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Everything posted by Garyaqaan2

  1. the guy is fun man. lol Hadalkaas looguma talagalin saxaafada .lol carzy man i say.
  2. ^^^^^ lol Geel jire i heard they released
  3. Maamul Goboleedka Puntland oo beeniyay in ay Qowmiyad Takoor ku sameeyeen Dad laga soo tarxiilay Sacuudiga Khamiis, April 05, 2007(HOL): Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Jen. Cadde Muuse Xirsi ayaa beeniyay in uu maamulkiisa Qowmiyad Takoor ku sameeyay dad laga soo tarxiilay Sacuudiga, wuxuuna caddeeyay in warkaasi uu yahay mid laga sameeyay maamulka Puntland. Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse waxaa uu sheegay in ay jirto in diyaarad waday dad laga soo tarxiilay Sacuudiga dib looga celiyay Puntland, wuxuuna taasi ku macneeyay in ay la xiriirtay go’aan uu Maamulka Puntland ka qaatay guud ahaan dadka dib ugu loogu soo celinayo Soomaaliya. “Dhowr jeer oo hore ayaan dib u celinay Dad la doonayay in dib loogu soo celiyo Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo laga soo masaafurinayay Dalalka Ingiriiska, Holland iyo Mareykanka, tanina waxay qeyb ka tahay go’aankaas”ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse oo sheegay in ay ahayd in ay diyaaradda dib ugu celiso halkii ay ka soo duushay oo ahayd dalka Sacuudiga, balse aysan ahayn in ay meel kale ku dejiso. Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse waxaa uu sheegay in intii uusan noqon madaxweynaha Puntland ay mas’uuliyiin uu ka mid yahay horay uga soo horjeedeen in dadka qaxootiga ah ee dibadda u qaxay dib loogu celiyo dalka Soomaaliya, sidaas darteedna aysan jirin sabab uu haatan u aqbalo in dalka Soomaaliya lagu soo celiyo dad horay uga tegay dhibaato ka jirta aawgeed. Inkastoo uu Madaxweynaha Puntland sidaan leeyahay hadana waxaa jira warar ka soo baxaya qaar ka mid ah dadkii rakaabka ahaa ee diyaaraddaas saarnaa, kuwaasi oo sheegaya in markii ay Diyaaradda ku dejisay Magaalada Gaalkacyo la kala soocay dadkii Diyaaradda wada saarnaa, isla markaana intii ka soo jeeday Deegaanada Puntland la dejiyay, halka intii kalena dib loo celiyay. Diyaaraddan oo u kireysan Shirkadda Diyaaradaha Jubba Airways ayaa waday dad Sacuudiga laga soo tarxiilay oo tiradooda ay gaareysay 120 ruux, kuwaasi oo qorshuhu ahaa in laga dejiyo magaalada Muqdisho balse dagaallo ka socday aawadeed ay taasi suurtageli weysay. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online Mogadishu, Somalia
  4. Soomaali waxeey tiraah daa hubsiino halgeela ayaa la siitaa. Inta aadan falin Kafiirso Alot people in here blamed puntland of departing somali refuge back to saudi. Your fears have no basis in fact why say something that actually didn't exists. hadal kasoo yeeray qaar kamid ah Odayaasha Muqdisho kuna saabsanaa dad Puntland dib looga celiyay. 5. april 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Wasiirka maaliyadda Puntland Maxamed Cali Yuusuf Gaagaab oo ku hadlayay afka xukuumadda Puntland ayaa jawaab kulul ka bixiyay hadal kasoo yeeray qaar kamid ah odayaasha Muqdisho oo Puntland ku eedeeyay inay samaysay hayb sooc kadib markii ay celisay dad kasoo jeeda gobollada Koonfureed. Warka kasoo yeeray Puntland ayaa u qornaa sidan:"-Waxaan ka xunnahay shakhsiyaadka fasiraadda qaladan oo muraadka siloon laga leeyahay ka bixyey dadkii socuudiga sida khasabka ah looga soo tarxiilay ee garoonka Galkacayo laga ciliyey . Punland waxay leedahay arragti iyo mowqif ku aaddan dadka Soomalidda ah ee dibadaha laga soo tirxiilo , Puntland waa geyi Soomaaliyeed oo ay Soomaalinimadu macne weyn iyo qiima baddan ugu fadhido . Waxaa magaalooyinka iyo tuulooyinka Puntland ku nool, Ka shaqaysta, deggan kana ganacsada kumyaal Soomaali ah oo ka kala yimid kana soo kala jeeda dhammaan gobolada Soomaaliyeed iyadoo aan hayb iyo qabiil loo fiiran, waxay la simayhiin walaalahooda degganka u dhashay oo ay walaaltinimo , xurmo iyo karaamo ku la nool yihiin . Puntland dhaqan u ma leh in sida meel kale ka dhacda ay kooxo ama beelo deegaan Soomaaliyeed oo la wadaago dad kale ka xigsadaan oo ka sheegtaan . Dawladda Puntland waxay dalalka adduunka ugu baaqday in aan Soomaalida la soo tarxiilin , waxaa hore garoonka Boosaaso laga soo celiyey dad Puntland u dhashay oo dalalka USA iyo holand laga soo tarxiilay . Arrintaas oo ay Soomalidu gude iyo dibadba maamulka Puntland ku amaantay. Maamulka Puntland ma oggola in Soomaali nabad gelyo xumo iyo daqaale sokeeye ka qaxday oo dalal shisheeye ciirsi bidday inay haddana darxumo kale iyo tarxiil la kulmaan iyadoo ay wax laga naxo tahay in kuwii dhibaatadaas iyo silicaas baday ay weli intii hartayna qaxinayaan. Dawladda Puntland waxay 3.04.2007 go’amisey oo ay shirkadda dayaaradda jubba airlines ku amartay in dalka sucuudiga dib loogu celiyo 118 qof oo khasab Gaalkacayo loogu soo tarxiilay , iyadoo ay 1,000 qof oo kale oo 700 oo ka mid ahina haween yihiin ku urursan yihiin xabsiyada sucuudiga si kuwa la soo tarxiilay looga daba keeno. Kuwa raadinaya inay dadka caadifad qabyaaladeed geliyaan oo ay Soomali marin habaaiyaan waa ogsoon yihin in dhamman 118-kii qof dib loo celiyey , iyadoo la oggolaaday in Gaalkacayo lagu dejiyo 9 qof kaliya oo xanuunsanaa kuwaas oo weliba ka soo jeeda gobolada Shabeelada hoose iyo banaadir . Shakhassiyaadka isku deyaya inay dadka ******* waxaa la gudboon inay ka shaqeeyaan nabadda , midnimada , iyo soo celinta qarannimada , halka ay ka shaqeenayaan in la soo celiyo kuwii iyaga shalay ka cararay . Soomaalida qurba joogga ahi waa ku soo laabanayaan dalkooda iyagoo aan khasab lagu soo tarxiilin markay ogaadaan in meel loo irkadaa ay ka horrayso Puntland waa meesha keliya oo gabbaadka iyo hoyga u ah Soomaalida oo idil sidaas ayeyna u ahaan doontaa halka Soomaali lagu mideeyo. Xukuumada Puntland iyadoo ka jir danqanaysa burburka Soomaali gaaray waxay kuwa weli Soomaalinnimada iyo dawladnimada diiddan u soo jeedinaysaa inay waantoobaan , inay xusuunaadaan in qabyaaladu tahay tan soomali dhigtay goobta foosha xun ee ay manta taagan tahay . Dr Maxamed Cali Yuusuf
  5. ^^^ Is it only me or SOL nomads like Puntland alot. Originally posted Che-Guevara I doubt a bunch of ragtag militias with no immediate support would be able to do that. Horaa looyir Hal malaay ah ayaa badoo dhan Qurmiya.
  6. Protecting the safty puntlanders i don't see any thing wrong with it. a peacfull place like boosaaso. to have thousand of bomb. Che-Guevara will creat explosive, fearsome,death, insecure, , precarious, risky for their kids, shaky for their towns, I wouldn't want any somali towns who are begging for their safty to have dependent on circumstances beyond one's control; uncertain; unstable, insecure a precarious livelihood.
  7. peacenow Dear Mr. Simon Tisdall, Reporter Please, please cover the massacre that is happening in Somalia, right now. A genocide is in the making and no one is taking notice. The American backed Ethiopian army have laid siege to the cpaital, trapping millions of people, without food and water. Artillery shells is raining down and bodieds lies strewn, everywhere. This is a great and tragic tragedy, the story must be told, the world must know what the Ethiopians are their stooges the TFG are doing right now. peacenow i am not sure if these do any good for reporter to write in first page of news paper. these what the International Contact Group on Somalia Said The Contact Group -- which includes Britain, Italy, Kenya, Norway, Sweden, Tanzania, the United States, the European Union, the United Nations, the African Union and the Arab League -- condemned the "actions of extremists and terrorists who continue to threaten" the government. what will these tell you bro. they contued to say.... The Islamists, who deny Ethiopian and U.S. accusations of al Qaeda links, were roundly defeated but have now regrouped
  8. Asalaamu calaykum my bro khalid bin waleed like you mentioned that icu was kicet out or became powerless. if i may ask you was the icu looking for power, when the cupture mogdisho? Can you also tell me how did the icu cleand Xamer through negotiation or gun, BULLETS? just to cleard out I don't support neither of them TFG and ICU
  9. ^^^ both man caydiid and Siyaad barre did horrifying act. regarles weather one was carying by the name President or Worlord still they did destoryed an incent people's life. history will talk about them.
  10. please let us have a health debate 1 who is fighting in Mogadishu? 2 Is the fight between,ICU with the help of Eretria and so on VS. TFG with the help of Ethiopia and so on....? If the answer is yes what happen to the ICU leaders where are they. 3. 6 month in muqdhisho all the way kismayo was peaceful place. How did the ICU do these? Did they call all the odayaal and waxgarad and beg for peace or they did in military action ????!!! 4. for the past 4 day we heard the news coming from moqdisho, some ppl claim the fighting is between the powerful H*A*W*i*Y*E clan and Ethiopia., if that so what happen to the 60 parliamentarians H*******W***Y member why not speak out. Why are the mjaahidiin how some people call it and Ethopian TFG fighting in xamar, is it power. Or there is hiding agenda? AAn wax is faham siino yaanan noqon 210 nin ee soomalida ahaa ee kenya in tii qol lugu xiray la yiri hishiiyay dabadeen nah kuraasta isku garaacay.
  11. waxaan isku dayaay in aan ka ahaado dhax dhaxaad arinta soomaalia. waxaan so jeedin lahaa aqiyaarta in aad yareeysaan caytinta loogeeysanaayo hablah soomaaliyeed . laakiin ninkasta fakarkiisa waa uxor
  12. Ilaaho unaxariiso inta muslim ah ku nafwaaye dagaalkaan foosha xun. Amiiin. let us pray 4 those who lost their life in this war.
  13. Kamal, just change the 'Soomaaliyeey' to 'Amxaarooy'...that seems the appropriate word to your song. Paragonhomeboy erayga somaaliyeey toosoo sina yuusan kuu dhibin waa kalmad caan ah hadeey daku is badalaan Erayagu isma badal0. PS:just freindly advice
  14. Maansha alaah!!! alaahi akbar MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Insurgents shot down an Ethiopian helicopter gunship in Mogadishu on Friday during a second day of fighting after Ethiopian and Somali forces launched a major attack on Islamists and clan militia. As shells rained down on the city and deafening tank fire shattered homes, witnesses saw two Ethiopian helicopters firing on an insurgent stronghold before one of them was struck by a missile or rocket-propelled grenade. "Smoke billowed from the cabin and it turned toward the ocean," said Swiss journalist Eugen Sorg, who watched from a nearby roof. "It crashed at the south end of airport runway." Reuters Pictures Editors Choice: Best pictures from the last 24 hours. View Slideshow Witnesses said black smoke poured into the air and several explosions were heard booming from the crash site. More than 30 people have died since the joint Ethiopian and government troops launched their offensive on Thursday, triggering the lawless capital's worst fighting for months. Terrified locals said there was no let-up in the battles on Friday across the bullet-scarred city on the Indian Ocean coast. "A mortar has just fallen into the house next to me. We can hear crying and can see smoke," Faisal Jamah, a south Mogadishu resident, said by telephone. "We barely slept ... The sky was lit up by shelling all night." Continued... © Reuters 2007. All Rights Reserved more to came my muslim brother and sister. the people on the groud are doing their work.
  15. ^^^^^^ lol aaliyah the whole purpose of bringing these joke was to embarrass me and to humiliate me right. I don't like the count down 5,4,3,2,1 looser ps: kaadi badane waa loo gogol badiyaa. waan kusugaa.
  16. lol I am Dumb i got all 3 wrong <==== looser number one. you guys are smart. lol
  17. oooooch it is hurting news . agree with Duk better luck with ghana, or Israel <=== it might be a great idea for Israel!!
  18. ^^^^No argument. Horaa waxaa loo yiri Rag iska dhics iyo ala kacab si isku meel magalaan. Good luck my bother from another mother. maxaa yeelay mid mid kutaag socon meeyso sxb. Peace and love to the real somali's
  19. subxaana laah . it is shucking to see an educated sol nomades loughig dead bad bein burn and dragged to the street. to see that as normal !!! we must say that we don't have Religion. :confused:
  20. Abdi sxb maxkaxda aad ka jirantahay maad noo sheegtid. all those ppl I mention their names are crimenals. and you are telling me they are the court ppl lol walaahi is funy. macalinka your dream will come true inshalaah if you like one clan to role somali lol dream on. Do not be very emotional. keeeeeep dreaming.
  21. abdi abtiyoow waxaa iila egtahay mid xaqa iska indha tiro. waxbanadan ayaan eegay saad wax uqortid waxaad jeceshay in aad maqashid waxa niyadaada ay jaceshahay lakiin Runta waad ka dheeraataa You telling me the court set by Daahir aways, Indhacad, seeraar, Goobaale, an so on waa xaq oo ma ah qab qablayaal. and the one set by Xuseen aydeed and C/qaydid waa qab qablayaal And Ahlul Suna waljameeca kooxa ladhoho waa qab qablayaal. Ilaaheey hakuu naxariisto.<=======
  22. bro you seemed to know more about somali clans. well if she is from gandarshe or sheqaal clan it does not matter what is matters is you talk to her and her family and gather what they think about you. my best adives to you is do not do it. look some one who is from algeri. couse you guys will have the same clture and same langue in the long run it will not be easy fro both of you.
  23. ^^^^ Abdiyoooow why talk about Amxaaro where i can talk about Indha cade who is amxaari and the masaakiinta xaaraanta ku heesto. in sha alaah one day the people shaabeele will be free. walaahi ppl are plinded every day ppl in marka are living with fear what happen if you don't pay the Canshuur which they can not aford. Dadka xooga ku heesto masaakiinta ayaa ka daran amxaaro. Hadaad xasuusantahay waa gii cumar binu qadhaab uu haya qaliifada waxaa dhacaday abaar waxuu soorogay amar ahaa in qofkii waxa xada aan gacanta laga goo karin ilaa dadkaas looga helo waxeey cunaan. hadana maanta muqdisho iyo marka iyo afgooye masaakiin waa la qisaasaa waana ladilaa marka dil muxuu u dhaamaa dil???????
  24. Abti soomaal siyaasada somalia waa shaarar badantahay ka ku wareerin. wax ladhaho maxkamado majiraan . ee fiiri foojignoow. umada caruurta iyo haweenka yaan la jahwareerin indhacada in uu laascaano ka taliyo waa habeenkii xalay oo tagay.