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Everything posted by Mr.Faarax
The dunya got me on a chokehold, i am surviving in it's arm pits. I am gonna be honest, alot of people are like that, but the sad thing is they cant smell the funk!
There are actually people who critize other people's game yet turn around and use it on others. Plus there are few females that are diggin' da game' yet they wanna play it down. I wanna address them once and fo all' If you dig it' you dig it' now can u dig it if you cant...u can dig urself out! dat's from the underline workers association.
^since you did somali translation- OK maanta waxaan idiin soo gudbinayaa tarjumaad hadalo ay ku hadlaan reer "YO" waad ila garaneysaan. Muhiimadu waxay tahay inaad af garato, qaasatan hadaad dhawaan wadankan (mareykanka) soo gashay. REcognize homie this is our block! Translator :Soo dhawoow, tani waa dagaankeenii Step back dude You dont me like dat' Translator : Bal wax yar i sug ninyahay' kumaad aheyd. Social What u claimin' Qabiilkee tahay stop tha BS! naga daa xaarka dibiga! Is you beefin?: Hilib lo' miyaad heysaa you betta chill: Qabowga ayaa kuu roon Give me ur money foo Lacagta keen waa isbaaro You wanna get high Kor na gee aan marqaanee Dumarka marka ay la hadlayaan Whassup gurl Maxaa kor ah inanyahey Hit me up: Kor Igu dhufo Hey shorty how u feelin? Tan yaree gaaban sidee luguu hayaa? Hook me up, let me get the digits Isku keen xir (nikaax la aan) aan ku qabtee nambaradeeda keen. damn you are phat! Nacalatulah waad buurantahay Keep it on the DL Hoosta ku hayso You wanna go out wit me? Translator : Muku soo biyo biyeystaa? (badanaa waalidka waa mid ka qarsoon oo la is tartiibsanaayo) Entertanment I was bumpin hotboys remix with puff daddy it was off the chain . Translator : Wiilasha kulul ayaan dhageysanaayey marka ay la qasteen aabihii kuusnaa, waa sidii silsilado dad lago soo furay kale. I heard 50 cent rap man he was ill fo real' Translator :Ma maqashay konton kumi oo murmaayo, wuu jiranaa run ahaantii. Com'n lets go ride on my wheels, Ama break it down to you how the real players do it. Translator : Soo bax aan fuulnee garaangartaydii waxaan kuu jajabinayaa sidii ciyaartoyga ookale. ouch :confused: Sports: we waz at the game, man abdi was burning them catz. i was like dat's my daawg Translator : waxaan joognay ciyaartii, cabdi wuxuu gubay bisadihii oo idil, markaas baan iri kani waa aygeygii. I hope that was helpfull' Be patient and make sure you dont use any of your fingers to point out anything or wear gaduud mise baluug meelo qaarkood. peesh
GEEDK A YAANYADA WEYNU HARSAN JIRNAY!!! Maalinbaa waxaaa wada sheekesteen nin reer xamar ah iyo nin reer mudug. Ninkii reer xamarka ahaa ayaa kii reer mudugga wuxuu ku yiri: kaalay horta hore Mudug yaanyo makabaxdaa?. Ninkii reer mudugga ahaa wuxuu ku jawaabay. Warbal eega ninkan wuxuu ku hadlayo. Sow ma ogid in geedka yaanyada hoostiisa aynu ku harsan jirnay!!!!
I dont know if you guys remember "magaalo joog xumo" he had the best lines.. He went and squeezed the side of her shoulder and was like " miska kaa biyo biyeesan karaa'
Originally posted by Zafir Good faraxs on the other hand look for women in the wrong places, such as family (you and I both know someone (one side of the family) is pound to hurt). Other times wrong timing, good faraxs meet someone they like and they are ready to settle down, but women aren’t (thinking they can do better, they just give you sugar coded rejection). Seldom good faraxs are picky and demeaning to the women that approach them. Good faraaxs are cursed (in any good or bad way of the word cursed) You hit the target
Garas Jeeraad, Bilis qooqaani Hoosingoow Sanguuni, I actually remember being at those places. Bilis qooqaani was the funniest tho i may add.
I beleive they should address the issue .. Xalimism , I mean it is totaly against the freedom of Modern Faarax all around the world. I see every where I go faraxphopia and it is getting out of hand. u see pro rightwing xalimists preaching that all farax's are out of work, uncommitted, lazy and on top of that they are skinny. This is a call to all farax's around the world, it is to to stand for freedom and equality, and stop this new totalitarianism , we have exactly the tool to do so Xalimo Manifesto! . ^^^^kix kix kix You probably thinking this is silly, that is as silly as these folks are sounding at jyland postens and their comrades. 'Is it only me or is this sounding like they want to make Islam and Communism the same thing. I mean they are using the same words and pointing people the same way. First it was You are a Communist! now they got words like Islamist! The "communist Manifesto" now they got "Muslim Manifesto" :confused: Ok people, if you want to know where this thing is leading us, just learn how they approached communism and basicly that is the steps that they are taking. But little do they know, this religion is not in the hands of people but in the hands of the creator who decrees everything The words of the prophet s.c.w to abuubakar "laa taxsin, ina laaha macanaa' the tightest wordz i heard yet so far.
^ Politikz was never my interest, but this should be worth to look at. waiting to subscribe.
Imagine if your name was farax and your wive was called xaliimo- :mad: I be chasin people with bakoorad like " car! ninkii ji dhahaa mar labaad! That is it i am holding a strike for all the people with their name . FAARAX. STOP USING THIS NAME TO POINT OUT EVERY LOOSER SOMALI. THIS IS DEFAMATION!! USE ANOTHER NAME LIKE *** I DONT KNOW YOU COME UP WITH IT.
^^^ kix kix kix waryaa islaanta dirty ha ka dhigin inkaar ku dhaaftaye' But on the real Red sea I wish that was just a joke' It is true story that is why i had to say the content as it was. Jimca lee ala maxaa hor istaagtay privatyo, kaan we haaf konfersation biliis, haw dhu yu dhu! adigoo food dheer Sheekooyin badan aa nii hayaa, insha allah wey soo socdaan. untill then Sii yuu
My opinion A different type of somali will be spoken. like : "placeka maa cheegareysid" "i told u nooh, sidee u forwargareenee emailka?" "dadkan hater ey igu labelgareenaayaan." It is not english, and it is not somali. It is SOMANGLISH!
Dhex yareeey, dhuubaneey maxaan kaloo ku daraa! I say both' she gotta have both' If she got slim waist, that means she had the brains to keep it like that. But if she swallowing down everything' Maskax meesha kuma heysee maxaa sheegeysaa! Who said this geek doesnt have 8 pack
^ reer magaal waaxid this technique waxaa laga soo dhaxlay xirsi digaale nooh! Passed on generation after generation. Xamar weyne dhan waa liga yaqaana see waaye camaleeti go ahead man weydii jaamac kuleeti mataqaana'! garoob walba loof istoorigayga ku suuxsantahay nooh 1986 V.I.P aan galay afweynaa xataa i soo dalbaday nooh' cajiib. filimadaan geedka jecyelka ka dhigay baaris aa la geeyay maa tiraahdaa kix kix kix. laakiin gabdhaha maanta joogo wexey rabaan Baby iyo swiity, wixii dhan ciyaal ciyaal nac nac lugu sasabanaayo ey noqotay. I bet you nac nac u soo gad' hoo dheh jukulaatadan wee kugu soo boodee, My vaaalantine!" Yur!
Ok, I know this might belong in the joke section, but then again it could be a serious issue so therefore i put it in the General section. I know every somali in here had to learn english or deal with someone with broken english one time or another, so lets be honest, Tell us some incidents you had with language barriers. I have millions, but i will start one. In my 7th grade year, I was in the soccer team with alot of other somali boys. We had this white coach who didnt like blacks :rolleyes: go figure. Anyways, He used to scream at us to come early to practice, sometimes come in the locker room, shouting move it move it! anyways we had a boy who's name was **** for confidential reasons** apparantly came with out socks that day and asked for everyone if they had extra, but no one did. But there was extra socks in one of the lockers. This guy had mad english problems, so he asked this one guy what to say to the coach..he told him . when the coach came running in the gym, full of football players and soccer players, He screamed..." alright guy, lets go!' young hussein screamed: "koooj Kooooj! coach : " YEES!" yH : " i NEED SEKIS IN THE LOCKER!" ***everyone laughed*** coach : *coach silent at this point *thinking did he just say " I need sex in the locker" or maybe it is some little trouble maker cracking jokes. yH : " Koooj Koooj!" * still thinking the coach didnt hear him. Coach: "Shut your mouth, stop moving like gurls com'on!" **everybody was still cracking over that because the coach is mean dude* yH : " Kooj why yu abuse me, i am no girl" *** the locker room shaked wit laughter** I was thinking at this point...oh god that is it he embarrased us. but i couldnt hold back my laughter. The coach told him he couldnt play that day. Now i see the dude, he sit around coffee shops screaming " of koorse, of the problem of the beeble". God you gotta luv somalis, we break and bruise this language like no other. Words learned from private schools back home. " silly question haaf no answer!"
^ can we say groupie!
^ what is with this guy and english :rolleyes: kix kix kix waryaa danyeerow, you think you can compete- warm the benches kid and let me show u how it is done Instead of whispering that garbage- BREAK IT DOWN LIKE THIS.... I dhegeyso galaciso Dadku kala ayaan roon Ama kala aqoon dheer Ama kala asluub weyn Haddaan eed la doonayn Ama deeq Ilaahay Asaraar ka taagnayn Dadku eexo kaa gelin Inan yahay la'aantaa Dumar lama abuureen Gabadh lama ammaaneen Jacayl looma ooyeen *by this time she be blushing- time to go for the home run! Gacalooy jacaylkaagu Soo dhaafyey uurkoo Afku haysan waayoo Goortaan ogaadee Arammidu dillaacdaan Ooddii ka leexshee Axdi jaba abaal luma Kaa eegi maayee Igadh iyo maqaarkeed Innagoo ahaannaan Hadalkii ku ururshee Adiguna dheh aammiin * she say amin' and you walk away 'ATOORE STYLE (u know with the kuleeti up' sidii daraamandar) kix kix kix edeb daro intey ku dhamaatay.
^ something tells me your tactics are cynical. I thought we were going for best chatups, if we want to go for simple- this will do "I laayk u'foor my haarti i teek u'biliis tel mi yu goo now' (there is nothing better than to use broken english..yu can deny later ) some even say "stop it you know that is ...seeksi'aw"
^ This is a man being held as hostage. Ladies' you have got one, but me, i am gonna fight to the end
There is no need to explain or talk about anything else. These people are suffering and their situation is getting worse everyday. They have no other reliance except me or you (the ones that supposedly claim to be their muslim brothers and sisters) who are living in better conditions. Please give $1 even, Do something, Because this could be you on the otherside. If you cant at least encourage others to help or raise funds. DO SOMETHING! Please Help.
^ maybe i should start thanking myself in my next posts :confused: I wonder what castro's pick up line was? Where is the married fellas? Maybe they can drop some of their tested lines in here..... So far i can see no smooth operators in here... Besides me of course :cool: Thanks Digaale!
HI my name is Digaale, I am a farax and on top of that a dunyaholic
UK style - Blimey this bird is fit ! how about a little slap and tickle wit this chap while we chivy along on my Cabriolet American style- Damn shorty u looking good'you wanna roll wit a balla slide on my 22 oh yeah n u can bring your crew, it is all about me an yu wassup. Somali style - (reerxamarstyle) quruxleey miyaa mise qalanjo! gacalka soo dhawoow qaboobaa jiree. I sii sisinta see waaye camaleeti! (Ok for the Ol fashioned somalis- here is the real game~) Suubaney i dhageyso Horta hore waxaanu nahay Laba aan is hurin oo haddana aan is haynoo Intuu caashaq wada helay Hayaan kala fogaadoo Kala heeray waayuhu mid waliba halkiisu la jiifaa haraadkee Halkaad ku nigadahay Maxaad caawa haysaa? after these lines, she be like' War inanku waa cajiib' ina keen geedka jaceylka :cool: