The Zack

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Everything posted by The Zack

  1. After all, Xiin was coorect. The man made these predictions 9 years ago and man, he was on the spot!
  2. Emotional Maryooley Bear in mind, @HonAdenDuale’s loss of the majority seat is the turning point of a bruising internal power struggle between the upper echelons of Kenya’s political class. Has nothing to do with his views on Somali Affairs. If anything, the Garissa Son, a proud nomad, ruffled feathers with many Kenyan Politicians that believed, and still believe, a Somali could only be seen but not heard! Blame him for his cockiness or his free-spirited no-nonsense talk and demeanor but he is, by far and in all accounts, capable and succeeded to create an over-sized political clout for the Somalis in Kenya. I rather hear him again, than the unprincipled do-nothing up-for-sale keyboard warriors that will, in a heartbeat, sail with any favorable wind.
  3. War ninka waan heshiinay. Hadda waa la midoobay maalin baan isla qadeynay. Adigu aad buu kuusoo dhaweyn hadaad aaddo. Nuune, Jaceylbaro, NGONGE intaba waa la kulmeen ayagoo wufuud kala duwan ah.
  4. Ki salaamay sxbkey. Abtigiis booskii madaxweynaha oo banaanka ii yaalo buu si qooto qooto ah ku helay. Marka xarash baan u hayaa. Dhowr jeer baan is aragnay asaga iyo Nuunka in Jigjiga.
  5. War Che wali ma nooleyd? Facebook wax la dhahaa soo baxay ee ma maqashay? TPLF is dying.
  6. Galbeedi, Ninyahow horta nin wanaagsan oo wanaag doonahayo baad u qoraal eg tahay, waana kugu bogaadinayaa taas. Bahasha saad moodday ma aha laakiin. Ma maqashay "****** turub baray"? Meeshan Itoobiya ah waa la isu qayyilayaa, ereyada qallalan ee la isku wareerinayo aad ha u raac raacin. Mustafe iyo team-kiisa jahada ay u socdaan wey u caddahay. Midda kale dynamics-ka meesha ka jiro haddaad aad ula socoto, you would know Amhara are not really in power right now so there is no need uu udhunkado "dhankooda danbe". Axmaar xil kama qaadi karo cidna. Haatu, Adoo siyaasi ah baan ku ogaa waagaan Azania dhiseynay ee bahashii makaa guurtay go'naheen. Abtigiiisa Awrkiraale ma aha! Old_Observer, Barasho wanaagsan awoowe horta. Taariikhda gobolkan iyo hayaankuu soo maray si fiican buu uga dharagsan yahay madaxweynahu. He sacrificed his own families lives for it. Nin damman ma aha. Ficiladiisa eeg, not hadaladiisa. Hadalo madhan Farmajo bey meel gaadhsiin waayeen. Kan yare ee kale asaga uma jawaabayo.
  7. Che, meesha adaan kaa garan e nimanka kaa koreeyo miyey cusub yihiin tolow? Maxey ku talinayaan? Inuu Mustafe go'itaanka gobolkeena u ololeeyo miyaa?
  8. MMA, I am sure Nuune will meet him if he hasn't already. Maalamahan lamaan hadnlin Nuune. I think him, Xiin and NGONGE were planning to visit the president at some point. Adu laftaada tag dee xagga oo sida aad wuxuu khaldo SOL ooga tir tiri jidhay wuxuu madaxtooyada ka khaldana ka tir tiri xaga LOL.
  9. Nuune and NGONGE are in waddankii right now, probably giving him an advice and what not.
  10. Hadda waxba muu qoro. Wakhti uma haayo qoraal. He is leading a region with 8 million population. He is busy sxb.
  11. Haha waxaa laga yaabaa inuu dartaa u magacaabay oo adi kugu xurmeeyay. Waan u sheegaa fariinta.
  12. Oba, Abwaan, NGONGE, ragaas ma nool yihiin wali tolow? How about Xiin?
  13. MMA, this message was delivered to HE A&T. Waan karbaashi buu kugu yidhi nijaasta.
  14. He is good but very busy. He could also be little stressed out.
  15. Sheekadaa xaafadda miyaa looga sheekeystaa? Buaale, Saakow, Salagle, iyo Dujuma madoobe tolkiisaa degan. Bal tag oo tirakoob soo samee. On another note, there will be elections in Jubaland on August, if Madoobe loses, he will go. If he wins, he will be there for another 4 years.
  16. The issue with Somali leaders is they start campaigning for next elections as soon as they are elected. Hassan Sheikh did it and failed. Farmaajo is following his footsteps and will probably fail unless he changes his strategies soon.
  17. LOL. Heedhe ninka waan kugu salaami.
  18. Waar Madoobe meel-na uma socdee bal Deni(an Indian actor name or a Somali term for ninka baabuurta la raro masuulka ah) aan u hambalyeeyno.
  19. Che, Your message was delivered to Villa Jigjiga. The president's response: "Che should visit us. Laa shukr calal waajib on the SOL aid". Xaaji Lander, markaad Biixi soo fadhiisiso meesha anna Abtigiis waan soo fadhiisin LOL.
  20. Dude, have you ever been a president? He has no time to post or log into any social media site. That is why I am undertaking that responsibility for him.