier General by Col. Yusuf. 14. Col Abdirizak Afguduud, Commander of 1st Army Brigade – Abdirihin sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He was promoted a Brigadier General by Col. Yusuf. 15. Col Hiif Ali Taar, Commander of 3rd Army Brigade – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. Mr Taar was promoted as a Colonel by Colonel Yusuf. He was a Toronto Cab Driver before he allied himself with Col. Yusuf who then was President of Puntland. 16. Gen Abdullahi Ali Mire (Areys) – Commander of 4th Army Brigade – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. Areys was promoted as a General by Colonel Yusuf. 17. Lieutenant Joo’aar, Chief of Mogadishu Airport and Seaport – Osman Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. This man was a former leader of a group of pirate men who used to hijack ships in Indian Ocean before the defeated Islamic Courts forced them to flee to Northeastern regions. 18. Colonel Sa’iid Dheere, Chief of Ballidoogle Military Base and also Chief of 1st Military Division – Iise Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 19. Hassan Ali Gidhiish, Chief of Police Forces of Middle and Lower Jubba regions – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 20. Aaden Ali Abdi, Head of Security, Presidential Palace and Benadir Region – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 21. Yusuf Omar Ahmed Al-Azhari, Political Adviser to the President – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He once told me in Nairobi that ****** clan militias murdered lots of his relatives and attempted to kill him in 1991 in Mogadishu. From his words, he was left as deceased. He usually claims that he still carries a bullet in his right leg from that attack. He is driven by revenge. 22. Jamal Omar, Legal Adviser to the President – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 23. Yusuf Mohamed Ismaa’iil (Baribari), former spokesman of the President and currently an envoy to Brussels, Belgium – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. According to reliable sources in the TFG, the Kingdom of Belgium declined to host him as Ambassador. 24. Abdirashid Seed known as Qoor, Ambassador-at-large and Presidential Special Envoy – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He has no formal education; let alone previous diplomatic experience. 25. Dahir Mire Jibril, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Palace – Gumasoor sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He is a veteran of Colonel Yusuf’s former front, SSDF. 26. Abdirisak Ahmed Ali, Deputy Chief of Staff of Presidential Palace – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 27. Ahmed Ali Yusuf Ahmed, the President’s Secretary – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He is a nephew of the President. His late father was killed in Mogadishu in 1991. 28. Ahmed Abdullahi Yusuf – Director General of the Finance of Presidential Palace – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He is the second son of the interim President. A Canadian citizen and his education: high school drop-out. 29. Yusuf Weyrah – Economics Adviser to the President – Osman Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 30. Hassan Ali Yusuf, Chief of Protocol at Presidential Palace – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 31. Hibo Mohammed Elmi – Public Affairs Advisor to the President – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. She has never been to Somalia for almost two decades. 32. Hassan Ali Suleymaan, Head of Baidoa Presidential Palace – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 33. Abdirizak Durkun, President’s special aide – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. 34. Abdullahi Dhere, Head of the President’s Personal Bodyguards – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He is a nephew of the President. 35. Ali Ahmed Jiis – the President’s Personal Bodyguard – Omar Mohamud sub-sub-clan of ********* sub-clan. He is a nephew of the President. However, the International Crisis Group’s latest observation and assessment about Somalia is compatible with this above list. In its report entitled Somalia: The Tough Part Is Ahead, the ICG cites this passage, “Whereas the Islamic Courts drew their support predominantly from the ****** clan, the TFG is widely perceived as dominated by ***** clan interests. TFG leaders reinforced this perception by pursuing policies that further alienated the ******, notably an appeal for foreign troops. ****** alienation and TFG inadequacies left a vacuum into which the Courts expanded between June and December 2006, bringing a degree of peace and security unknown to the south for more than fifteen years.” (Mohamed Ingiriis is a former associate editor of Ayaamaha newspaper in Mogadishu. He currently reads Philosophy in Belgium) By Maxamed Xaaji (Ingiriis) Ingiriis@yahoo.com