The Zack

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Everything posted by The Zack

  1. ^Sug, Ma soomanid miya? On another thread you were claiming that you live in California and the last time I checked California was on Pacific Time which is now 10:52AM. Sxb ma soontid miyaa?
  2. Lool dee source fiican baa dadka loo keenaa, wiil yar oo caasi ah oo warbixin khalad ah keenay baa tahay marka waa in lagu canaanto. Mardanbe waxaas halasoo shir tagin.
  3. and Do you have any reliable sources. We don't read those one-sided websites' news.
  4. ^Speaking of this age thing, Nin waxaan aqaanaa 39 jiro oo lagu keenay inuu yahay 17, kaaga sii darane wiilkiisa oo caadi ahaan u jiro 16-na waxaa lagu keenay iney walaalo yahiin. Then waxaa dhacday mar kastoo oo cunugiisa ay ciyaal la eg la dagaaleen oo bugta ka saaraan, asagaa inta baxo kuligood soo garaaci. The guy is 39 and very strong, ciyaalka 16-ka, 17-ka ah inuu la eg yahay ee u qabaan. They will be like man that 17 year-old kid can take 3 of us at a time lol. Back to the eid: I don't do eid shopping, don't remember the last time I did one. My city has about 30,000 Somalis but still you wouldn't notice anyone doing shopping for eid.
  5. Originally posted by Ducaysane: The man die in the spot but the woman eventhought she died too, she atleast made to the hospital. She must be on top of him. staqfurulaah Loooooooooooooooooooool. What an analysis!
  6. Nephthys, Masha'allah That's very good to hear sister! That will definitely boost your Iman, keep it up sister! P.s. 7 or 6 days more to go.
  7. Nephthys, Its eight rakats with three witr rakats like Jacaylbaro said. It is recommended that we pray later in the night approximately about an hour before fajr. We perform it pretty much the same way we perform the taraweeh.
  8. Laakin waxaas oo lacag ah haddii la sarifo it could be couple of hundreds of dollars. Bahashu value malaha marka cid xadeysa malaha.
  9. ^Loooooooooooooooooool, thats classic! Og Og'ta baa i dishay.
  10. Harar qiimo weyn iyo quruxdeeda DiriDhabe JigJigadii qaboobeed.... I don't agree with JigJiga being more beautiful than Xamar, but hey its another darn beautiful Somali city.We should all be proud of that unless you are the likes of Dhulqarneyn who seem to be hating everybody thats not from his tuulo.
  11. Baasaboorkee buu wataa tolow, illeen kan ciraaq adduunka kama shaqeeyee?
  12. B_G, Well I guess it depends where you are. Its 1pm here in the east coast on the 20th of Sept. so yes I'tkaf starts tonight. Like Jaceylbaro said,let's makee sure we don't forget to pray the Tahajud.
  13. Oh yea, you are on it, tonight is the 21st of Ramadan. Thanks for the reminder sir!
  14. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^Stuff and Caano Boore! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California Is Caano Boodhe what they fed you in Utanga?
  15. ^ How do you know if these comments are from your fellow puntlanders? You don't know where Zafir is from, do you? Plus, Haddey meeshu dhisan tahay dadkii lahaa baa dhistay, don't give the credit to the Tigray regime.
  16. ^Calaacal? Yaa kugu calaacalo adiga adeer? Nobody says anything when you guys post pictures of small tuulo's like xafuuun all over SOL, telling us its the coolest place ever so whats with you hating on the pictures of Jigjiga? If the pictures are good or we claim the place looks great the appreciation will go to the Somalis from there and not your Tigray masters markaas xagaas nooga leexo!
  17. Today, I am eating soor as my suhuur. It tastes great when its eaten with caano-geel oo dhay ah.
  18. We still don't have the electricity back here in OHIO . We are also blaming Ike.
  19. The Zack


    I will learn it the hard way.
  20. The Zack


    ^^ lol. Aliyah, somebody already accepted that man who can not cook even tea. Maybe people have different priorities. Thanks but not thanks I am not taking any cooking classes as I don't need to cook at all. Why would someone learn something he/she won't be doing.
  21. ^ And what is it that you're smelling sir?