The Zack

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Everything posted by The Zack

  1. ^First you asked us this: Why is a Shiekh dealing on clan lines? And then you came back and told us this (on the same exact post): Majority rule, minority rights...atleast in Kismaayo district itself. SO let me ask you this Mr. Horn, afkaaga iyo dhagahaagu ma is maqlaan? And why are you ( yourself) playing the clan card?
  2. Looooooooooooooool. Ma caddaankan cad cad baa somali ah? Good catch Nuune!
  3. ^stuff and canatarabaqash.
  4. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Shaneemo Shuun for them in Kaasabalbalaare. [/QB]
  5. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^War inleen ibtilo! Ban-tured,ninyahow horta Ilaahay muxuu kuugu diray ereygaan la yiraahdo CAANO BOORE? bal ma isheegi kartaa waxaad laguduudatid mar walbaad eraygaas maqashid? Actually there is new word on the dictionary these days: Canjeero Daafi. Thats what your masters, Tigray, give you back when you help them occupy your own land! So tell me now, is that what you ate last night as Suxuur?
  6. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: 'Ina mal, acmaalu biniyaad' mamaqli jirtay? Niyaduu ka cadyahay... Looooooool haahey wa sidaas.
  7. ^Lol. Isaga tolow ma cad yahay mise qalbiguu ka cad yahay. Mr. gello you should double-check what color is your skin lol.
  8. Originally posted by Ban-tured: Zack , Amxaaro Safar buu dabsi, Kitfo iyo waliba bahrawi ka laba canleryn jiray, lol War bankii tureedow, ooman baryhan ma biyo keenin miyaa? Walee dibsidu wey macaantahay, Dhooro Tibsi waliba!
  9. Ciyaalbaa illeen meesha ka buuxa. AT&T, ciyaalkan yeysan ku wareerin qabyaaladda lagu soo ababiyay. Waxaa laga yaabaa inuu jiro 21 oo laga dhaadhiciyay in qabiilkiisu qabiilada ka fiican yahay. Not his fault!
  10. I think I got no funny bone because I didn't find this funny at all.
  11. Looool@walaal. What if you are talking to your wife? Unknown, would you call your wife walal?
  12. The Zack


    Stepmothers do that because they are still jealous of the deceased "other wife" . Odaygu inuu islaantii kale qabriga ugu tago bey moodaan lol.
  13. Originally posted by Important: ^^what do u mean Security, i am not married and i am secure? When you are married you are secure from committing zina or anything to that line. When you are single, you are free! You walk up when you want, you go to where you want, you talk to who you want, you date with who you want.
  14. dhulQarneyn, What's up with the personal attack? Ninku sheeko buu noo sheegay haddaad thread kale isku fahmi weydeen waa iska caadi personal ha ka dhigin. ^^ Loooooooooooooool. Duqa Axmaara safar buu malaa dibsi iyo shuuroo kasoo cunaaa oo maba soomo!
  15. Being single = Freedom Getting married = Security. Each one of 'em comes with advantages and disadvantages.
  16. ^siphoningdilemma is being sarcastic!
  17. He is going to pick Mitt Romney.
  18. Maxamed Dheere wuu calaacalay walee. He should've seen this big picture markuu Itoobiyaanka hor ordayay ee lahaa Somalia qabsada. Doqon!
  19. Hayam, I am not looking for plagiarizm. I just need samples. I will try google scholar. You missed writing essays? really?
  20. Does any body know where I can find good samples of essays on the net, preferably in MLA format? I was going to write a paper about Dr. King's "Letter From A Birmingham Jail". Google didn't work. Thanks in advance!
  21. ^Lol. Yea, I knew claiming I live there would make you cagaha wax ka day. Would you accept the invitation if I lived at Mississauga?
  22. AAliyah iyaaah? I need to invite you for aftir one day then. I live the cross streets of Jane and Finch. P.S. Aftir = Afur in Djaboutian dialect. I Love it! Waxey ku dhahayaan Waan soo aftiranayaa dee heeeeeeey! lol